AC7 thread

2020... am I forgotten?
Ace Combat thread now

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Yeah. It sucked.

Bandog did nothing wrong

GOTY desu

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how to farm mrp after the first playthrough? another playthrough?

yes, and do the challenges (no damage, speedrun, guns only, etc) and the secret aces

Nah, you suck

Going for S-ranks on Ace is exhausting. I lent my copy to a friend but he never played it. That was disappointing.

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Why aren't you modding AC7?
All your dreams can come true

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Speed is almost always the answer, unlike the older games where you always had to destroy everything
Exception is Faceless Soldier where you pretty much have to destroy enough stuff to get the ace and then some

only scrubs play in 3rd person

I demand more VR missions

Give me a quick rundown on the DLC

3 planes, 3 unreleased missions.

Falken > all

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Cockpit HUD is the best in 7 unironically because the cockpit windows dampen the blinding glare in this game.

>not based Morgan

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three retarded looking sci-fi "superplanes"


>Ace 7 comes out
>immediately loved by fans of the series and critics alike
>high user metacritic score
>normies here Ace fans being fans and want to join in the fun
>they suck
>user score goes down
>everyone says the game is bad
so this is the reality of being an Ace fan in 2017

co-op wen

This is what happens when the mainstream touches a niche series

>user score goes down
>everyone says the game is bad
only for PC

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>Pixy Morgan has Cipher markings