>when your squad gets wiped in fortnite and you are the last person alive
When your squad gets wiped in fortnite and you are the last person alive
Other urls found in this thread:
He wasn't wrong. His teammates were dogshit for years.
oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah
oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah
You must be 18 years old to post on 4channel
Sasuke's early Shippuden outfit was so kino
Getting into naruto as a kid was god tier
It sucks that we never got the very first few openings but this opening is still amazing for some reason, i miss it
genuine cringe
Kishimoto's biggest mistake was splitting up the team dynamic.
do you though? Legit question btw
Nigga naruto saved his ass multiple times in part 1
The japanese one is so much better but damn I have nostalgia for this. You're right though, some of my favorite memories have to do with it.
so true xD :v
nah just preface that you're 16 or whatever from time to time.
Naruto started 22 years ago.
It's fucking retarded. All the low-hanging parts are potential tripping hazards. You'd think that as a ninja, freedom of movement would be priority. And he should either put the top on or just leave it off. What the absolute fuck is this shitmonger doing?
The best one for me is number 4
The way it unexpectedly came out on cartoon network always made me hype back in the day
Kakuzu and Kisame were my favorite akatsuki
Barely. People have been here since they were in fucking middle school. No one gives a shit honestly because this place is a pile of dog dicks and coconut crab cum
im 26 and Fortnite is the best game ever made why do you think the whole world plays it
>tfw posting naruto is no longer ironic
>zoomer Yea Forums likes naruto and grew up watching it
dark times are upon us
damn i miss those times of autismo and ragnarok online.
The whole point of Sasuke leaving was that he felt completely outdone by nardo every time and orochimaru was the only way he could get strong
no I mean since 4channel was made to be a "clean" version of Yea Forums does it still say that you have to be 18
thanks too fox chakra hax.
>durr hurr why doesn't everyone share my opinions anymore!!!!!1111
Been here since 2010.
I bought every single ultimate ninja storm game
i admit. i really did enjoy the show and i watch it at the right age.
It's part of Yea Forums so yeah you need to still be at least 18.
Chunnin exams are a classic
I'm not contributing because it will just be another thread where people post "the best" openers and literally every one of them ends up getting posted
Post your Narutofu
I was finishing highschool during the gaara vs rock lee first fight. Pretty sure im a 30yo boomer now and not a zoomer
Pick your poison faggot
I could never get into this show. The eastern aesthetic was just too weeb for me.
Posting best opening youtube.com
based Mask poster
6th one with the bandages on the forehead
After Taka, before The Last
It can be a little cringe but the fights, and story are genuinely good.
40% of the show are filler episodes. DON'T watch it if you are not a masochist
do you have to be 18 to use reddit too? I would argue some places there are worse than Yea Forums by todays standards
I've been here since 2007 and I didn't even get into Naruto until 2010
>the fights, and story are genuinely good
Are you fucking having me on.
nice larp bait post
He's half wrong, the story is shit but the fights are entertaining
>merely pretending posting is okay
Call them out every time, it doesn’t matter if they use the “im not really a retard” excuse
fuck naruto, even as a kid I could tell it was shit.
Then surely you could explain what you mean
go on twitch, literally all the dudebros play fortnite
Based autistic liberal maskposter
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
They haven’t given up on their dreams of becoming the next ninja and making easy money.
>ending 1 Wind
Good fucking shit user
>When the raid starts without you loading in and yells at you when they die
Brainlet faggot detected
what do you recommend for someone who has never watched an anime besides dragonball in the 90s?
boku no pico
>Yea Forums posted this shit for ages as far as I can remember
>"naruto no allowed"
>now the board itself is full of Black Clover and MHA shitters
Compared to the shounen shit of today in retrospect Naruto is a fucking master piece lmao
If we are talking about shonen, Yu Yu Hakusho
This. It’s a shame he turned into Noctis after he learned the truth.
still better than capeshit
Yea Forums was one of the last boards to die but it didn't die pretty
debatable, they're both shit so if you prefer shit about teenagers having special powers instead of shit about adults having special powers than I could see you thinking this way
sure why not, got nothing better to do anyways.
>every episode is 60% filler
cut to demon wind shuriken windmill of shadows flashback for the 100th time
>series wants to present naruto as a underdog loser
when in fact he is a literal chosen one and doesn't even have to try
>naruto is annoying and retarded
nuff said
So happy Dragonball Spics own that board now, all that elitism for what? Hahahahah
>this is the current thread quality on Yea Forums
This fucking shit is facebook-tier posting. Jesus fucking christ, I wish everyone in this thread would just die.
have seething dialational sex incel tranny
Naruto actually has some depth, Marvel has not much going on. Spiderman is the most popular hero and is a teenager too so you don't have a point. Also why do you hover a video games board when the hobby appeals to the same "escapist fantasies" you faggot.
