I have to admit it was a pretty good game but FUCK CATHERINE
I have to admit it was a pretty good game but FUCK CATHERINE
No fuck you Simon
which simon was the worst simon
>trusting a chink
You deserve it, brainlet.
WAU did nothing wrong
Cath did nothing wrong
Change my mind
i can't because you're absolutely correct
the WAU was trying to keep humanity alive and Catherine never lied to Simon, he was too dumb to listen
All Simons are retarded (literal brain damaged) and easily manipulated by Catherine and help in her quest that achieves nothing in the end
WAU did do something wrong. It was supposed to sustain humanity but it couldn't do that within the parameters it was given. It should have produced an error and request alteration of those parameters but instead it abandoned the task of trying to preserve humanity and instead decided to preserve some arbitrary other form of life instead. Doing what you want instead of what you're told is the definition of wrong.
>Catherine never lied to Simon
Partially true, catherine kept information to a minimum for simon
catherine did nothing wrong
simon is totally at fault for being a fucking brainlet and not understand a basic fucking concept that was explained to him at retard speed multiple times.
>Can't understand something as simple as teleportation paradox
No fuck you Simon
I watched a playthrough of this game and it successfully banished any thoughts i'd previously entertained of buying it. Simon is such an aggravating stupid fucking idiot, I can't fucking stand it, holy shit. I don't care if they try to explain it as brain damage, it's fucking stupid.
>catherine kept information to a minimum for simon
such as?
t. Simon
I don't blame him for waking up 100 years into the future at the bottom of the ocean in control of someone else's corpse and with no idea what the fuck happened
>teleportation paradox
That's not a paradox, it's just a solved dilemma. If there isn't a supernatural element to the human mind the teleporting person dies and if there is the person can survive.
I would if I could
Nobody did anything wrong
Don't try to talk about themes this simple when you're such a brainlet please. The whole point of the game is "What is a human?". Everything in the game ties into this, from the player character and catherines new forms, the humans being forcibly sustained in an eternal limbo, and how the WAU is clearly expanding its definition of what a human is. If you define the things WAU is creating as humans, it is still doing it's job of protecting humanity.
True in some ways, however the Simon and Catherine instances were created by the WAU. The WAU probably helped in other ways I'm guessing. The monsters were apparently experiments gone wrong and it seemed to learn pretty fast actually.
>the save/healing point is literally Simon plugging into WAU
Something I never understood is how does the Ark handle multiple scans of the same person? Did Catherine not scan herself twice? Once before the game events and once near the end?
they cleverly dropped line by Catherine about his scan being more flat, less dynamic [as one of the first scans ever done, made w/ beta hw/sw] so it's presumably like half of the synapses not being simulated properly or at all - literally like talking to an ai chatbot from early 2020s w/ room temperature iq.
It might just overwrite
shoulda programmed the wau to keep humans alive unless they object
WAU was a good boy
This, if you pulled the plug you're a low-IQ mouthbreather
Based. WAU was recreating humans almost perfectly by the time the game starts, in a hundred years the blasted surface of the earth will be populated by immortal metal and black goo cyborgs, waiting for aliens to arrive and ask what the fuck happened.
this this game was made almost insufferable by the protagonist. I mean I know he has literal canonical brain damage but come on! a thing is explained twice and then happens 3 fucking times and he still doesn't understand it. How is this possible I refuse to believe people this retarded exist
>retards on a satellite can't do shit except simulating their hedonistic fantasies until the satellite goes broke
>killing the only thing that can plausibly restart humanity
I seriously hope none of you guys did this
I wondered if he was just blocking out the possibility of the Ark not being his sole ticket out of the underwater shithole
To be fair, what else were they going to do? Limp around foraging for scraps of food until they run out and die? Might as well beam a copy of themselves out before dying, right?
>Catherine explains early on the whole coinflip 50-50 idea
>"Simon I already told you we have a 50-50 chance of 'us' being on the ark, but our other half made it. I know it's not fun being left behind, but take comfort in the fact that without us the ark would still be in that lab and human history would have ended were it not for us. I'm sure our other halfs will inform everyone what we did to get there, and that our sacrifice will not be forgotten."
Why was Simon such a bitch?
>Catherine explains early on the whole coinflip 50-50 idea
Imagine having an underwater future station filled with robots and magic techno paste and choosing to just give up and expire
I'd be looking forward to taking back the surface and building Robotopolis
That's understandable, but I do blame him for not figuring it out when it's explained to him about 20 times and after he sees how it works for himself.
