Why are the Japanese so bad at writing?

Finnish Game:
Now, like all my loves, she is mine forever. She has brought me here, to this moment of clarity, where time slows down; and I choose to look back, to see myself. And in that act of seeing, I am reborn.

Japanese Game:
Mickey! It’s Riku! They put bugs in him!

Attached: Sam Lake.jpg (474x474, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Japanese Game:
I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. Plant your roots in me. I won't see you end as ashes. You're all diamonds

American Game:

>But then the movie makes another contrast that doesn't work so well, a contrast between basic views of theatrical acting styles. British tradition suggests that, everything else being equal, actors should behave as if they were real people in a real situation. The Japanese tend toward a more overwrought acting style, made of screams and grimaces, histrionics and dramatizations.
>Each tradition works well enough in a movie where it is the only tradition. But in a movie where British and Japanese are on the screen at the same time and are apparently sharing the same reality, the results look odd, and eventually undermine the film. We wonder, in some small irreverent corner of our minds, whether the soft-spoken British notice that the Japanese rant and rave over everything, including the weather, and whether the Japanese, in turn, find the British catatonic.
-Roger Ebert, explaining why Japanese overact in everything.

>I was BORN to kill nazis

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Japanese are good at writing, its just that western weeb trash eat only shit stories, so they have to make them.

>Japanese Game:
Such a lust for revenge! WHO?! WHOOOOOOOOOOO??!

American game:
Builds your roofs of dead wood. Builds your walls of dead stone. Builds your dreams of dead thoughts. Comes crying laughing singing back to life, takes what you steal, and pulls the skins from your dead bones shrieking.

cherrypicking general?

>Japanese are good at writing
I'm not so sure. Any person can write well, but bad training undermines. It feels like a huge bulk of Japanese writers fall prey to really glaring problems of plotting and dialogue. I mean, really good translators can massage the dialogue into sharp English prose, but the plotting is always an issue. Naoki Urasawa is an amazing writer, perhaps one of the best manga writers Japan has ever produced. But if you actually sit down and read Monster and Pluto and 20th Century Boys, you notice how contrived the events of the story are. Japanese writers seemingly never learned that the two most important characters in the story bumping into each other for no plausible reason is not good plotting and/or character development.

Japanese writers also frequently mistake plot twists for character development. Instead of character who grow naturally from events that occur in the story, you just have twists like, "OMG I'm half demon or some shit."

american game:

>Japanese Game

>American Game
The Bear and Bull - NCR, Legion - came in waves. Before. And after. Right into the invisible fires... the wind, ground... collapsing beneath them.

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is sam lake the prototype gigachad?

Are you seriously fucking calling a manga writer one of the best writers Japan has ever produced?

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I struggle to think of a single Japanese game where the dialogue from start to finish flows like English language poetry. English translators sometimes manage to wrangle a great line or two, but I've never seen a Japanese game with dialogue like Max Payne 1/2. I'm not sure a Japanese writer can write that kind of dialogue unless they become fluent in English. The Japanese language barrier is a real thing. Japanese infers subjects constantly. That's why you get those super clunk lines about:

"Oh, so what did THAT PERSON have to say about this?"

"I'll never event what happened during that PARTICULAR EVENT 11 YEARS AGO."

"Could they be talking about... HIM?"


>Japanese Game:
They look like monsters to you?

>British Game:

Not him but are you ESL?

The man's work is legendary. Have you read it?

A huge part of the Remedy vs Rockstar argument involves inferring that Dan Houser is a dogshit writer compared to Sam Lake.

>Japanese are good at writing

>Japanese and western game have the same premise

>Japanese game is generic and juvenile anime nonsense
>western game is the greatest video game story of all time

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cherry picking

Everybody posting corny ass writing.

Someday I'll tell you about my romantic dream.

>its another wrpg's need to feel relevant thread

Japanese is a wacky language that translates terribly into English. You get weird dialogue like, "Do you think maybe we're forgetting because we're losing our memories?" Kingdom Hearts is full of this shit. Perhaps citing KH is cheating because of how infamously bad its writing is.

>cherry picking
You're absolutely right. Why don't we compare a Japanese game which is one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time specifically for its writing to...

