Who is this design supposed to appeal to?

Who is this design supposed to appeal to?

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To me, also op is a faggot.

I give this thread 11 minutes

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How old is she?

*breathes in*

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Hot Tall is Kourin?
holly shit, that guy is 3 times her size

Cute Marisa ! Usually smol girls are always the strongest.

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Wrench wenches appeal to those who enjoy gender role subversions in their fictional narratives

i want nitori to steal my shirikodama

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You'd die tho

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me and my gf

How friendly would the Kappas be to humans?
besides the whole "Gold ball in my ass" thing, they seem like a good option to stay with if you ever reach that land

i accept my role as an outsider, that is to say free lunch for a youkai

people who GEDDAN

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Enjoy getting scammed and wasting all your money on their "inventions"

imagine filling up her pussy with your thick cock

The mountain is definitely not the place where you want to live

animefags like OP

outsiders always get a raw deal and are typically killed according to PMiSS, if you're a native they'll probably con you in someway

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Ampharos of course

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What's so bad about the Mountain?
isn't the Snek godess supposed to protect humans in her turf?

The shrine maybe.
The tengu and other youkai aren't friendly.

To be honest, Tengu are nice unless you trespass their property


Hence why the mountain is a shitty place to go to as a human.

what's the worst that could happen?
>Oh shit, sorry not a local just got lost

The mountain isn't really her turf, the Tengu rule the mountain and the kappa live below it

what's the point in having a high human friendship level if you're still dangerous?

I douth about it specially because she is a budhist monk.

Move oku to very high specially because she still carry radioactive factors.


this is from one of ZUN's books

Why not?

Nitori is pretty young, iirc. Not like underage young, since even the youngest characters - the MCs - are like 30 years old at this point. I'm pretty sure Reimu was born in like 1980 or thereabouts.

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Really? wich one.

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>what's the worst that could happen?
They could invite you into their home.

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Remember that Akyu embellishes and exaggerates quite a bit in that report to keep villagers away (read: sacred) of youkai.
Some of it is just guesswork (for example she speculates that Mokou is a magician)

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Why are they boys?

>>They could invite you into their home.
and serve you a delicious feast only for it to turn out that you where actually eating cow shit

Thank you user.

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Fake news. Marisa is normal height for Gensokyo.

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Imagine kissing her FEET

Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and Symposium of Post-mysticism are the books that contain the details about human friendship

So....... Sex with the Bake-Danuki?

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Reminder that Youmu is even smaller

post more

Seiga is friendly to humans due to being a human in the past, but she's still a massive bitch that'll rob you blind and feed you to her pet zombie if you get on her bad side.

I don't buy Satori being both spiteful of humans and extremely dangerous. As long as you don't have bad intentions, she probably won't mess you up. If you're just going down to hell to say hi to her, she'd probably leave you be.

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I would, but I lost it when SadPanda went down.

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To people who like weird characters

You could always look at D@I's gallery, but she's not really making lewds anymore

Ringo is currently living in the human village apparently so I'd be fine just being there.

based male youmu

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Thank you have a beer.

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Would Kanako be willing to have another human live at her shrine, I love this jolly BBA

Anal fisting enthusiasts.

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>tfw vividly remember when Symposium of Post-Mysticism was being translated on /jp/
>tfw there are people in this thread who don't even know where the threat levels are from

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Nice little pet zombie.

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Stack is a blessing.


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>Raccoon that high
Calling it bullshit

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Why not?

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I almost forgot her best performances

I love this one because of how different it is from her usual performances.

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Post your favorite remix


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Moe Shitrukawa art isn't cannon. Cry harder.

Are the ones I've enjoyed the most, Kill Love Fireproof is also pretty great

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what do you gain from pretending to be retarded?

Who are you quoting?

Shut the FUCK up newfag.

Is it Futo time?

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Learn to quote, lurk 5 years and then we talk, okay? bye.

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>Unknown: Yuugi Hoshiguma

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go away taoshit

Why is Byakuren so rude

Make me

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Because Futo is a bad child, drinking directly from the carton.

It's Futo's carton tho, and what is Byakuren doing in Futo's house? Also Futo is clearly an adult

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fairies don't deserve to exist

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Because Futo is made for bully

Drinking directly from the carton is always bad manners. Luckily Byakuren is always around to set bad children on the right path.

I want to RAPE Futo!

reminder that we're about to get THREE final / extra bosses

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Why would you think that?

I'm gonna miss the kappa squad

So, like Fairy Wars?

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And it also will be the final game.

Because there are three people on the cover?

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Give the kappa your money.

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Have you forgotten that Hidden Star in Four Seasons also had three people on the cover?
And not only did Hidden Star in Four Seasons not give us three final / extra bosses, it gave us one less than usual.

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I will give her lesbian love instead.

You are just the worst.

marisa is tiny and cute

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marisa has tiny feet

You footfags just make everything so tiring

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Merely an exception since no one tought that the fifth boss would have actually been 2 people, every other jewel case has shown either a final or an extra boss and it makes sense for wbawc

The more you care about it the worse it's gonna get, you know.

stinky hat

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>same exact situation
>that time was different though
Whatever you say, dude.
I just think you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

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She's pretty laid-back but just a friendly reminder that when Nue wanted a wingman to come dunk on the Taoist menace, she called in the 'coon.

Great fairy Marisa!

Final boss is gonna change depending on which goast you pick. Hell it's probably the fucking goast.


>same exact situation
>implying that ZUN would put 2 stage five characters in a row, or a stage four boss on the case

Attached: ganon.png (440x537, 19K)

>need some outsider 'coon to achieve what solo Youmu or Sanae could achieve
the absolute state of buddshits

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TWO Touhou gacha games!

or maybe they're actually all stage 4 or 5 bosses

Nue has a hard life.

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user... you know what they say when you assume.

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