What the fuck Sony?

Seriously what is Sony thinking with the PS5? Didn't everyone mock the Xbox One for being online only, why do you think this is a good idea, do you have amnesia? Also, the fact that $1000 was use as a placeholder just show me bad news.

Attached: playstation.png (920x518, 223K)

Other urls found in this thread:


None of my devices at home are ever offline though, unless it's older consoles. What fucking year do you live in?

>Backwards compatibility? We made this one up.
>Ray tracing? This one was invented by a writer.
>Gameplay? It's an urban legend, that never happened.
>Ultra fast loading times? Not this time.
>Consumer friendly pricing? It's a total fabrication.
>Fun? Wrong.
>Far more powerful than the last generation? Pure fiction.
>More than a few permanently exclusive games? It's a made up tale.
>60 frames per second? Not a chance.

Attached: itsfalse.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

You can taste the nintendicklet fear

user claims to be free, says bad opinion, doesn't feel good and gets locked up - PRISON.
Many such cases!

Wait, is this legit? If it's online only then I won't get it. Fuck that.

it's ok when sony does it

Based esl poster

ps4 was going to be exactly like what xbox announced that year before they fully backpedalled. xbox was going to go for a steam like log in anywhere play anything system. sony saw the backlash and immediately changed their course to avoid the same doom. but factually they were looking into drm that would make second hand games unplayable without repurchasing the game, they patented that like four months before the ps4 got announced. sony has been anti consumer for ages now.

>Says the user posting on an online board
Get off the interent then cunt

>that cube

Attached: 1562607879656.jpg (1100x534, 85K)

I don't see a star of david, I don't care.

son, the black cube is the star of david

Attached: the-black-cube-set1.jpg (840x480, 94K)

>online only

Online only isn't nearly as big of a deal as it was 6 years ago, because people are starting to carry around phones that they tether to shit they need internet on. I wish it wasn't the case but it is. It's probably still going to be lambasted if it's true, and rightfully so, but I think normalfags will handwave it a lot more than they were able to with the xbone.

The $1000 priceholder doesn't really mean anything, I think it'll still be high, probably close to $499 or $699 (there's no way they'd ever touch $599 again don't even fucking pretend) if it's really good parts, but I also think there'll be a mid gen "refresh", but this time, maybe with a lower gen spec that won't have 4k support, and won't have all that other dumb shit 99% of people don't notice because they're idiots, for a more standard price.

Above all else though, it depends on the competitor, I think sony's waiting for MS to announce the price point of scarlett before they say anything. They learned REALLY hard from the massive boost they got over sega with the 299 debacle. But I think they got cocky after the ps2 and that lead to the ps3, especially considering they were banking on people wanting a more powerful system as it'd come out later than the 360, but the 360 already had a foothold in most of the western territories.

PS5 will not be online only. It is going to be disc compatible with PS4 which is direct proof that it isn't online only.

That's not an excuse to enable always online bullshit, and you know it.

I hope it really is a 700$ console. I want to watch pc gaming die.

>They learned REALLY hard from the massive boost they got over sega with the 299 debacle.
Only to go ahead and act like absolute retards 2 generations later. They didn't learn shit.

I'd be very surprised if it were online only. Just think about it. Adoption for these consoles will probably be even slower than last time, so you'll see way more crossgen titles than before. In that case, you'd have the following choice
>buy the ps4 version which works offline, works on more consoles, probably has Pro enhancements too
>buy the ps5 version which might look a bit better
it'd be absolutely retarded.

hahaha no, low cost of entry is one of the most appealing things about consoles for normies, a high up front price will only stall its adoption

Why would a $700 console have any effect on PC gaming?

>it's okay when Sony does it

So where's the source for it being online only?

OP's ass.

>current year argument
Why would PS5 get a free pass when Xbone did not?

Is there any thread on this board that isn't literal shit?


Xbone was 2013, ps5 is 2020. Please go to school and get educated you fucking piece of garbage kid.

>xbox has paid online
>ps3 doesn't
>snoys love sony

>xbox has always online
>ps4 doesn't, but has paid online now
>snoys love sony

>xbox has streaming only
>ps5 doesn't, but has always online now
>snoys will love sony

I honestly, really hope 2nd hand games aren't a thing

I'm fucking disgusted by the behavior of "we buy/we sell" retailers and it makes me sick to my stomach, exploiting retards by buying their games cheap and selling them like £1-5 cheaper than new price. And people fall for it, to the point where the shitty retailer gets a nice decent slice of the pie out of developer's income. Yes its the retard people's fault for buying, but you cannot blame the market for being retarded- because that will always happen.

I would LOVE to see these retailers close the fuck down

Thats not how normies work. The most selling phones are actually high end ones for example.
Sony has too many normies hooked up on their brand, they are like apple of vide games. A 700$ would sell just fine.

All of those fucking corporations are anti consumer.

Nintendo is pushing for region locking and DRM.
Microsoft wants always online, always with camera. Ads in console.
Same thing from Sony

And fuck exclusives, which are inherently anti consumer.

Online only, DRM, product as a service are a cancer from consumer point of view. They can shut down servers in future - goodbye all your games. We need a law that forces corporations to strip DRM from product when they sunset it(stop supporting because it doesn't bring them any profit)

i aint clicking that shit nigga

its a free ps5 bro

go fuck yourself, and fuck anyone else who thinks owning things is a problem that needs to be solved

price to performance ratio would be good enough to make high end gaming pcs irrelevant. Looking at what a 500$ shitbox can do, a 700$ one would be the end of pc gaming

It is 2019 and I have a constant, unending, high speed connection to the internet. Does it go down for a half hour every few months? Maybe. Have I ever felt such a powerful urge to play videogames that I couldn't wait even half an hour for the connection to come back up? No.

Consoles in general ARE DRM my dude.
Also isn't Switch not region locked? I remember that being a big deal when it came out.

Nintendo is the undisputed Apple of video games though.

You know for a fact that the amount of time you aren't connected to the internet in a given week is probably the same amount of time it takes you to fart and have it dissipate, you stupid fuck.

Yeah, why do you think PS4 had a barebones UI at launch? They had to scrap their plans, strip out the drm, and cobble together a functional menu before launch. It looked and felt rushed as hell, just like the Xbox UI.

They did learn though, did you not read the rest of my post you mouthbreather? The situation surrounding the ps3 was them thinking that people would want a more powerful system than the 360, and the wii wasn't a concern because no one expected it to blow up like it did. They didn't calculate for people getting a 360 then not wanting to switch.

Not only do they have that knowledge now, but they know how important a price difference is, AND they have the modern age balls-in-a-vice of digital purchases locked to their platform. It's going to have to be a pretty big fuckup for sony to lose people.

Like it was the first ps to have backwards compatibility

Sad because you can't sell 20 of your games to get $10 discount on a 2nd hand new Call Of Duty at gamestop, kid? I know it must suck having to do chores for mommy for 50cents an hour

>I clicked on it to see if it's at least pony shit so I can get him banned

Attached: 1561990148065.png (454x520, 13K)

That may only be a thing if they allow keyboard and mouse to be plugged in and used for every game too, which they will never.

>unironically shilling for publishers
licking the boot doesn't make you rich it makes you retarded

>they allow
they allow it. It's game companies that don't allow it. epic allows it for fortnite and dauntless, but activision doesn't allow it for cawadoody. ea allows you to play with a fucking m&kb for unraveled/unraveled 2, but not battlefield.
Blame devs on that one. m&kb support is hardcoded in for the system's OS too. I'm like 95% certain it's the same for xbone.

no I'm just a developer sick of shitty retailers, son. If you think "we buy/we sell" retailers are somehow better and more important to the game industry than developers, then kindly, fuck off

how much did mommy give you for doing the lawn? I guess it must make you angry. 100 more washing the dishes and you can buy that 2nd hand game you want (after trading in your iphoneX)

No one cares about keyboard and mouse. No one really did when pc gaming was dead last time 2006-2011.

To be honest I don't give a fuck who exactly is responible for keyboard and mouse not being usable for every game, and completely irrelevant to my point.
Which is unless it becomes a thing, it will never affect PC gaming.

You don't know shit about PC gaming then, so your opinion is worth less than 0 in this matter.

actually owning a license to use the software you buy is more important than your bottom line, the faster consumers lose rights the sooner we'll all be stuck renting everything and owning nothing

gonna need a quick rundown

Nintendodos are shitting themselves because Sony's going to win the next gaming gen.