Then again, I guess it's not really his fault that he's retarded, but it does still make it annoying to play as him and hear his whining.
She literally does when you get the new suit.
>tfw you see the last human being alive die right in front of you
Simon invents the coin flip explanation because he can't understand it.
it was doing a much better job than humanity at preserving intelligent life
given time and how much magic stuff the gel seemed to be able to do, it could've eventually made SOMETHING able to survive in the surface world, let alone in the ocean
imagine being as retarded as simon
Serves her right for being a roastie
do you seriously not understand the coinflip analogy? is this b8?
Oh shit I guess i'm a retard and remembered it wrong then. Does Catherine explain it in anyway?
Thought that was awfully assumptive
Premature to assume that no other humans were alive, that no other efforts had been made for mankind's survival. Shitty 22nd century if their tech doesn't allow ANY thing like that.
It's been a while, but is there anything in the ending that actually prevents them from just going ahead and doing this after the transmission? I remember the fate of the protags stuck underwater being somewhat ambiguous.
Everyone complaining about Simon being dumb. Guy is thrown in apocalyptic world understanding nothing about AI and computers with monsters at the bottom of the sea while he is coming to terms with being a robot and you dumb fucks thinks it's not normal to be confused and mad when he doesn't "win" in the end. You are all a bunch of dumb fucks. Empathize you autistic losers
The Abyss Elevator and underwater walking section to Tau is one of the most kino moments in gaming for me. So atmospheric.
Afterwards she's clear enough, but before it goes ahead she uses the word 'transfer', which to me has loaded connotations Simon could be forgiven for being misled by.
there is no coinflip you retard
there never was
> but before it goes ahead she uses the word 'transfer', which to me has loaded connotations Simon could be forgiven for being misled by.
Damn I had the wrong idea, thanks for spoonfeeding me the answer user.
Simon needs Catherine to interact with anything, and I'm not sure he was even going to be able to get out of the chair with the power gone. Very gloomy situation to leave a main character in.
There is no fucking coinflip you brainlet, you put the helmet on, make the copy and take it off, there is no 50/50 chance to wake up on the other side.
Your copy will put the helmet on and feel like he transferred to the ark, again no 50/50 chance.
sorry i can't empathize with """people""" below 70 iq
Well, he is literally some portland basedboy, works at a comics store, he is probably a "contributing editor" to some awful site.
I like Catherine, she knows the limit of Simon's intellect, I like to think if I was in Simon's place I could spend an hour or two talking things through and mutually agree to launch the arc in memorial for all of mankind.
>Yea Forums says this game is good
>decide to try it out since ive been into horror games lately
>its another walking simulator
kill yourself Yea Forums
I think what happened was the writers were worried that their audience was as retarded as Simon.
from his (the deep dive suit copy) perspective it felt exactly like teleporting from point a to point b so his deep confusion and frustration to not become an ark copy (as he never could) can be understood (again, from perspective of an ark copy both duplication processes felt like a teleportation from one place to another)
>no ending where you clean up WAU's processing errors and merge it with the satellite simulation
seriously, what the fuck. both halves of the solution to the problem were right fucking there and there's no option to combine them? The whiny scientist-wau-ghost was fucking walking and talking proof there was a viable wau-based solution.
also the "coin flip" is bullshit. Not because catherine was lying, but because quantum immortality means "you" will never die. Because you can't observe your own death, "you" will always jump to a point where your consciousness continues.
If I remember correctly everything was falling apart fast so time was a factor and she couldn't sit down with him and explain everything in detail.
no shit dummy, that isn't what the coin flip means. The coin flip is whether you get to have a good existence. The coinflip has nothing to do with transferring conscience. Simon 1, 2, and 3 all lost the coinflip because it was their lot to be the dead-end Simons.
so when are these niggers going to release another game in this light again? I dig these AA survival horror games with neat stories.
I can somewhat understand why simon felt fucked over
shit like that is always a little (read: completely) undermined by the fact its a video game and you can just stand in one place forever, an inch away from a scripted event trigger, and nothing will happen or change until you move.
Not Catherine's fault that Simon has a negative IQ
You literal Simon!
The coin flip means that whoever is the second copy will feel as if he won the 50/50 chance of being on the ark while the original (which the winner will perceive as a copy loses and stays behind) same as with deep dive Simon and the one that gets left behind.
