I can't fucking wait anymore for Death Stranding. This is literally going to be the greatest game released this decade. I never thought that we would get a new genre that's actually worth a shit. Strand games will be a staple of video games in the next years, while shit like "mobas" and "autobattlers" can go fuck themself forever.
I can't fucking wait anymore for Death Stranding. This is literally going to be the greatest game released this decade...
What the fuck even is this game other than a long cutscene? Have we even seen gameplay yet?
Inform yourself, pleb. I'm not here to educate the ignorant masses about things that you can easily google.
You shoot things while you deliver things
Oh you Kojimacocksuckers. You’re so silly.
The release date trailer and the E3 2018 trailer has gameplay.
Seems to be based on exploring a vast open world from point A to point B while fighting people and monsters in other dimensions. Seems like itll be a very strange and very detailed game, youll probably have to make new paths or find the best path yourself, while making sure to keep yourself healthy.
These are mostly assumptions from gameplay in trailers.
To me, it seems very good and atmospheric, and a really good game to zone out to. One of those games you get completely infatuated with. Cant wait for it to come out.
"Greatest game released this decade"
>what is Red Dead Redemption 2
Its practically GOTY.
Whats more, Kojima is literally the only one who actually dares to try and move video games forward.
If you wanna introduce someone to games, who thinks its just a childish hobby with BING BING WAHOO shit, then there's nothing better than Kojima.
Video games as a whole are still pretty low tier in that regard, but Kojima's games are the peak of video game entertainment.
It's going to be like MGS1 all over again aka one of the best games ever. It's more than a game even.
Oh yeah, another;
>Hide in bush
>Attack enemies in stealth
>Combat has no weight behind it
>Movement is stiff as fuck
>AI only attacks once at a time
>inb4 it's been done before
Souls messages don't count
>Seems to be based on exploring a vast open world from point A to point B while fighting people and monsters in other dimensions. Seems like itll be a very strange and very detailed game, youll probably have to make new paths or find the best path yourself, while making sure to keep yourself healthy.
This sounds like The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Shit. There, I answered your question.
muh skull + face combo
>walking simulator moviegames
>your retarded drivel
>actually an opinion worth respecting
the STRAND unit
dude I could sneeze a better game than Shit Standing
Looks like an interesting game but I haven't seen much of it to fully judge. I trust kojima to have some fun gameplay. Seems kinda different than the types of games that usually get released.
I'm cautiously watching and hopefully it turns out to be kino and fun at the same time.
Stupid huemonkey, the enemies don't even get close enough to attack all at once. Of course it's going to be stiff too because the character's carrying luggage.
RDR2 is the GOTY, though.
but Death Stranding is the game of the eon
Yea, im thinking it may be a bit more realistic, grimey version of botw, with a lot less garbage mechanics like breakable weapons
lillias white
This game looks boring and the only incentive is the plot. Plus the open world meme is such a fucking cop-out for proper level design
Strand Game
>garbage mechanics like breakable weapons
t.low IQ zoomer
>Paying for Kojimbo shit
lmao found the incel. Dilate more.
>mfw we had strand games in 2009 and we didn't evne know they were strand games
>mfw we kept calling them Soulsborne wrongly
>mfw mfw
but trannies get laid because they go to tranny parties where they chew scabs and lick puss
>This is literally going to be the greatest game released this decade.
you're gonna be so disappointed.
Demon's Souls and all that came before.
Kojima is just stealing glory.
I thought all mgsfags killed themselves after 5 released, why the fuck are we still pretending like a kojima game is good before anyone's even played them again?
you are either delusional or this is bait.
Everyone thought the same thing about MGSV and while that game did pay off in several aspects it was definitely severely lacking in others.
I am looking forward to DS, but I'm not going to kid myself and pretend it will be the greatest game ever. I'm not sure what you mean by it becoming a staple. Games where you walk around in the middle of nowhere are ALREADY the main staple of devs these days.
Because V was amazing
for the 2345th time: deal with it
ah fuck you
no it wasn't and no one agrees with you drone
Yes it's a generic 3PP walking sim with tossed in instant stealth takedowns and generic shooting mechanics
I agree with him. Kill yourself.
it's bait Yea Forumsro
>slow boring dialogue
>nothing in the story is coherent
>you're expected to piece together the plot by analyzing mundane things that happen at random moments in the game
>gameplay is literally a walking simulator
the game could have been acceptable if it weren't for kojima autism
You already should have for liking garbage, like you all promised. No one's going to take you fags seriously when you say you're going to kys and then don't, retard. Just makes you look like pussies.
guys, chill, 'strand game' is 'tactical espionage action' 2.0
I wasn't one of those retards who expected MGSV to literally be the best game ever. As I wasn't new to the series I just expected it to be trash like 4 and PW, but instead it turned out to be a fun video game.
>buzzword marketing action 3.0
>The traditional gameplay will be a very paper-thin third-person shooter, with shooting being punished.
>What makes the game special is stranding, when players leave behind items, treehouses, etc. that people can use
>The story will have the depth of an art-student dropout, but will be touted as babys first europoor arthouse.
>Graphics will look amazing
>The game will run 30fps on console, 60fps on PC
Anything I'm missing?
I don't. die in a fire