You think you do but you don...?!

>You think you do but you don...?!

Attached: (1080x1166, 341K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait to have my first proper WOW experience when Classic launches. I plan on going in as blind as possible to see if I can recapture that wonder I had when I played the free month back in like 2006/7.

>These morons are so blinded by nostalgia that they’ll gladly pay the company that killed the game they loved in the first place

>much people
The absolute state of the Blizzard PR team

Attached: 1512130921275.png (1165x376, 237K)

Nice, now they get to kill their game all over again.



I hope those fags at blizzard will work overtime as much as possible
Get fucked cunts

A storm is coming... Are you ready for hourly server crashes and 1000+ player queues?
WoW Classic... IT's gonna be LIT as FUCK bros!

I am blown away by how much you don't understand in regards to this language

Maybe they mean how much they played.


All race/class combos, report in.

Attached: 8ABAA223-3BF0-4071-96E3-2ACCE1415468.jpg (344x146, 9K)

Maybe they should change the title to "5 whales played our game a lot" instead of looking like a bunch of retards?

>want to play classic with my guild I've been apart of since vanilla
>can't raid with my bros because of working nights
>only log onto the guild discord/mumble to shoot the shit on my sporadic off days
>on call 24/7
It's not meant to be


Attached: classic wow.webm (429x155, 2.72M)

>content rollout
No one wants you trying to 'improve' classic. You fucking hacks fired everyone who knew how to improve the game and ended up killing it.

>Its the internet, i should be allowed to spew my brain filth and people HAVE to accept it



Its funny to think of Jeff Kaplan now and how much blizzard turned him into a Cuck compared to his anger back when he was a player

Dumb fucking ESL.

When it comes to criticism yes

Hey guys, we have a general about virtual e-celebs over at
Come and say hi we and our janny absolutely adore stale shitposting and memes!

Why don't they just let you choose your layer like you can in xiv
Almost makes me wonder if some insecure moron in management throws a fit at the idea of using another companies improvements

ESL spotted.



Chat should never exist in the first place. Local only.

If you want to find something like a dungeon or raid you should have to talk to people or use a notice board.

Magic floating text traveling across whole zones is stupid as fuck.

not really since it's not public space

>How DARE you criticize us in public you fucking paypig?!

>When it comes to criticism yes
That wasn't criticism it was shitposting.

Well pardon me Mr. Gucci loafers

Why Fire them all opinion should be considered a shitposting?
It is a legit opinion of a person who thinks that those who do their jobs right now are not qualified enough.


Didn't the guy that banned him famously get his job from making an even more angry post on the wow forums?

How the fuck can they be "blown away by how many people played Classic beta" if they had limited space and they've been sending out invites themselves?

I suggest you learn what criticism means, it means you say something is bad and explain why. If you dont explain it, then its just shitposting.

Who was that guy that got punted by the shaman train again?

Yeah but now any opinion that isn’t the correct opinion gets heavily scrutinized

I think it was on the EQ forums, but yes it was pretty legendary

>You can now get banned for saying a game sucks

>friends keep playing on illegal servers every few months
>super excited for classic
>are already determining classes and whatnot
>can't get myself to feel excited for classic
>feel like I've already done it since I literally have
>don't get what I'm excited about
>got gifted 3 days by blizz
>playing modern wow for 3 days finally killed off any interest I had in wow

>WoW sucks
>WoW sucks, LFG ruined it

Learn the difference kid.

In america maybe

illegal as in not official

I mean to play devil's advocate, they'd just chain pulled Teremus the Devourer to SW and it was killing everyone and everything with no chance of stopping it.
When 99% of the server population is a twitch faggot, you're gonna get twitch faggot things happening like this.
Easiest solution is to just not play on the server the streamer you don't like is on. Odds are they'll all gravitate to the same one for "content" purposes.

Alright 2 can play at that game
>WoW is good

Honestly it's too little too late, they should have released classic along with pero cacaclysme

Who cares if it’s not official?

Formerly unofficial

who cares, even on a server without streamers, discord will ruin the community aspect of the game since everyone will be with their little discord tranny clique and be unwilling to communicate organically
WoW wasn't designed with the concept of streamers and social media in mind

People will still play on private servers, user

>Literally proving my point
This is quite amazing, you're actually so stupid you think you were in the right. Yes, saying WoW is good/bad with no other reasoning is shitposting.