...some generic western hack and slash game?

Oh wait...

You really didn't think this through, did you?

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>Do you think maybe we're forgetting because we're losing our memories
I refuse to believe that would've been any less fucking shit as the original Japanese. Any level 9001 weeb here to explain

Japanese just make games for children. The adults are busy playing social games on their phones. Most gamers didn't buy a home console since the PS2

>image compares two games
>they're both in the same genre
>they both have a heavy story focus
>they both share the same story elements right down to extremely specific details

>"cherry picking"

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what games

top is iconic, bottom is generic edgy 2deep4u fantasy

No clue about the Japanese ver but Japanese writing has this irritating tendency to keep repeating itself. Where an English writer would say something like, "Stay dead," a Japanese writer would say something like, "Those that are killed should remain killed." This is the root cause of that "People die when they are killed" meme.

>"Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!"
>"Hee hee hee!"
Single digit IQ response.

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>top literally cackles maniacally and brags about ending all life for lulz
>bottom is the edgy one

>Star of the Giants (1968), the "first" sports anime, was a pioneer of dramatitized moments under that format. It was a color anime, very dramatic, and used unique animation techniques for the time. It's the foundation for both the shounen and sports genre. There is an episode where the main character pitches a ball, and it takes the entire episode for it to land. The runtime is filled with the monolgues from Hyuuma, the main character, the other players, and the onlookers. It was the first anime to do an episode like that, and as you know, it's a very prevalent tropes today in many action series. There are many other tropes that originated from it as well.

He's a weeb that unironically thinks jrpgs are anything but steaming shit, don't waste your time replying to him.

>acclaimed for its dialogue

Wasn't Max Payne 3 by Rockstar Vancouver?


>as you know, it's a very prevalent tropes today in many action series
well, it doesn't normally take an entire episode for something like this to resolve, but I understood the point anyway

It was a crunch-driven shitshow involving multiple studios. Dan Houser was the main writer so the game kinda gets attributed to him.

It's "FUCK you, and FUCK YOUR MARKER", retard, not "maker". When you are copying lines from a game you never played, at least do it right.

top is final fantasy 6
bottom looks like from one of might and magic games

like this?

play more games

That's because you don't know Japanese. Of course they have their own games with flowing writing but either they're not translated or translations don't do justice to them.

Isn’t explosion explosion explosion all the dialog megumin has?

why are wrpgfags so insecure

Planet escape tournament is a shitty game. They should have made it a VN since clearly they didn't give a shit about gameplay.

I play games for gameplay
If I want to read
I will read a novel

>stay dead
>those that are killed should remain killed
These two mean the same thing. Japanese grammar is just different.

Oh... so you play JPRGs and their dated mechanics, which never went past the late 80s/early 90s? Even someone as acclaimed as Sid Meier pointed out that a huge number of Japanese devs are stuck several decades behind when it comes to systems and mechanics.

Yes and she's from a Japanese anime, another example of nips being terrible at writing.

I wish.

I watch movies for moving pictures
If I wanted plot
I will read a novel

Yeah, those are fun to play

>huge number of Japanese devs are stuck several decades behind when it comes to systems and mechanics.
and yet western devs cannot even compare to them

I'm scared for the FF7 remake purely for the writing. The writing wasn't amazing in the original, and translated even worse, but it wasn't as full of cliches as games are now. Someone says something in a jap game, talking about
Shit is so predictable and no fun at all. Nothing sounds natural. God I hate jap writing.

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MGS are the worst written games in the history of gaming

beat me to it. I was going to say, for something to have flowing and lyrical dialogue despite having been translated from Japanese, it would need to 1) be written by a smooth Japanese writer, and 2) be translated/localized by a translator who is also a smooth English writer, and who, incidentally, feels fairly liberated to stray from the particularities of the original script since the language doesn't do so well when translated directly. then you might have arbitrary restrictions like fitting text boxes / lip sync on top of that.

basically, since it needs to get filtered twice, the odds are exponentially lower. by way of a theoretical, I imagine that if there was a Japanese dub of Max Payne, the writing would be significantly less impressive to Japanese players

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You are not wrong my friend

Not quite. "If he dies, he dies" is a kind of English sing-sing. You prepare to disarm a bomb. Before you cut the wire, you say, "If it blows, it blows." It's a way of saying that what will be, will be.

