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Shining Force had a lot of centaur girls.
The Shining series is also one of the few high fantasy game series from Japan that isn't *too* Tolkien-like.
I realized something the other day while looking SF sprite sheets.
Everything else follows the standard d&d formula to a T except the centaurs.
The unit sprites were made with only so few pixels to work with it would've been impossible to draw cavalry units so I'm 95% sure the entire idea was to just use centaurs instead.
I think it's a super charming workaround based on early restrictions of game design, ended up giving SF it's own identity.
shining force 3 had such a boring story full of political babble
3 is the best one you fucking pleb
I bet you didn't even get to part 2.
That's an interesting thought.
>ended up giving SF it's own identity.
And yes, this. Shining Force is still to this day one of the very few fantasy games I've played where centaurs were a big part of your force.
I've always wanted to try these games but never got around to it. Should I just emulate the Genesis ones or buy them on Steam?
I still haven't played 3. I think I tried to get the ROM+English patch to run on my emulator but botched it up somewhere and I couldn't load Scenario 2 for some reason. I think I might try it again sometime soon. I really shold finish those games.
Steam version's fine, though Shining Force 1 did have an enhanced port for gameboy advance. For SF3 you have no choice but to emulate unless you can speak Jap since Scenario 2-3 of SF3 are in jap only and you'll have to use fan patches.
>Everything else follows the standard d&d formula to a T except the centaurs.
What do you mean "except the centaurs"?
should I play the GBA version? When you say enhanced did they actually improve over the original or just add a bunch of bells and whistles bullshit?
Definitive play list for new lads
Shining force 1(has gba remake that is interesting)
Shining force CD
Shining force 2(best one imo)
Shining force Gaiden Final Conflict
Shining Force 3(has 3 scenarios that progressively get longer. Has a great fan translation for scenario 2/3)
>poor man's fire emblem
They didn't follow the D&D model of centaurs, instead being something else, while most of the other fantasy races were pretty much lifted
>poor man's fire emblem
It obviously started as a clone of fire emblem, but it did end up being different.
E.g. magic in Shining Force is actually magical, whereas magics in Fire Emblem (excpt for staves) are just reskinned physical attacks.
>rich mans tic tac toe
Ummm no sweaty
>They didn't follow the D&D model of centaurs, instead being something else, while most of the other fantasy races were pretty much lifted
How so? How do those races in SF differ from their D&D incarnations?
They've switched to things like Shining Resonance, I think.
Fact. Camelot wanted to do 4 but Sega won't let them.
wow pulling hard for the Genesis version, was GBA the go-to platform of choice for unnecessary remakes?
>It obviously started as a clone of fire emblem
Supposedly it was never a Fire Emblem clone but rather inspired from Dragon Quest. From wikipedia:
>Contrary to popular assumption, Shining Force was not influenced by archetypal tactical RPG Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light. In fact, when asked about the game, lead Shining Force developer Hiroyuki Takahashi remarked "The tempo of that title was so bad that it wasn't something I even wanted to play." Takahashi recalled that Shining Force was chiefly inspired by Dragon Quest.
centaur were more like monsters in D&D, analogous with goblins maybe, having some sort of societies of their own, but not necessarily one that interacts with 'civilized' races.
Centaur in SF are hardly removed from people with horse for butts. Like user said, it is very likely that the sprite size limitation made cavalry units too clumsy, so they just made them their own race. - which despite technically lacking an identity in-world, functionally set them apart from most other incarnations in media.
Except it has nothing relevant in common with DQ.
It was obviously inspired by D&D (turn order determined by character speed, various classes, spells and other mechanics) and Fire Emblem.
>Camelot wanted to do 4
This is true.
>Sega won't let them.
But this is just speculation though, based on old SEGA. I don't think nu-SEGA ever commented on SF4.
>I don't think nu-SEGA ever commented on SF4.
Exactly. They don't care about Camelot Shining games anymore.
Reminder that this old-ass fansite for the Shining series
is still running to this day. God bless you Moogie for keeping it alive. Shame about that "Save Our Series (SOS)" fiasco, it was agood try.
You're thinking of MAYBE Faerun, Dragonlance Centaurs mostly live in cities with humans or elves and are friendly with them (and have a huge fetish for the humans/elves.) Basic attitude is described as boisterous, flirty, but honest and courageous.
I think the reason SEGA don't want another old style SF game is because they wanna keep this combo of "Tony Taka + Shining" going. It worked out really well for "RAITA + Valkryia Chronicles".
