Okay, can someone just give an honest answer?

Okay, can someone just give an honest answer?
Apart from exclusives, WHY do you play games on a console?
You are literally choosing the most inferior version to play in every single way

I get that 10 years ago, "it's more convenient" would be a decent argument, but modern PC is legit MORE plug n play than consoles (enjoy sitting 6 hours waiting for the forced updates to play any console game these days, on PC you can just disable it)

So can anyone who owns a console in 2019 just answer this:

Attached: loading times.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

It just feels better to turn on something made for gaming and get immersed instead of load up a game on your computer that's used for everything else and can also alt-tab to anything you want at a moment's notice. On a console, you're there and in.

Didn't we had this thread already?

>console are better because they are less useful

Autists don't just make one thread, friend.
They make it over
and over
and over and over and over.
A copy of a copy of a copy of a copy, filled with the same responses and buzzwords.

>Brainlet that doesn't know how to build a PC

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It just doesn’t feel right on PC.

Yep. Just like we had 50 "PS4 SOLD 100M WOO FUCK NINTENDO" threads yesterday.
It's just shitposting to them.

Because I already spend 8 hours a day in front of a PC

All this did was remind of how shitty and slow World's hub is

>It just doesn’t feel right on PC.

Attached: john-stossel.jpg (413x310, 29K)

i spend 10h and still get back home to use mine
don't see the issue here

I prefer gaming at 24-30fps, and I can't be fucked frame limiting every title I want to play. Ultra smooth frame rates just feel wrong, despite my ability to achieve them on my rig.

PCs are for work, consoles are for games. Easy as that. PC is also uncomfy and soulless as fuck. Keyboard + mouse games are also AIDS and not fun. It's great not being an obsessed graphics cuck

There is literally no reason to play non-exclusive console games.

>don't see the issue here
And that's exactly the problem pcvck

>I prefer 30 fps, it's more cinematic

I live în a shitty corupt country where the 1070s got immediatly removed from stores once the 2070 arrived, no price reductions. Also, more expensive than US prices.

It's great not being an obsessed graphics cuck. I get to enjoy my games instead of having to spend thousand of dollars trying to fill the hole in my heart. Enjoy your containment launchers and Denuvo, pcbros

>on PC you can just disable it
You can do that on consoles too you know.

>framerate is the same as graphics
Enjoy your stuttering experience

>Dude I swear the human eye cannot see the difference past 24 fps

>MHW coming out for PS4 first
>Decide to double dip because I'm a huge MH fan
>Buy the PS4 version and play though the "story" and some end game content
>Overall a really disappointing experience
>PC version finally comes out but decide to not buy it because better performance and faster load times don't fix the games issues

I mean it's not rocker science

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The consolefag argument for why they don't play on PC can be summarized as "cause I don't feel like it". There's no legit reason why anyone should play multiplats on a PS4 or Xbone. I give the Switch the okay because of the portability (playing in bed is great) but if you're playing multiplats docked on a TV, just don't bother.

>dat loading

Can't you just stick an SSD in your PS4, though?

You're no fun

It's money and convenience. A PS4 Pro costs a fracture of a PC that is able to run the game like in the video.

- easier to cheat/encounter cheaters is the only one I can come up with
+ Its also easier to mod a game to better the experience
A Double edge sword.
People might also pick a console for community reasons. The ps3 DS 1 community was more lively than its PC counter part back when I had both.

Ironically PC is still faster on a mechanical drive than the PS4 on a SSD.
SSD on PS4 like maybe makes it almost as fast as PC mechanical.
PC SSD is just near instant.

I have chronic backpains when i sit longer than 1-2 hours so i rather play console games in my bed

>Can't you just stick an SSD in your PS4
an ssd in ps4/pro would still be slower than pc hdd

Thats because of delayed release.
Most people who caed about DS aplredy found a way to play it on one of the 2 consoles.

Meanwhile PC version of 2 and 3 sold almost as many and is just as lively on PC.
Because of simultaneous release.

Loading screens can be fun.

