Whats the next game you will purchase for switch?

Whats the next game you will purchase for switch?

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I'll browse the eshop once a fortnight or so, might pick up an indie game or sale game, but my next planned games are DxM and Astral Chain

Dragonquest 11S, I got my fathers birthday coming up and plan to spend about $200 on that for display cases

Sweet, i assume you got golf story, any good?

Buying yourself fathers day present? or getting it for your dad, am confused

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animal crossing

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what are you trying to do you pathetic retard?

Im still unsure about the art style, waiting to see more

triggering you i guess

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i hate that user who coined the "flouride stare"

god damn

lol imagine ripping her braces off with a pair of pliers haha thatd be silly

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i googled it & i still don't get it


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facialabuse when?

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>another literal who e-celeb thread
>It's ok because Nintendo

Literally no one cares about your fucking subhuman spic waifu you fucking degenerate nigger.
kill yourself and get off of my Yea Forums

its a Nintendo thread, i dunno what your talking about dude

offensive dude

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Astral Chain


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Metroid Prime 4

Assuming my bonus is looking good this check i might put money away for spyro tho.. i honestly dont know what else is coming out

splatoon, then skyrim

I don't know who she is but what I do know is I want to save up my cum until its thick enough to get stuck in her braces

Luigiā€™s Mansion 3

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