>illegal servers
that's it I'm reporting him to the cops.

Okay, then the people who say it’s good for no other reason should be banned too. Only fair

>got some discord friends to play classic with
>decide on going alliance
>completely plan out my race and class and everything
>not really hanging out with that group anymore
>still really want to be a gnome warlock
>IRL friends want to play horde
Dunno what to do. Do I stick to alliance and go it solo, relying on meeting people in game to do content with, or do I drop my desires and flip over to horde and be able to play with people I know (and also know are good players).
I'd probably just go undead if I went horde.

Imagine siding with some fucking 12-year-old screaming "FIRE EVERYONE BAWW"

Furfags begone

Nope, because just saying WoW is good while shitposting its supporting current practices. Saying a game is bad with no reasoning just means you hate what the game is but are not saying why, making the post worthless.

what do streamers and social media have to do with "discord trannies"?
I swear to fuck you guys are just shitty AIs at this point

I suppose, but cliques have existed in wow from the beginning. Any discord group would just make a guild, which have always been how gated communities formed in the game. The only difference is that when you join one there will be a link in guild daily message to their server where you can hear their tranny voices crack rather than having to watch them type UwU and :3

>Nope, because just saying WoW is good while shitposting its supporting current practices.
Incredible double standard.

Too bad its already ruined from the get go and it will be plagued by streamers and zoomers.
Shit will die within a month when people find out how boring it actually is playing the game social interaction wont carry this shitshow in the slightest, the average gamer grew up to not be social and just stay within its own little pond with his fellow fish.

please be patient /pol/tards are slow

So is the nonsense sharding still in?

Zoomer BTFO

Except its not, your inability to grasp the difference is a fault of your intelligence not of logic. Saying a game is good has logical connections to it which saying it is bad does not.

Sorry kid you're just a retard. Have a (you).

I already put in my 2 weeks notice. How can you be part of #NoChanges unless you were already like 20+ when vanilla released? If you claim to be excited for classic but you're keeping your job, you're a joke.

way to waste Blizzard's resources on a good memory about to be turned to dog shit.

If next expansion has pathfinder and time gating then the game is dead for good. It is whether those business practices die or not.

Well pardon me Mr. Gucci loafers

It's funny because Jeff was wayyyy worse back in his everquest days. Now hes complete bitch who gets his thin skinned by even baby tier shit like this

>itt: Newfags who don't know how much of a cunt Jeff was as a player and laugh at the hypocrisy of it
If you have to compare the two, that Deventh guy was unbelievably polite.

I'm honestly so happy about the streamers like Asmongold. They will draw all the retarded kids to their servers so as long as you avoid servers with big streamers you will have much better experience.

>yfw streamers are already killing classic and it's not even out yet

Attached: 1531437413200.png (924x662, 900K)

WoW drug addicts are responsable for these kind of assholes having so much power and being somehow successful. I fucking hate MMO players so much.


Attached: 1541098966848.jpg (770x711, 178K)

"how much people played" is grammatically correct, Pablo

It's magic

There's a few Oceanic streamers, and there's only going to be minimal oceanic servers....
So they may force this streamer bullshit onto me.

There's something to be said for thematic mechanics, but I think this is one of the instances where you have to look at the bigger picture for it is desirable to keep the community in-game. Consider a newbie being unable to find Mankrik's Wife. He may be able to ask help in Crossroads /say chat, maybe /yell, or more realistically use the zone's general chat (which, at the end of the day, could be considered "loud yell" - it's not global). If all of these fail, is he going to just abandon the quest? No, he's off to Thottbot/Allakhazam/Wowhead/whatever, and this is precisely what you don't want to because 1) it normalizes the behavior of just looking things up instead of trying to figure them out for yourself, 2) once you get past the initial hurdle of finding these websites the first time, you might realize it's more convenient and effective than using in-game options), which actually creates a further incentive to rely on 3rd-party websites since less and less people will be using general chat to ask and offer advice, 3) quest guides aren't the only thing you can find on the Internet, and if you want to preserve any sort of thematicity over raw powergaming, you sure as hell don't want the playerbase further exposed to tier lists and meta strats and everything else.