The Japanese version literally isn't saying anything. It's a Japanese language quirk. It's a result of how Japanese phrasings tend to be quite roundabout. What is actually being said will be repeated for no real reason that is apparent in English. The most notorious form of this is the whole repeating nouns as questions thing from Metal Gear games.

>These are ducks.
>Yes, Snake. They're a water-loving bird.
>Huh... Birds.
>Yes, Snake. Flying creatures that sometimes poop on car windscreens.

>MGS are the worst written games in the history of gaming
Nah, that prize still goes to Kingdom Hearts.

Funny that the only worthwhile thing that came out of Britbong country is Monty Python, which is probably the furthest thing from the British tradition, at least in Ebert's mind.

>Sunset found her squatting...

>I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. Plant your roots in me. I won't see you end as ashes. You're all diamonds
I'm not convinced this wasn't a Sutherland ad-lib considering it's way better written than the rest of the game put together.

It's a visual novel. Or it should be.

>I had a dream of my wife. She was dead. But it was all right.

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>terrible writing

What's next? Seinfeld has bad writing?

>Finnish Game

Sorry, what? You mean a game translated into Finnish? Or just any Russian game that keeps "fish-russian-mogol patoi" as an option.

>Monty Python
>not vic and bob

The in battle banter of FFY Remake sounded good, but I'm worried that that will be the only place the characters don't sound like robots.

Are Americans this retarded that they think translated text is 100% the same as the original

Yeah, I love menu surfing too.

>western writing

>social satire
>furthest thing from the British tradition
Are you retarded? They've been doing it for literally hundreds of years.

all people speak one universal language, they just used different sounds to express it. yeah, that's ticket.

you forgot to say that lost odyssey is fun to play and planescape not, which is what videogames are for

Because the japs make actual games. Movies don't need menus.

Remedy are from Finland.

He means that Max Payne 1 and 2 were games made in Finland, which they were.


What part of "at least in Ebert's mind" did your retarded brain not understand?

This is a meme spouted by people who've never played the game. You've just outed yourself, child.

Max Payne is finnish game.

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>you forgot to say that lost odyssey is fun to play and planescape not, which is what videogames are for

>braindead menu-based combat
>invisible random encounters every few steps
>15-20 second loading screen/transition before every battle (I timed it)

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If you think truth will stop me from giving shit to various countries you're a fool.

This is honestly the dumbest "vs" post I've seen. Kiddo, the games in opposition are supposed to be of the same genre.

>t. seething Hungarian
Hungarians must be the only people in the world who are not T*rks but wish they were

As someone who despises anime and avoids any game with even a semblance to that art style, I only play a handful of classic jrpgs.
but isn't usually just a case of something getting lost in the translation?
godamn this:
jrpg female: "hehe"
jrpg male: "..."
I see that fucking "..." in every fucking jap game a thousand fucking times it makes me want to detonate an atomic weapon over a mid to large japanese metropolitan area

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Once again, kiddo, say it with me: the opposing games are supposed to be of the same genre.

That's impossible because AAA western games are only first person shooters

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Yeah, you really blew me away. No let's compare two turn based RPGs: Octopath Traveller, which you masturbate over, with Divinity: Original Sin II... ouch, your game is bland shit.

The official languages in Finland are Swedish and Finnish. If a group of Fins so poor they couldn't afford to pay actors to be in their low budget game could write fluid English dialogue, what is the excuse of big budget Japanese game creators? Look at how amazingly awful the dialogue in Resident Evil games was for many years.

>Japanese "humor"

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>every western game have Planescape Torment writing
Dude Im not a weeb that play shit like Neptunia but western writing is in his lowest point right now

This is the end result of fetishizing a given culture, only magnified immensely due to the mass media/Internet era.

The FPS is the greatest genre BTW. Curious how Japan is so bad at making it. Also, first person > third person. Japanese developer seem obsessed with making games where you play dress up with pretty dolls.

>That first description
Meaningless nonsense that just sounds pretty

this is how westcucks cope lmao

you probably only feel that way because of culture differences and translation issues.