You misunderstand why people game on PC's. Graphics are just a part of it. A large part for some, a completely unnecessary part for others. The mod scene is massive, you ain't modding shit all on a console with way too much work and revoking licenses.

You wish, not with snoy's retarded censorship shit

>Seriously what is Sony thinking with the PS5?
Scenario 1: They wanted to lose so bad that they went insane.
Scenario 2: Moving their HQ to California made them insane to the point of wanting to financially collapse.
Scenario 3: it's ogre

You dumb in the head muchly to you.

yeah, who cares? really.. does having a disc really make you feel more secure at night? Most games you buy you won't ever touch after 1-2years anyway, and the ones you do- you probably wont touch after 15years. You'll be throwing them in the fucking trash, because they're worthless, because everybody has a copy

And on the rare ocassion a new game does eventually sell for $50-200+ as a "collectors item", a $100-200 return on investment after 15 years is the worst fucking investment in the world

Sit down and really think about if your shitty values actually, REALLY, mean anything significant at all

"More important than your bottom line", to be honest, its not. Income for developers is the MOST important thing- so it can be invested in new, better games for you to enjoy (of course, you wouldn't understand that because you're not business minded)

Ive been a pc gamer during that time. It was shit. I wish I had a ps3 so I wouldnt miss on literally all japanese games.

>people are unironically defending online only
when did people start believing their baits?

You mean piracy? Because I know people who play on pc exclusively and that is the reason. Not mods or graphics.

I sold my SNES and all my games when FuncoLand was a single store on the west coast and posted a mail order price list in the back of EGM. I'm an idiot, but I wish they never existed. I agree with you.

isn't that sony's thing nowadays?
do astonishingly well (ps2)
get comicaly overconfident (ps3 launch)
procede to eat shit (ps3 lifetime)
promise to do better (ps4 launch)
do astonishingly well (ps4)
get comicaly overconfident (we are here

I wipe my ass with $1000. Nigga I'll give u $1000 to shut the hell up lmao

I'm a /vr/ poster mainly, so yeah I do care about actually being able to play my games 15 years from now. The DRM that you want would be disastrous for preservation, you won't be able to play the game even if you have a legit disc in your hand.

The major problem is not even "always online", it's DRM concerns. Which means Sony is scanning your system 24 hours, 7 days a week to see if your console is being used "properly", and if it sees an anomaly, then that system gets bricked and you just lost how ever much the console will be, even if it is a glitch. And if your internet has an outage, you can kiss that game you were playing good-bye for a good while, even if it's single player. It's why people are hesitent with Stadia and why the Xbox One flopped pre-launch, which affected it's post-launch life sales. I was pissed with Xbox when this was going to happen, but they actually listened and turned everything around, with Dead Rising 3 selling the console for me. I also enjoy my PS4, but Sony cannot fuck up the PS5 like this, it will be another early PS3, and that is not good.

you do realize the state of physical vs digital right? Digital offers a secure sale, no cost of production per copy, no middle-man, no re-selling (after key is used), and a healthy profit margin for the developer.

Physical is just FUCKIGN DOGSHIT compared to that, 1000% more risky and low profit margin, that is expected to circulate between at least 2 customers, potentially more (whilst shitty scam re-seller retailer is eating into slice of the pie). Physical is the fucking WORST for developers, but we still fucking do it because we do understand its "cool" to have a physical thing.

That being said, if you enjoy physical copies, FUCKING STAND UP FOR IT in terms of giving developers support- and not the fucking "we buy/we sell" and 2nd hand bullshit. If you want to continue recieving physical copies, you should be onboard with the "no reslling" idealogy. otherwise you're just a selfish entitled fucking brat

>Income for developers is the MOST important thing
If you are a developer, sure. For everyone else, nope.

/vr/ is different though, there's a charm to retro games. Modern games are different and you are less likely to be playing them in 15+ years time. Even if you do, there will be ways do do it anyway- it may be that you pay for it again on a different, new platform, but fuck off if you've played it and enjoyed it for 15+ years, splash out another $20 to show your appreciation you selfish fucking entitled cunt

>developers should make games for free
>w...where are all the games?
>man this new game is a shitty re-hash

ITT people who don't understand the importance of supporting their creators

Bruh, without physical copies, I cannot loan a game to my friend that is too poor to afford new games. That's the joy of it, you give your friends an experience, when I have it digitally, it feels like if I do anything, I'm banned from playing it ever again. Digital sucks ass (except for game share on Xbox, that is damn good!)

I do buy new, but whatever you'd do to block resellers would interfere with my legitimate interest in physical transferrable games.

Source on sony not allowing to play offline?

Man, I probably wouldn't take you seriously after this even if you didn't attempt to put words into my mouth.

Honestly, people only shill for EA and 2K with their gambling tactics. People always seem to support the fucking snakes and leaches...

bring him to your fucking house. there may even be a system to allow 1 friend anyway

Even then, if your shitty friend is poor, why dont you ACTUALLY help them by sitting down and working out an action plan so they can earn more income for themselves? not being able to afford games means there's something wrong, stop being a shitty friend and help fix the issue rather than normalising it by saying "here, borrow mine :)"

shill detection activated

... What thread have you been reading... Do you even know what "always online" means.

ok, bye! enjoy never buying games again

so tell me, how is a game company supposed to make better, bigger games if their income is reduced? You'd better have an amazing answer

The douchey attitude you have is probably why your only friend is the single hair on your scrotum... Oh wait, it just fell off... how sad.

> What are you, poor? :)

>splash out another $20 to show your appreciation
That way you can wonder if x game will be getting official verified support on the next system. That way you'll keep wondering if x game will even be re released or better yet "remastered". Or that way the game does get a rerelease, but is worse than the original, and is the version that is rereleased for all subsequent systems.

Just get the game on the original system or pirate if you give a crap. If you're counting on Sony to have backwards compatibility no strings attached on PS5, you're more optimistic than me. These sacks of crap count PSNow as backwards compatibility.
>limited select library
>streaming through the CLOUD

You're probably one of those guys who agreed with companies putting online passes in their games a few years back

Sorry, I'm not wasting my time with idiots. You'll have to bait someone else.

>And fuck exclusives, which are inherently anti consumer.

>company developing its own products for its brand is ''anti consumer''

so the fact that burger king doesnt sell a big mac is anti consumer? idiot

It doesn't cost $400 to drive to a burger king

uuuuuh sweaty its 2019
get with the times
online only is the future
i hate sony so fucking much, i really do hope that microsoft takes the next gen, its their turn according to history

you clearly dont understand the economic cycle of sales/investment/newproducts. It's not a matter of developers being poor, you fucking retard, they're INVESTING THE MONEY BACK INTO THE NEW GAME, not pocketing it. That is, if the new game proposal even passed the feasibility study, which, it probably wont if sales drop

Truly when you run out of shit to say. I can tell you've never been disciplined, which is probably why you have entitled fucking views and a selfish attitude towards supporting the game industry

Go shout at your mom to give you another $10 and trade in her phone so you can buy a 2nd hand copy of Dilate Simulator

Simple. Instead of focusing on unconsumer friendly tactics that only suck people dry, they make something that is replayable and memorable that makes them have good press, therefore more sales and more people buying their stocks. Not even the person you are asking btw.

I think he meant exclusives developed by third party. It's not really a thing anymore, I can't even say any example from this gen that was exclusive but developed by third party, but it was a very common thing in the PS2 / PS3 days.
I think 1st party exclusives are understandable.

>you clearly dont understand the economic cycle of sales/investment/newproducts.
What do you think poorfags do with their trade ins retard?

>cant answer questions about his stupidity
And there we go, fucking checkmate- you realise you have no fucking idea what you're talking about

no, i believe in quality paid games. Nothing I said amounts to supporting douchebaggery developers. HOWEVER, if you want to see less of this and microtransaction shit, MAYBE FUCKING SUPPORT THE NOTION OF NOT RE-SELLING PHYSICAL GAMES

Fuck are people fucking braindead or something

>such a good game! well done! great game! oh, its $5 cheaper 2nd hand, I'll get that one :)
said 20000 people, and suddenly that great game loses 100k

Is ps4 always online? Im quite sure you dont need internet connection at all once you downloaded the your games from psn to play them.

its funny how you didn't add nintendo now having paid online...

what did the early UI look like? I only have a hacked PS4 which is kinda useless now but I thought the UI 5 something has had been the UI from day 1

3rd party exclusives are completely fine too

if sony or microsoft want to pay a developer to create a game exclusively for them they have every right to

they buy 2nd hand copies dickhead

So tell me, were your parents related, before they were married or are you just mentally ill. If so I'm sorry that I called you a "wetard." Plus forget industries, companies like EA and Ubisoft have been sucking people dry for every cent, and you are one of the people in the loop who has been blinded. Real sad that you are a drone bowing down to what the guys in suits have to say.

