Wife just bought me pic related. It’s sealed so if I play it I have to keep it

Never played a Diablo game before, and if I play it and don’t like it I’m stuck with a $80 game I won’t play.

The reviews seem very mixed, most negative reviews are that it’s too easy. However, it looks pretty comfy to just chill on couch or in bed.
Looks like it might be alright to play while watching tv. Will mostly be playing hand held.

If I return it I’ll probably get Dark souls, which, I’ve never played before either.

What do you all think,

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D3 is garbage and a switch port of it sounds like a special kind of hell.

Lmao your wife's boyfriend didn't even bother to buy you a game that isn't shit

d3 had a bad rep because of its launch, switch version came after all the updates etc and i dont think its that bad to actually sit back and play it with a controller.
also by being primarily a pc game its going to get hate for being ported to the console just for that reason.

It's not that buster. Problem is that after all these years there's still no enjoyable endgame in it beyond incredibly repetitive rifts and bounties. Also it's incredibly piss-easy even on nightmare x15

It is incredibly easy. Diablo 1 could be brutal if RNG wasn't in your favor or you didn't have a shrine cheat sheet but it was ok. Kind of feels more like a survival horror game in some ways, might actually be my favorite. Diablo 2 was just right, probably why its so popular even now compared to its two brothers.

D3 is incredibly easy on the Normal difficulty, but there are difficulties above that so you can play the game over and over. There are also "seasons" with their own challenges if you want to acquire parts to show off your edick or whatever. I was never terribly into that. You can create a hardcore character where once you die that's it no redo.

I'm going to get my gamerdick cut for this but I actually like Diablo 3 on console. Its easy to navigate the menu's and its fun to dodge with the stick.

well yeah but at that point how many hours would you have already put into the game?

You can get to nightmare 15 in a weekend if you know what you're doing. It's that fucking easy nowdays.

It sucks to get older. Yeah now I have money to spend on games but now they are too difficult for me and I have no motivation.

I’ve got a PS4 too but I just can’t see myself playing it in front of a screen. It takes a bit for a single player game to keep me interested and invested for a long time. Picked up Horizon zero dawn, Days gone, division 2, Spider-Man, BOTW Mario Odyssey and only Spider-Man and BOTW were able to keep me interested for weeks. Finished Spider-Man and BOTW is nearly done.

Kinda want to move away from single player games on PS4 as I’m using it as an Online Multiplayer machine...

What about ultimate alliance?

>What do you all think
That you're a damn pussy ass faggot
go ask reddit you piece of shit

>It’s sealed so if I play it I have to keep it.
Fucking what
Since when? Just trade it in to gamestop if you don't like it. You didn't buy it so it's not like you'd be missing out on anything

There aren't really any modern games that are "difficult" unless you must get all 100 collectibles for trophy autism or you insist on playing on "Nightmare" your first go.

Sucks hey, I can get invested for a week but when I have a break and finally pick em up again if feels like a chore.

Diablo has always been good on console. I even liked 1 on the PS1. The constant clicking sound of any diablolike game is enough to drive me insane on PC.

I’ll only get like $20 back for it, maybe it’s differnt elsewhere but I’m here in Australia. There’s a sticker over the game from the shop I bought it from and is seal is broken you can’t return....

Still 20 bucks you didn't have before, for a game you might actually enjoy if not this one.

You may as well give it a shot. It's not a terrible game. I find it a little repetitive, but very satisfying. It feels like popping bubble wrap and occasionally opening a present. It's nice. Not great, but nice.
On the console, with local multiplayer, it's even better. It's basically the next-gen Gauntlet game we never got

Show us your wife’s tits.

I heard Diablo on PSX was horrendously low resolution and you couldn't tell what you were looking at. Never tried it for myself.

>Eternal Collection
A wise choice. It's an addictive game if you choose a Demon Hunter.

>don’t like it I’m stuck with a $80 game I won’t play.
Why oh why would you ever buy a Switch (Switch Tax on top of full retail)? This is a $30 PS4/Xbox One game and far less on PC.

Yeah, I think I’ll just give it a go. I’m sure it’ll be comfy just sitting on the couch or getting ready for bed.

>returning a gift
Pretty trashy, especially if it's from a significant other

It's a fun couch co-op game. The game itself is pretty polished, it feels good to decimate mobs of enemies.

Trashy? So if someone bought you the wrong size shoes you’d fein that you like them and would wear them? Weird as fuck.

It’s my wife mate, not my grand mother.

>it looks pretty comfy to just chill on couch or in bed

For exactly this it's good enough.

And what the fuck, why/where did your wife buy it for 80? It's mostly on sale/half price everywhere.
Or it's Hong Kong or other fake Dollars.

Not the same thing, you would just exchange them for the proper size.

It was 240p like all PS1 games but I could complete it just fine with no technical troubles. The main issue people cite is either the resolution or loading the console does when changing floors.

Gift it to your wife's son instead

Lol they still releasing diablo 3?

>too easy
For the campaign, which I believe you still need to complete to unlock Adventure mode, that's true.
Otherwise, Adventure mode has scaling difficulty (not infinite as far as I know) for Nephalem rifts (basically a sort of time trial).

My brother and I used to play it a lot. The co-op was great. But yeah, the loading times were something else... More than one minute of waiting between floors, and even more between zones.

OP here forgot to add that it was her gift to me for getting a vasectomy so it’s not as simple as just taking it back for a refund.

That's a mastercraft bait if I ever saw one.

>Hey anons i have a gf

Its not bait in 2019 newfag


>returning a gift from your gife
holy fucking shit are you retarded user
d3 is garbage, maybe good for the first hour or two before you realize how the game is going to work the rest of the content
but still it's a gift from your wife, so love it

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wife* shit you got me so mad I started writing like a retard

Honestly, the console version is better then the PC version. Also playing with your loved ones makes the game better.