Sam Lake speaks English fluently, it isn't a budget thing

Just because you're too dumb and emotionally stunted to understand isn't the fault of the writer.

Go back to your sugoi and kawaii.

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>American Game:

Not only are you misquoting, you're claiming a game that does have good writing (Dead Space 2) because the character says fuck you (which is entirely justified by that point).
He's been screwed around with throughout the entire game and by the end he became frustrated, as he should.

On the other hand, you're praising one of the worst written japanese games of this decade. A game that retroactively made prior games worse.

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Fuck off

>Meaningless nonsense that just sounds pretty
Yeah, it's called poetry.

>blame the writers for localisers jokes
sasuga Yea Forums

Nope, PC posting.

That's kinda my point. People in heaps of countries around the world can speak English fluently. Or at least passably enough to write dialogue that sounds graceful in English. But Japan has this weird isolationist thing going on where heaps of otherwise well educated people can barely speak English. Kojima is an interesting exception, BTW. He seemingly learned English at some point, and apparently runs the English language Kojima account.

>But Japan has this weird isolationist thing
Gee, I wonder why? It's not like they've historically been isolationist and only ever been welcoming to the west at gunpoint or worse.

>isn't usually just a case of something getting lost in the translation
Yes, But literally. They cut the dead weight and redundancy a lot and add a little flair to the writing. Japanese writing is very on the nose. There is no such thing as subtlety in Japan. Every character will explicitly explain their feelings, their motivations, etc., etc. ad nauseam because it's assumed the audience are autistic retards that wouldn't be able to infer it. And most of the time that's true when speaking about the Japanese. To the west, who aren't a bunch of autistic pedos, it's very boring writing.
>jrpg male: "..."
For example, when the west stick lines like this in what they are replacing is usually something very dry and to the point, e.g. "This makes me sad and upset." That sort of shit in English is just objectively terrible writing. In the west we understand silence itself says something. They Japs don't.

>being this ass mad in a cherry picking thread
>when even the MGSV quote is wrong
You are exactly why this thread exists

Consider that the final version of Tears in Rain was written by a German actor. An accomplished poet, to be exact.
>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
You get someone from Germany, from France, from Italy, from Russia even. You give them a decent grasp of English, and they can wring out beautiful prose. Japanese poets? Not so much. I guess Japanese is so different to the European languages that there's this wall that is very difficult for them to overcome. Japanese poetry is lovely in Japanese. But they can't make the jump like a German could. The way they think about prose doesn't carry. They have to spend years re-learning.

why did he have to die bros

>Consider that the final version of Tears in Rain was written by a German actor. An accomplished poet, to be exact.
The only thing he added was "like tears in rain" to the end, the cheesy part of the speech. The rest was in the script.

>The rest was in the script.
Wasn't the original script for the scene way too long and had to be cut down by him.

well, then you should understand already that it isn't a matter of competence or a knock on the country's ability to write.

Max Payne was written in English for the English market. when you're playing Max Payne in English, you aren't playing a translation, you're playing the writer's original vision. they were capable of doing this despite being a bunch of Finns because 1) most people in SUOMI speak pretty damn good English in the first place, and 2) they knew that a majority of their players were going to come from the wider English speaking market, not just Finland. English is basically the language of commerce and mass media in the entire western hemisphere.

on the other hand, consider a typical Japanese game. it's theoretically possible for a Japanese game's script to be conceived of and written entirely in English. there are like 80 million people there or something, I'm sure they could scrounge up a fluent bilingual writer if they really wanted to. but would they want to? Japanese games are usually targeted towards the Japanese market, which represents either a majority or a very significant minority of the sales for a typical Japanese game. so why would you write the script in English and then translate into Japanese? you'd just be making the development process that much more difficult.

now obviously most Japanese games are written like shit. but so are most western games. naturally, this leads us to compare the most outstanding examples of each, right? but if the metric you're attempting to compare is lyrical fluency, and you're comparing English language compositions against translated snippets of text from one of the languages most alien in structure to English, then you shouldn't even bother because you ought to know ahead of time which will come out ahead. if there's some jap equivalent to Max Payne or what have you out there, I imagine it's something we English only players never heard of, because any attempt to translate it would suck

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No, the speech is identical in the original script except instead of
>All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain
it was just
>all those moments... they'll be gone

Nice maymay.
I replay, or should I say, reread it every year or so. Once I even farmed experience in Curst Underground (?) to see how many levels I can possibly earn.
The gameplay is utter garbage. It's based on a shit system and becomes even more shit when dragged out of the PnP medium.
If anything I'm beginning to doubt you ever played the fucking "game".