Reasons to own a console:
>new exclusives
>price point (in the short term)
>blu-ray player built in
Reasons to own a PC
>full access to any game that ever came out on a PC
>any controller you want including m & kb of course
>plethora of mods
>true backwards compatibly/don't have to rebuy a game to play it in better quality on a newer console
>ability to upgrade any part of your machine at anytime
>don't have to pay to play online
>can achieve higher frame rates and resolutions than the newest consoles
>don't have to rebuy an entire other console after 4 years to maintain the standard of quality the industry is dedicated to
>costs less in the long run
>can be used for productive purposes such as editing and rendering video, creating and producing music, etc.

if its such a great game you wouldnt trade it in
burden of not making shit game is on the devs

Nintendo suffered from the same thing but they're in a world of their own doing other shit.

lmao you seem to be awfully agitated
go take your meds

3DS was region locked but the switch wasn't, right now they are the most consumer friendly of the trio

Honey, I only buy new from 4 companies, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft (not recently though and mostly Rare anyways) and Rockstar. Everyone else can suck my second-hand dick.

sorry, 20,000 people buying a 2nd hand game because its $5 cheaper is not a 100k loss, its actually retailpricex20,000

so, $800,000 USD if the game is priced at $40

See what im getting at?

And Hitman 3 wants to go back to being episodic
And people are trying to get a second EU referendum

This is how they get their way, they keep trying to rape you until it works

>yet another sony butthurt thread

I personally hope it fucking flops. With all this censorship bullshit Sony is pushing, I have zero interest in buying their next console. I’ll stick to Switch + PC and my PS4.

Reasons to buy an Xbox:
>Xbox Game Pass (Which gives you a PC version as well.)
>No Epic Game Store

the greatest games still only last for 1-2 playthroughs normally, its rare-r than you think to replay more than that.

So after the that experience is over, most fags sell it at their nearest We Buy/We sell

The topic was whether it was anti-consumer or not. And at the bottom line from consumer perspective, there is nothing to gain whatsoever from exclusivity so it's pretty anti-consumer. Even if it makes sense from business point of view.

I only brought up the distinction between 1st and 3rd party exclusives is that it's unreasonable to expect 1st party developed games to be multi-plat, but it's pretty shitty for third party.

>poor children crying, the thread

Don't worry. This trigglypuff is just going through her period, but she is getting roasted by everyone on here.

They are using that price so they can then reveal it will be actually 500 or 60p bucks and people will be glad it is "much cheaper".

Nvidia does that with the Titan line, which only exists to make the xx80ti line look like a great bang for the buck because you're "getting almost Titan levels of peeformance for almost half the price!"

Jews gonna jew. Screencap this.

so what shithole pajeet country do you think the person who was paid by microsoft to spread misinformation about competitor consoles is from?

just what kind of scum would make such a thread and how much do you tink microsoft pay peole like this to spread fake news?

Attached: 1559859753778.png (474x587, 285K)

Mods are barely even a thing unless you consider texture swapping "modding", for 99% of games.

Damn, there's a lot of triggered Snoy's in this thread today!

TIL only poor children care about being scammed

To be honest, it bothered me a lot more when Nintendo was censoring shit because it affected games I actually wanted to play like Xenoblade.
Sony censorship so far only affects literal trash bottom of the barrel weeaboo trash that I wouldn't have played anyway, so I find it hard to get mad about it. It will probably change once it affects something I actually care about too.

>Dude it's not a problem the console only powers on if you wear pants on your head, everyone has pants!

Even if a bad design choice doesn't outright prevent you from playing it doesn't mean you should accept and defend the inconvenience. We have tons of always online games already and guess what, sometimes the servers are down, sometimes your local internet can be down for a bit which makes you incapable of playing. Making a whole platform always online is idiocy.

>Hurrr durrr here's some made up shit i came up with lmao
>Debate bros

Fuck off faggot.

I was mad when Nintendo did it, I’m mad now that Sony is doing it. Only way to discourage this shit is by voting with your wallet. Fuck Sony.

>Only way to discourage this shit is by voting with your wallet.
Well, I'm doing that part allready, no worries here.

>Only way to discourage this shit is by voting with your wallet.

This NEVER works, for every guy voting with their wallet there's 99 guys going "OMG WHO CARES LMAO" or "That sucks but whatever, still getting it"

If voting with your wallet worked the most popular games wouldn't be micro transaction filled mediocrity fests.

We won bros. Buying a ps5 asap

Attached: 1527514948913.png (978x588, 792K)

Reinvesting back into games which get less content and less effort put into them with every new installment. Wonder where the rest of that development money goes? :^)

so there'll actually br a $1000 ps5? wow

This, how many times does Sony have to get hacked or for their network to go down before you understand this is a shit idea.

Just imagine if they made PSN membership paid too. There's nothing that would stop them from doing that practically, the threat of consumer revolt is the only thing that would stop it.

it doesnt work for AAA games, however we're talking about small niche jrpgs and shit like that
the autismal userbase is way bigger

>buy ultraviolet online dvd for $15
>watch it 1000 times in 10+years
>this week they closed the service

>buy coat
>after wearing it for 15 years, zip breaks and you can no longer wear it

>buy house
>after 200years, it falls apart and needs to be demolished

you do realise nothing lasts forever? Even physical copies of games detoriorate and the hardware used to play them. Fucking stop being a little bitch

>which get less content and less effort put into them with every new installment.
>because they didn't have enough budget to do more at the higher quality the modern market demands with rising costs of production
>because they lost anything between $200k to several million through 2nd hand sales

I bet you think hiring a 3d graphics designer to produce a character model is the same time/cost/complexity as it was in 2000

Stop defending selling an inferior product and charging the same price for it.

stop speculating about imaginary products

There's no escape bros... snoy is just an example of how gaming industry is going to shit, I can't take it anymore I just wanted to play videogames

Attached: wearedoomed.jpg (840x334, 165K)

Stop advocating them.


its way cheaper now, just get one of those retard coming straight out of "game school" and replace xer on the next go

People vote with their wallets. And will buy second hand games if they want to if they feel like the full price is unjustified. Would you be upset if someone bought a handed down vehicle from 1999, knowing that the money doesn't go to the manufacturer, but rather the person selling it. Why are you acting like a triggered feminist on here over something that is commonly accepted within the gaming community.

It's not regionlocked

>PC gamers represented as more of a fatass, neckbeard looking cuck with a fedora to boot.
Kek. I love this user.

>People vote with their wallets

So, basically.
>Always-on DRM
>GPU will be the same power as a a GTX 1080- A 4 year old PC GPU when the launch date arrives.
>No 32:9 ultra-wide screen
>No 240 fps
>Movie games
And they don't even have a handheld like the Vita that you can stream your games to.
Oh, but they have backwards compatibility. Only thing is, games are going to look terrible running in 240p/480p/720p on a 4k TV. And every PS1/PS2/PS3 game anybody cares about has already been remastered or remade sometimes multiple times.
What went wrong?

Its not always online

>Expecting any backward compatibility beside PS4 and maybe paid emulators

Yeah, and?

big macs are first party dumb cunt
more like if burger king didn't sell coke

Who are you kidding? These aren't the reason to own a pc. I couldnt give a shit about old games and my tablet works just fine as an emulator.
Frame rate doesnt matter unless you play on a shitty gaming monitor since all tvs have input lag high enough to make anything feel like 30fps.
Id rather have no cheaters in my games than being able to mod. A big fucking chance everyone needs to render videos and make music.

The real reason to own a pc is FREE SHIT. Its really fucking cheap when you consider the piracy.

>Frame rate doesnt matter

>Frame rate doesnt matter unless you play on a shitty gaming monitor since all tvs have input lag
Imagine doing something retarded, having the solution right in front of you, then refusing to do it and pretending you're smart for doing so

>Frame rate doesnt matter unless you play on a shitty gaming monitor since all tvs have input lag high enough to make anything feel like 30fps.
And you probably wonder why nobody takes you seriously after saying stupid shit like this.

>PS4 has had hardly any games during its entire lifespan
>had to be re-released to keep up with performance
>Sony is already talking up a PS5
what the fuck is their problem?


thats because you play on a shit tn monitor without input lag

above one frame of lag which all tvs have it really makes no big difference to your input, unless the frame time is shit and it drops below 30 like bloodborne

>It is going to be disc compatible with PS4 which is direct proof that it isn't online only.
You underestimate the greed of corporations.


