How come Valve is taking Linux so seriously?
Linux gaming thread
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Is it autism or do they think Linux will become widely used even on desktops?
Because they are worried that Windows will become a walled garden.
Hopefully it will take off, we need an alternative to Win-"first taste is free"-dows
Valve doesnt know what the fuck they're doing anymore.
I think they're still obsessed with the idea of a "gaming first" OS so they're still autistically chipping at this shit hoping to come up with SteamOS Revamped/
they tried to make their own steam OS for their steam console, and i guess thy couldn't run games on a linux-based OS so now they're supporting it to lay the groundwork and try again i guess
valve has always been a company of people who do what they want and like to do. it's why there's still no half life 3
Valve has an oracle in the basement, so they know Microsoft is going down. They're just preparing for the inevitable.
Reminder that they have like I think 6 devs absurdly dedicated to this shit for some reason.
Should have asked that same oracle it's opinion on Artifact.
Linuxfag here, I don't care about games but this could be what makes linux become the normie desktop, and you all should cherish.
OS should be a common, public space, not privately owned, and i say this as a polack.
The almighty cloud runs on Linux. Everybody has to take Linux seriously.
>support open source OS
>somewhat this is bad for some (((people)))
I will never understand that kind of mindset.
Posted from windows 7.
Fuck windows 10
Fuck microsoft
>Should have asked that same oracle it's opinion on Artifact.
Can't have your oracle function properly without a blood sacrifice.
>Proton now ships with D9VK v0.13f. D9VK is an experimental Vulkan-based Direct3D 9 renderer. It must be enabled by the user with the PROTON_USE_D9VK user setting.
Any /g/entleman tried it yet?
Linux users are the whales of PC gaming. They're only around 2% of the desktop market, but they make up around 25% of the sales, according to Humble Bundles that sold games for Linux.
It's mostly because China and the third world exclusively use pirated windows and are also mostly F2P. Whereas Linux has much higher marketshare in Europe and the USA. In addition, Linux users usually work in the tech field, so they have tons of disposable income to spend on games. Whereas Windows users are mostly children and the low IQ who would probably game on consoles primarily.
>and i say this as a polack
There is a possibility now that Stadia is coming. It's running linux on cloud servers. All of the game support Vulkan.
Meaning if those games are released on Stadia then it's a 99% chance the games will be available on normal linux distros.
Can't fucking wait. I refuse to install Win10 and i'm tired to fuck with win7 and patches because new cpus are barely supported
What /pol/ has anything to do with it? You are one of those retards who thing Open Source = Communism = if i'm /pol/ack then i should hate it?
If anything all /pol/tards should heil linux because it gives you freedom.
Just like here on Yea Forums you can safely do your nazi stuff with linux and no one will know it
One day I'll move to Linux, right now you all need to work harder so most of my games work. I'm not going back to windows 10 and 7 is slowly getting obselete but still works fine for now.
Holy shit, calm down, sperg. Have you stopped to consider that he meant that he's literally from Poland? People there are skeptical about anything communist due to being fucked by the USSR for so long.
Linuxtards need to work hard not on game support but on basic functionality of the OS.
I can't understand how you fucks could say before when there was no games "linux is fine if you just want to browse net and listen music"
Because unlike other gaming companies Valve actually innovates gaming, although Yea Forums will never admit it
It's pretty decent game wise. Only game I have had problems with was Fallout 3. Which was a buggy unplayable mess.
Works on machine.
Which games still aren't working?
>i guess thy couldn't run games on a linux-based OS
only fucking Yea Forumsirgins would be so fucking uninformed.
>Many Wine modules are now built as Windows PE files instead of Linux libraries. As work in this area progresses, this will eventually help some DRM and anti-cheat systems. If you build Proton locally, you will likely need to re-create the Vagrant VM to build PE files.
>As work in this area progresses, this will eventually help some DRM and anti-cheat systems
Lots of multiplayer games coming soon linuxbros?
because Linux is based, it’s essentially an untapped market for games, hell I even have my PC dualbooted with Ubuntu
>calling a pre-built PC sold by dozens of different manufacturers a console
The sooner MS is sunk as the defacto OS the better.
Fuck those niggers and everything Win10 and DX12 stand for.
There's no mysticism involved. Microsoft had a meeting with Valve back about eight years ago where Microsoft laid out their entire ten year plan for the phase out of the PC platform as we know it and its transformation into a much more profitable closed platform for mainstream end users. Then having laid out the plan Microsoft made an offer to buy Valve. Gaben reacted by throwing them out, and that was when Valve's Linux initiative started.
So far everything has happened according to Microsoft's plan, and there is now very little time to save the PC as we know it.
Windows is still a better option if you are poorfag with old gpu.
DXVK works good only if you have full hardware support for Vulkan.
If your gpu is old and you have driver-based software-only support then you are fucked.
