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>i am so delusional to believe that my opinion is fact and all other's opinions are invalid
dead game senpai
who are you quoting
I just realised they basically both have the same backstory of a fallen god wishing to cast down the others
Long time agoo that i don't play this shit, what happened?
Pantheon isn't really a god anymore. He's got a bit of godly power left in him, but it's mostly just him at this point.
League's corpse will still be 4x more lively then dota's peak
He's got all the power his aspect left within him. Hence why he can fucking fly like superman.
I'm pretty sure Atreus only has some of the powers of the dead god Pantheon not that he's a god himself
what were they thinking
generic af
No one has said that you stupid fuck.
And nowhere near the amount of prize pool money lmao
wish they'd drop him from arams, his ult makes it trivially easy to backdoor. same with tahm.
Dont forget Ryze,TF,Shen with other teleporting champions etc.
>he judges a game's quality by prize pool money
Valve-shills everyone
That is really sad
Wait, did they retcon Pantheon again? I remember him being just a dude originally, then they changed the story so he is a dead dude being controled by a god. What is he now?
>Win tourney
>don't even get 60% of the prize pool
>value has to be split among
>have to split it among 5 people
>bring home 2-3 mil at most
>up to the equivalent of over 10 million USD a year in salaries.
He was a dude, then he became a dead dude who had his body controlled by a god, then that god was killled, and the man came back, bearing the god's power.
a dude having powers of a dead god that got killed by Aatrox while the dude took revenge and sliced Aatrox's hand off
tf yes but ryze ult has shit range and can easily be rendered useless, and shen wouldn't be a problem without them
He's the dude again, technically he's the only champion to have all his canon exist together.
First he was a man from the tribes around Targon, then he was a god, now he's a man again.
They realize no one liked the retcon, so they said the god got killed by Aatrox, but the man aka the Patheon people loved still there and now has control, all his lines are about the honor and beuty of being a mortal with free will
I tipped out a good TL;DR but then pressed esc accidentally
>They realize no one liked the retcon
You're full of shit, lmao, they progressed the story. (witch is pretty rare for league :( )
Theres nothing more upsetting than that.
They even said in the video that no one in riot knew people liked Pantheon the man before the retcon, people hated Pantheon the war puppet, because it took most the heroic attributes of his persona
Based Aatrox, thanks my dudes.
Who's talking about quality? Maybe you should reread the reply chain.
Is this, dare I say, kino?
I remember a post where Tryndamere said there were still Summoners in the League lore, although was years ago. Have they showed up at all after all this time?
>we didn't know people liked one of the oldest champions with one of the more iconic jokes in the game!
What the fuck
>he judges a game's quality by popularity
Chinks everyone
>lol lore
>not wanting to fuck both
Mars' combo is pretty god-tier.
I know this was his original color, but seeing Silencer wearing red is always going to feel weird to me
Leagues got better porn, Dotas got better voices to go WITH porn
That's because League's art turned into those similar with Chinese mobages.
It's made with porn in mind.
DotA or LoL?
Because LoL has always been generic af and plagiaristic.
>Leagues got better porn
Quick Yea Forums, design a hero for Dota 2/ champion for League!
>playing MOBAs in 2019
some showed up in the bilgewater lore but none as strong as old lore summoners
Even in death, lolbabbs and dotards still can't along.