What are you playing on your hacked Vitas?
What are you playing on your hacked Vitas?
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Sayonara Umihara Kawase and OG Kawase on Retroarch, mostly. I think I'll give 999 a shot tonight.
FFX again, never played international version, it's pretty cool to be able to really customize the characters, but it also feels like it's easier to fuck up and ruin the midgame if you don't grab certain things.
I tried playing demon gaze, but it's pretty boring. Not horrible just not really good, I'd rather play something like class of heroes if I want an anime dungeon crawler. Tried out the DW ports(and SW/WO) and they're not nearly as bad as people say if you fullclock them. Not even overclocking it really only lags if you do a musou attack. The bigger issue is that the draw distance for enemies is like half a step in front of your face, and they don't take damage if you don't see them, so attacks that have large ranges are worthless.
Trying out romancing saga 2, never played a saga game and I hear they're unique. There's not as much as I thought I'd want to play, in truth.
nothing, I already played everything I wanted to play on it before it was possible to hack it
I hacked it and just haven't been using it for anything, I don't need another emulation machine either
It is a mistake to play 999 on anything but the DS
This. I bought all like 10 games I wanted for the vita, played them, and don't really use it much anymore. I didn't hack mine though, I hear it's best emulation option is retroarch (lol) or using the psp emulators, so it seems like a net negative to bother hacking it.
Tokyo Xanadu inbetween shifts.
It's alright, I guess.
I want to hack mine because I'm going on a flight tomorrow but I'm afraid of my account being banned.
I've been online and getting trophies and havent been banned
always wanted a vita
how should i go about buying one?
I tried playing Darkest Dungeon, but the controls were so weird and awkward after a full playthrough on PC that I just got frustrated and uninstalled it. I'll probably try out the Borderlands 2 port tomorrow for shits and giggles
No one has gotten banned for hacking their vitas
Just keep the firmware spoof up to date and don't hack trophies like a retard.
Go to game store and ask for one.
>Just keep the firmware spoof up to date
what? it stopped getting updated years ago
well, last firmware update was back in January this year. When I hacked mine it was 3.60 or something
I just rehacked mine and at last made the hack permanent, and almost completely changed my usual games with new ones
>Sword City Revisited
>Masou Kishin 3
>Odin Sphere
>Velocity 2X
>Sega Hard Nep
>Danganrompa V3 (I have it on PC but it looks extremely jarring and wrong on a big screen)
Annnd that's all my 32gb card can manage
I'm on 3.60. Do I need to update it to 3.65?
actually there was a update like 6 days ago
Wha, really? Thanks for the heads up
why in the hell do they contsantly need updated? is it hard?
was going to get one with henaku pre installed
Root Letter. It's my first VN and it's pretty comfy.
NO, just add ReFood and norp (nad pkgj) to play newer games.
Start from here
Or the next page if you already have Enso. Then you'll have access to a store of all free games to download right from the console
Sony is a buncha fags, constantly patching the vita even when they completely abandoned it.
No problem user.
It feels good to steal games directly from Sony's servers to be honest.
I'll probably regret not downloading the entire PSX and PSP library when eventually pkgj stops working, but oh well.
>Cave in, hack my Vita
>Will finally be able to play those Japanese games I always wanted to import
>Most of them aren't even uploaded, while in PSP days I could always find anything
>Throw Vita back into the closet
Vita means life
I just started Bastion the other day. Before that the last thing I did was get the plat for MGS3 a couple weeks ago.
Yeah I've been stockpiling.
Liberty City Stories, Daxter and Echochrome. PSP had the best library.
>It feels good to steal games directly from Sony's servers
it feels fucking amazing after all the neglect
Just download them? You've got the entire digital PSN library at your disposal
Do I really need to do that ftp stuff? I saw that on a 3.65 hack you just plug your vita into a computer and transfer files that way.
>Do I really need to do that ftp stuff?
no, you can do it with just usb
how long you think they'll keep updating it?
Replaying Soul Sacrifice Delta just going through the various missions to level up. Might play some Dissidia 012 or Medievil 2 later.
i sold it and bought a switch instead
Is there a video tutorial of that? The one I'm watching has him using ftp
you just plug it in and vitashell will detect it, select button will activate ftp though.
Honestly it takes so long to transfer either way, unless you're transferring a 2gb+ game, ftp is the way to go. And if you're getting a 2gb+ game you should be using pkgj.
this is overly annoying and complicated
better off using pc for emulation
It's literally easier than any emu, just follow the steps, there isn't even that many, I did it in 30 min yesteday.
And what 100% working Vita and PS4 emulator are you talking about?
Ftp is easy but it works on USB. It's harder on USB.
Why harder on USB?
Danganronpa 2 island mode.
the livetweet stopped working?
Doesn't show all the folders, it's fine most of the times except when you'll have to modify stuff on the Vita's internal memory
How good is N64 emulation on Vita?
You just have to change folder settings in Windows bro. Just show hidden files.
Nothing anymore now that the Switch is hacked with way more options
What ftp client is recommended?
Garbage don't bother
Anything above Genesis except PS1 sucks
On vacation and my brother is bored, let him play persona 4 golden while i shitpost. Its so painful hearing him play, i can only imagine what hes doing onscreen. I think he might be retarded cause its been a full 2 real days, hes at kanjis recruitment thing, and i havent heard him fuse a persona yet. Now I myself havent played persona 4 yet, but i do know that fusing is key in all megaten games.
NFSmost wanted is ok but it cant be compared to the pc release, soul sacrifce(notdelta) felt far too clunky, cyber sleuth is fun, and Shinovi Versus gets my pp hard.
