>Flosses over your nazi corpse
Flosses over your nazi corpse
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why no one bought this? :(
Even if it wasn't full of shit that GAMERS hate it also seems like a very unnecessary b plot story that I doubt would have been enthusiastically received even if it starred two bad ass dudes killing nazis.
I have nothing against killing invaders/occupants, but fetishising it like this is fucking retarded. It's like an obsession.
just say you like nazis dude
the entire game can be summarized in one word
The way they kill the janitor at the start was pretty dark for them being the good guys.
hear hear
It was just a vehicle for micro transactions. Also, you should have added Bethesda to the list of companies not to buy vidya from. Along with EA, Activision, and at least Ubisoft just to start.
what the fuck, it even had microtransactions?
remember F3ar 3?
yeah, me neither.
It's not exclusive to their web store?
Is this shit real?
It's not a fucking prank?
because cumbrains can't fap to this.
I wish the game was at least good so I could mute dialogue and skip cutscenes
I want play as a qt nazi killer but those "girls" are hideous
>imagine being such a terrible human beings that people would rather side with actual nazis then you
fuck off, russian bots
I knew this game was going to be shit, but I'm unironically surprised at how shit they managed to make it. I'm glad that nobody bought it at least.
3000 3 days after release? That is not bad.
There 2k more people playing SCUM user
That few even with the lower than average price?
it's still honeymoon, finna check this shit in a week
get woke go broke
With crude and absolute trash like these characters are, I wouldn't be surprised if people started to defect.
>KCD gets million downloads
>dedgame, Europe was never white, take that nazis
>youngblood has 3k people playing after 3 days
>This is not bad numbers
Check the all time peak.
after watching a video I recently saw comparing liberals and scientologist and I cannot go back on seeing the
parallels between the two groups especially in their heavy usage of terms that they use on anyone who goes
against their ideas and how extreme they react to them. Often to a point where they will shun anyone on their side for having politcal discourse with what they would deem "nazis".
>I have nothing against killing invaders/occupants
haven't they been in control for like several generations at this point in the timeline?