You aren't slacking off in summer, are you Yea Forums?
You aren't slacking off in summer, are you Yea Forums?
When one is independently wealthy and officially retired at the age of 23 with their money working for them in multiple forms of intelligent investments (such as myself), then one may slack off all one wants.
Been slacking off for the past uh 5 months now lol
Sorry heisig
I have Anki open right now. Guess I better get off Yea Forums and finish today's reps.
i haven't done any real work at my job for the past 4-5 months and i'm about to head into 3 week holiday
Guys, almost thinking about dropping it. After a year, i know plenty of words (thousands), also kanji isn't a mistery. But i simply can't get grammar even though i've put hours into it, reading textbooks, guides and mangas. Phrases are still too hard and puzzling for me as they were at the beginning, maybe i'm too brainlet for this self-learning thing
Nope. Did my reps and played a game in Japanese with English subtitles
I didn't even start.
I have 0 motivation. I need someone whip my ass and force me every day to do it.
I'm slacking-off all the time.
Get more exposure and start reading more, at that point it's just a question of practice. Textbooks aren't meant to be memorised, but used to look up things and help you while you're reading other stuff.
What specifically is confusing you?
I'm the laziest person in the world. Throughout school, I can count on one hand the number of times I actually did homework. During university, I skipped every single lecture, only showed up for practicals, and just did a weeks worth of study before end of year exams to stay on the course.
And I can do my fucking reps every day. I might have no discipline elsewhere, but either I do my reps and learn Japanese, or give up like a little bitch and be an EOP for life. After 4 years, I've yet to miss a day.
I am always debating between reading something I like but is above my level partially making something I'd like less enjoyable or reading something at my level but not something I'd otherwise have any interest in reading.
Have you watched Dolly?
I know my kana but that's about it. Where should I go from here?
Learn kanji slow and steady, to begin you can just look up the order japanese kids learn them in school and do that, this way you learn the most used ones first.
If you have a bit of oral vocabulary to go with the kana you know you can also play certain video-games and read some kid manga.
I haven't even started, how do I begin?
Personally I'm following this guide:
So once you're done with kana you should build a basic vocabulary with anki, you will learn kanji through the vocabulary, and start practice your grammar. I strongly suggest you watch Dolly as well, she has some very good points which textbooks fail to communicate.
God dammit. Fucked up the link.
I read loli porn every single day
BTW ATF is back
No, I am literally waging away for practically no pay in hopes of landing an actual contract while everyone else is off enjoying the summer and partying it up or whatever the fuck normies do during the summer.
Thanks for reminding me, faggot.
Most sentences that aren't exactly straightfoward are way too hard for me to read. When i "get" one part, the others don't make sense anymore and i can't put everything together. It might be normal at the beginning but it's frustrating by now, can't see if i'm making any progress
Yes, the voice was annoying to me at first but recently found out they have subtitles, so i'm watching on mute
Learn kana, it's the first step of learning Japanese and it's a low effort/big reward step in terms of reading material you can potentially access afterward.
Not doing shit, not learning shit, eating ton of shit
What deck do you use for vocabulary? I tried Core2k/6k but I don't know, I feel like I'm not retaining it properly. I thought maybe doing solo kanji first would make vocab easier later.
I'm using the Core2k/6k. It will take awhile until you remember new words, don't expect to instantly recognize them after 2 days.
I’ve put out 80 job apps since the start of summer still no job
I'm not learning japanese, fag girl, I'm learning russian.
You have a link for that? I tried searching for it and just got back loli booru
Shit like this is what always throws me off reading. It isn't kanji, it's these hiragana things. I don't even know what to call them.
Anyways from the context I'm going to wildly guess it means "i suspect" or "i think".
You can at least tell me if my random guess was off point or not.
.moe domain
Your problem is trying to decipher posts from people who don't know Japanese.
It's clear that you don't.
can i have $100
What industry user
I have a 6 week paid vacation from work.
You better believe I'm doing as LITTLE as possible
congrats, you're irrelevant.
>actually depending on your "investments"
lol it's only a matter of time before the market crashes again
You love pens?
He writes kanji every day.
Your sister has good mangos?
だまれ だまれ だまれ だまれ
>ex cut contact with me over a month and half ago even though things were looking pretty good with us (it's basically my fault though so I can't complain)
>my mom just gave me 2 weeks notice she's kicking me out
>lost my job a month ago
>had to sell my stereo system for food this week
>have a temp job lined up that worked 2 summers in a row but so lazy don't even feel like going to there to register for the job and shit
>even so it's only temp and I'll still have to find a real job by mid-September
>about to sell my car so I can have money for food, weed, and probably get a weekly place to rent
I honestly don't know how I'm going to do it. I should be flipping the fuck out and losing my shit, but I honestly just don't give a fuck. I honestly though about just keeping the car and just sleeping in it until I get arrested or something. I just don't have the will to care about shit. I've just been eating awful and playing games.