Attached: brainlet.jpg (474x368, 17K)

Dude, you don't even understand why high framerate is important. I'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with input lag. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you genuinely didn't notice the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps.

You are the retards who never played a game on a good tv. Input lag makes frame rate irrelevant. Stay mad pc cucks.

But Sony wouldn't get anything from having it be online only.

You're simply wrong buddy.
You're on the right path thinking framerate and responsiveness are closely linked.
After all your eyes get updated 30 or 60 times per second allowing you to react quicker.
But adding 20 or 50ms to the display doesn't make it redundant at all, it just makes it worse.
60fps on a display with input lag still visually looks better than 30fps and feels more responsive than 30fps.
Any reduction is latency is an improvement, regardless of whether it's coming from reduced frametimes, display input lag or controller latency.

Attached: 1558470577331.webm (480x270, 337K)

>Deliberately uses a TV with shitty lag
>Thinks this is a good thing and makes fun of those who don't
Kill yourself retard.

Killing used games and piracy is enough of a reason.

>Input lag makes frame rate irrelevant.

Attached: 1564426477957.gif (190x190, 1.98M)

> Input lag makes frame rate irrelevant.

>Killing used games and piracy is enough of a reason.
Why? Sony gained a ton of good will through including it last gen and they have already confirmed backwards compatibility so they would be going back on their word which will spawn even more conflict.
Also, this will never kill piracy.

I literally just played mhw which is 30fps locked in 4k mode and then ds remastered which is butterly smooth 60fps and theres not much difference in responsiveness. My tv has noticeable lag.

It looks smoothers, it doesnt feel that much smoother.

They could have online only with the disc only serving as authentication which as you might remember was the original plan for the PS4 before they scrapped it after seeing Xbox get destroyed for trying that shit

there objectively is

>All of those fucking corporations are anti consumer.
This. I don't care if you're a Sony fan, Xbox fan, or Nintendo fan. They all don't give a shit about you. They exploit you due to your loyalty.

Sony went back on free online when it was convenient for them too, I don't expect any kind of loyalty to the idea of used games.

Forcing all consoles to be fully up to date all of the time will definitely make pirating harder.

>It looks smoothers, it doesnt feel that much smoother.
So what if the input lag isn't much difference? I don't like my games to look like literal slideshows. Retard.

>I literally just played two different games and I couldn't tell
wow what compelling evidence, your off-the-cuff opinion based on two different games is a very scientific way of testing whether or not framerate is irrelevant on televisions, especially since everyone in the world owns the exact same model of television that you do.

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>which as you might remember was the original plan for the PS4 before they scrapped it after seeing Xbox get destroyed for trying that shit
No. Andrew House stated that Sony had never planned to do that shit ever. That was never something they were planning to do.
Free online isn't comparable as that is literally direct income. Online only is indirect income.
>Forcing all consoles to be fully up to date all of the time will definitely make pirating harder.
It actually doesn't. It would give pirates more incentive for people who are in areas without internet access to start pirating.

Post models of your displays you play games on. I bet you are too much of a brainlets to care about picture quality and figure out how to calibrate your display. You seem like you only care about lag and frame rate.

My point was All good displays have high input lag. At some point it all feels like shit whether its 60fps or 30fps. And if you play on a crappy tn gaming monitor you should off yourself.

ITT: Sony shits the bucket and developer cucks try to say why paying more for games is a GOOD thing
fuck these people

this is fucking retarded.
Firstly, OLED tvs exist so your sperging about picture quality vs lag isn't even true.
You don't have to make that trade-off.
Next, the input lag often times isn't that bad anymore.
TVs with game mode aren't a match for a TN gaming monitor as you say but 20ms still isn't enough to make 30fps feels like 60fps in terms of responsiveness.
And for the last time, adding latency ontop of more latency doesn't make it feel the same it makes it feel worse.
Higher frametimes ontop of a display with input lag makes for a cumulative lack of responsiveness, it doesn't just become unnoticable as you somehow claim.

The incentive is there, the means is harder. There wouldn't be half as many hackable PS5s as there are hackable PS4s now if every one of them had to update to be playable

Imagine being this much of a brainlet that you think that display technology has anything to do with input lag.

Didnt read the rest of the post. Go educate yourself on displays, retard.

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded!
it's all so tiresome

You are literally claiming that oled tvs somehow have no lag.when all snoy oled tvs have more than 20ms.

never said they had no lag, OLED displays typically have lower lag while also having great quality picture.

But regardless of whether your TV is absolute trash or the best on the market, putting display latency ontop of frame-latency doesn't somehow cancel it out, that's just retarded.


They dont typically have lower lag. That depends entirely on processing behind the panel. The instant pixel response time of oled, which you probably think of of makes fuck all difference, especially on tv.

1. It's not always-online.
2. The placeholder was 9999 Swedish Krona which is just the highest value possible in the online store, it has no meaning on the actual price.

None of your complaints will matter. You all will eventually get a PS5 because Sony knows this.

Games will convince you to the dark side no matter what because you like video games.

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no ape escape 4 either

But they wouldn't have to update if they are already hacked.

The difference is that nintendofags dont ever pretend theyre getting their console for anything more than solid exclusives. Early adoption of other consoles is a crapshoot - remember when microsoft brought a bunch of exclusive jrpgs to the 360 in its first two years, making it look like they were going to compete for the japanese audience, but there was never a second wave? I still remember people arguing on this site that PS3 was going for the western racing game and sportsball audience while 360 was going to dominate japan.

missing the point, there will be much fewer out of date consoles in circulation if you have always-online
getting into piratefaggotry will be harder

based hot wife poster

>getting into piratefaggotry will be harder
No it wont. ???
No one has to turn their system on and let it update.

What games?

3d action is a shit genre for children who dont understand how good controls should feel. Sell me the ps4.

kill yourself sony drone

they do if you want to actually play games
there have been a number of times where I have skipped online updates and continued to play games offline in the hope that an old firmware becomes exploitable and it's worked out for me nearly as often

Like I'm gunna buy something that demands to be connected to the internet all the time. Not all of us live in a city where everything's 5gs and fiber optics you stupid fuck. And even if I do have it connected to the internet all the time I dont actually own anything. If it does a check I might as well be streaming netflix and at that point its garbage.

You just don't like video games anymore. Find a new hobby

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Not gonna lie, they got me fooled. I got a 360 because of all those awesome JRPGs, and I loved them but I was completely caught offguard that they stopped coming altogether, and exclusive JRPGs started appearing on PS3 insted. In the endI had to get a PS3.

Meanwhile at Nintendo come November 2020 with Switch Pro (or 2 depending on what Nintendo does).
>As much DRM as the 16nm Switchs, but stronger/better.
>GPU will be at 1024:64:64 at least, expected from a handheld.
>No 32:9 ultra-wide screen
>Yes 120 fps, at 1080p
>Yes 4K
>Yes Variable Refresh Rate
>No censorship
>Mario games

Some people like owning shit idiot. Maybe if you had anything to your name besides your netflix account and xbox one game pass youd understand. I'm sorry that your upset other people can actually sell things they own. Hit me up when you get out if that apartment youre renting with 3 other faggots

Lmk the name of your game so I can make sure to pirate it.

why are you acting like someone NOT giving a shit about re-selling their games, is poor? You are the poor one

>some people like owning shit
You still fucking own it. It's just you cant sell it because its used. Same as you own your diapers, but you can't re-sell them as a functional product after you shit your pants again today. Sure, someone will buy them for fetish reasons, you can also sell your PS5 Disc with shit and piss on it for fetish reasons aswell, it just isn't functional

Grow the fuck up child, get out of your mcdonalds toy mentality

The absolute state of this guy is amazing. You might want to change careers if your grasping at the idea that people are going to fawn over your game if you act like that. Might as well be Fez 2.0

If you own something, you can transfer ownership of it. If you can't, you just have an indefinite lease to use it. With DRM you can't even guarantee the "indefinite" part.

>Xbox Game Pass (Which gives you a PC version as well.)
only if you buy ultimate which isn't much more

>play mk11
>game always has to connect to the servers EVERY fucking time and if you don't your data doesn't load

Always online is cancer, that's what DRM is right? The idea that I always will be connected is absurd

?? The hacks literally turn off the checkpoint where you need to do an online check-in.

DRM is just any kind of copy protection. The NES lockout chip can be considered DRM.