>when you decided to post on Yea Forums
>when you're the last person alive against full enemy team
>Naruto actually has some depth
I bet you wrote that with a straight face
Moot literally forced it on them.
fuck you
>this will get 1000 replies defending naruto instead of recognizing this prehistorically ancient copypasta
I hate this place
Based. That faggot tuber who made all his 12 year old fans change their profile picture isn’t funny
Like that stops anybody lmfao
Kill yourself
There was a point sasusgay ran straight out of a hospital because he was asspained at the very idea naruto might btfo itachi before him.
I did, not my fault your baboon brain isn't capable of extrapolating meaning out of anything. kys queer.
>t. Didn't recognize the copypasta
Most faggots go for his akatsuki robe look, but I personally think this LAST outfit and adult outfit are cool. Also his chunnin exam outfit was nice. Most of his shippuden outfits were trash. His outfit that he wore during the ninja war was decent.
But it does. Even if you don't like it, it does.
said the sharinigga
Who are you quoting?
Reminder Neji was right
god damn Nardo was so fucking cool bros
1, 2, 5, and final are kino, 4 and 10 are just awful, the rest are meh. This is official.
t. not in the litty committee
your motherfucking conscience
You'd think in a universe where ninjas can throw around magic jutsus with the strength of megaton bombs, there'd be some sort of way to negate those effects on certain individuals. You know, like angsty teenagers whose brains are still developing and can't grasp the concept of restraint.
you're a tripping hazard
Technically Naruto started 1999, making it 20 years old. Unless you count the pilot chapter that came out in 1997, but the pilot is so different and unrelated to the final product that it might as well be considered a separate manga
Have seonds in your dinner
There are fuck tons of sealing techniques that do that, it's just never used as en mass as some kind of blanket restrictive measure to my knowledge.
There's really no teenager who has that kind of power though. Plus ninja are usually just used for killing in war anyways.
I remember moot making blue boards allowed for underages for about a year but he took it back
>Neji: losers can't win. Only talented people can.
>Naruto *wins by will power and working hard
>Naruto years later: I am the le chosen one lol xD
I'm still surprised of brainlets saying this
in terms of most popular shounen it is but that's not saying much
still can't believe it
In the beginning almost everyone was super lame compared to Shippuden era central cast members, power creep was pretty insane in Naruto.
Yeah but shippuden wasn't better because of it, I think part 1 is better overall. Shipp has it's moments but I lost interest at the end when they all have godlike powers.
Der fonkybeat if I've ever heard one
I'm still mad
I will never not be mad that Punished Naruto was taken away and replaced with Narcuck
>The climactic showdown between Naruto and the Akatsuki’s “leader”
>Animate as if it was fucking Looney Tunes
Fucking amazing
>The only information we get that isn't related to the song is a giant fox fucked up a place at one point
I am convinced of a few things
>kishi forgot that tenten existed halfway through shippuden
>kishi made up the last half of the story after his show got popular
>kishi smokes meth
>never explains how narujesus can give kakashi a fucking eye back when it was gouged from his head
Gaara's design peaked so early
Naruto was actually on-par with him if not better though despite being a fuckup.
Sakura was the only worthless one.
but then again there are probably other teams that had it worse.
Shikimaru was literally on a team with a fatass retard and a Stacy.
Controlling the fox was a huge feat on it's own. Not to mention, of course the protag is going to win regardless. That's really not the point. Plus at that time the odds were stacked against him and nobody thought he would win.
>All that SOUL
As a Gaarafag, I will never forgive kishi for giving him that fuckboy haircut.
There's no way the Naruto styled dbfz game isn't on it's way with the success of that game.
Lee should've won against Gaara and Guy should've killed Madara. They always preach about hard work and dedication being equivalent to natural talent but the ONLY FUCKING CHARACTER to prove their values was Orochimaru
*gets reanimated*
Is it really all that impressive? It seems like common sense to treat living things with some degree of respect, especially in a world where something like chakra exists in everything. If anything, everyone else was bumfuck retarded for treating the clearly sentient tailed beasts like garbage.
these are garbage, op and ed 2 are when it got good
>proves values
>imprisons hundreds and expirements on everyone including himself
>responsible for ninja 911
>gets of scott free in the end
Might Guy outright almost won the finale and was complemented as the best Taijutsu guy to ever exist IIRC
Lee did get BTFO yeah dude has two great moments but thats basically it (Boneman and Sandman).
if you wanna talk about hard work though didnt Pain suffer and rip his body apart trying to perfect almight push or w/e eventually getting it to the point he could make a small meteor.