Sympathized with you until this point. You deserve it all.
I was cleaning my room and found a whole blunt that was old as shit, rerolled and got lit. That was my first time smoking weed in like 2 months. Trust me, I know how to prioritize the shit I need over weed. But it is a crutch and bad habit, I can admit. I did however quit drinking and smoking. I can obviously function and live without it, as in it's not a physical addiction, but I just prefer to be high. My only true addiction is videogames. No matter how long I stay away from it, I always end up coming back. I can't just stop.
Im reading Tae Kim(last time I did was like a month ago though), im up to Verb Basics, whats stopping me is that every time new vocabulary appears, I try to learn how to write and remember what each new kanji means, and this chapter introduced like 3 times more kanji than usual. Im just reading Tae Kim and nothing else.
Support staff, but trained as a teacher.
The money is SHITE, but the 13 weeks paid holiday a year is sick
Lmao fucking DUDE WEED degenerate. The only question is whether you're a piece of shit from the weed or being a piece of shit by default got you on the wacky backy
>piece of shit
I don't deny that.
I've smoked since I was 14 but I wouldn't say I was a smoker, since I only did it with friends. I prefer getting drunk to weed. I only started smoking heavy when I got with my ex. And really, it was because I realized that smoking weed is way cheaper and last me longer than alcohol.
>buy 1.5 L for $25
>lasts me maybe 2 days of getting fucked up
>buy a zip for $125
>can last me 2 weeks if I make it stretch but usually lasts me like 6-9 days
Nice engrish.
Because language is a living thing, not just rote exercises from a book and studying media.
You need people to speak with. You need a physical community to immerse yourself in.
I burnt our really hard after my first textbook. Picked up some listening material adn am slowly trying to make my way into book 2. I'm signing up for the JLPT at the end ND of August anyway though. OSRS has been dominating my life after the summer sale.
Also, going to Japan for my honeymoon in the fall. Really excited.
I've been slacking off for the past two years.
>wacky back
how old are you? 65?
What language should I learn if I can speak Spanish, English andFrench fluently, Yea Forums?
German probably. Then you can complete the European Quintology.
Not him, but I'm counting on it and have about 20% of my portfolio in cash waiting to pounce when it happens
I have to learn German first so I can graduate. Japanese will have to wait.
Why are drug addicts so fucking pathetic? If you told me there was literally anything I'd have to pay 250 bucks a month for that wasn't a fucking mortgage or rent, I'd look at you like you were completely insane.
Sort your fucking life out, mate.
normalfag 死ね
>have to
I don't HAVE to do anything. I WANT to idiot. I'm not some crack or heroin addict that's sucking dick or selling my stuff for drugs. I'm not robbing people or breaking the law for a fix either. But I'll leave you to your opinions.
>literally had sympathy for my situation but because I smoke I'm suddenly Hitler
I'll never understand you idiotic moralfags.
That $250 I could spend on videogames and you wouldn't bat an eye, but because it's for DUDE WEED LMAO, your entire opinion is changed? Pathetic.
>wake up
>immediately ca't wait to go back to sleep
If you spent 250 bucks on video games a month, I'd think you were a fucking idiot too.
I could eat pizza for every meal if I really wanted. I like takeout pizza, it'd probably run me about 250 bucks a month if I ate like that. But I'd be a fucking idiot for doing it.
It's the combination of being a poor retard, with having a very expensive pasttime, that makes you so repulsive.
I don't read that much Japanese anyway
I taught myself kana but started to forget it cause I have no reason to practice
Kanji seems like a shitshow
I'm not I just refuse to ask my family for help. I'd much rather get kicked out and live on the streets or out of my car then beg for someone's help like a weak faggot.
>reddit spacing
Okay now it all makes sense moralfag.
Don't care. Had sex and going to Japan.
You have to go back.
You seriously had to post 1 minute apart each time, just to make it more obvious?
I imagine you thought this samefagging was really clever, but unfortunately for you, weed has fried your brain, and you're really not very smart. Maybe you never were smart, but these days you'd probably be beaten by a 5 year old in a battle of wits.
I spend less than 100 bucks every two weeks to feed two. Intermittent fasting and omad is incredible.
learning japanese is slacking off, you're doing something that ultimately is only for the purposes of entertainment
learn to program instead, it's fun and useful
You are an actual fucking redditor, god damn.
Go right the fuck back to your home website right now you double nigger
I should
What are you learning to program in?
cringe. literally the most soulless skill to have
Can't believe you're lashing out at a shitpost. I can smell the poorlet cope from here.
i've already learned user
But for starting off lua and python are good choices, lua was designed for engineers who knew nothing about programming, and python, while a horrible language that teaches you bad habits, is really easy to pick up.