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>The FPS is the greatest genre BTW

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What’s the movie is he talking about here?

Also bad translation.

japanese can't write endings for shit

Rutger Hauer? He was Dutch, not German. Rutger is a Dutch name. And by the way, they speak English in the Netherlands

Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence

It's kinda weird when you compare Japanese pop music in English to Swedish pop music in English for example. Japanese game music often has somewhat nonsensical lyrics. Metal Gear Solid is especially guilty of this. It sounds good, but it's hollow. SNAAAAKE EATER.

Sweden (ABBA):
Can you hear the drums, Fernando?
I remember, long ago, another starry night like this
In the firelight, Fernando
You were humming to yourself and softly strumming your guitar
I could hear the distant drums and sounds of bugle calls were coming from afar

They were closer now, Fernando
Every hour, every minute seemed to last eternally
I was so afraid, Fernando
We were young and full of life and none of us prepared to die
And I'm not ashamed to say the roar of guns and cannons almost made me cry

Japan (Hikaru Utada)
How did I live in a kingdom of thieves
And people who say things they don't really mean, really mean

You're only everything I ever dreamed
Ever dreamed of, ever dreamed of
You must be kidding me
Did you really think I could say no?

I want you for a lifetime
So if you're gonna think twice, baby
I don't wanna know, baby
I don't wanna know
Everything is just right
But if you're gonna think twice, baby
I don't wanna know, baby
I don't wanna know


Attached: Happy_Nico4.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

>And, the original script, before Hauer's rewrite, was:
>I’ve seen things… seen things you little people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium… I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments… they’ll be gone
>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Whatever he did, RIP.

fps plays great on mouse but japans market is console focused

Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence

>not having strong enough Googlefu to search text snippets

What are your favorite endings, user?

I always hated FF voice acting with the exception with Xll. XIII is the worst next to X

There are both good and bad writing on both sides

Western good writing
>What can change the nature of a man?
>Does it really matter in the end whether you were the chosen one or not?

Japanese good writing
>God is ultimately the enemy of man, and if we are to be truly free, then we must be free of God
>typical Matsuno political intrigue

Western bad writing
>Just you pretty fish

Japanese bad writing
>shonen shit
>Such a lust for revenge!! WHOOOOO!!

>lyrics from a band from Sweden
>a nation that widely uses English.
>compared to some retarded engrish
No shit, bruv.

Tears in rain is one of the greatest metaphors for the human experience ever coined. In a single sentence he explained what it was to be a man.
>Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave.
If Blade Runner were Japanese, characters would have repeated WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A SLAVE????? Every 10 minutes for the entire 2 hour run time just so audiences understand that living in fear is the essence of being a slave. When Roy died, the movie would have entered a 10 minute sepia toned flashback explaining what it meant to be a slave with character narration. Then they would have had a 15 minute monologue about what "Tears in rain" means because that's literally how Japanese stuff is written. They assume the audience are complete retards.

max payne was written in english because sam lake is a huge fan of film noir and americana in general and he studied english filology in university so obviously he's gonna write a script in english. japs in general arent well versed in english or interested in it so they just do scripts in japanese and outsource localization to some overseas teams.

>If Blade Runner were Japanese, characters would have repeated WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A SLAVE????? Every 10 minutes for the entire 2 hour run time
Bullshit, not every jap is Mamoru Oshii.
Fuck you you old cunt, you ruined GITS2

>When Roy died, the movie would have entered a 10 minute sepia toned flashback explaining what it meant to be a slave with character narration. Then they would have had a 15 minute monologue about what "Tears in rain" means because that's literally how Japanese stuff is written. They assume the audience are complete retards.
So like the original cut with Deckard's monologues.

