There are tons of people on this board that genuinely think gaming would be better if we never progressed past the PS2

>there are tons of people on this board that genuinely think gaming would be better if we never progressed past the PS2
Gaming has literally never been better than now. All the shitawful AAA microtransaction garbage we get today has always existed, but instead it took the form of unfinished trash developed in 8 months for a quick buck. The only reason you think its worse is because you grew up and the internet makes bad games much easier to see. Back in the day shit was everywhere, you just didn't know about it because there wasn't millions of retards sperging out about them on some Kyrgyzstanian metalworking forum.

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didnt ask, thanks.

agreed, it's just boomers who are jealous they never got to play great shooters or multiplayer games back in their day.

0/10 you need better zoomer v boomer bait

This ain't intended to be bait, I genuinely believe this.

>Gaming has literally never been better than now
Lmao how to spot a zoomer who never lived in the golden age

I go up until 2010 (even liked Halo Reach) but that's my limit really.

News flash boomer: Video games don't cease to exist once the console generation ends.

I can easily think of 50+ great exclusive games on the PS2.

I own less than 10 games on my PS4.

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How many of those are actually good discounting nostalgia glasses, though? And yes, it still counts as nostalgia if you didn't play those games as a kid/teenager. You clearly have a lot of nostalgia for the PS2 and are predisposed to thinking anything that exists on it is more likely to be good.

Well actually some do

Here is how to understand this
Back then: 20 good games to every 2 bad games
Now: 20 bad games to every 2 good games

Class dismisssed.


It's 2019! Come on people!
Gaming never was better!
I couldn't even buy DLC 15 years ago!

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>mfw 28
>Still enjoy games like I did when I started 22 years ago
>Lots of good games each year mainstream,niche,or both
>Had a great time with the gens that Yea Forums hates(7th and 8th)
>Playing fun good games until 9th gen hits
>mfw some Cynical younger people or older people hating games

It's not my fault you are depressed. There are always good games to play.

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name 20 bad games


>it still counts as nostalgia if you didn't play those games as a kid/teenager

How do you figure this?

I just bought a Saturn this month and its the most fun I've have with games in a number of years. I have never owned a Saturn before. Is this nostalgia?

Depends. If you're the type who thinks that anything old is inherently more likely to be good and everything new is more likely to be bad, then yes. Its nostalgia for a time period rather than a specific game or console.

of course, if it goes against my uninformed narrative then it's nostalgia


Fake news, nobody actually thinks this. Even the most jaded boomers are in love with the current glut of indie titles and the AAA industry is on the brink of collapse. Boomers are winning this gen, it's zoomers who are starting to realize that nobody actually makes games for them out of any sort of passion or motivation beyond wringing every last penny out of their dad's wallet.

like ever? you can go to steam and open the top sellers page and chances are 20/30 are complete garbage and the rest are designed to pump your wallet dry. oh and the 1 or 2 indie games that sound fun in theory but then you realize you played this same game 20 years ago.
OP is off a bit, everything went to shit around 2012. there are still good games you just have to search for them. games used to be fun now they are just designed to be time sinks, which is fine for the children, but the adults have things to do.

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>There will never, ever be a year like 1998 for video gaming again

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Based, name some of your recent favorites
>Ghost Recon Wildlands
>Roblox Madcity
>Killing Floor 2
>Space Engineers
>Tekken 7 (Not as good as TTT2)

Wow you’re retarded.

Well there is not 1 Saturn game with DLCs and microtransactions. So yes, they are more likely to be good.

This. Time to neck yourselves doomers

>And yes, it still counts as nostalgia if you didn't play those games

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shut the fuck up you dumb nigger.
companies like SE, Nintendo, Sega and Capcom would release over ten games a year and at least half of them would end up being great.
Now some of those companies go through whole years without a single release and you're trying to tell me that this is better.

Go fuck yourself.

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When CP is retarded.

the game industry used to be populated by people who want to make games. "artists" had complete control of their vision. Now you have a lot more businessmen, marketers, "diversity specialists" and other society sucking faggots who don't give a fuck about making games and are more concerned with the shareholders. Do any of you really think a fucking animator or programmer wants to add loot boxes to their game as a core mechanic because its so fucking fun?

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Whatever happend to babby? Why did he lose popularity?

>boomers who are jealous they never got to play great shooters or multiplayer games back in their day.

nothing lasts forever, not even babby.

They added QTE, so I honestly don't know what to think.

Pro-tip: people always wanted to make money, even in the old days. The desire to make money produces real art. Art for art’s sakes produces government arts grant-tier garbage.

The difference between now and then is people before believed you needed to take bigger risks to make cash, while nobody has the balls anymore to do anything but play it super safe. Also ever since the invention of social media, office productivity has taken an enormous nosedive and creativity has declined.

I agree with you. Nostalgia is unironically for brainlets with no self awareness






>everything went to shit around 2012
holy fuck I'm laughing so hard
the date "where everything went to shit" keeps on constantly moving further and further into the future

I miss the gnc/ps2/Xbox era. Every console was closer together in terms of power, so devs had to focus more on actual gameplay and unique aesthetics to make their games stand out. To be honest, I'd rather have a mediocre game every 8 months instead of a mediocre game every 4 years. Every game has to be so big, and pretty that they end up taking way to many resources/money to make just to all end up being the same safe, bland tripe you've seen a million times in a lower resolution yet higher framerate, funnily enough. . The only saving grace is indie. They're mostly on equal footing as other indie devs, so they have to focus on making games that are unique and actually fun.

The worst was from around 2006 till 2014. Oblivion, Mass Effect, Fallout 3. Those were the darkest days. At least for RPGs, now things are looking up.

>Mass Effect

>What is always online DRM?

The date when everything went to shit was the day you turned 18. Yes, you. The person reading this sentence right now. Everything was better when you were a child.

Fallout 3 was good, the fuck you talking about?

>All the shitawful AAA microtransaction garbage we get today has always existed, but instead it took the form of unfinished trash developed in 8 months for a quick buck.

That's not even partially the same thing.

>All games should be cheap indie-tier shit! We'd get more games and it'd be better
why do you even mention Sega, as if they could even make a good indie-budget game nowadays

dont reply to me you fucking retard

I enjoy new games and old games

t. retard who doesn't understand what "took the form of" means

You're not understand what OP wrote.


kill yourself moron

no you kill yourself you fucking waste

>no u
damn how will I ever recover from getting rekt so hard


Damn, you're dumb as shit.

>I can't come up with a good counterpoint so I'm just gonna insult the OP and pretend that makes me right!

it's the typical confused brainlet response

>a literal no u reply

Nobody actually likes indie cringe.
Video games are dead and buried.