Battlefront 2

This game is actually fun now

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>Playing nu Soi Wars.
The franchise is dead and they keep raping the corpse.

Have you played it since the last clone wars update?

It actually has enough content, fun game modes, and a good progression system

It took me a long time to come around and play it after I played the beta and the whole controversy (fuck EA), but they’ve salvaged the game and it’s worth the $12ish dollars

No, I'm not going to spend money and a franchise that I no longer give a shit about because they what on it.

This is a long shot, but is there a galactic conquest mode?

Yes and nothing of that it's true, is still a arena shit with 12 vs 12 where you have to look 5 minutes to find a single dude because the maps are so much bigger than the amount of players, then you have the cross era heroes shit, the shitty objetive system, the "battlefront" mode where you can't even spawn in your own fucking spawns or even mount vehicles in the map because it's either you are a vehicle or a soldier, so no the game is beyond trash and adding more shit won't fix the base game

The original BF2 was fun on release. Fuck EA.

nop and all the modes except 2 are basically dead

Literally everything you said is wrong

There are 20v20 game modes and you can find people immediately almost anywhere on the map, idk what you’re playing. If you spawn as a vehicle you can always exit the vehicle if you want, and they’re easy to get either way. I don’t know what you mean by “a arena shit”. If you play capital assault all the heroes are era appropriate and it’s the only game mode you should be playing because it’s the most fun

>all the heroes are era appropriate
Horseshit. I have literally seen gameplay and there is fucking Rey or Kylo running around Naboo with a bunch of clones and droids

Buy it used and play the game mode that’s only clone wars stuff

I don’t have problems getting into games on any of the game modes, but the only one worth playing is capital assault, and maybe the other 40 player one that is kinda like rush in BF if you want some OT action

That was probably “strike” the equivalent of team death match.

In capital assault you have grievous, Dooku, and Bossk for the CIF, and Obi wan, anakin, yoda for the republic. There aren’t any out of era heroes

My bad it’s Capital Supremacy, not capital assault

>not jango

>If you spawn as a vehicle you can always exit the vehicle if you want
they patched did or what the last time I couldn't get out of the AAT and 20vs20 being the BIGGEST mode is a fucking joke that's basically a little skirmish not fucking battlefront

Is it only clone wars era

They also have Darth Maul.

I was actually just wondering that. Im not sure why they haven’t added him considering there’s a Kamino map

Capital supremacy is

Idk the fights feel pretty big especially when you have all the vehicles involved

>walking around half the naboo map empty because the map is bigger than the amount of players could fill
>feel pretty big

>the only mode that doesnt have cross era heroes is only clone wars

>Paying EA money

Jango should at least be a skin for Boba

Not really.
But all they need to do now is take Capital Supremacy and make it offline available and add all of the galactic civil war maps. Nu-trilogy trash can stay in the Galactic Assault mode.

Thats patently false. The maps aren’t even that big compared to other games

With 40 players you don’t have to go far even on the geonosis map, which is way bigger

What all did they end up adding?

>is still a arena shit with 12 vs 12
It's 20v20 with 20 more AI for each team. That's about 80 units on one map with command posts.

>Thats patently false. The maps aren’t even that big compared to other games
dude I just played it and it feels like fucking ghost town in naboo what are trying to shill this hard?

What the fuck? Bossk wasnt even in the PT was he?

Cause it’s the only one worth playing and it has the best super classes like the droideka or a commando droid

>with command posts.
that you can't use at all and it's basically that ONE MAP aka geonosis

>play online to fight bots

Laughing my ankles off

Drodikas, Clone Wars tanks, AI, 600+ level cap, Command Posts, Anakin, Obi-wan, Grevious, Dooku, Dual wielding clone commandos, Customizable clones, and some more shit I can't think of

Because it’s not empty at all? Like this user said there are tons of units of the map if you play capital supremacy. It’s not empty at all

He was a big part of the clone wars tv show and or rebels tv show. Probably why they added commando droids too

It's all of the clone wars maps.

It was like that in the old Battlefront games.

>only one worth playing
How so? There are good maps that could be made from the OT. Stormtroopers vs rebels. Hell you could even throw in ST shit for people into that, such as that salt planet. As far as super classes, are they just shit for the other eras or they dont exist?

Bossk was in the Clone Wars TV show.

Didnt watch that desu

How old are you?

I just don’t have as much fun playing OT maps for whatever reason

OT and ST eras don’t have “infiltrator” classes ie commando droids and arc clone troopers. I just love playing super classes for the PT, it’s extremely satisfying to roll up on someone as a droideka and fuck their shit up

>good progression system
this shit isnt a good thing. fuck off idiotic zoomer. i want to be on an even playing field with everyone else and not have to compete with neckbeards who play for 12 hours a day and have better weapons

You’re honestly retarded

nice arguments retard

Theres only 4 weapons in the game and the default blasters are unironically the best

t. level 205 Assault unit player

It’s literally just a standard lateral progression system

Have you ever even played ANY online shooter in the last decade??

yes and most of them are play-to-win. that is, you get abilities by just being a bigger neckbeard than the other players and not actually more skilled

>Phoneposting filename
>Of a game cover
Begone, shill.

Its fun, loaded it up recently and my friend and I took turns playing rounds. I was a bit confused seeing level 400+ players though, whats the point of levels after you unlock everything?

Play to win as opposed to what?

You rank up quick enough to get everything you could want in a few days if you don’t suck

Yup I’m shilling for a game that I bought used 2 years after it came out. Fucking retard

It averages 170 players on PC, so good luck

>and a good progression system
>that fucking card system
I hope you are baiting cause if not you are just fucking retarded
>heroes on strike
You are fucking lying the you can't play as the heroes on strike

The best part about the game are hero modes.
Shooters and lightsaber users are balanced in most of maps if you teamwork well. Everyone have different interresting abilities and weapons for shooting heros can create a lot of tense , fun and competitive matches
For other modes with lot of players are way too linear with bad map design.
It is not strange to have like fucking 10 galaticconquest matches playing exactly the same. Droid push , take objectives , boarding phase where they pretend that you are able to stop the attack and finally the ship battle ..
A lot of design options are an insult:spawn always same place, vehicules spawn and are not mounted from the field, absolutely 0 interractivity in the map, nothing to destroy or repair; objectives are super boring and always the same in other land modes : Team1 : capture place X Team2: Kill Y number of other team.

Ask CoD players that after they prestige 20+ times. They're the ones who popularized this.

Right on man!

Radical! I will purchase it right away!

So what's up my dudes, I'm just listening to some Synthwave! Literally awesome.

What’s wrong with the card upgrade system? As long as you can’t pay to win, like they tried to make it, it works fine. Starting out with no cards, I could get enough points to get a hero or play as a super class just fine

>heroes on strike
You’re right you can’t play heroes on strike, it must have been galactic assault on Naboo then. I almost exclusively play Capital Supremacy

Capital Supremacy is ONLY in the clone wars era.

Is $12 for a used game really that big of a deal for you?

It’s not even supporting EA, DICE, or the Mouse since it’s used and all the updates are free and it’s a 2 year old game. You need to re-evaluate your life