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I thought this guy was SJW in the extreme but apparently he's a goobergater now? wtf
--- Gamer moment inbound ---
have sex you pathetic incel and support feminism
Tone deaf boomerism
Cringe but redpilled.
It's based but the culture has been infested with the exact people he's complaining about for like 10 years now so he'll get shit on for it
All women are queens
everyone has their redpill moment
Sad little man.
That guy invented Diablo and World of Warcraft. Watch your fucking mouth.
Imagine being a grown man and still believing high school stereotypes are true. Fuck this whiny crybaby and every gamer with a victim complex.
Who is he even quoting?
fuck off with these twitter posts. If i wanted to post an opinion on the tweet i’d do it on twitter.
rise up gamers
Actually I was thinking of Arthur Chu, the jeopardy guy with a cringe twitter where he is also virtue signalling about whatever fotm bullshit it is
>SJWs have taken over games
>There hasn't been a genuinely good video game in decades
>Sjws have long taken over comics
>Comicsgate is fighting, but they've already lost the war and its bleeding into the movies
What do you think will be the next media to be overtaken and burned to the ground?
>No you want in
Normies and women are already in. What I don't get is how they still find new things to cry about every single day!
based and truthpilled
lol no he didn't
He invented a bus with bits glued on to promote a dead-on-arrival mmo tho
Fuck you, fuck those shitty games and fuck your faggot idol
hes unironically correct, unfortunately
Is he wrong?
Mark is fucking right you know. All of these SJW's self proclaim themselves as gamers but secretly hate men who play video games because of politics. I've seen countless female journalists who fucking hate men with a passion. It's fucking retarded. They're the same normies who are just pretending because journalism.
I dont really remember gamers excluding anyone ever, the gamer club in my hs was probably the most diverse club in the school and this was 2007. Even let the naruto headband freaks in.
>all Asians look alike
He forgot the vital detail.
>Now you want in because there's money in it.
the absolute truth
Cringe but kinda right
why did you post this image user
Surprisingly based
"Geek" culture is a marketing gimmick pushed thanks to big bang theory
based and incelpilled
No, you're ACTUALLY thinking of Ian Miles Cheong.
>says a simply, correct fact
>that alone suddenly makes him a goobergater
What the fuck?
>Yea Forums - Twitter Screen Caps & Wojaks
Yep, best post in this thread
There is nothing left. Next on the list is mass extinction of mankind
Cringe but true. I personally lived through the hell of gamer exclusion. Had I born 5 years later I would've been a god, now look at me...
Same way Yea Forums does probably eh
>I've seen countless female journalists
They are blogposters or activists, but journalists they are not according to the simple 1-page holy book that even an elementary schooler can memorize and comprehend.
Fuck "gamers"!
>Twitter retard thread
He cute
why does this stupid yellow sheep have an apple on it's head?
yeh im thinking this threads saved
But really, why do feminists pretend women didn't look down on guys for playing video games back in the day?
Who do they think they are fooling?
>There hasn't been a genuinely good video game in decades
This is not true and you are a faggot
They manage to get JK retcon to go and edit Harry potter so that Hermoine is explicitly black. She then uses her massive fortune to actually break into everyone's homes and replace existing copies with the revised woke update.
Did he get a 3D gf like he wanted?
I don't give a shit about Twittertards.
Let's talk something more pertinent.
Like Hollywoods increasingly hilarious philosophy of replacing male actors with females in action movies.
Mareeheeheheheeep! :D
Pro-tip: you weren't excluded for liking video games, but for being a weird anti-social nerd
No one on Yea Forums can honestly claim that gamers aren't exclusionary. Fuck, even the tweet that started this is incredibly hypocritical.
Minorities don't "want in", they just want to play video games without your gatekeeping bullshit. They could do without your baggage. You don't own video games. You just act like you do.
there's no concerned group of "gamers" trying to exclude anyone from anything people are just tired of secondaries coming in and trying to change everything to suit their wants and needs instead of just finding stuff they like and enjoying it
She then gaslights everyone into thinking that's how it's always been
The problem is responding to the quite of
>For decades gamers have tried to exclude others
The statement is nonsensical so any reply to (for or against) it will be moronic at best. Instead rebuke the original statement with “Games are a product freely sold since their conception and people have formed communities around mutual interests since before games existed”
Letting someone say something completely bullshit and then making that the frame of conversation and debate is what’s wrong with social politics today
Its my best friend Mareep! Meep Meep! :D
legit true tho.
