What went wrong?
What went wrong?
>source engine
Nothing, but they really need to release something major soon, like a new map, to stay alive.
its a bad game that only exists becasue of fortnite
fit was/is just the flavor-of-the-month game
servers are shit and the no hit registration are insane
they don't update it nearly enough, other than that nothing it's quite fun
They put zero effort into early updates and the first battle pass, when their competitors manage near weekly releases
^ Most of the above and also kiddies fleeing from the game a month after release due to it actually requiring some skill.
Fun, but gets boring really fast
no effective cheat detection and f2p
who cares if you ban hackers if they can just make another account and the match they were in is already ruined
Decided on doing content updates on a 3 month basis when from what I know fortnite has new shit every 2 weeks.
>Fat fingers cant move fast
>Too gay to speak on the headset
No lifers on here complaining because they suck at this game. Get a gf and get gd.
Snailfuck updates and insanely prone to crashing to the point that I crashed almost every game on PC
Shit characters, terrible netcode and hit detection, and it's a fucking battle royale so it's bad at its core.
>game lives on cosmetics
>cosmetics are trash and characters look like garbage
Shallow gameplay, ugly characters
No matter what fags say battle royale games are casual so a game with high skill ceiling is going to frustrate 90% of your players.
Lack of interesting content and too lazy to deal with hackers.
You guys are spot on. A lot of animations for characters are super janky and fucked, like Lifeline's first execution. Gibraltar in general is a fucking ugly, badly animated, unfunny character. Mirage is annoying as fuck and looks like he's covered in suction cups.
The only characters I can legitimately stand are Bangalore, Wraith, Bloodhound and Wattson, and only two of them really look decent. Bangalore's best skin is just a military camo, Wraith looks a little silly but is okay overall. Bloodhound is overdesigned to fuck. Wattson is decent, but her default colors are the best she'll ever get.
what about the stim using mexican who's ultimate is to jump over walls?
Not enough heroes.
they shouldve never made it a hero game anyways because down the line if they add a bunch of them and it'll break. look at siege removing characters entirely.
It tried fighting Fortnite with ugly ass characters
No lighting fast consistent updates
It alienated Titanfall fans
It came into the market where Battle Royales and Hero Shooters saturate the Market
Poor netcode and optimization
soulless, the skins are terrible
It's not titanfall