Now, that isn't to say you should implement everything possible in the game just to be sure: for example, no one knew enough to want something like SimCraft during vanilla, so including a combat simulator in in-game UI would have only made current level of powergaming arise earlier. However, chat channels are the kind of feature people will definitely want to use and if it wasn't included in the game, they would certainly have used out-of-game solutions since day 1.

IRC existed before discord you dumb zoomer

If a player cannot find a quest objective, the quest is designed poorly and needs to be redone.

well considering current state of blizzard these retards literally cannot fathom whats a good video game and what isnt

>Classic pulls a ORSR and beats modern WoW
>The sheer level of shitposting which will explode on Yea Forums
Admit it, you want this to happen so that every single modern WoW fag gets BTFO so hard they can NEVER recover.

Heads up to all you baby bitch newfags that never played vanilla. Warlock mount isnt day 1, you cannot get your dreadsteed until dire maul. I know only 4 of you reading this will even get to 60 to worry about this but just wanted to let you know now to start saving for an epic mount. I recommend you wait, also join Blacklisted they will be streamer hunting on all servers. 1000+ members now

I cant wait for the inevitable cash shop and tanking player base when LFG returns

its probably inevitable at this point. These cocksuckers want to shit on everything OG blizzard worked on with love and passion

On the bright side we get to see Classic kill modern and then progression kill Classic.

Hopefully then Blizzard kills itself.

>Much: refers to the time played
>Many: refers to how many people played

Yes I hope somebody made some screencaps from all the retail poster saying classic will fail.

Attached: 1533515777234.png (250x244, 88K)

This but unironically.

>forgets that pally mounts are also not day 1, which is one of the only reasons people will choose the class
Poser detected

Honestly this is just me but classic will kill games like league, dota cs:go or pubg thats what all the boomers who quit wow play now. I don't think many people from retail will quit for classic because the people who play retail now are either zoomers are complete autistic loser who play only for mounts and transmog.

I can’t wait for the streamers to die off, so the shitposters running out of material will be even more obvious as they keep spamming it

I mean, he has a point.
If you wasted bandwidht just to say "Hurr durr is bad", without even pointing out WHAT is bad, you deserve to get fucked. Grow up.

They actually thought we would have wives and kids

Attached: My_face_when.gif (343x203, 1.63M)

I know a couple of modern WoW players who will switch, they are both filthy casuals but seem to recognize the fact that vanilla/tbc was harder and offered more in community than modern does.

I really hope Classic outright murders retail, so every modern MMO developers sees that people want more challenging MMOs.

Where is the criticism?
And no, saying "This is bad" does not constitute as criticism.
Point out the flaws, and even go beyond in your moralfag high horse and give out possible solutions ffs.

Otherwise, stfu and gtfo.

I dont give a fuck about your worthless class that isn't who Im addressing

Classic comes free with retail, remember.
There’s no way the whales will ever quit, but the core players that actually play could very easily get distracted by something that’s not an endless grind.
The late 30s to mid 40s drought will definitely claim a lot of people, though.

>release in a month
>content isn't finished
>devs panicking
>"quick, we need some bullshit excuse!"
>"WoW so popular content will be stale for extra time"
ayy lmao

Nobody ever saw his arguments for them deserving to be fired.
"I don't like muh gay-me" Ok, so first of all "Liking" a game is subjective - If you don't like it, vote with your wallet and stop paying for the subscripton, you dingus.
Next, just wailling like a retard is not actual criticism, fucking post WHAT is the problem, give some insight, and if you think a person losing their bread is a proper punishment, you better give a good reason (it's a fucking videogame after all) AND some alternatives.


I don't really, not anymore. I was pumped for a summer release and played tons on RetroWoW to test out things but it's actually an autumn release and I have to study so fuck off Blizzard.

Choose my main:
>human warlock
>dwarf warrior
>dwarf paladin
>troll shaman

Your game sucks, Jeff, you double jew.

Found the brainlet.

If you are going to criticize a game that rakes in millions, 1st) Stop paying for it, 2nd) State the various reasons which made you stop paying for it, especially since "They killed muh love game" - If you loved it so much, describe what changed.

You have the fucking forums to voice a 20-lines opinion, and you choose to waste bandwidth by going "The fantasy game is bad reee" just like a fucking NPC.

It is, if it's just that.
Nobody said it wasn't.


Based Kaplan.


You must be joking

Dwarf warrior, all the way

Forum ban doesn't stop you from playing the game.