I don't think his reaction was realistic, or served the narriative.
A much nicer ending would be Simon and Catherine committing suicide, slowly powering down their systems like they were falling asleep. It would be bitter sweet, it would fit the theme of entropy-medical-terms and it would serve the meta-narriative of consciousness (the body dies the soul survives on the ark)
Killing wau is only a good idea is there is absolutely no humanity left on earth, which can't be proven
Also wau is responsible for literally every bad thing in the game after the comet crashed
What you said, has literally zero contradictions with my post.
Fuck nice endings. The ending perspectives should've been switched, so it's all fucking dandy on the Ark, but then you see the fucked Simon-in-the-trench perspective, ah... that's kino.
Shit i meant sparing wau
Or you could make the argument that the WAU is still evolving into a new form of sentient "life"?
Remember, the WAU's last act if you choose to destroy it, is to protect you from the Cipher, it acted without any malice, it knows it will die, so the protection of Simon is the next logical choice.
But why does anyone think this is implausible when it's the same delusion anyone has who talks about uploading a brain today?
Wau wasn't causing people to suicide after their scans in deluded hope of getting onto the Ark for reals
>Not because catherine was lying, but because quantum immortality means "you" will never die. Because you can't observe your own death, "you" will always jump to a point where your consciousness continues.
That's fucking amazing.
its fucked either way. The ark only has a very limited lifetime. So its happy fun times for a very small duration and then its dead in the water.
Not to mention the idea of the copies going batshit because they're trapped in a static unchangeable world with limited processing power. or worse they're literal gods who go insane from omnipotence.
Basically everything about the game is "bad end." Which is silly considering all the pieces for a lasting solution are right fucking there.
Absolutely based, redpills unmatched
Yes it contradicts your post cause I am saying that there was never a coinflip and you are talking about the coinflip as if it was a real thing in the game, which it wasn't.
That is an almost gnostic worldview, where there is a fixed amount of sentience in the universe
explains normies, I'll give it that.
The ark is Solar powered end in space, they might have some time (and if not, not their Problem)
>real thing
pick one
the game was fucking horrid, the protagonist and catherine were annoying as hell and dumb as bricks and the monster design entirely uninspired. I don't know what really happened to frictional games after amnesia, but they went down the drain hard. the penumbra games were great, this is dogshit
What would you do in a place of second Simon (one who got assblasted at the end).
I mean, you have LITERALLY NOTGHING to do on a bottom of the bottom of the ocean. No books, no vidya, no movies, no people to talk with. What can you do? I mean you can talk with Cath sure, but you'll run out of topics after few days. Second Simon has no hope. Even first Simon if alive, has more options, at least he is on working station.
I really liked the ending, Simon was all like "fuck yeah we did it" and then nothing happened, you stay in there, in the dark, and now completely alone.
solar panels only have a lifespan of about 150 years, and they degrade by about 1% every year.
it's not a 50/50 chance though. it's 100/100 since the initiating one ALWAYS stays back and the "new" one ALWAYS gets to move on. you just had a switch in player perspective the first time around and you didn't have one (or rather you had it in the epilogue) later. it's a retarded argument, even dumber than the retarded simon
thats why you don't destroy the wau.
you do the only sensible thing you can do. kill yourself.
I would i if could, her voice is cute
It was not her fault Simon was a brainlet.
user I'm a brainlet but understood clearly what the deal was with the mind transfer. Him chimping out at the end was pure retardation.
True. But the flaws of either "side" were human flaws, or a machines' solution to human failings.
The WAU was working against it's programming, it was placed in an automatic state without outside guidance, or if it did have guidance, it came from insane human brain tissue sustained by the WAU.
When 2+2=5 you cannot be a rational actor.
The game plays in the future so it might last longer. Aside from that, it always was a desperate action among bad options.
The ending wasn't bleak enough for me. In the development notes one of the ideas was to have the ark start circling/heading for a black hole. That would have topped it off for me.
I don't remember correctly, but wau put all last humans in some kind of stasis and then copied their minds into robots, right? Or guys who you see being absorbed in stasis are like vegetables and robots you see have just minds from tapes like yourself?
That's pretty fucking horrible option and the sad thing that it looks like a last one. But if Simon haven't destroyed Cath, you can't let her be alone, right? I mean, I don't know how much enegry lasted in the station to power her up.