Are you ESL? I'm talking about before your console is hacked you retard.

>all good displays have high input lag
Actually they fucking dont. High end tvs have game mode to stop input lag. Also they have at least 120hz refresh rate(they usually say motion rate of 240 which you divide in have for actual refresh rate). You're only fooling yourself that your walmart tv on black friday was a good purchase.

in that case its not DRM strictly its more that they are very anal about peoples save files because the game is laid out in a way to make people spend cash on costumes in the shop.
if you could keep a save offline you'd be able to manipulate it to get all the costumes for free and they dont want that.

Yes but with the NES there are less moving parts that require outside resources.

System checks game > game is legit > play games.

Now, it's:

System takes in game > reads key > uploads key to server > server authenticates > game is legit > sends signal back to console > play game

With always online, you're beholden to the assumption that your internet connection and their servers are functioning. And if you've been following anything, youll.see that they aren't reliable. And this doesn't just happen at boot up. It happens all throughout, meaning you can't have any lulls in your connection. And if you tell me that your internet connection is flawless I will call you a liar.

>you still own it

HAHAHAHAHAHA oh.man, you haven't been playing games long, have you?

both things are DRM, the latter is just more intrusive.
there have been tons of different types of DRM used for games.

Underrated as fuck

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Absolutely agree, what I'm saying is that DRM by itself isn't a black mark. Just the form it takes. Always online is as shitty as the rest of it, but the classic disc DRM system in use on the PS4 is fine.

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only when the jannies are sleeping

>Shills/newfags trying to bait me and other physicalfags into giving up this beautiful right to actually own our games

This is the future you choose. You may as well just preorder a stadia and upcoming apple box

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If I buy something I can do whatever the fuck I want to it, and noone else has a right to say otherwise. drm is a fucking crime as far as I'm concerned because that purchase I made 10 years ago goes out the window if their servers go down. Gfwl, CD keys, gamespy games. I dont have access to these games anymore because fuckheads like you think restricting my access is fine and then have to gal to resell me moh allied assault on your new marketplace with new drm. You are the reason people pirate shit. It's easier then dealing with the drm

Certainly. But in terms of modern internet discourse, the negativity towards DRM is framed almost entirely on the latter scenario.

That shit literally doesn't matter. It is just physical hardware at that point. As a last resort you can just return it to factory settings.

Well, it's because DRM only matters then. Nobody cares otherwise.

Factory reset doesn't downgrade consoles dumbass

Please be bait.

>disc compatible with PS4
Funny, they didn't say a word about games you bought from PSN.

You're the guy that guy fired from Microsoft and went to Sony, right?

Shill harder, please.

they'll make us think it's gonna be like $1000 and then announce its $500 and act like heroes

The OG PS3 was backwards compat

Well, they haven't technically laid out all the details of the product yet. We only have tidbits.

>muh saturn
fucking /x/philes

Read my shitty diaper analogy. FUCKING PLEASE just read it.

You do own it, same as you own diapers, but once you use it, its "Spent", you still can transfer ownership if you shit your diaper, but only for aesthetic/fetish reasons- functionally, it's unable to function.

MANY products work this way. Get it through your thick fucking entitled skulls

And you can transfer ownership of it after purchase without problem, if you dont use/register it to your account

No one likes DRM nigger

>only children dislike DRM

>restricting my access
So what happens if, one day in the future, your PS4 breaks and you can't play your DRM-free Witcher3 disc on it anymore- and hardware is discontinued and its impossible to find a replacement PS4?And your disc is barely working either through wear and tear. As in, the hardware and disc have both deteriorated to a state where you can no longer play them?



>Only faggots and zoomers like it

Bigger Nigger

yeah the reason you can't reuse a diaper is that it's physically spent, by its nature it is no longer fit for purpose after use, there is no reason a game disc that still functions should be the same way

Because you're in control of one not the other, stupid

Console DRM barely fucking affects you at all. ESPECIALLY compared to the amount of damage 2nd hand sales do to the industry. Just fucking get over your petty "I WANT TOY! I COLLECT IT! I SELL WHEN PRICE DOUBLED!" mentallity you fucking figure-buying hoarder fucking weeb and shut the fuck up about your shitty entitlements

My dream PS5:
>$600 or below
>Backwards compatible with PS4 pro
>Officially emulates PS1, 2, 3, PSP & Vita
>Pro controller: small OLED touch screen & rear touchpad (for Vita games) - same form factor as PS4 controller - better quality analogue sticks
>Plenty of streaming services
>Gets hacked easily and can emulate Wii, GameCube, DS, etc. Active homebrew scene.
>1080p RemotePlay for iOS and all android devices (not just Xperia)
>Plenty of demos to try
>Support for ultrawide aspect ratios
>Box art and online store listings must depict game framerates

Because they're winning and think they get away with it. This is the exact same shit that happened going from the ps2 to ps3.

DRM stops you from playing games in the future you idiot, figure it out.

>there is no reason a game disc that still functions should be the same way
Same as when you go to a cinema, and buy a cinema ticket, watch the film, and then come out and complain that you cant re-sell the ticket for someone else to watch it? Because, realistically, there's "no reason the ticket shouldn't still work" right? All that's changed is that an employee put a tear in it

Imposed limitations are put in place to secure the company's fucking future you dickhead

Encrypted game discs + locked disc drives are "console DRM", and there's nothing wrong with that really.

I'm talking about always online

No one pays the full price of a phone in one payment. Everyone has a 2-3 year contract with monthly payments of like $20. You can’t compare high end phones to consoles dumbass.

20-30+ years into the future, (steam functioning since 2003, ps3 servers still up release date 2006) most people lose their discs by then or they have been damaged, and 90% of people have literally 0 interest in playing those "old games" again (please dont compare this to iconic retro games, its REALLY not the same thing). Grow the FUCK UP jesus, your entitlement to enjoy a piece of 20-30year old media does not outweigh the damage 2nd hand sales do to the industry, you selfish fucking manchild

no, your a literal faggot and I still play old games so you can go suck a dick

I buy my phones full price because its (sometimes) cheaper. There's endless amounts of finance deals available for consoles too, because, people buy them on finance sometimes. And their TVs

We literally do not know. Nothing has been announced yet other than Sony saying their next console is going to be powerful, as company's are won't to do prior to announcement.

Stop falling for clickbait or baiting in general to drum up ire. You sound like a child.

>outliers define the norm
Please kys

What old games? I bet there's not many PS2 games in there, because anything less than PS1 are treat diferrently because of their iconic status in history. Anything more recent than PS2 won't be remembered/want to be played as much as those

And don't forget, we're talking about ONLINE SERVICES, in 20-30+ YEARS TIME. Do you understand the significance of that? It's very doubtful the servers of mainline companies will "shut down", because the cost of running them will be fucking minuscule by then. That or we'll all be dead from apocalyptic tradgedy/war. Either case should not cause any fucking concern about your PS5 disc

I just pointed out that finance deals are available for consoles, targeted fully towards normies. Can't understand it?

The original xbox live servers went down like 10 years after they were put up, if that. Wii and DS servers were taken down in a similar time frame.

the circumstances are completely different, you're paying for a cinema to operate a screen not your computer in your house to play a disc in your hand
>Imposed limitations are put in place to secure the company's fucking future you dickhead
fuck your future, don't sell me less then charge me the same

I wonder how different things would be if people refused both PS4 and Xbox over this always online shit

yes, and aslong as you still have the game downloaded, you can still play them. Same as you would if you had the "online only" disc in 2060 when the "servers close", measures are put in place to prevent mass customer uproar

Shut your whore mouth. It will be online-only. OP said so and with his pedigree I suggest we trust him. This shit pee-ess-five is the blunder of the century and I will personally be here to laugh at you when the Switch outsells it 3-to-1. It also will have zero exclusives over 95 metacritic.

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Is there people who actually think the PS5 is going to be online only and cost 1000$?

How braindead is this board really?

It’s gonna be be 500$, almost exactly like the PS4 feature-wise and launch with tons of cross-gen exclusives like TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima.

yeah, because there's not a direct fucking 1-1 analogy dickhead, video games are unique. I shouldn't even have to use analogies but no form of explaination gets through your thick fucking skull does it?

I can't believe people are this fucking uneducated

>fuck your future, don't sell me less then charge me the same
You'll get less in the future if you don't support company's trying to do something about 2nd hand sales and key-reselling greymarket shit. Stop being a fucking child for once, your ability to resell your game because you're so unkilled and living in poverty DOES NOT mean developers should have to lose multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars just so you can trade it in to scrape a $2 discount on your next 2nd hand game. Fucking christ

Sony was going to use that idea with the ps4, but after the xbone reveal with the always online and kinect and the response they scrambled to act like they thought it was dumb.