Can someone post the asmongold image? You know the one. Can't believe I never saved it

Attached: 1405456703524.jpg (182x226, 8K)

great argument, I'm sure everyone who bans you is an Israel shill, and there is no other reason.

If you're not buying NASDAQ: ATVI (Activision-Blizzard), you should be. The stock is going to pump incredibly fucking hard for a short period when they announce 7 million subscribers. It will quickly dump a month later when everyone realises that 90% of the playerbase unsubbed after getting their nostalgia hit. Bigwig Wall St investors don't understand how big/quick the dropoff will be though, and that's your edge. Put your gamer knowledge to use for once and buy. Sell 4-6 weeks after classic, re-buy after it crashes, and sell again in november after COD releases. It's near-guaranteed. If you don't have a portfolio, now is the time to start.

Attached: buy NASDAQ ATVI sell early september.png (1151x831, 59K)

Human warlock. Mages will be an inundated class, while a warlock who isn’t flat out retarded generally has a Raid spot for utility.
Unfortunately I can’t take my own advice, because my first character was a gnome mage, and I want to experience playing it now i’m not a complete retard.

Imo go solo.

I love alliance, but go horde. Playing with ppl u know makes any game 10x better

>so every modern MMO developers sees that people want more challenging MMOs.
>Wildstar made to cater to hardcore WoW crowd
>it fucking dies

You think you do, but you don't.

Also nu-WoW is more "challenging" that classic (more tedious grind, more tedious rotation and more boss mechanics), the only challenge in vanilla WoW was finding 39 regulars. That guy is a fucking retard.

desu wildstar looked so fucking ugly I didnt even bother giving it a chance. I imagine most people felt the same


>MMO developers sees that people want more challenging MMOs.
>challenging MMOs.

>lose most of your gains to taxes
Day traders should be gassed

How is this daytrading at all, shitheel? It's medium-term speculation. And if you don't use a service that has 0% brokerage then you might be a fucking retard.

He thinks having to put in more time means the difficulty is higher.

The standard casual will not find anything challenging in the game. He cannot even fuck up by taking wrong talents, enchants, gear etc since there aren't any.

its harder in a sense that reaching max level is harder. In retail wow its impossible to die to mobs or in dungeons

>“Being the forum moderator really gave me an insight into online communities and how people react and being a player,” says Kaplan. “I didn’t know any game developers back then, I only learned afterwards that I actually did know game developers but I didn’t know at the time – and I knew nothing about game development. It gave me a tonne of perspective. To fast-forward to where I am now – when I read these angry posts... I wish culture wasn’t like that, it’s abusive and it’s not very productive and I feel a lot of personal regret. I wish I had been a little bit more worldly in my thoughts at the time and could see things from multiple angles.”

Compared to
>Whoever came up with this sheer *fisting* of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle B) Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.

The modern casual will quit in a week or two anyways.

>takes more time = harder
Guess then mobage gachashit is the hardest genre.

>Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power.


My impression of the game (I must admit I didn't play it, for this reason as well as being hideous) was that it was "hardcore" in ways that completely misses the point of why basically anyone cares about "hardcore". It looked just as much (if not more so) like follow-the-arrow endgame focused themepark as neo-WoW (missing oldschool hardcore aspects like tough questing, time it takes to level up, etc) while the kind of raider who does Mythic content in neo-WoW doesn't want attunements and other features that Wildstar offered, just raids tuned on the knife's edge (at least for the first resets before you overgear the content) and no bullshit so they can have fun with progression raids and then raidlog.

Human Uninstall Wizard

the phrase "sheer fisting of an encounter" cracks me up every time

play with your irl friend, thats how I've had the most fun in wow

what encounter was he talking about?

>its harder in a sense that reaching max level is harder.
in Lineage 2 you need around 8 months to reach 75 lvl of non stop play. 8 fucking months

Fuck Am I only one with this problem? I want to play so badly classic when it comes out but I can't get myself to give money for new blizzard....

>raids tuned on the knife's edge
Didn't they add an entire minute to enrage on the last boss just a few days ago? If the world's best raiders need an entire extra minute to squeeze out damage it is not tightly tuned at all. If they want good raids they're playing the wrong game

I think Jeff should appreciate his past more as you can make the distinction of someone actually shitposting and someone mixing legitimate complaints and passion with a bit of pissed off wit.The reason culture is degrading so much is we've defanged one of the key emotional drives that indirectly leads to better productivity, I'd be poor on my ass if I didn't harness some of my anger to succeed and most of the older Blizzard staff would've been too. There was a lot of his kind of posts from guild leaders and active community players back when WoW was a smaller beast in Vanilla and early expansion days and these players knew their shit. Today they'd be banned on the spot.

