Where the fuck did the time go?

Where the fuck did the time go?

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=metal gear solid 4 e3 2007 trailer traffic report

That singleplayer story DLC is going to be announced soon, right? If they've been working on it for 7 years, it's gotta be HUGE!

Soulja boy up in this OHHH
Watch me lean and watch me rock
Superman that OHHH
Yeah, watch me crank that robocop

It's time to let go

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I still remember when they actually confirmed they were working on it. I wonder what ever happened to it? Did they just cut up the content and jury rig it into being used for Online? I'm still mad.

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Super fresh, now watch me jock
Jockin' on them haters man
When I do the Soulja Boy I lean to the left and crank that thang now YOUUU

damn it's already 7 years?
people play over 7 years this shit? i really tried and didn't enjoy gtav at all

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Yep, it's all been cut up and ground into sprinkles they throw into online to keep whales playing. They never need to make another game again, and even if they do theres no chance it won't be purely online focused with the singleplayer on the backburner.

Yeah that's sad. I'm scared for GTA VI. I hope they don't return to vice city. They need to go to an African slum.

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>I hope they don't return to vice city
If they do it will be le epic synthwave game. Seriously, fuck Hotline Miami for ruining the 80's.

im gonna miss this decade

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12 years since mgs4
just fuking kill me

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But this is the worst decade we've had so far.

No 2000s was worse plus were having a small 90s revival

90s revival? Nothing today is like the 90s at all not even the rap music


user this decade was good until 2013, the rest is fucking shit



>520 mil
Holy shit Metal Gear Solid 4 was this popular?

Spanish. It's actually just 520k

if it's taking them this long for GTA6 then it better be the best game ever, also it should only be developed for next gen, ps4 and x1 are too trash to make a substantial improvements in the engine

Sad thing is in a couple weeks itll be 8 years

>GTA 3 release - 2001
>Vice City release - 2002
>San Andreas release - 2004
>GTA 4 release - 2008
>GTA 5 release - 2013
We're currently well overdue for a sequel with no sign of it still because they're milking the meme online for every cent they can get. They haven't even begun to properly milk RDR2 yet either. Don't you just love modern vidya?

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>tfw old enough to remember the outrage over GTA 1

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It is blows me away that they've made vice city in just one year after 3 release, even if the whole foundation was already done.

gta vice city was a gta 3 mod

Does being a virgin make you unaware of the entire concept of time? Seriously, you see so many of these autists on this board...
It's like you're seeing a robot gain sentience. You're fucking pathetic. Yes, the trailer for GTA V was released 7 years ago. What of it? It seems like a pretty fucking ancient game to me. GTA 6 should've been out 2 years ago if anything. Kill yourself brainlet and timelet.

To be fair Vice City acts more like an expansion pack than anything. It's pretty much a copy of 3 gameplay wise with a new coat of paint. It was still an excellent setting and part of me really wants 6 to be set there, don't really care what time period either.

Jesus christ I remember talking about this with friends at the lunch table in highschool before it came out. Fuck.

time keeps on slippin

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yes how dare a human being lament the passage of time and of days gone by. how dare they remember the good times. you sound like you're actually autistic.

Swallowed up by a maelstrom of isolation, depression, alcohol, apathy and distraction.

Rockstar doesn't seem to have the best management, they probably allocated a lot of their resources to Online because it was more successful than anticipated and the SP dlc was given lower priority and it was eventually scrapped altogether and they decided to focus on other projects. Even RDR2 was in development hell for quite some time and several projects including Agent and Bully 2 were cancelled, brought back and cancelled again. Bully 2 is in development right now, but we don't know whether it's a new concept altogether or just reusing ideas they had in 2009 when the game was in active development for the first time. Rockstar seem to cancel a lot more projects than other studios and they delay their games constantly all of which is supposedly due to their bad management. Which is a shame because their games are fantastic.

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Why are max payne 1 and 2 on that list though

These are games published but not necessarily developed by Rockstar. You can, for instance, see Oni there too, and LA Noire (though that one had a few R* employees on it towards the end of the development).

zoomers realizing they will soon turn into boomers too, and the next gen of zoomies will make fun of them for the games they like
such is the cycle of life

What generation comes after Zoomies? Do we start with 'A' again?

no its zoomers and boomers all over again

Oh right, I didn't realize they published them.

If we're lucky there will be no gta vi.

gen alpha
zoomer is 2000-2018

Pretty sure Zoomers start at like 1995

>you will never be the alpha generation
God damn. I already feel sorry for the beta generation.

nah, thats what faggot millenials try to peddle cause their generation sucks ass
i wonder if theyll be nostalgic for god of war 2018 or something

>Oh why of course, it's the year 2010.

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zoomers are not 1995, but it is cringe to see them act like they grew up in the 90s

>Generation Z (or Gen Z) is the demographic cohort after the Millennials. Demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to early-2000s as starting birth years.
Seems we both chose the extreme ends.

i chose the middle, brainlet, as its the only one that makes sense

gta 6 is going back to VC.
it will be influenced by the sex industry/human trafficking. screencap this. 2021.

Fuck, I remember when he jokingly said he'll review Raid 2020 or whatever the name was in like 2009, because I thought no way would he keep doing his videos until then.

It's only 520K. But I don't think many people were looking for trailers on Youtube back then.

youtube.com/results?search_query=metal gear solid 4 e3 2007 trailer traffic report

Rockstar games also take so long now because development is no longer parallel. They get every R* studio globally to work on the current project instead of their own separate ones. This extra manpower is used to increase the scope of the game, so the project everyone is working on isn't even made any quicker than usual, and there are no side releases in the meantime because everyone is working on the main project

>mid 90's to early 00's
>00 is middle
>calls the other a brainlet
Thats a truly stellar IQ you're showing there

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late 90s and early to mid 2000s was pretty 90s still. 90s is shit though.

It took 6 years for people to finally realize what a piece of shit company Rock$hit has become. I trusted you Rock$hit. How could you do this

It hurts so much

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>7 years and I still haven't gotten around to playing it
And I've lost all motivation to. GTA as a whole is kinda over for me.

2000s are 2000s

But user! You're missing out on all the overpriced Hot Wheels (TM) supercars that take you an unrealistic amount of time to grind for!! REPENT HOLY SHIT BUY GTA 5 WHAT ARE YOU A FUCKING LOOSER

>Bully 2


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The Warriors is still THE greatest video game based on a movie and I defy anyone to disagree

>n-no u!!
nice argument bro

It's not a no u argument when you own goal yourself user.

Soon to be 8.
>that post written by that ex-employee who basically told us the entire trailer before it dropped.

Take me back.

Houser said that they don't even want to try their "le epix satire of Murica" in the era where satire is less insane than real life.