He's right. Anyone on here who disagrees is trolling or a dudebro retard, and shouldn't be welcome.
Holy fucking based
he has never been SJW
Literally fucking no one was "excluded" for playing games.
Middle schoolers exclude *everyone* because middle schoolers are shit, and anyone in middle school is having a hard time because of other middle schoolers.
If you were excluded *after* that, it's because you were an asshole, not because you were a gamer.
Something similar just happened in the dota scene, with some literally who bitch whining about over the line chauvinistic humor in a small, well loved tournament known for its laid back nature. It was beyond retarded. People defended it as journalism when it was obviously just obnoxious SJW blogposting
Is that a new Pokemon? Never saw it in Sword and Shield.
No they fucking don't. No one is gate keeping them. They gatekeep themselves by insisting there needs to be representation in everything. and the fucking devs bend over backwards for these people and ruin everything.
You guys really got shit on for being a gamer?
It kinda has always been accepted here (netherlands) only girls back then weren't into vidya besides the sims and maybe a little bit of nintendo games on gameboy.
Only thing that is looked down upon gaming wise is playing handhelds as a late teen/ adult
you legitimately believe there hasn't been a single good video game since at least 1999?
Zoomers who don't know what the fuck they're talking about
What did you say laddie?
You people really just don't think about the things you say, do you?
>We're not trying to gatekeep anything
>We just think video games are better if literally all of them pander exclusively to us and we view any deviation from that standard as a personal attack!
>So really, when you think about it, we're the victims!
Not a day goes by that Yea Forums doesn't bitch about games not pandering to them but somehow it's the others who are at fault for wanting games to pander to them.
The only one here with a complex is you.
>in decades
2010 wasn't decades away, it ain't even a single decade yet you retarded zoomer and that's when SJWism started turning popular and then really picked up pace in later 2011 and early 2012.
To be fair it was because the bus was cheaper than a booth at E3.
please i hate SJW but stop being dishonest please.
>no u
well for the most of them, the basis of their arguments are formed around anecdotes. "I knew a guy who did this", or "i was friends with a girl who suffered from x because a guy who happens to be a gamer did y to her for so many years!" It's all bullshit and i just tune them out. eventually they'll get tired of it. if the gamers were such dicks to them, why not drop them and look for orbiters?
fucking morons.
nothing more embarrassing than a middle aged nerd who's still bitter about getting teased for being a nerd decades later
Video games are for little kids.
Yeah, I did. Maybe not bullied, but definitely treated differently after people realized my interests or outright made fun of. I wasn’t the type to be truly bullied. Contrary to what people are claiming in the thread, I was a very social, decent looking kid. I got along well with everyone and took care of myself. Playing video games was seen as fucking weird by many peers and especially older people like teachers or parents. God forbid someone’s dad found out. Maybe younger people haven’t experience this since nerd chic got big.
I mean, fuck, it was 100 times worse if anyone found out you liked comics or anime. I kinda blame the naruto runners the latter. If anyone knew you were into traditional stuff like hardcore board games or D&D the judgement was more of a silent “what the fuck is wrong with them”
All media will be burned to the ground, censorship will become even worse and Islam will take over the world soon, enjoy.
Ampharos on a train!
I like this tweet because it's a perfect insight into the bitterness that drives these persecution complex faggots. So much of the bizarre seething that certain autists do over nothing suddenly makes a lot more sense having read this embarrassing tweet.
What's dishonest? The handful of fit male actors in their prime that we had in the past 7 years are pretty much out of the picture now and being replaced with women taking up their roles in a gender-bending trend that's unique to present times. The only one dishonest is you, with yourself.
>You guys really got shit on for being a gamer?
No, I don't know anyone who did either. Even 20 years ago the majority of kids were playing games. They probably got shit on just for being weird, but for some reason say it's due to them playing games. Maybe they just want to look like more of a victim, or don't want to admit that they're weird, but I think it would be better if they did because it's not always bad to be weird even if they got picked on for it sometimes.
I don't remember gamers regularly excluding others either. Also around 20 years ago I was already playing an MMO and in a guild with people from multiple contents and pretty much every race.
Anyone who claims gatekeeping is a bad thing needs to go the fuck back and stay out of the hobby. Gatekeeping keeps any hobby from being diluted and sterilized to appeal to the wider, normalfag audience. Fuck you.
>if the gamers were such dicks to them, why not drop them and look for orbiters?
>Also gamers: lol I bet these girls don't even like video games they're just in it for the male attention!