It's like Eastern Philosophy shit, humans are the sum of our parts and if any part is overpowering the other it gets imbalanced but if you remove a part you get stagnation and kill any evolution and what makes humans and their creations better.

Attached: 1564079956925.jpg (900x900, 109K)


I would feel worse if it was like a pack or I had to buy the game but it's just like 10 a month right?

Just wait until they make having the newest expansion a requirement to play classic. People are going to riot but they'll still buy it because blizzdrones are incapable of not sucking blizzard cock no matter how bad it gets

>pre-order the next WoW expansion "Cucklords of Cuckland" and get exclusive early access to Naxxramas for free* in Classic WoW!

I never claimed classic was some hardcore game, just that retail is more of a cookie clicker than rpg

Will classic use subscription or a pay once play forever deal? I'm not sure I want to use my subscription time spread out across two different games

>mods actually banning shitposters

Kinda based

it's part of the normal wow sub

there's only one WoW subscription, and paying it gives you access to both retail and classic

Most of the people sitting on retail know fucking all about it and haven't played for years so they don't have any valid criticism to provide, yet feel the need to voice their outdated opinion anyway.

>Modern Blizard

Attached: Banned.png (977x616, 67K)

t. Retard that doesn't know how stocks work

That shit was accounted for before they announced it

>22 movies, 10 years of cinema
wait what did he spoil

Endgame, obviously.

it's 22 movies? jesus christ all I've watched are thor, the ironmans and first avengers

for now


>reskin bfa


>PvP looked way off like resilience was there

Give ant man and black panther a go but skip the rest

Never played WoW but will play classic. Horde or Alliance?

>black panther
You could at least not bait the man and say Guardians of the Galaxy.

You say this like it's a bad thing. It's still better than playing live by miles

>watching Black Panther instead of Thor 3 or Guardians

pvp tryhards, mudhuts, furries
normies, grrlgamers, boomers

Fuck You

All of these movies suck and they are the McDonald's of movies.

All modern movies suck.

No emotion no action

ITS just talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk

End credits

It's a


WHEN this game has a lot of problems I hope it crashes and burns

it baffles me that people are legit going to pay a montly/yearly fee to play a game old as this
you guys are just cattle

go horde, you can still make friends but having people you know playing with you is a nice advantage.

I want to be hyped for Classic, but given Blizzard being Blizzard, I have ZERO faith in them not fucking it up. May not be day one, might not be in the first year, but you know when the shit hits the fan it will be bad and I just don't want to invest time in something from someone whom I can't trust.

t. coping xiv tranny

>b-but it's old so it's bad
zoomer detected

>All modern movies suck.

King Kong (1933), now THAT was a movie

Ah yes


Fuck outta here blizzard.

Bots are the only thing saving your ass from destruction.

>7 day ban for this

Attached: 1564485202722.gif (200x250, 2.7M)

Seethe harder, king of faggots, you and your shitty MMOs


King Kong was badass for the time but id say more the 80s and 90s.

Nothing is really good now a days.
Cuz most of the shit is shilling propaganda and i don't fuck with that because i understand manipulation of the populace.

Another good reason to stop watching modern stuff

>Blizz shitting on whats left of their masochist fanbase knowing full well they'll be back

unironically based

as a horde pvp tryhard furry I can confirm this is accurate.

>implying our mudhuts don't have twice the soul blandwind does

Dial 8.

This. We need to stop watching movies made specifically to make money and start watching movies that are made to be movies.

Like that will ever happen.

Like I made this post
You didn't respond to it

Classic is going to have bits of BFA with resilienced worse than cata PvP
Lfg on top of layering.

Oh also hi bgs with random people i don't know from my server.
Its NOT classic.
Its not vanilla
Its not butter

Its casualized vanilla which isn't vanilla at all. It's garbage


this game cover has SOUL

Attached: 38593-world-of-warcraft-macintosh-front-cover.jpg (800x1132, 200K)

>Classic is going to have bits of BFA with resilienced worse than cata PvP

There was a beta. We already know that's not true.

