What am I in for, Yea Forums?

What am I in for, Yea Forums?

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a South American vn

Waifu bartending.
Turn your brain off and the game is okay yet short.

Sex jokes and memes, not much else.
No, really.

ok game

Wasted potential that panders to waifufags
If you normally partake in VNs you'll probably enjoy it

Awesome ost.
Nice graphics.
So-so story
Lesbian protagonist.
Hooker cyborgs that look underage.
Jim Sterling

She's bi.

Is it really yuri shit? Cause that's an uninstall of so.

Yea Forums in 2009


She says she's bi but she might as well be a lesbo.

>Yea Forums playing western weeb shit

The music youtube.com/watch?v=HWF3At1jf_o&

Music is the only notable point about this game. It may bring you into the mood and you may enjoy it though.

I enjoyed it personally

Isn't this game getting a girls frontline crossover?

Prepare to be disappointed.

There's nothing "cyberpunk" about this game beyond the vaguely futuristic aesthetic. There's no grimness, no loss of humanity or subordination of the self. It's anime girls and cute doggies chatting about romance. All of the "cyberpunk elements" like the supposedly dystopian setting are entirely informed. The characters might as well have been pulled out of your local bar. It's like Cyberpunk Zero Calorieā„¢, cyberpunk trappings without any of the actual gravity the genre carries. Cyberpunk isn't just a "slap some gears on it and give them a tophat" aesthetic like steampunk.

The world's not portrayed as "bad" at all, beyond people saying "gosh it's so bad out there". The character never suffers at all. She lives a perfectly pleasant life. And "a perfectly pleasant life" is not cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is supposed to be about something, not jerking off over "OH MAN WHAT IF I HAD A LOLI SEXBOT". They explain a character having cat ears with "I got sick when I was a kid so they gave me a surgery that gave me cat ears." That's an anime level justification for body modification. It's just "hey we want this character to be a cat girl, what justification can we come up with for that".

Your character never actually interacts with any of the supposedly dystopian features of the world. She's living a life that looks like it could be carrying on in any big city right now. Every cyberpunk element in the game is a perfect example of an Informed Attribute. Compare the "dystopia" with Papers, Please, where you're actively living the nightmare. You have to choose between medicine for your child and food for yourself sometimes. Your child can die. Even a whiff of seditious thinking will have you hauled off and executed. That's a dystopia. Valhalla is a nichijou VN that happens to have characters with some prosthetics.

Not to mention the 'gameplay' is even shallower than your average visual novel.

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>What am I in for, Yea Forums?

confusion at how pointless the actual drink mixing is

comfy times made by Yea Forums

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roll to choose, 0 is Gillian

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Yep. Starts August 2nd.

Let's go

Best girl

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i want the cute robot loli

gimme that jill or alma


i am not rolling

A very comfy game. With zero replay value though, despite having NG+.




great ost, great graphics
story is quite eh tier
and Yea Forums references

if i play this game someday it would only be for the robot hooker


good taste

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