Orochimaru didnt have magic eyes or unique clan jutsu, everything he did was researched or self-taught
based obama
Which is unironically the point of the show. Everything just comes back to them slaughtering eachother because tribalism.
I loved that fight, sad I was in a minority
That has to be the same animator.
What is wrong with him.
It's been so long since i watched Birdy, i dont remember this but man i laughed anyway
Hyuuga curse mark actually, it's literally just a ninja kill switch, but domineering retards used it first so it's basically Auschwitz territory
>villain gets redeemed because they apologized for all the bad shit they did
>that haircut on the last
surely this isnt fucking real
Lmao you should see what they did to Anko
please delete this image sir
>when you heal your friend so he fucks your ass
I don't resent you for buying the games, they seem alright, however the source material or should I say the writing is absolute unredeemable garbage.
>got fatter and the art got worse
>araki: Anko is my favorite character
Yeah fucking right, why make her fat then?
Looks worse but I still would.
Your power level is insane
kishimoto, snort snort
Dumb Sauce.
He's a based brapCHAD
Ino looks good in anything
>whole existence is being a slut
Why didn't she just possess Sasuke and impregnate herself with his seed
that would be ninja rape and is probably not legal in the leaf village
There's a doujin about that
Lee was best boy
Should've been mc
at least he got his own spinoff show
1 and 2 were made for rape and snuff
The thot ninja.
Anko a best.
Is shinobi strikers good? Is the online still active?
Sakura is a bitch.
That sauseke shuffle
is it translated?
the one dude she crushes on and she doesnt know the first thing about him?
how would she NOT fucking know about the Uchiha clan murders?
shouldnt that shit be relatively recent history?
Do naruto next
I like that style of animation, but it was way too over the top for that particular episode. Compare that to the Ruler of the Dragon episode from Yuy Yu Hakusho, which has the overly-stylized animation, but doesn't push it to the point that it looks ridiculous. Hell, it was probably by the same animation director, since they're both Studio Pierrot.
do you know the phrase "bad writing"?
Chunin exams are based but there should have been more than ONE fucking away mission we got to see the team on. As always the pacing in naruto kneecaps anything cool.
I find this kind of weird cause you later find out he wasn't really that close to his parents.
Yes, women are that dumb.
The best part is that she’s supposed to be the smartest kid in class.
Imagine if Araki made Naruto.
I wanted to see one, just one fight where Itachi goes all out, instead he either loses on purpose or 1 panels OP characters.
I also wish he beat Sasugay up.
He wanted his dad's attention pretty badly actually, but he ignored him a lot, so his mother coddled him.
>naruto has joseph joestar int and out tricks everyone
wouldnt mind desu
Based ShounenCHAD
I seriously fucking hate that Jonin uniform that every single character except Naruto and Sasuke had to wear in the Ninja War arc.
Best OG OP coming trough
>Yea Forums loves naruto now
can't wait for the MLP threads 10 years from now
ugly brown girl, also not a homo because that's the first thing you browners say
This. The games are actually a good version of the anime/manga and don't suck as hard. The anime/manga is just pure generic shounen garbage and the only redeemable factor was the early 2000s art style and music in the Part 1 era, but after that it just kinda becomes 2010s so it's not even really worth it.
no, he was only outdone one time, but it was
enough to prove that Naruto was ahead, when even the idea that they are on the same level shouldn't be a thing
you're actually retarded. japs dont draw niggers, that's a tan
no joke im considering watching naruto. all of it. i remember it a bit as a kid and even if its not perfect it has a certain unique charm.
but tell me. is it worth it? any of you like it at all? or complete dogshit?
>that alternate reality where everything in Sasukes life was perfect, he had a position of authority, his clan and Itachi was all alive and he had friends who cared about him
>STILL an insufferable douchebag for literally no reason
Fuck Sasuke.
>Red Hair
>Red Mark
>Black Uniform
>White Sash
>Giant Gourd
Good design.
Black and white are contrasting base colors, highlighted by the red, and the giant gourd is a hint to his character and strengths.
>Red Hair
>Red Mark
>Washed out red Onesie
>Brown Belt
>Tiny Gourd
Bad design.
Not striking. Looks more like a background character than one of the ones that got the most development.
Her Shippuden outfit was so shit that not even midriff could save it. I actually prefer the fucking green uniform.
it's definitely not worth watching and arguably not worth reading.
Read a watchlist so you can skip all the trash.