Based Jeff. Fuck the spergs and "muh freedom to spaz out on the forums" fags

It will economic collapse is happening...
It will be wartime movies....

Also watch fan films they are better

>1244 posts

What a virgin

How? All that's happening in that cover is 1 elf and 1 dwarf are looking at you while the elf takes up the whole bloody cover.

>Its just a beta

Hahaha get over yourself

If that's all you see happening then you're a pleb


>hydra is the only noteworthy EU streamer
>hardly anyone is autistic enough to roll on his server for the sake of seeing him
why is NA so full of twitch zoomers compared to EU

wtf retard

>people grow up
Really makes you think

>you will never travel with a Dwarf in a submarine in hunt for giant sea Elves.

You might be retarded but you're retarded in a cute way

>having an opinion of vanilla when you weren't there to experience it

Smh hope you people really dont do this

What? That's not what I said. I said that we already know that what you're saying is bullshit because there was a beta.

Releasing classic is one of Blizzard's worst mistakes.
When people remember how technically garbage vanilla is in 2019 they'll lose their nostalgia and love that kept them playing all this time.

it will be dead within a year


>If that's all you see
then what am i suppose to see? a logo?



Attached: 1433348511636.png (973x539, 548K)

show me footage of some bullshit hidden resilience lmao

Doesn't read "how many" now does it?

What the fuck, no it wasn't. All the bfa things were minor visual things like certain animations.

Its sad that this has to exist.

>Ultimate gaming rig
Love this image

>$600 (plus tip) for warranty and a geeksquad you will never call
Fucking hell

sad and many such cases

My job is selling drugs so I can basically just take what's equivalent to a bathroom break and get deed done, then continue playing.

Implying mmo players are capable of anything besides throwing money away. They'll pay for any Skinner Box of its nice enough., and I say that having been a huge mmo fan in my childhood.


Compared to

It's as if the circle is a "window" to another enchanted realm.

The elf and the magical gate represents mystery and beauty. The grizzled dwarf represents a canny young player who is willing to explore this dangerous and exciting world.

He's completely right though. Everyone who works at Blizzard should be fired. AND shot.

they're not level 60 in the beta you dumb cunt

They're saying the poster was ESL because he thought the phrase "much people" was grammatically incorrect, when "much people" is grammatically correct when used to discuss how much time was spent by those people and not the quantity of people.

I bet alot of them are and i bet your ass that none of these ASSHATS playing on the vanilla is 58.

THE REAL VANILLA enemies die super fucking quick

>On the Field of Strife realm, when you create a character, it will be locked at level 58 for AV testing. These test characters will have appropriate gear, some gold, a mount, and access to class trainers and reagent vendors, but they will not be able to level up past 58.

>level 58 vs level 60
Holy shit you are a fucking retard.

>I bet alot of them are
the beta was capped at level 40 wasn't it?

The AV beta test was locked at 58. None of them were 60. You are a retard.

Let me explain

Everyone in the beta AV is level 58 with similar blue gear, theres no gear difference

compare that to a fully epicced out level 60 hunter potentially whacking level 51-59 opponents in greens

You didn't play vanilla you fucking catababby and are going by ebin frag movies lmao

I'm not the user you're talking too but the longer it takes to die in lvl 58 vs. lvl 60 gear seems like a reasonable thing in those videos.

The older PvP video has the hunter pretty decked out maybe vs kids with greens and 0 idea wtf is going on.

And the asmon video everyone is geared the exact same(Outside hunters not given mounts lol.)

Level 60 was a huge spike in damage and gear stats.

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This is basically true. Investors don't know shit about games and you can make a quick buck investing and selling in the lead up to big releases and just after.

I can't wait to watch the meltdown from the rose tinted glasses nostalgiafaggots after the game bleeds subscribers after a month when the casuals find it too boring and the no lifers complete every raid and have nothing else to do

retail's been that for a decade and it's still going

Actually based, either provide proper criticism or go have your 12 y/o tantrum elsewhere

It wont. WoW classic will never be capture the feeling old WoW had. And if you are going into it expecting for it to do so you will be sorely disappointed.

What are you going to do after you've beaten the very easy and well documented raids that everybody already knows the mechanics to?

Will you jump on top of Orgrimmar roof or around Stormwind or will you just quit the game?

