This is the game Snoy fans praise every single day on Yea Forums

>This is the game Snoy fans praise every single day on Yea Forums


Attached: 1536134781665.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

this game hasn't really been discussed for a good while at this point.

>not on a ps4 pro
Webm is meaningless LOL

>raytracing is a meme
>lmao these cubemap reflections look like shit

>nitpicks the smallest details, like the graphics of a game
>instead of just playing the game

>child pornography is wrong
>now excuse me, I have to fuck toddler I keep in my basement
Why did you say both of these things? Don't you realize that this makes you look like a hypocrite?

>two completely different opinions considering one is a console game and one is practically a PC exclusive feature mashed into one post as if it were a hivemind
Who the FUCK are you quoting?

>can't produce proper reflections
>makes a building full of mirrors
That "small detail" shouldn't even be there.

This whole board which is only one person.

What do you propose instead? Dulled surfaces that look like shit up close AND from afar?

Full reflections like that only really work with raytracing or some severe cheating tricks (like the windows being "screens" that show whatever a camera pointing outwards displays).

Most of the time reflections are just stuff you can already see on screen copied, flipped, morphed and projected upon surfaces. But as soon as it's out of view their reflection disappears and just show some cubemap instead.

These cubemaps are pretty shit though.

Do you guys even enjoy video games anymore?

>child pornography
user, why was cp the first place your mind went to in a thread about gewd graphix?

Attached: 1517986229077.gif (560x550, 285K)

>you have to buy the console twice to really play the games right
I'd be surprised but honestly it's expected from someone who has to pay a third party for privilege to use your own internet

everything in this game is and looks like shit spiderman 2 still seemed more technically impressive at points and that's where the real problem lies


>spiderman 2 still seemed more technically impressive at points

>spiderman 2 still seemed more technically impressive at points
That's because it was. It didn't have anyone's homework to copy it just invented the definitive way to play Spider-Man vidya, PS4-Man made no advances, didn't do anything unique or special it just lifted from other games and called it a day.

PS4 Spidey was also missing some of the better costumes from launch, in favour of shitty Bendis and Slott ones. Why the fuck is Captain Universe still not in?

The swinging was really the only thing spiderman 2 had going for it, the combat was pretty mediocre. It was good, and fresh enough, to carry the game though.

This is old bait but in all honesty the game isn't good regardless of graphics. It feels like a slog to replay through, side missions are garbage, and the dlc is an atrocity. The forced stealth missions really add to how shitty playing this game feels. It's a ripoff of the Arkham games in every way and the framerate even drops when you use the electric web just like it did in Arkham origins when Batman used the electric gloves. Stealth combat is trash too.
Wouldn't recommend this game unless its on sale for less than 20 bucks. It has a pretty mediocre story and the Sinister Six was barely even in the game. Felt pretty misleading and scummy of them to do that but it's a game that focuses more on graphics so I can't be surprised

You should try turning the camera to the left or right.

When you still posted that when the game just came out, people blew you out constantly by showing that its a glitch.

And yet, here you are again.

It looks good for PS2, dunno why you're mocking it

I wonder what do the people inside the building thing when they see a man in a spandex suit rubbing his spider benis on the windows

Attached: 0alex.png (1246x768, 656K)

>The swinging was really the only thing spiderman 2 had going for it,
Not even that. It was a terrible implentation that didnt even work properly half of the time.

Its literally just shilled because of the novelty of it.

He probably wears something over it, user.

The buildup to the ending doesn't feel very impactful either. Felt like I barely got to know doc ock and the entire boss fight felt melodramatic. Game is insanely short too and the side content is probably some of the worst I've ever seen in an open world game

there's multiple threads every day since relase

>all those armours and no MK1 until DLC
>MCU shit
>no Black Suit to force people to get the sequel for it
>stuff like Scarlet was DLC
It's a travesty that some costumes that should be there day one aren't.

>The swinging was really the only thing spiderman 2 had going for it
Yeah I'm not saying the game is a 10/10 but the point was that it brought something new that wasn't in other Spidey vidya, PS4-Man had nothing new.

>It was a terrible implantation that didn't even work properly half of the time
Why lie? it worked as well as the player was able to handle it. I could speed through NY in seconds because I got good at it, the PS4 game holds your hand too much with swinging to the point where I was able to traverse large sections without even paying attention.

>buyer's remorse starts to set in after wasting $60 on UA3
>sudden urge to shitpost against Spiderman as a defensive mechanism
>just keep throwing non sequiturs without real criticism, deflect when called out
>exit thread then proceed to shitpost in next threads

i tried doing this in my copy and reflections worked normally

I tried emulating that too and I got the same thing from the webm. The reflections look worse when you're climbing a building near the bottom. They get significantly better once you reach the top. Digital Foundry demonstrated that

It's an insult that staples like the Bombastic Bag-man, Captain Universe and the MK1 weren't there on day one.

Agreed. I'm not really a fan of Bag-Man or Universe but they're staples as much as hoodie Scarlet is and certainly more deserving of a place than a lot of costumes that made it.

You DO realize that the game doesn't load anything that isn't on-screen (that is, in FRONT of the camera), correct? This is why modern "reflections" from mirrored surfaces are ass. If the glass were to reflect what's back there, it would be nothing but an endless black void. I DO hate that Spider-Man has no reflection on that glass.
That said, it's annoying as all fuck that the reflection quandary hasn't been resolved in anno Christi MMXIII+VI

meanwhile on PC, actual reflections that even reflects whats behind the camera

Attached: 66a3a330eb4a542015ec9392422e0a55.jpg (1900x1005, 671K)

How could you see it if it's behind the camera?

1 0 0 M I L L I O N


It can't be worse than that.
I know.


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