Overall good buy, will be even better when i spend more time with it.
Ratchet and clank 1
Tetris ultimate
Doom (controls much better then switch version)
On deck is persona 4
Think I'm going to try Terraria soon. I've been messing around in UNIST recently, and I'd like to finish Dungeon Travelers 2 soon. I'm apparently near the end of the maingame. With that finished, I can continue Valkyrie Profile.
Unless he's playing on the hardest difficulty the persona games just let you fucking blaze through as long as you abuse weaknesses. 4 in particular allows you the ability to make sure you always have someone with an ability in your party to shit all over the enemy. Honestly even in the hardest mode it's less about fusing and it's more about exploiting weaknesses, you just chain knocks.
I just installed Enso. When I look at the settings it says spoofed version. Does that mean if I put it as the latest version I can go online?
enjoy you're ban
yeah, just change it to 3.71 which is the current official firmware. ignore the user above, you're not gonna get banned.
How big is Cyber Sleuth? I've only got 3 GB on my card.
The Vita is a graveyard of indie titles from the late 2000's - early 2010's and for years was the ONLY method by which you can play Isaac in a car.
The Switch's hacking scene will eventually render the Vita irrelevant as the Switch has the ability to do everything the Vita could and more, but I expect some holdouts that like the size of the Vita that will keep the community for it going strong over the next few years.
SOON ENOUGH, someone, somewhere, somehow will create a usable android-based emulation console that doesn't start at $250 and this will basically be over and done with.
Yes. Few people have been banned because of CFW, and it's all 100% directly correlated to them playing pre-release games online, and getting trophies for them.
There are others you'll hear about NEAR and cfw, but they were debunked forever ago and just continue getting parroted. Sony fucked up NEAR functionality in an update, very badly, to the point it pinged sony servers about 500 times a SECOND. NEAR was shut down on ofw, but for some reason wasn't removed yet, and if you were using CFW your base firmware was still "active" on near, so it was pinging the servers 24/7 trying to access the near functionality. But it didn't work, obviously, so sony banned those people. But it was super easy to avoid even when it was happening because otherwise you'd see more than the dozen or so posts about it.
Not it isn't
can install a emulator in 10 minutes
fuck doing hacking a handheld
About 1.5 gbs
Honestly i just told him to turn the ai back on cause he never used buffs or debuffs, then again he just brings me over if he cant beat the boss within the first 2 attempts. Then the problem is because he never fused anything im stuck with dogshit (excluding izanagi cause starting personas are absolute bros)
PSP is already that. PSP's homebrew scene is still scarily active, and dwarfs the switch and vita combined. Fuck i'd argue the PSP's homebrew scene is on par with mobile gaming. There are fucking TENS OF THOUSANDS of games, and dozens of emulators for most consoles.
Nigga the PSP and Vita hacking scene is THE SAME SCENE. There is no competition between the two. They both benefit from eachother.
The real deathnail in the PSP hacking scene is batteries because other than soldering on a cellphone battery or some cells from a controller or a DS or something, you're not finding a good replacement online.
>the same scene
it's not, 99% of wololo retards are on vita now sure but everyone else, in japan and china and most of asia (aka the only people who did anything for psp anyway outside of port emulators) is still on psp.
Sick. I'll delete NFS:MW and download that, then. I have Hacker's Memory but haven't played the original yet. I hope I don't burn out.
so what's the purpose of a vita?
play games
Finally finishing Totori's endings, next up it's Meruru.
How are the Dusk games?
until they all fall apart
The PSP has already done just about everything it's ever going to reasonably impress anyone with. N64 emulation is a dead end on such weak hardware. There's no more juice to squeeze.
Actually, there's a file called Unhider that unhides all the Vita folders so it makes USB easy as fuck.
it had no games
you have what's been bought and licenses dumped for. believe it or not, that's not everything.
who the fuck is talking about emulators? I'm talking about homebrew, there's new titles coming out every single month. Vita meanwhile has nothing. It's got moonlight and that's about it, there's nothing noteworthy about it beyond that.
idk i quite enjoy monkey island with scummvm nd yume nikki etc with easyrpg player
>easyrpg player
Nice, never heard of this. Are all rpg maker games compatible?
Lazy af tbf user.
An emu need much more testing and bullshit and then choosing the right one.
>Installed 10 new games right from SNOY's servers
>for free
Comfy and based. I thought I was done with Vita but I missed a ton of shit
How painful is it to get all endings? I only played Ayesha, it was great until I realized I wasn't going to get the good ending anyway.
Just like the PS4, The Switch, the Xbone, etc
>Are all rpg maker games compatible
probably another year or two before they say fuck it and stop
Lumines is showing me im a brainlet
Are the Dangonronpa games on Vita censored at all?
People keep telling me "it's a good console for VNs" then it turns out they are all censored so what's the point?
lol wtf is that old shit grandpa? yeet that back to the stoneage where it belongs
jpkg big retard
Wat, you mean the pink blood? That's how it's supposed to be.
they aren't. but if you can you should play another episode and V3 on a different platform.
Did the console ever get a better PSX emulator than the SNOY one?
Why? They look so wrong on PS4 or PC
Literally can't stand playing V3 on PC, I ended up going back to vita ver
It may happen soon, there's a bounty for 3D drivers and some progress in that direction
i can possibly understand not liking how V3's lighting looks but i don't know what problem you could have with another episode. it looks the same everywhere.
nps only has 40% of released vita games
>using pkgj to download games on vita slower than on PC because unga bunga freeshop copying files is hard
No I mean the BIG ASS UI that's clearly made for a small handheld, it's a total eyesore on a big screen.