Right, the first-gen Steam Machines weren't consoles. They were effectively devkits, not unlike when Microsoft was sending Macs to Xbox devs. Based on Valve's continuing work on optimizing AMD hardware there's going to be a new generation of Steam Machines coming when SteamOS 3 is ready and they will likely use a single hardware spec.
>What /pol/ has anything to do with it? You are one of those retards who thing Open Source = Communism = if i'm /pol/ack then i should hate it?
If anything all /pol/tards should heil linux because it gives you freedom.
Exactly for the reason that some retard in here might think open source = communism.
I bet you are american.
>DXVK works good only if you have full hardware support for Vulkan.
>If your gpu is old and you have driver-based software-only support then you are fucked.
If you're running Linux for gaming, do yourself a favor, dump Nvidia's software Vulkan on older cards and get a recent GCN graphics card. Its not like on Windows, Linux has drivers for AMD hardware.
Drivers which it should be added are so much higher performance the loss from wrapping Microsoft's non-standard crap is minimal vs Windows 10.
What about this announcement nearly a month ago?
What about it? Its part of Valve's ongoing effort to further tune up the Mesa graphics stack for AMD hardware which is already the best driver out there. Improving shader compile time and performance will help close any remaining gaps between Windows and Linux performance.
All these Windows kids think Valve employees sit around on their butts all day making hats, when they're actually doing a ton of work right out in the open improving PC gaming that you can keep track of watching git repositories.
Works on my machine :)
Tried Linux, have an amd gpu and all. I've never been able to make my games work on it. All are cracked and run fine on Windows btw.
I mean Linux is widely used everywhere other than desktops
which games are that?
how long ago did you try?
Works on my machine. You do know Gentoo and Arch are /g/ memes you shouldn't unironically use?
but Yea Forums tells me that it is NEVER EVER going to be widely used on desktop
Why does then Valve disagree with Yea Forums?
Is this not a place of reason, full of intellectuals?
Which card?
Keep in mind that the drivers everyone is praising are the ones the community produced for GCN hardware, RadV and RadeonSI from the Mesa project, and not AMD's own AMDGPU Pro graphics drivers.
The most recent hardware still requires very recent versions of the kernel and mesa.
Rx580 8gb, open source driver, lutris, d9vk and dxvk. I tried gallium nine too.
Nier give Error2
Shantae HGH glitch on the intro video and freeze
Hat in time and MM11 don't boot
DOOM Vulkan refuse to work, Opengl works but have terrible performance
FH3 for obvious reason I guess
Wow that's kinda bad. And I thought consoles had it rough having to deal with MS. Maybe its time for an alliance of men and elves against the armies of Mordor.
You have my RAM
Yea Forums is full of children who can barely turn their computers on. Hell, most play on consoles because computers are "too complicated". Anyone with a semblance of tech skill is on
Linux isn't going to save things either. The platform is far too fragmented and will never become a single cohesive system with set standards, goals and guidelines. The new tranny infestation won't help either.
>The new tranny infestation won't help either.
I forgot about this. I guess we have to persevere a while longer.
It's really not since the only officially supported branch by Valve is Debian (which includes Ubuntu).
>Anyone with a semblance of tech skill is on
And Valve is currently making moves away from Ubuntu because of the recent drop of 32bit library support. Ubuntu may have temporarily backtracked on that decision but the damage is done and their plans were made clear, it's happening anyways.
Sounds like maybe your Vulkan driver isn't working. What's vulkaninfo say?
They'll just stick with Debian Sid then, which will probably keep 32bit support around for another few decades.
Do you have an actual point or are you just being defensive because that statement struck a nerve
>How come Valve is taking Linux so seriously?
Their entire business is dependant on Microsoft to survive
Microsoft is actively competing against them with the Windows App Store
Gayben has hated windows since 8 was released.
I don't understant how people willingly use Windows on a private computer. The absurd boot times, the forced updates, the fucking ADS INSIDE YOUR P U R C H A S E D O S. I simply despise Microsoft so much.
No, they were literally pre-built PCs like you can buy at Walmart or whatever with a pre-installed linux distro.
There was nothing special or proprietary about the hardware.
If you wanted to run windows you could just installed that instead like on any other PC.
Linux won't ever become popular, drivers are a mess and no one wants to meddle with console commands to do the most basic stuff
For example in windows you can remap your mouse buttons by just installing a program and picking the button inputs, in Linux you have to go to stack overflow and learn about key bindings, figure out how do they work and to do everything yourself
Neets might find that fun but normal people have more important things to do with their time
>For example in windows you can remap your mouse buttons by just installing a program and picking the button inputs,
that's how my mouse worked in linux, too.
You sound like a neckbeard with no real talents gloating because you spent years learning to make a hello world while people out there were getting laid and working
Did it hit that close to home?
Wow, you are actually underage.
have u tried jack