Simon-kun if they had the technology to reach any black holes then humanity could have escaped to the stars in the first place.
for me it's cause it happens so many times, i was fine with it the first time cause he couldn't have known, the second time was after the explanation so it was a bit less plausible but ok he was probably in shock. the third time was what broke the suspension of disbelief for me though, although it happens at the very end so it wasn't that big of a deal anyway.
the ark could only run for about a century, so same difference. only people with zero understanding of computers/engineering would think the ark would be able to run forever.
The WAU wasn't acting against it's programming, it just had a unforseen Interpretation of its objectives...
I don't think the astronomical time spans involved in leaving the solar system and approaching other stellar bodies would matter next to the hardware lifespan
Or software. Oops, the simulation crashes and there's no one around to restart it. There's a reason that designers for satellites strive to simplify the programs as much as they can.
>humanity is fucked regardless
I'll take it.
Isn't it's batteries based on solar energy or some shit?
Yes but nobody is maintaining the panels so its lifespan would be very limited.
Hope you killed the WAU because there are still pockets of the uber wealthy of humanity somewhere underground in Argentina or Peru. The Elon Musks' Jeff Bezo's and Rothschilds of the 2100's certainly aren't going to just die with the rest of the peasants.
But each time he is right to feel like he was transfered (or won a coin toss) given his limited understanding of the process. Also he might just be desperate...
>Cut+Paste doesn't exist in that universe
Ending was so fucking dumb. It was just The Prestige but wrapped up in a Bioshock-esque skin.
You're objectively correct.
WAU is actively trying to save humanity with the resources it had available. This is doing trauma to humans, but that is not its intention. Who knows that in the (near) future it comes up with a reasonable result.
Catherine had way too much time to think about her predicament and she had one shot to save the remants of humanity. Her approach had to be extremely pragmatic but I don't think she was necessarily cold.
Simon was saved and not saved, just like she was.
Is SOMA universe is the most depressing fictional universe in the history of vidya? I mean, it's the first one I can think of where mankind and sentient life itself extinct.
you do realize that cut and paste between different data storages is just copy and delete?
Drakengard/Nier universe.
its undermined a fair bit by how all the pieces to solve the problem are presented in the story, but there is no means to combine them.
Mankind isn't all extinct though. Currenr Year tech today means humanity is immune to nuclear war or a meteor strike so long as you can afford those billions of dollars in contingencies and building that miles underground multilevel facility that can house atleast 10 generations of humans with minimal maintenance.
Dead Space was pretty grim. Shit was falling apart from resource starvation. The markers were exploited for energy out of desperation, and even if their danger was eliminated or good the problems would still remain.
Phoneposters don't understand a single thing about computers.
Isn't it full of sentient bots though?
That's true
There is no evidence of such facilities in SOMA universe though
Yeah, I though of DS as well, but still, I think there are tons of colonies with safe lifes etc. Also Earth is still okay despite lack of resources.
Nope. By the end of Nier: A there's only 3 left on the planet.
Why the fuck would the rich elite tell the public that they have this super advanced complex that will prevent them from getting killed? Not even their three company private army would stop the horde of people trying to get in. This is common knowledge and you'd have to be a smoothebrain to not think Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates have their own personal underground utopias for them and their constituents if the Cosmos or mandkind decides to kill the planet.
The colonies of DS have been drained to feed Earth. 3 had background about how the Sovereign Colonies lost their war against the predecessors of Earthgov for independence, and so they had to send shit back home to keep the solar system going, but hundreds of years later even that's dried up.
DS reminded me somewhat of Alien universe. Ruled by corporations - in this case a little more emphasis on pseudo-religious influences with its version Scientology.
In terms of resources though I'm not really pitying them. They have tech to split planets wide the fuck open for mining purposes.
I think after DS 1 those magical planet crackers were banned for some really dumb reason
I hate walking sims with a passion. But this is one of the few, that actually has a really good AND original story. This should be hailed as a masterpiece, and yet derivative dreck gets lauded as "best games ever" by retards.
>and original
its a knockoff of permutation city by greg egan
>permutation city
Sounds good user. Thanks for the advice. I wanted a few more books for this summer.
The should have just swapped the order they showed happy/doomed Simon. That would have been the perfect note to end on for me, it is pretty bleak in reality, so ending it on the high note of the people in the simulated reality didn't really feel right.
>a robot
>then a power armored robot
>struggles to lift a chair and can't punch