Is this the only good and comfy hunting game?

Is this the only good and comfy hunting game?

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Hunting isn't comfy. Fishing is.

who where /huntinfishinlovineveryday/?

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Those old Carnivore games are super fucking comfy

name a comfy fishing game

Sega bass fishing

>name a comfy fishing game
stardew valley and animal crossing

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>not deer's revenge

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red dead
fishing is shit in stardew kys

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how do you make it through each day with such poor taste? no offense

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red dead redemption 2, it's also a comfy hunting game.

why do women always lean back like that, how come no one teaches them how bad it is?

because the people teaching them are idiots

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This is why you only load a single round if you're new or unfamiliar with a weapon.

Fishing Barents Sea

Trust me. Also the pond in Ocarina of Time is classical fishing kino.

Sea bass or something

Red Dead 2 is pretty comfy for that. Too bad it doesn't incentivize you to actually care about it in single player. It's what I pretty much do on the Online part of it.

>It's what I pretty much do on the Online part of it.
Nah, griefers are everywhere.

Kingdom Come Deliverance
sadly, latest DLC kinda trivialized it

>so this is what you bought a pentium for