>buy access to pay-per-view boxing match to watch on your own device at your own home
>when you're done, can't re-sell it on

Entertainment is and should be 1-person usage, to preserve the future of that entertainment medium, you fucking entitled fuck

fuck, this is some good bait, like vintage new and improved

>put DRM in everything to preserve the medium

You mad that you can't re-sell that bathwater you bought from e-thot because you already drank it? Go to the fucking doctor you infested piece of shit

>everything should be free, we should just buy 1 copy and everyone should be able to access it. Fucking greedy creators, not surviving and re-investing into future products from 1 sold copy of their product. fucking scammers

if you're gonna remove a huge portion of the value inherent in the product you're selling me, according to the terms that have worked since the product was first conceived of, you can either charge me less or fuck right off. If you can't operate under those terms, you deserve to bleed.

Go fuck yourself, and fuck anyone else who thinks consumers should be celebrate getting a worse deal.

>You just don't like video games
I'm starting to notice this be posted more frequently now. Is this a line from the new manuscript Sony astroturfers are using to shut down criticism of Sony?

>The idea that I always will be connected is absurd
Not when corporations want to intrusively data-mine you.

the samefaggotry here is intense

>buying consoles
If you haven't just moved to PC by now then you must be a complete retard.

Do you also welcome Ingsoc?

Nice to know we have a fellow britbong among us.

>if you're gonna remove a huge portion of the value inherent in the product you're selling me
What? the re-selling thing? If you re-sell a game you are literally taking away 1+ retail price sales from that company. You think they enjoy that?

Noone fucking cares about your poverty situation, seriously. And whilst the game industry picks up from the removal of the massive loss that is 2nd-hand sales, they're not going to "bleed" or come crying to you. Infact, you're going to just fucking buy it anyway and get over yourself.

Enjoy setting yourself up to be fully cucked by your own selfish mentality

only two of those posts were replying to the same post?

because brainlets think that a console being expensive, means it will compete with PC.

HA! Jokes on them.

Source or you’re just seething?

>YoU'rE jUsT pOoR iF yOu DoN't GiVe Me MoRe MoNeY fOr LeSs PrOdUct
kill yourself you unrepentant kike

Corporations care about only one thing: profit.
It sometimes aligns with consumer good, and sometimes it allies with morality(bad PR hurts). I am mostly a consumer so I'll do every-fucking-thing to protect my interests.

if you think for 1 moment that developers should treat you as a valued customer if you intend to re-sell their game then you have a really distorted mindset. They fucking hate people like you. They're basically selling 3+ copies of their game for the price of 1, all because you and your faggot friends want to trade it in multiple times because you can't afford anything.

You are NOT the desired audience. You are the fucking leechy scum piece of shit customer they want to avoid


you are poor though. Because the trade-in value of games, and risk of buying 2nd hand is only worth the time and effort if you earn less than, for example, $20/hour. You are the literal definition of poor if you dont think your time is worth more than the hassle of re-selling/buying 2nd hand games- because wealthier people have to account for time/effort when taking financial decisions into account.

You literally sound like someone that would walk 40mins to a different shop if you found out it was selling a game $2 cheaper

>You are NOT the desired audience
Of course not, I'm not a bootlicker who accepts plummeting standards and diminishing value propositions without even qualm. That's your ideal consumer.

>just show me bad news
Jason, is that you??

Also poor people buy with 0 consideration towards their seller. I.e, wealthier people want to spend money especially if it improves the developer's financial situation. Where as poor people just seek the cheapest option available regardless of wether the creator sees any income from that

yeah, it is, because those people treat creators with more respect and can rely on their purchasing power to secure future projects and invest more into better games. And those people will enjoy and feel the benefit, whilst you're over there just excluding yourself

You fucking thick or something?

Source? or is op just starting some controversy

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you're missing the point why people pick PC
you get almost every gen of console/arcade/PC games, almost all Triple-A garbage comes out on PC, you don't have to repurchase remasters for the 5th time at a ridiculous price.
Not even talking about paid multiplayer bs on console and """free games"""

>plummeting standards and diminishing value
why do you think this happens? Most flop stories/cut content/discontinued IP's have been from publishers/developers seeing too much financial risk, a lot of which comes from the massive fucking chunk of lost income 2nd hand re-selling causes. You're literally basing the shittier standards of gaming on the current norms, which IS RE-SELLING GAMES. If you want things to improve, fucking accept change for the greater good

Last gen Nintendo tried to frame region locking as a consumer friendly thing.
Maybe instead of consoles we could have a common spec on which games could run. No exclusives, only quality of game itself - not the shitty platform - matters. Because let's face it - most consoles are exactly the same. Only Nintendo is different - because spec-wise they are gen behind, and they invest in gimmicks( nds was great idea, 3d in 3ds not so much - despite 3ds being great, wii burned down fast, wiiu was idiotic and a bit too late, switch had to compete at once with both handheld market, phones and normal consoles, labo is dumbest idea ever etc.)
You can go to both of them and buy a burger - that's fine. If burger King had a club that required to to shell out cash before you can grab their burger (and they can revoke your access at any time, and retroactively remove your burgers from existence) - that would suck.
>food analogies

Reselling games isn't a new phenomenon, fag. Back in the 90s you'd have rentals taking a chunk out of your bottom line too, and you never complained then.

Aa a consumer, the cost of the product and it's quality matters to me the most.

I do not care about developer bottom line, nor should I. It might affect my decision when I already decided to buy the product- for example buying cp2077 on got instead of steam or anywhere else - when price is the same that is.

how new are you?

>jason16888 is still around
Damn, that's wild.

I'm simply remarking on the fact that it's obvious those who make products will have more affection for those who will continue to support their output despite getting an objectively worse deal - though I doubt anything that goes on in this relationship can be called respect.

>I do not care about developer bottom line

See this is where your words lose 100% value. You SHOULD care about the creator because if you enjoy their shit, you want more/better of it, right?

I'll scale it way down for you, because you're dumb

Imagine, an independent cafe which produces unique pies or something. They have higher prices than Walmart for their pies, as such they have fewer customers. You buy and happen to really enjoy their pie once, and say "awesome, this is the best pie ive ever had!"

THEN, because you dont give a fuck about them, you just keep buying pies from walmart for 2years.

Then you go back to the independent pie shop, and see their quality has gone down enormously, as they are using cheaper ingredients as they cannot afford the better ingredients anymore.

"Why are your pies shit now?"

"Because you and several of your like-minded faggot friends only bought 1 pie in 2 years, so now you don't even get the option of having nice pie ever again"

You consumer options and overall available quality has decreased because you didn't give a shit about quality creators. Still dont give a shit?

I mean, this is a far-fetches analogy, but I really cannot explain it in any other way that will make fucking sense to you

we're talking about entertainment media and hobbies. Not toilet paper / bare essentials

You are retarded.

I've purchased 2nd hand games, most of my favourite / most played are 2nd hand, and they play as well as brand new.

Trying to close down Gamestop won't get you more money, only the big suits.

developers will still earn the same shit. Retard.

T. A former developer, turned into code-monkey and later consultant analyst because it was more profitable.


Jews will purposedly ommit this in their shitty analogies. The used game is STILL useful, because you just insert it into a console, you don't waste it.

triggered fag.
You deserve to have your salary cut.
Read Ayn Rand, for a change.

Self-publishing is more common now, fucking idiot. You wouldn't understand because you were a fucking failure. Even if still using publishers, the increased income WILL see its way into the development studio you absolute fucking moron

>read Ayn Rand
yeah because philosophy from that era is totally relevant

So was the PS2, but its omission of any back-compat on the PS4 was surprising, especially after Microsoft started throwing both 360 and OG Xbox compatibility on the Xbone.

the same fallacy as the used diaper.

The cinema ticket is valid for ONE INSTANCE of the film.

An actual analogy would be you purchasing the physical DVD release of the film, and sharing that with other people.

And see how much it "damages" Hollywood - Basically 0, they lose cents, if even.

You are a retarded DRM shill, who is probably not even a developer, but a suit and tie corporate shill - After all, those are the only affected by lack of sales, developers get paid monthly, regardless of sales, except if they are indie.
The only change can be the company going under, and developers getting fired, which can happen in any company, but you make it seem as if devs are working for % comissions. Which they are not.

