PlayStation 4 selling more than Switch

>PlayStation 4 selling more than Switch

>Days Gone is a massive success

>Death Stranding, Sakura Wars, YS IX, Persona 5 Royale, Catherine Full Body, Granblue Fantasy, VII Remake, etc are coming up

Feels good to be a PS bro

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>Owns both Switch and PS4 to get whatever games appeal to me
Feels good not taking a side and just enjoying whatever comes out.

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She looks like she fucks black guys

The average ps-chad

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>not even a mention of trails of cold steel 3
Absolute cringe.

Haha, that's our user...

>playing games on your console

You think us console-fags play games? We just play h-games on pc and watch netflix and youtube on our consoles.

God I want to fuck this boi's anus.
Go in like THWACK THWACK THWACK make him squirt out of his boiclit without even touching that sbit like damn THWACK THWACK THWACK

Having a great time with PS4 even now.

So glad I got into Ys with Origin. IX looks kino

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Nice collection


>gintama scroll
based black man

Who plays h-games?


How much do they pay you to shill for them?

How many times are you going to post this Jamal?

>tfw dont value my own self worth based on the sales of a multi-billion dollar corporation
feels good to not be a drone

Stop with your racism

God I really want a gf that's cute and smart

>>PlayStation 4 selling more than Switch
It doesn't.

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Reminder to report and sage PS4 sales threads - do not bump AT ALL COSTS
Replace them with Switch sales threads and bump these when you see them. Highlight strong sales in USA and Japan while skirting around the topic of global sales. If Snoys bring up global stats just deflect by calling PS4 a FIFA machine
Good luck Nintenbros, we can still win this

It is. Switch sales are pitiful in any season that isn't Christmas since that's when kiddies get their gifts.

haven't touched the console since rdr2. good thing this POS came cheap.

resetera might be more your speed, tard.

good taste weebnig

>it’s a biological female and not a trap

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there is not enough manchildren on this planet to stop Sony domination.

Not according to sales data roflolololol

>ps4 sold more last quarter by a million
Imagine if ps4 outsells switch for the third year in a row

Exactly according to data

You forgot:
>PS4 hit 100M sales

I don't think Nintrannies would survive if PS4 outsold the Switch for a third year in a row. Especially after the Switch Lite is released.

>Nights of Azure.
user, don't hurt yourself in this way.

Let's talk about how the PS4 demolished the Switch this quarter.

Switch 2.13M vs. PS4 3.2M

imagine being a console warrior and deriving pleasure from console wars

btw I don't own any consoles manufactured after 2006

Get Bloodborne

>sold vs shipped
So the Switch outsold the ps4

Show me proof switch wasn't shipped

Nintenigger can't handle the truth. LOL

It's a good game

that's a cute boy

A cute Mexican boy

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Know your place Joshua Ulmet from Indianhead Maryland, now get deleted once again.

Top kek

You always know tendies are defeated when they slide threads instead of trying to prove wrong.