From there you pick up something like C# or java.
Then you move on to C++ which takes like a year to become comfortable with excluding the really fucky shit like atomics and template metaprogramming.
Give me the quick rundown on OP's pic, is it some sort of bad loli porn game or something?
Oh I'm a mechanical engineer that knows nothing about programming. Sounds good.
how new are you? It's the Japanese lady.
whew lad
did you just toss a japanese dictionary into a blender and let that roll all over your keyboard
how much you wage slaving for?
you better not be the intern for me or i'll dock you a week's pay
lua-users wiki and programming in lua fourth (and third if you want to use luajit) edition are good resources for getting started
the first is a wiki and the latter can be found on
good luck
looks they had to switch domains
It's a shame that Dolly's videos went to shit. The train shit was easily the best way of describing shit I've found, but everything after that has been mediocre at best.
She's the harbinger of despair, if you've been a bad boy. For those on the path, she's a patron saint.
Cure Dolly is obviously a dude pitch shifting his voice. He's AJATT as fuck.
I've seen this thread many times and still not sure if you guys are learning japanese in some videogame or nah
>4 years
you've passed N1 at the very least then?
Why would anyone care about taking a shitty test to prove themselves and where are the videogames?
you're not employable if you can't even pass the shitty test that's designed for retards
I've got no interest in JLPT shit, maybe I'll take Kanken at some point just for a laugh though.
Why not both?
Let's be honest, it's 2019. If you are above 25 years old, don't know at least 3 languages fluently and can't program your own OS, you're never going to make it.
This threads straight garbage, get this shit off Yea Forums and fuck off back to jp with the other idiots.
>you need to program your own OS to make it
Imagine actually believing this
the kanken virgin
the nihongokentei chad
No, you just need strong enough fundamentals that you could do it if you had/wanted to.
enjoy being poor, retard.
Post games you could be playing right now if you knew Japanese.
>still spends money on weed
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
I have 0 interest in Monobeno
MHXX on Switch
I can hear it thanks to ASB
Been trying to get a japanese pen pal but all the pen pal sites are swamped with weebs so only the best people get pals
I've Wasted My Life
This is what set got me interested in the first place. I'm learning now and someday I'll be able to read it.
Yeah but I'll get back on it since I take a class for it in the fall.
Every time I think about starting to learn I remind myself of the fucking massive time investment it would take to get fluent and just stop because I wouldn't really use it for anything other than anime/manga/vidya. Are there even any real job opportunities you can get with it besides english teaching?
im neet so always slacking off..
Uncultured swine here.
What's this picture from and is it actually useful to learn Nihon?
I can't learn Japanese.
I wish Yea Forums still had DJTs. /jp/ is filled with people who seem to know each other, and it seems like /vg/ in that there's a discord that informs the threads. And I have no interest in that.
I just started learning Japanese, is it enough to do two hours a day consistently, or do I need to put more time in?
infinitechan has game-oriented japanese learning threads in their Yea Forums board.
DJT won't teach you Japanese anyway. Use the guide, and post in one of these threads if you have a question about something, you'll probably find someone to help you.
2 hours a day is more than you need in terms of studying. An hour is fine, it's not a sprint.
Kyonyuu Elf Oyako Saimin. Vndb says it is a 60 hour long nukige. Honestly, probably gonna finish that oneesan game user kept mentioning constantly instead.
It is but after you learn the basics you should spend the majority of that time consuming things in japanese, make sure not to become an anki/textbook slave.
I may have slacked off a bit this summer...
I can't learn Japanese.
I deleted the Core 6K deck from Anki since I wasn't really studying it anymore and started my own mining deck, 1337 words so far, and I'm way more motivated to review it every day since I've seen them in context.
Besides 6K had a lot of dumb words.
I wouldn't if I wasn't a wage cuck
Good thing I'm back to being a neet next week
How long will it take to get good enough to go to japan?
just study when you have down time
reminder that the end goal is 50K words if you want to be treated as an equal
hopefully less than than the olympics next year
WHy would you want to go during the olmpyics?
remove chink cuck stamps first
>using kanji even for 1-2 syllable words
>turning words they typed out on their keyboards in kana into kanji
Because the language without kanji would be the worst fucking thing imaginable.
You can go to Japan without knowing a lick of Japanese. Nobody's going to bite you for it.
And if you're thinking you're missing out for not talking to Japanese people, don't.
why wouldnt you?
it'll be like a sushi buffet fest of prime nihon pussy, probably the only time you're allowed and encouraged to hit up hs girls without being overly creepy.
I tried to illustrate how dumb your idea was and 4chanNEL wouldn't let me post because the system thought it was spam.
That's how dumb it is.
>didn't drop out