The question now becomes: Are you willing to accept a new Shining Force, i.e. SF4, if Tony Taka were in charge of art and character designs? Is "Camelot Software + Tony Taka" something you'd be willing to accept?
>Shame about that "Save Our Series (SOS)" fiasco
what happened?
They also want to do Golden Sun 4 but Nintendo won't let them.
People talk about Shining Force all the time but I'm like one of the few whose favourite Shining game is Shining the Holy Ark. Stay a while and listen:
Please give me everything I need to play Shining Force 3
1 and 2 are my favorite Genesis games but I never played 3. Can I even emulate it? I don't have a Saturn
>"The tempo of that title was so bad that it wasn't something I even wanted to play."
Lmao what a cop out. Just admit it Horiyuki: you tried to make a better FE and failed spectacularly and now its dead.
Art style is low on my list of concerns.
Hows Shining Force vs Dragon Force? Ive almost beaten Dragon Force and Im curious how worthwhile the other games in the series are.
Moogie, owner of shiningforcecentral.com, started a campaign to return the Shining series back to its roots. This was in 2010 or something like that. I think it backfired since (it was rumoured) that the Shining series producer in SEGA Japan took offense and understood it to mean that the shining games they currently are making, i.e. the Tony Taka ones, aren't good. Misunderstood aas slander. Supposedly this caused the now nearly-forgotten site-wide purge of Shining Force videos on YouTube; SEGA were sending out DMCA claims to take down people videos. Also possibly because they wanted the top result on YouTube for Shining to be their newer games instead of the old games. But bear in mind a lot of this is rumour and hearsay. There's a lot more to this story, have a couple links:
There were a couple of really good articles/videos chronicling the SOS campaign but most of them are gone.
If true the producer is a subhuman fag.
Saturn emulation is pretty good now. Mednafen's probably the best emulator with SSF a very close second.
played as a kid back in the day. sf2 was really fun since it had so many characters to find or miss
game genie-ing it was also cool since you could control the enemies and drop their weapons to later buy from shops. enemies had better weapons
Supposedly the series producer is a different guy now (too lazy to check) so there's hope for the future I think.
>understood it to mean that the shining games they currently are making, i.e. the Tony Taka ones, aren't good
That's not a misunderstanding
You don't need a game genie to control the enemies. Just a quick pressing of buttons when the sega logo appears.
Anybody have artbooks or something?
Buying on Steam is just paying for worse emulation. I don't know why you'd even consider it.
lol or, occams razor, they just had a huge centaur fetish
I may be misremembering but there might've been a couple on sadpanda but given recent events I dunno how to access it. I don't think there are any on shiningforcecentral. If you're willing to pay I think you can still import them from japan using amazon or ebay or something.
>Except it has nothing relevant in common with DQ.
You have to be having a giggle. Medical herbs, similar spells that do the exact same damage range as equivilent spells in early DQ games, saving/reviving/uncursing at churches, tons of elements are taken right from DQ.
>(turn order determined by character speed,
Oh, you mean that thing that DQ and literally every game influenced by it does?
I actually discovered Totalbiscuit through his 2008 Let's Play of SF3 when I was searching for SF3 footage on YouTube:
>healing gives EXP
I wish more games did this. My priests in SF always end up as the highest level characters by endgame.
>healing gives EXP
Taught me very early in my life that games that don't do this are SHIT
>You have to be having a giggle. Medical herbs, similar spells that do the exact same damage range as equivilent spells in early DQ games, saving/reviving/uncursing at churches, tons of elements are taken right from DQ.
>DQ invented healing herbs and churches
You can't be this retarded. And magic is very different since SF has a battlefield. Furthermore, DQ's spells themselves were copied from Wizardry, which was inspired by D&D itself, so fi ther's any similarity, it's becauseee of that.
>Oh, you mean that thing that DQ and literally every game influenced by it does?
Except DQ does it like its primary inspiration, Wizardry does (you assign everyone's orders and they are executed in ordr depeending on speed) whereas SF does it on a turn-by-turn-basis like D&D. So they're nothing alike. You fucking dumb piece of shit.
>healing gives EXP
This is dumb and just encourages mindless grinding (constantly healing characters that only took 1 point of damage)
The EXP system all RPGs should use is:
>tally up total amount of XP at the end of the battle
>divide by amount of party members and distribute
Shining Force was the first series I ever saw with cool, armored centaurs
instead of naked, drunk faggot centaurs