You're playing a videogame

>you're playing a videogame
>you enter voice chat
>a squeaker calls you a noob
How do you respond, user?

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What do you think? Obviously wreck all his shit up like a fucking hurricane. You would be fucking braindead to do anything otherwise. If Sir Squeaker the Second wishes for combat and a quarrel, he'd best pony up and give me one, that hobo.


Either just beat him. Or bait him into calling me something bannable and get the lobby to report him because losing a game at that age would be heartbreaking.

Haha yes, I am indeed new to this game. Want to party up, user?

Why does it matter, I already fucked his dad and married his sister illegally.

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Winning, then typing GG.

Tell him he's really cute and ask for nudes

Scream nigger over my mic really fucking loud and shrill and wake his parents up

>Shut your fucking mouth kid before I come to your school and piss inside your ass in front of everyone
>Squeaker doesn't say a word and leaves party/chat a few moments later

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Like this:

stfu niglet

Quit, change my account name, go to bed and cry like a man

>join random sever cause bored and end up in doublecross
>some little kid whines the whole time that the medic did not pocketed him while he was sniper
>go medic
>pocket him he for some reason thinks he's immortal now
>charges across the bridge to get rid of a sentry nest still as sniper
>tells me to active uber
>mfw I was using quick-fix this whole time just so he would do something like that

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ok yeah this is based

I don’t respond at all because I don’t really care. I’d probably just mute him and continue playing.




y-you too


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I always pretend to be an actual new player and ask for help for inane things and be really nice, and as soon as they lighten up and try to help me I swallow my mic and start screaming how they have no conviction and they are spineless
not even sure if it's funny for anyone else but I think it's the most hilarious shit in the world and I play games for fun for me, not for some dumb faggot on my team

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Has anyone got the audio file?

>Hey bro look at this

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Ask him if his mom knows if he’s playing with a sex offender

>turn on mic
>*raspberry sound*