How can he be disappointing when he never played wow? retard.

It's a decent mmo regardless of "the experience" of playing with people back in 2007 who preferred lolcat memes compared to 2019 twitch shitposting

>tfw shoes like this will never become popular or at the very least acceptable to wear in public.
It's so fucking comfy though

I only plan to raid up untill maybe bwl, make some alts and do comfy pvp with my friends

Just another example of how Blizzard has become/is completely clueless and only surviving off good will from gamers who loved their games made by much better employees.

Classic WoW, is in fact, not that great. It was so popular because it was a very good MMO at the time. Burning Crusade and everything after it got three things wrong for every one thing they got right. Hence the reason they need to turn back the clock to bring their old fans back.

>all these shilling samefag posts saying how "based" Blizzard is
don't know if it's ironic or not anymore

how many layers of irony?



Zero. Kaplan is based.

Dorf Pally is unironically the best of all those. But if I had to play again, Warlock all the way.

I can't imagine anyone watching that guy, the way he speaks with this "authoritative irony" is just grating.

You people don't even play video games.

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WoW was popular because it had a little bit of something for everyone. Plenty of dungeons to play or level in, a small but not un-fun amount of PvP, PvE and PvP servers, raids, gear grinds, crafting grinds, and auction house autism.

Poopsockers actually believe they are some massive number of players, they aren't. I played a shit load of WoW back in the day and raiding was by far my least favorite part of the game. Small dungeons and more PvP is where they should focus their development, but because they hired hardcore poopsockers to design their game, they slowly but surely drove the average player out, until now, only utter faggotry remains.


>What are you going to do after you've beaten the very easy and well documented raids that everybody already knows the mechanics to?
Retail is the same though, people know the mechanics for ages because of the dungeon journal and PTR testing. There's guides out before the raids even drop. There isn't much to do outside of dungeons or farming gold in classic though and it's especially bad in the first couple content patches

All of the WoW covers look different to me years later
I remember the elf here looking completely different and the Lich King looking way cooler


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This has to be fake. No person would point out their fucking monitor, mouse, and fucking SOUND CARD.

>Calling capeshit "Cinema"

It's mindless schlock and will be airing on either FX or Spike with commercials in a few years.

to be fair I'd be sort of pissed too

do you honestly think someone who bought a prebuilt would think those things were unimportant

>everyone that critiques me is a shitposter!

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Poorly designed quests, balance and playstyle transparency unintentionately created a great sense of community.


>not your run of the mill film
Marvel movies are precisely run of the mill.
I don't think Hollywood has ever had an era where this appellation applies more. Not even the Westerns got this bad.

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So, the same crap hollywood has been making for years? I fail to see how movies being terrible disqualifies them from being cinema.

>making up shit about secret hidden resilience mechanics is "critique"

>created a great sense of community.
Because in 2004 even facebook was fucking new and people werent THAT used to online interaction.

holy shit what a read

Because part of the WoW experience is experiencong it with other people, it being an MMO and all. When WoW first released EVERYONE was experiencing it for the first time. Now, for the most part, that user will be surrounded by people who have already experienced WoW in some form or another.

If 22 movies can be ruined by one spoiler, then they're not really good movies, are they?
Besides, a 7day ban for that is completely worth it.

Colonial marines did the same thing tho.

>It's mindless schlock and will be airing on either FX or Spike with commercials in a few years.
Yeah it literally wont though you idiot. It will be on the disney streaming service.

>[thing is bad]
How about you play your own fucking game, you wingnut? You would know what's wrong with it if you ever fucking interacted with it.

Nah, I played on Kronos recently. Discord was there as all the modern resources, nobody really gave a shit and the community was great.

Ok, I want to PVP and Gank. No interest in raiding.


Undead rogue

today is totally different time, retard
it's better to play on private than to mix with the nu s o y

Not that user. But ig a difference would be this shit will be there day one. When WoW originally came out it all formed organically over time.

>it's better to play on private than to mix with the nu s o y
Good goy.

What's stopping me from just using an optimized bot from taking me to 60 so I can experience the real game? I don't want to kill slimes like a cuck I just want to Leeroy Jenkins xD

Blizzard banning your ass and you're also missing out on the best part of the game, faggot

Just play on a insta 60 private server then.

