How do we stop the historical revisionists from saying that the N64 was better than the PS1?

How do we stop the historical revisionists from saying that the N64 was better than the PS1?

Attached: uf9YNVm.png (735x720, 313K)

N64 had better hardware, but had inferior controller and cartridges.

Every gen since then has been the same.

Playstation has more games.
Nintendo has the best games.

If you don't own both you're retarded

How do we stop people from posting Facebookfrog over and over again?

Well, at least up until now.
I owned every Playstation so far but I will not be buying a PS5. Sony is too far gone, they focus too much on VR shit, most of their games now play the same and their censorship ruins third party stuff too.


This meme is older than facebook, fuck off newfag.

I'll hold off until it's cheaper, but eventually there's going to be stuff on it I want to play. Xbox/PC aren't real alternatives and i only care about Zelda and Metroid on Nintendo consoles

Relax, they're nintendo fans so reality does not affect them and they do not affect reality.
Just ignore them and let them waste $60 on mediocre games while their daddy company shuts down any fan projects which might fix the flaws in those games.

If its so old and overused why would anybody post it you retarded newfaggot?

if you look closely it's a twitch frog with a reddit filename, the most disgusting trash of all

The PSX was 32-bit, the N64 was 64-bit. That's objectively better hardware, you faggot. The PSX only got better use out of its hardware due to the sheer amount of games developed for it, so the programmers were better used and could make better stuff. Instead of comparing, say, TR4 to Mario 64, try comparing Blasto to Perfect Dark.

Just use sales as an example. The more sales and larger the player base the better the game or platform on this board

Still asshurt over the PS1 Classic being a flop?

Attached: 1506508265478.jpg (600x503, 30K)

Ape Escape porn that isnt Yumi

From a hardware standpoint it was. The only real benefit to the PS1 was the storage space on the discs which wasn't used to make bigger games but to add cutscenes.

Not really, sales are usually a coping mechanism more than anything else.

>which wasn't used to make bigger games but to add cutscenes.
Even back then all the PlayStation was good for was playing movies

Why should I care about that?

You can't
Nintendo autism knows no bounds
>gamecube somehow better than ps2
>switch somehow better than ps4
same shit almost every gen, and soon people will be saying wii/wiiu/3ds was better than ps3/vita

>>gamecube somehow better than ps2
It was from a power perspective. Some games that were ported to the ps2 even had to be downgraded.

Case and point

>>gamecube somehow better than ps2
The Gamecube GPU was more advanced than the PS2's GPU, however the GC's GPU was really inflexible esp. when paired to the garbage CPU it has.

It was though.

Attached: Super Mario 64.jpg (225x225, 16K)

Yeah that doesn't make sense when it's a fact that games like Sonic Heroes and Resi 4 were downgraded.

Yeah and the ps4 is far more powerful than the switch but somehow the switch is a better console

How is a PC not a real alternative?

Yeah because it has its own good games while the ps4s have been ported to pc fo the most part.

Switch has the best games? BOTW wasn't THAT good, smash got boring. Seriously what?

Most PC versions/ports (if they even make it to PC at all) of console games has some kind of glaring flaw like shitty KB+M controls, gimped graphics/sound options etc. Also playing 3D character action games on a keyboard is ass.

That's an extreme overstatement when it happens fairly infrequently.

Do you not realize you can plug just about any controller in?

Do you really think that Sonyfags have any knowledge of other platforms?

>just plug in a controller bro
What if the game has no controller support? What if I can't rebind the gamepad controls? What if I want to use a DS4 instead of the shitty Xbox controllers?

What kind of 3D action game on the PC forces you to use keyboard only?
What's keeping you from using your DS4? I've used a DS4 on the PC with no problems. I've also used plenty of other controllers.

Why are you so stupid and uneducated?

Then you're better off getting a PC than a PS4.

>What if I can't rebind the gamepad controls
Steam Big Picture mode lets you remap any button on your controller. You can even play games without controller support like Mass Effect 1. You don't even need to run the game in big picture you just need it to configure. Even if you wanna play something that isn't on Steam you just add it to your library and poof! .

but you're just a poor underage kiddo who wants a ps4 because all of his friends got one and you're the only one not playing fortnite.

He probably has a ps4 but became jealous of the pc and switch when he realised his mistake.

It was though but then again you had to be there to see it

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