SCP:Secret Laboratory





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we got 9 players out of 60 right now




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dabbing on lab rats

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that pic gets me every fucking time

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server just restarted but we're back up

compy add me to your screencap

Don't forget to wave goodbye when you escape

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Damn you mall cop, I just wanted to escape in peace

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I better hop on then

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What song do you play in your head when you manage to successfully escape?

is it still agonizing to play as computer?

Well not much has changed in the last 9 months

Neat, thought this was kill. Any updates yet or did Hibert run off with his Patreon money?

who is this fine gentleman?

Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.

is it still the same group of guys always playing that dont want to have any fun

hi compy

no im serious i havent played in like six months but i used to play all the time
from start of escape until I get shot in the face

I only vaguely know what this is about from the memes and such.
How's the learning curve?

Like a backwards L

Pretty easy to get the idea of what each scp or class does and where stuff is

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easy peasy just get good at closing doors as you run through them, but the game really isnt about winning
or RPing either, im not sure what the point of the game is currently

I mean it's hard to get a new playerbase when our threads are being saged or deleted

its probably harder without updates to be honest

There's not much to learn, there's many images that explain shit, but it can go real short:
>there's 4 areas, linearly connected OUTSIDE > ENTRANCE > HEAVY CONTAINMENT > LIGHT CONTAINMENT
>scientists & dboys spawn in light cont and want to go to outside to escape, this is the main objective of the game
>ntf (blue police) spawns outside & they exist to assist scientists escape & kill dboys
>chaos (green) is the same as ntf, except they want dboys to escape and they kill scientists
>naturally ntf is the enemy of chaos
>finally there's the scps that spawn in their own thing depending on what scp you are
If you spawn as scp then just ask what to do. If you don't, then just follow the rest and have fun.

hokay thanks
I take it the map layout is fixed?

Random but with a couple of consistencies

The layout is random every round

Areas are linearly connected, the rooms inside them are randomly connected.
That way escaping is a different challenge everytime.
Certain rooms are guaranteed to spawn in each area, but you never really know where. For example, there are always exactly 2 elevators that connect light & heavy containment (labeled elevator A & elevator B in game).


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Update when

>escape larry's rape dungeon 4 times
>make it to surface with help from guard
>get shot in back of the head by NT commander

I killed the commander for you, but yeah, shit luck there

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I saw that. I laughed

Driving Larry to throw himself on a grenade is still killing larry

I just wanted to not get shot science man

Around D-class never relax

>never relass


SCP's Absolutely BTFO'd

>blown the fuck out'd

Remember, never let D-boys live

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Never ever, now pay Hubert more

damn the games are still going on

We are shutting the server down after tonight, this is our last hurrah


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The server owner has said fucking nothing about this. Nice bullshit

If that scientist hadnt shot me and remained hiding he would have survived

imagine making fake lookalike and placing it in someone's office fucking idiots having a prank war in such a facility

Connection died on me again
Those were some great rounds, hope we can keep this up
Thanks for the fun time, have a nice one

some of you guys are alright, don't go to heavy containment tomorrow

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