>How Much People

Oh wait, it's Kotaku.
Would be inappropriate to mock mentally disabled people.

For me, its retail.

based ESL

The ideal situation is where Classic becomes big and it leads to the retail crew to learn from what Classic does best and re-implement those into retail so people can play both.

You realize that's a valid sentence, right? Maybe you're the retard.

I don't think it has legs, that's all. It'll explode, then fizzle out.

Imagine playing a 15 year old game just because a streamer who lives with his mommy told you to...sad.

>wow questing
>best part
oh boy can't wait to kill 67 murlocs to get 8 heads and then head over to the boars that have no meat on them and kill them for half an hour

>what Classic does best and re-implement those into retail

Please. Retail is beyond saving.

Any reason why you don't say this in any other thread about an older game?

Terrible interruption posting.

Fellow Boomers which class is the most Boomer?

As in we played Vanilla so we know which are useful and which are shit, yet don't have 50 hours a week to Raid anymore.

No raid, no gear, no fun

heal bitch

heal bitch

heal bitch

Too many and they suck overall

If you can live with yourself after 15 years of hating on them ganking you

1 button boredom

Potentially fun, feels a bit obvious

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Pretty sure I used vent even in vanilla. Somehow despite being in a 60 man guild we all managed to talk to strangers outside the vent as well. Dunno why you think discord is any different.

found the blackie

shut the FUCK up

ask me how I know you never knew any warlocks in Vanilla

Why are you so upset?

Mage and Warlock. Warrior is a candidate but is heavily held back because playing Warrior is suffering.

Do you think it bothers any of them that people willingly throw away like a decade+ of their work because it was shit?

Falseflag or point proven? Who can tell.

>my Anaheim bubble of watching trap porn and hiring pink haired asian girls while living in fear of Activision overlords has left me with a skewed concept of my audience?!??!

Fucking lol Blizzard.

You need maybe two hours a week (including raid invites, travel, etc). It takes longer only if you insist on gathering world buffs and full consumables and shit to do the clear itself faster at expense of spending more time total.

Yeah this sort of shit existed. Idk what that user was going on about. Vent, teamspeak, all that sort of shit could be compared to discord. But like I said here the "cliques" back then formed over time. And during that time people were communicating in game so they continued to do so even after they started using vent. Now people are going to start off in discord servers and probably not fuck with in game chat hardly

I knew a Warlock in Vanilla

He complained about farming Soul Shards and not being able to use DoTs but that was about it, apart from that he loved the class

I mean the vent I was in was literally me + 10 friends from school at first. We all started playing at the same time so the clique was already there.

that locked in a closet for weeks until you are able to make the classic wow engine compatbile with battle net and the modern wow engine feel

The creatives are probably reeeeing in a corner, because literally every decision they made caused the game to get worse.
The business types are probably jumping up and down in glee at the thought of reselling a 15 year old product, and that it's the best PR move they've made this decade.

Classic is literally the definition of raidlogging. There is the absolute minimum amount of prep time required between raids and you could very much be a cutting edge raid member despite only playing for 6 hours a week.

>not even including druid

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they're probably like 50 years old and this is their first video game

druid is THE most zoomer class and that's a fact

>implying lfg and layering is bad
>implying you won't bless layering where there won't be enough players with who to play with
>implying people enjoy going to the other side of the world to get 3 quests that give 20 pebbles inside the dungeon.
What are you going to bitch about next? The length of raids and dungeons? You really love to "immerse" yourself in long hallways with nothing to do?

the absolute delusion of classic contrarians
there is no timeline where classic fails or ''dies'' after months. do you not understand? it's not supposed to go big, private server players are getting what they always wanted, there is no way it can ''fail''

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Nah it's mostly people playing on private servers that have increased drop/exp rates. They claim it's "blizzlike" and that the numbers aren't upped but they can never provide proof somehow. Would be hilarious if private servers ran on the increased quest exp added in TBC. Wouldn't surprise me honestly

I want classic to surpass retail just for the pure kino of proving that the only game that could kill WoW is WoW

Should have been a perma ban. This actually makes me like Nu Blizzard by a factor of at least 10 more.

>TS & Vent never existed
>IRC never existed
>AIM never existed
>Allakhazam, Thottbot, etc never existed

I want all the zoomers to leave.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, they're talkimg about the amount of playtime the players in beta actually played not the number of player in beta.