Retarded liar.

online this

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Fuck off Switchlets. Not out fault you picked the faggot no-games console.

Can't wait for FF16, Persona 6 and FF7R.

>you selfish fucking manchild

Not an argument, you corporate shill. Either increase prices, if you want more money, or stop producing games altogether if all you seek is sheckels.

>DOES NOT mean developers should have to lose multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars

They don't. Developers get paid hands-down for their monthly work, with a full-time contract.

Source: 25 years in the coding industry. Go spew your jewish lies somewhere else, corporate shill.
Nobody gets damaged by people not buying a product, but the higher ups, who actually invest the gold reserves in the product.

>An actual analogy would be you purchasing the physical DVD release of the film, and sharing that with other people.
>And see how much it "damages" Hollywood - Basically 0, they lose cents, if even.

This is flawed because Hollywood HAS the cinema box office system as their main source of income. Video games DO NOT HAVE THIS. The "exciting new product" is available day 1, there is no exclusivity period.

So fuck off shooting down my analogy, because your reasons arguing it don't consider the differences.

>The cinema ticket is valid for ONE INSTANCE of the film.
This is the main point i was making. WHO FUCKING SAYS it's one instance? When there's no reason it cant be for multiple uses? like the person I was responding to was complaining about? The fact is that yes, it SHOULD be 1 use, and it IS, but this is just something someone made up as an imposed limitation, for the benefit of consumers and creators.

Fucking christ I really don't understand how you are so thick

>developers get paid monthly, regardless of sales,

and where does that fucking money come from? An infinite money pot that is unaffected by sales performance past/present/future? Developer are directly effected by the performance of the company as a whole, because if the game suffers from financial loss, people are getting laid off. Whereas, if the company does well, they can afford better salaries and increased benefits for their employees (that they want to keep, becuase they are part of their success)

You seriously seem to have 0 understanding of how business and finance works. You're probably some wagecuck who puts bare minimum into their job and doesnt understand why they get fired due to their underperformance, all whilst complaining about "WEN IS PAYCHEK WEN IS PAYRIASE"

>Entertainment is and should be 1-person usage

Yeah, that0s why when I play local multiplayer I do it alone, so I avoid stealing from devs.

If a friend comes to play, he must have his own copy at home of the game, or else I will beat him with a hammer.

Fuck off with your shitty arguments, retard.

>yes, and aslong as you still have the game downloaded, you can still play them.
sure let me get my 200TB raid set up real quick too hold all these 50-100GB games

Why the fuck would anyone stay connected to the internet if they have no use for it? That's like leaving the door to your house open at all times. Especially with bad patches out there. I'm not going to let my PS4 update anything until I know if it is safe.

Hardcore gamers don't even believe in online games.

>increase prices, if you want more money

oh my fucking christ, if you're 25 years in the coding industry as a wage-cuck/freelander surely you should understand that their ability to pay you handsomely for your services depends entirely on their own income. Fucking christ how can you have such poor understanding?

>see thread
>oh interesting, I wonder if there's an article or something this thread is based on
>literally nothing
Good fucking Lord you people are unhinged. You're literally complaining about shit that doesn't even exist because you're so obessed with Sony.

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You talk like no big publishers have gone bust and that they can just pay whatever employee anything no matter what

Fucking retard

you're talking about 20-30 years time, that will not be a problem. If you're really that fucking anal about it buy mutliple devices- you'll need them anyway if one breaks

You think the power of the cell can be expressed in mere x86?

with flexibility, of course- dickhead

>someone said 5.5+4.3 is 10 omg what a FUCKING DICKHEADD ITS 9.8!! AHAHAHAHAHA

>Noone fucking cares about your poverty situation, seriously.
But we should care about the Big Company's economical situation?

The shit you are spewing is literally contradictory. How do you expect consumers to support you if they are too poor and can't afford your prices?

Something tells me you have 0 idea of how business works.

If your product doesn't sell, YOUR solution would be to genocide the entire competition.

A REAL solution would be to cheapen the price, so it sells more. (If it's a good, desired and purchaseable product - Otherwise you can give it away for free, nobody is going to want it)

idiots like you have wrecked this industry. idiots like you are the reason multiple season passes exist for a single game. Idiots like you are the reason that they charge 60 dollars to play online on consoles. Idots like you are the reason that I'll be going back to piracy soon.


Games get rereleased all the time dumbass

Calling it now $599 U.S $799 Canadian which is where I live fuck my life I could just build a mid range Pc

>You are NOT the desired audience.

By your twisted and shitty logic, nobody would be your desired consumer until they just handed you 1Million in hand.

Fuck off, troll. Your arguments hold no logic whatsoever.

>Where as poor people just seek the cheapest option available regardless of wether the creator sees any income from that

>Implying succesful business don't adapt to these "poor" customers which make like 95% of the customer base.

Retarded AND null-pilled.

>A REAL solution would be to cheapen the price, so it sells more.
How do you know games wont get cheaper if 2nd hand sales were removed?

Also, games have maintained their prices pretty steadily despite the rising costs of EVERYTHING ELSE. You should be fucking appreciative of your luck that you got a hobby that has this.

Fucking shit shovelware Sega Genesis games were $60+USD. Now you get a fucking SHITLOAD more game for your money. Whereas any other hobby in the world, the prices have gone up considerably in the past 30 years.

So yes, the prices have gotten "Cheaper".

And it's called the Xbox 360.

>don’t you all own phones!?

>ask for $50

Believe it or not, there are many customers who actually have nice and generous pockets and yes they are the desired target audience, not you. You really dont fucking matter

I was just explaining why he was poor

>You wouldn't understand because you were a fucking failure.

Something in your "argument" tells me you IRL is exactly pic related lmao.

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Sticking with Switch and PC. Fuck this shit.

Really is going to be online only? Then I would like to change to Xbox but I play MK games a lot and the biggest comunnitty is on PS4. Sony don’t be a nigger

>Fucking christ how can you have such poor understanding?

Bcoz I don't. I stipulate the company to pay me XXXXXX thousands millions per year.

If they don't, I move away to other company. It's called being good, and having a good LinkedIn profile / strong references.

regarding the companies financial success? that's where the marketing / Finances teams come in.

Not my responsability, I just make the software. If they don't pay me, I stop making software.
The only ones with sweat ticking down their neck are the jews up in charge, who have to manage so that I get paid on time, and they get some profit from my labor. Ez

Do pic related you fucking insect, (((Current Year))) doesn't mean jack shit when everything has been going down in quality ever since Barry Osama has been reelected

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you literally just said you used to be a developer but changed to an analyst because you fucking failed at becoming successful

I'm not gonna pay you 50$. If you think that will stop me from getting your game, maybe make a deal with the distributer?

Oh wait, you are the code monkey - Kindly fuck off, and leave economical matters to experts, not uncultured swine like you.

No, I said I changed because being an analyst pay more than developing.

It's not my fault your reading comprehension is that of an aborted downs-syndrome.

>If they don't pay me, I stop making software.

Exactly? You ability to work is directly dependent on their ability to afford you. You thinking that this is limit-less is typical fucking wage-cuck mentality.

You honestly sound like such a disposeable hack that I dont believe you have any passion or clout in your ability to perform. So kindly, fuck off out of this conversation, because we're talking about preserving the lifeline of quality games, not "jumpy clown 2"

>there are literal bootlickers in this thread
I ask you, how is it like to not be human?

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getting paid more as an analyst than a developer proves you were a shitty fucking developer

you've never paid $50 for a game?
Fuck off then, really don't care about your input because you're not a valued clientbase

Speaking with you would be like trying to get opinions out of a fucking homeless person

>Online only
Wasn't there a thread about this on Yea Forums earlier this month?

>everything as a service is good
Plenty of real world counter-arguments for that line of thinking in the current year, broseph.

>le valued clientbase
Video games are nothing like property or a boutique, stop acting like you're some big shot from LA or a high class snob from Lichtenstein

I pay $60 for nearly every game, but I never pay more than $30 for a digital game because I don't get as much for my money and I don't want to support that.

Go slurp sony cum faggot. The PS5 will fail

>some foreign site used $999.99 as a placeholder price for PS5
>Yea Forums goes absolutely apeshit
Why does Sony trigger Yea Forums so much?

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why would any developer listen to someone who has never paid for a full priced game before? You FUCKING LITERALLY do not matter at all

>You FUCKING LITERALLY do not matter at all
Every cent matters to the suits retard, why do you think EA is doing so well? Nickel and Dime dumbfuck

you own a company? No? Pretend you do.

