These bitches are BADASS.
Fuck Yeah
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If you're looking for reactions, don't make 50000 threads, there's so many anons don't even have time to get triggered, so you get no screencaps.
Keep it to less threads, the mods aren't deleting them anyway because it's vidya.
Why do they look like some bulldykes?
i thought one of them was a male model from Mass Effect; Andromeda.
Admit it /pol/v/, their only "flaw" is being antinazi. You would love them if they were anticommie/jew/muslim/niggers, but otherwise exactly the same.
No. But you're gonna act like you know better anyway, so what's the fucking point?
you fucking furries^W/pol/fags are SO FUCKING TIRESOME. You have to fucking sperg out about every single fucking little thing. Yes we get it you are very angry about ZE EESJAYDUBSUS and brown people blah blah. You don't need to spam a billion threads about everything that triggers you all the fucking time.
Ironically this is a game where you CRYING WOLF so much actually comes back to bite, because it really is mediocre. But not becuz omgfemprotag but just because it's mediocre, the microtransactions are bullshit, etc. Yet a lot of people won't be able to take bad reviews seriously because you have scream about good games with the exact same OMG WOMYN complaints in the past and now it all wears thin and now that there is an actual bad game you have nothing by copypasta for it.
Eat shit and kill yourself. You fags and rabid-SJWs are literally fucking identical and just like furries. You can't resist dumping your shit in every single fucking thing. It's fetish.
t. /pol/nigger
>Admit it /pol/v/, their only "flaw" is being antinazi. You would love them if they were anticommie/jew/muslim/niggers, but otherwise exactly the same.
Not OP but no I just didn't enjoy the writing that much (at least so far, not done and will probably drop it). I love killing Nazis any and every opportunity, but this game feels like a mishmash that just didn't end up working that well. It's not 0/10 like the /pol/nigs are screaming about but I'd definitely call it like a 6/10 or something. It's a skip in general to me. But you'd never know it from 0/10 reviews on metacritic and shit just sperging about libruls.
>it's the "EVERYTHING I DON'T LIKE IS /pol/" episode
hey girls
not a good idea to turn those off in the middle of enemy territory
I’m honestly shocked that it looks like a game from 2009 with those graphics.
>Sarah-Jane stole your lunch money, that doesn't make her a nazi
>Close enough
Why would western devs try to make female characters look really ugly?
nobody cares Bethesda
>t. Randy bitchford
terrível criatura el goblino
They're your average white women.
>implying the screaming about muh sjws and "nazis weren't really so bad" isn't /pol/
No one is fooled nignog-kun. If all the complaints were about gameplay or whatever that'd be awesome and we can agree on that. But no it has to be about appearance and trivial shit.
Why did they give her that stupid haircut
The gameplay is dogshit, who the fuck wants another fps with a level system and box-tunnel-box levels. The only unique gimmick is the ammo and that is the most uncreative shit I think i have ever seen. I also love revisiting the same area over and over and over again so seethe more retard they knew the game was shit so they sold it for cheap
What the shit are they wearing and why do they look fucking hideous?
Didn't see you complain when Captain America wore it.
These two need SFM, Blender and Unreal 4.
They are obnoxious and wear stupid catsuits with toenails
I hate the blonde one's face
>1 result
I don't think animators will even bother
>1 result.
That shit is bad as fuck.
It looks better in game.
Haven’t played it but I assume it’s more of or derivatives of the Jew exoskeleton bj had at the end of new order and throughout colossus
They look like they fuck their dad
>Cheering like children over killing a person
>Vomiting all over the floor after doing it
Get off the drugs.
Which one is Commander Keen's mother?
The girls are teenagers and have no love interests despite Yea Forums either memeing that they're lesbians or fuck black guys.
It gets kind of a joke wink. The girls have a favorite book series about a pair of spies called Arthur & Kenneth and they sometimes call each other that.
Arthur Kenneth Blaze was the original canon's son and Keen's dad.
The God Key can see into alternative timelines.
I'm not buying your shitty grindfest.
Why does Yea Forums even acknowledge this game? Ion Fury is 10x better than this and it hardly gets discussion. You fags are pathetic mainstream shills that need to get their heads cut off by guillotine.
Probably... Maybe?
Too bad they're stuck in a utterly boring game which makes the whole badass thing pointless.
OK, be real. How can you claim it as boring if you clearly didn't play it? This goes for any game.
YAAAS! This is what this series needed, two wacky dykes that go on a crazy nazi-killing adventure! But uh-oh! What's that? Where's BJ?! Join these two CUUUUHRAZY gurls to find out today, play with your friend in a mandatory cooperative mode for only $29.99 + tip per copy!
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Ion Fury isn't out for another couple of weeks.
imagine being this dude. imagine actually believing this LOL
Guys, can you remind me, who do you fight in this game again?
>they retconned German technological superiority into "the Germans stole ancient Jewish secrets to further their technology"
>fucking up a tomboy
I hate western developers.
The technology was always esoteric shit stolen from ancient cultures. Have you never played Wolfenstein at all?
The blonde girl looks more yellow skinned rather than white/pale.
>ugly as fuck, they pretty much have a permanent thousand-yard stare
>unlikable as all hell too, basically obnoxious fratboys
They’re hideous
This shit looks like Hunt down the Freeman
>blah blah some retard says you are a nazi if you don't like the game
I got a free code for this game. Looks like shit. Too much SJW bullshit.
I just want to mow down video game Nazis and they have to shove modern political BS in it. Just make a blank character and go gun ho. No wonder Wolfenstein is losing sales.
Not ancient alien jews
Why do some western writers think that writing strong female characters means giving them generally male personality traits? These twin sisters act more like two dude bro friends than actual women. Meanwhile strong female characters like Bayonetta or old Lara Croft get shit on for daring to embrace their femininity, instead of discard it.
It's almost like these people believe femininity makes you weak, ironically enough.
this game would of been fun if you could kill nazis and commies
Hard cope
Stealing Jewish tech never made any sense. If the Jews were decades ahead of the rest of the world how did they get conquered by the Nazis?
the brunette one is kinde ctue
>game originally about the sons of bj liberating paris
>new woke female ham planet lead game designer is hired
>TWO male protagonists? that's a yikes from me
>let's let's make them female instead
>you really want us to rewrite all their dialogue?
>nah that can be reused
>also make them wear that cool power armor
>but they're the kids of bj, why would they need the suit?
>because it looks cool
>the suit has only been used as an aide for cripples in previous games
>just do it okay?