Choji was easily the strongest student of his year coming out of the academy, and ino was literally sakura+, just as much useless except she has that one move where sakura has nothing.
part 1 is good for the most part but the only part in shippuden i like is the pain arc
Actually he started getting some much desired recognition from his dad after getting good at the fireball jutsu, but then his family died almost immediately after
you aren't
Japan loved it, only weebs hate it because they are tasteless fucks who only value animation by how "realistic" it looks
the whole episode was pure kino
>japs dont draw niggers
Zabuza fight, forest against Orochi, Gaara battle, Rasengan vs Chidori on the roof.
That's just from the top of my head. Every single time Sasuke got destroyed
he always wanted attention from his dad, mom always loved him and dad was always talking about how proud he is behind sasuke's back
Yes absolutely but go find a guide so you know which filler to skip
I kinda forgot that she was supposed to be the brainy one in the class, since every other team has a "smart one" that makes her look like a fucking neanderthal.
That was a non-canon filler within a filler.
>Japan loved it
So what's the explanation with the giant gourd shrinking as he grew up?
I honestly hold that Black Clovwr ie a better shonen than naruto after the first few arcs. Not because it does anything new, but because it doesnt try and fail.
I loved the part where the nine tails resisted the almighty push, my hype couldn't be any higher
>attack that spins does more inner damage than attack that stabs
Sasuke was a fucking retard for getting butthurt about his water tank hole being smaller
sorry bro, Yea Forums is an itachi board
Just play the Ultimate Ninja Storm games. It's a much better experience.
He’s like 12. Of course he’s retarded.
The last outfits make him look more like a Ninja (at least in terms of having dark shadowy clothing) than most of the other Naruto characters (except Kakashi who looks like a stereotypical Ninja).
I am pretty annoyed at how much Kishimoto insists on making characters look less like Ninja and more just shounen fighters. The only thing "Ninja" about them is those disguise jutsus but those get thrown out of the window quite quickly, you might as well just call them FighterMages and it would be more accurate than Ninja.
Fucking downgrade, Anko was the hottest character in Part 1.
Don't let people fool you, it's not a hidden gem as some people might say, there are a few good moments hidden amongst the piles of shit garbage and as said, the Vidya is actually way better than the anime and manga, hell here's how the Obito fight goes down in the game:
Actual kino compared to the anti-climax shit of the anime and manga.
If you want actual good meaningful hidden gems anime then please watch: Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Monster, Hellsing (2001), Fist of the North Star, Grey (OVA), Berserk, Digital Target Grey and Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
If you want some good Ninja stuff then that's pretty hard to find since most Ninja-related shit is kind of garbage desu. You have to look for obscure western comics from the 90s to find anything good from there.
Oh, from Street Fighter
Went back to Yea Forums there
This. The Ultimate Ninja Storm games are far better.
Part 1 is arguably better than Part 2, the Pain Arc was better quality than anything else.
10 year olds are fucking dumbasses.
t. grade school teacher
To be fair, that kind of game it's expected. The characters for street fighter are taken from different parts of the world.
>t. grade school teacher
Oh shit they let a fox in the hen house
When Pain get his tendo closer and cast planetary devastation justu and the pain theme kicks in, that was pure kino.
woah chill out there epstein
i don't care what anyone says top right is fucking stupid looking second row second from the left is the best look and the one below that is just as good
That's a tan retard, anf you're pretty homo
That episode went way too far with it. I've seen that style of animation done much better.
>Spiderman is the most popular hero and is a teenager too so you don't have a point.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Crawl back into your hole and stop posting, disgusting weebtrash.
there is no 'source',
I just read Japanese forums, everyone was hype about the episode when it came out, only weebs made some big bitching campaign how it had poor animation
0 bad designs
Is there a collection of her anywhere?
Did he tried to pull off the last clash from Matrix Revolutions?
She has a manga.
mangadex .org/title/22631/ijiranaide-nagatoro-san
Just read the manga, it's a pretty good time
I thought it was okay. It just bothered me how pain was shrugging off literal mountains falling on his head and getting hurled through landscaped dbz style and simply shrugging it off.
I kind of did mental gymnastics and justified it that because it's a reanimation it can fight like zombie essentially until the user is exhausted, but then he got Ko'd by a basic ass resengan in the end.
I was so fucking pissed when Ninja Storm 4 had to pretend this didn't happen and show the canon version with shitty anime screenshots. I'm glad the story eventually found its budget, because I was really worried for the first few hours.
Wasn’t that Tsunade’s Infinite Tsukiyomi dream filler? If it was it makes sense, Tsunade only really knows him as that traitor punk who’s nearly killed Naruto multiple time. So of course she’d subconsciously only ever see him as an entitled bastard, regardless of his circumstances