Let's pretend you sell ice cream. You don't know whether to launch strawberry or chocolate as your next flavor. 5 customers give you feedback. 4 of them, come in all the time and buy a lot of ice cream without any problem, sometimes purchase extras. They make it clear they want strawberry next.

The last person, a fucking stinky shit cunt who ALWAYS asks for discount, asks for extra, complains about the quality, and in general is a real shitty customer, says they want chocolate.

You telling me you'd listen to chocolate fag? Because is that person

money adds up, yes. But concerns are heavily more based towards the "good" customers. If you have 0 distinction between good/bad customers, then you are a fucking idiot

>you own a company
I have a share, so yes I do.

I worked a retail job so I know the distinction, but the reality here is that 90% of people always want to never pay full price for most things unless they are rich dumbfucks. Hell I know rich folks that will pay less if they can

"good customers" include microtransaction whales
I'll keep my dignity thanks

>online only
>2 games on launch, including pubg
>No disc

>consoles have been 400 since 20 years
What is inflation
They must increase their price to 1000

20 years ago people had a lot more disposable income than they did now in real terms. Why do you think the PS4 and Xbone launched with poverty-tier hardware?

>seething pckek

>90% of people always want to never pay full price

Well I know you have fucking nothing to do with video game industry because launch week is where we make most of the fucking money, retard. This is true accross many industries. Clothing launches, wine launches, new car launch, this is where they make most their money, from people paying 100% launch prices + extras

So perhaps shut the fuckup shareholder, you don't know shit

>new car launch
lol no one buys new cars anymore
Also news flash I dont give a fuck about your profits, go make me a good product you lazy nigger

>lol no one buys new cars anymore
he'd probably tell you that this is a crime against auto manufacturers too, lmao

I have consoles and a PC. I like to play consoles in the living room, and the PC at my desk. I also like to use consoles for games that I'm having issues with on PC, like Watch Dogs 2.

>lol no one buys new cars anymore
they do? they still sell fucking shitloads. What the fuck are you talking about? It fluctuates +/-10% each year but thats normal

>OP makes some shit up
>Fuckwits and Ninshills eat it up

>they do? they still sell fucking shitloads.
Boomers and new money buy new cars. Everyone else just gets them used or leased

Again, you're the shit customer for car manufacturers. You do not matter

>you're the shit customer for car manufacturers

He did it user

Xbox it is!

well you are? they sell plenty of new cars to their new car target audience

You don't seem to understand how this works, devanon. I have money. You want some of my money for [product]. I have a few specific criteria (in this case, a physical copy I can play offline) that must be fulfilled before I even consider your [product]. Don't meet them? We have nothing to discuss. I keep my money or buy something else.

There is no version of this business transaction where we dialog over your hardships.

This goes for the Ps5 too.

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Yes. We are. Because we are the ones paying. Deal with it.

Based and Rikerpilled

Miss out on some great games then if this shit gets implemented

>There is no version of this business transaction where we dialog over your hardships.
I'm not trying to sell you a game right fucking now, am I? We're discussing it over Yea Forums.

And no, you don't have money, because shit like this is irrelevant if you did consider $50-60 to be truly disposable

You can pay for something and not be a dick about it, and have some respect for the people working hard to provide you with shit to take your mind of the abuse you get in your daily life, you entitled dickhead

You can sell me a product without being a dick about it too. Don't piss on my boots and tell me it's raining.

And you're not entitled to our money you cockbite. Especially now since this gen hasn't produced a lot of good games

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you're being a dick for biching about not being able to re-sell a game you bought (because you're poor). The developers aren't bitching about the quality of your money

>Especially now since this gen hasn't produced a lot of good games
>2nd hand reselling is a big factor


Thick cunt

Because of thisThey have the Snoy army trained and ready to defend their masters now, they weren't ready back in the day

You're being a dick by telling me I'm entitled for enjoying the same thing I've enjoyed for the past 30 years.
You're bitching about me not being grateful for being given less value, whose worth is also somehow simultaneously insignificant (when I have it) and indispensable (when you have it).

>the ps4 invented used games
fuckin lmao

>being given less value
Oh fuck off with this shit. You're specifically putting resale value as a high priority and not, you know, the ACTUAL GAME. Which btw has not shifted price in 30 years (shit Sega Genesis games being sold at $60 30yrs ago, which is the equivalent of like, idk 100+$ now). So get the fuck over yourself, games ARE getting cheaper despite becoming insnansely more quality in graphics, story, length, gameplay and replayability.

You sound like an absolute fucking train wreck of an unappreciative entitled cunt

The attach rate this gen isn't any different this time around. If people are reselling games more than ever before, they're turning around and buying new games at the same rate.

>They could have online only with the disc only serving as authentication which as you might remember was the original plan for the PS4 before they scrapped it after seeing Xbox get destroyed for trying that shit

make me a better product

There's no reason to not move to cloud-based gaming if developers can't fit their wankfest GFX games onto a disk.

I'd love to see a modern console that doesn't compete with PCs at all and only makes games that can run on disk.

>Oh fuck off with this shit
There we go again simultaneously making out out like it's worthless to me, but invaluable to you.
You fuck off. A mugger deserves more respect than you, because he is at least honest in his intentions. You can't even muster the self respect to admit to what you're doing, and what you want.
>Which btw has not shifted price in 30 years (shit Sega Genesis games being sold at $60 30yrs ago, which is the equivalent of like, idk 100+$ now).
Manufacturing a cartridge costs 100x more than pressing a disc. Not to mention the fact that the market has expanded in size massively since that time.
There we go with that word again, as though I'm somehow being unreasonable for wanting to be sold a good and not a service.

>you don't have money, because shit like this is irrelevant if you did consider $50-60 to be truly disposable
I'm surrounded by collectables worth thousands, have several thousand in shares, a few hundred in precious metals, and hundreds in the bank. You are mistaking not just throwing my money at anything shiny for being poor.

Making a lot of assumptions there. Except me being an entitled dickhead. Because I am a dickhead. And because my money literally entitles me to having standards and criteria for what I buy. Developers get paid, either in sales or by their boss of they are staff, and aren't doing any personal favors for us. You aren't changing my diaper for minimum wage here.

>because you're poor
You seem fixated user.

We're emulating PS3 at a faster pace than we were gaining on the PS2 front, and given a couple years I don't see that changing unless PCSX2 has a major boost in per-game compatibility that isn't a nightmare to manage. Sony has the official documentation and capability to emulate all of their systems, and don't even have their own PS2 emulation on PS4 perfected to be quite frank because they simply don't care.

He's projecting like crazy because he's a code monkey.

user I'm impressed with what you've accomplished but don't even bother with that faggot

>None of my devices at home are ever offline though

Mine aren't either.
The problem is that Sony's servers _are_.

Repeatedly. And often extending the entire evening into the next day or beyond.

Not a sonyfag, but PS3 got good midway through its lifecycle.

it's a retarded tweet that people here keep posting that is referring to game streaming and people keep on trying to interpret it here as always online

OLED panel technology itself literally has almost zero lag. Pixels can update nigh-instantly without going through transitionary periods, as is the case with LCD.

This isn't a problem if your source material is _really_ high frame-rate, like 200 Hz or up, but if your video material has lower frame rates you can actually see the screen snapping from frame to frame: OLED judder.

Manufacturers have to pull off some trickery to reduce the judder, starting by clamping the frequency of the screen updates. But that creates sort of the inverse problem of a game's FPS not matching the screen refresh rate on PC. You'd need a good sync mechanism like vsync or you're boned and get either stutter or tearing.

Adaptive vsync would probably be needed, because unlike PC where the content adapts to the screen, on TV the screen has to adapt to the content. Ranging from 60p to 24i with a lot inbetween.

And most screens don't have it.

Instead manufacturers use motion interpolation implemented in the TV hardware to inject interpolated computed frames into the content to match the refresh rate to which they locked the screen. And that introduces lag. Interpolation requires knowledge of atleast one 'next frame' and good interpolation requires knowledge of multiple.

Another trick is black frame insertion, which boils down to it being a trick that fools your own *brain* into doing the interpolation. It works to varying degrees for varying people. Some are OK with it; some find it disturbing and awkward; others literally get head-aches from it. So manufacturers are hesitant to use it.

What are you a dev for so i know what game to tell all my friends to avoid?


1 0 0 M I L L I O N S T R O N G

By the way, don't forget to SEETHE and stay mad. Sony is creating salt mines out of Yea Forums posters lol.

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SNOY and the s󠀀oyboys that blindly worship terrible business practices have ruined the industry