You say that like the FPS genre doesn't revolve around consoles these days. The Japs have tried to make FPS games in the past, they just really suck at it. They aren't even all that good a TPS, to be honest. Mikami is the best they have and he does well enough but he's not as good as the west.


Binary Domain was competent

Back in the day, Swedes really weren't good with English. The members of ABBA could barely speak it in interviews. Still, Sweden has a way better grasp of English than Japan.

In recent years a huge amount of pop has been written by Swede Max Martin. He's the one who misunderstood the phrase "hit me up" meaning "give me a call". He wrote the song "Hit Me Baby One More Time" because he didn't realise Hit Me wasn't the same thing as Hit Me Up.

that is a neat additional detail about Sam Lake that I did not know. I mean obviously he's a fan of film noir because Max Payne exists, but the studying philology part. thank you for sharing user

>Now, like all my loves, she is mine forever. She has brought me here, to this moment of clarity, where time slows down; and I choose to look back, to see myself. And in that act of seeing, I am reborn.

You're the kind of person that thinks Watchmen is well written, aren't you?

call me when the gooks make a game as perfect as soul reaver

Japanese seem more focused on invoking a feeling, rather then telling a story.

>Now, like all my loves, she is mine forever. She has brought me here, to this moment of clarity, where time slows down; and I choose to look back, to see myself. And in that act of seeing, I am reborn.

If you think this is well written then you've obvious never read a book in your entire life.

>japs in general arent well versed in english or interested in it so they just do scripts in japanese and outsource localization to some overseas teams.
Or in the case of Hideo, he watches american movies half drunk and rips them off, thinking he understood the important bits.

>Sam Lake
>not Sämüel Järvilehto
what kind of fucking cringy westaboo fag changes his name like that

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>Binary Domain was competent

>it's not an fps
>it has godawful gameplay unless your idea of fun is awful feeling, restricted movement, limpless gunplay and spending 90% of the game hiding behind chest-high walls

>Now, like all my loves, she is mine forever. She has brought me here, to this moment of clarity, where time slows down; and I choose to look back, to see myself. And in that act of seeing, I am reborn.
>thinking this is good writing

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Nah, Deckard's monologues were typical noir narration that in no way padded out the run time. Japan in fairly unique in their affinity for filler bullshit. It's a hangover of manga and anime writing where padding a single punch over literal chapters was seen as acceptable. In order to make that work you had to have characters narrative every intimate detail of what it really means to DEMONSTRATE MY TRUE POWER because BREAKING MY LEGS ONLY MAKES ME STRONGER BECAUSE THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP.

Some languages seque easier into the other. Japanese is not one of those. The reason you hear broken english and the ridiculous fucking accents is because not even their vowel structure is really fit to reproduce English words.

>fps plays great on mouse but japans market is console focused

Every FPS made in the last 15 years has been primarily designed around controllers unless it's some low-budget indie FPS on Steam.

thief is the best.

not user but I think Watchmen is well written (comic not film). now feel free to dump whatever smug one liners and memes you have stored in your brain for "encounter_someone_who_thinks_watchmen_is_well_written.exe"

For a very long time japanese people have been hesitant to learn english, since they basically consider it a form of cultural death.

In a way they're right, since your country's culture is largely dictated by the language you speak. The less you speak other people's language the more your own culture will be maintained. This is has changed dramatically in recent years though and like most countries japs do want to learn english. They have gotten much better at speaking in just a decade.

>Tears in rain is one of the greatest metaphors for the human experience ever coined. In a single sentence he explained what it was to be a man.
No, it doesn't. It's just cheesy wank. The connection we were supposed to make with Batty through the whole film was his intense desire to live. They fucking bash you over the head with it relentlessly.
>I watched him die all night. It was a long, slow thing and he fought it all the way. He never whimpered and he never quit. He took all the time he had... as though he loved life very much... every second of it... even the pain. Then he was dead.
Honestly, the best line in Blade Runner is not that tears in the rain wank, it's
>I want more life, fucker.
That says volumes more.

Out of curiosity, do conventional ballads even exist in traditional Japanese music? Like, did Japan even have an equivalent of something like, "Don't Take Your Guns To Town" or was that introduced to them later?

Sam Lake does, for starters