You can do the same shit whit a PC.
I unironically play my consoles on the same display i use for my PC.
Hell i even prefer a PC display over a tv because its closer to my head more immersive.
+ PC monitor has more capabilities.

Attached: 20190413_142828.jpg (3264x1840, 1.9M)

>MHW on PC comes out
>massive disconnection issues that Capcom took weeks to fix
>had to wait for a CPU performance patch as well
PC is great for patient gaming. On release day shit's usually chaotic.

Its strange you chose one of the worst PC ports in recent memory as an example for this.

Bought MH on PC at launch there were online issues, lightning attacks would cause stuttering, we didnt get proper HD textures until months after release, we have delayed content that consoles got first which continues to this day in the form of iceborne.

Overall a really dogshit port my man.

Consoles had the same DC issues.
The game just bugs out when to many people play it at the same time.
Capcom didn't think it would be a huge success so they didn't invest in better servers.
And had massive load times and sub 30 fps.

Ironically it still ran better than the console version.

kys immediately

No PC was particularly affected especially after the Kulve Tarrot update.
Never had a DC issue joining quests on PS4 personally.

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I am too comfy to kill myself.

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I travel 400 miles a week and often go abroad. You want me to take a gaming PC with me in the airplane? Thanks I'll stick to my switch in handheld mode.

Did they fuck

i like buying my games on discs and carts

>WHY do you play games on a console?
To dab on the libs, gamer style.

>Apart from exclusives
That's enough of a reason for me. Enjoy not being able to play those games for a decade I guess.

Don't you have any other hobbies? Reading, watching and listening are all much better to do on the road than playing games.

>apart from exclusives

I got nothing. i own consoles but i have a gaming pc aswell. I use my consoles only for exclusives. (switch for fire emblem, ps4 for persona 5 ect.) No xbox.

>I-it just feels better!


Attached: mhw.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

Because im not an autistic mouthbreathing faggot.

This for me as well.
The early life of PS4 sounded promising, I got Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, GoW, etc. but after TLG the great drought happened so I made the Switch, then came back to PC once I cleared most Switch exclusives
Never even though about Xbox for even a second.

because games are not delayed by 8 months

>having to pay extra to play online
Defend this console cucks.

I love this fallacy, why do people always go on about how much cheaper consoles are. they are a BIT cheaper. but not that much cheaper.

Ps4 atlaunch: 400usd
online for the generation: 60*7= 420

There, you're looking at close to 850 dollars after tax just for the console and online for the generation. you're more than 2/3rds the way toward a computer with that money. PC gaming isn't "more expensive", it just has a larger overhead cost.

Ps3 and Wii U were the last consoles to have free online. Switching to PC should have been the best decision at that point.

Time is cost as well, and convenience is why mobile gaming is so popular.
>B-but it's easy to build a PC!
Its STILL easier to literally download an Android app or boot a console disc

do pc elitists actually play games or do they spend all their time getting mad at people who dont play pc and boast about how much better they are?

I only use my PC for playing low spec exclusives or older titles, even though it can handle better. For whatever reason I have a very hard time staying focused when I play on PC, my mind wanders a lot more.
I don't really play many new games anyway and when I do it's the physical version on PS4 or Switch.
The PS2 is the main platform I've been playing games on recently so it's obvious that I don't care about performance.

>consoles are better because you can't alt+tab

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I guess there are 2 types people.

If my car needed an oil change, I'd change the oil. You'd bring it to a mechanic to change it for you. it saves you time and it's more convenient.

different strokes.

>time is a cost aswell

It's not like it takes any longer than 2 hours to make a pc from scratch, but okay.

Cmon, you know the answer to this user.

I'm not a poor 12 year old so I cam afford to have a console AND a pc. A foriegn concept for many I know. Trust me though, it happens sometimes.

bitch if you take time into account pc wins too
you waste more time watching loading screens on consoles than you would ever building a pc ?
stupid retard

So how old are you?

>age is an excuse to waste money
I hope you end up homeless.

i have everything but an xbox (its redundant, i have a powerful gaming pc)
there's still no way in hell i'm going to play an exclusive locked at 30fps especially something like an action game, turn bases jrpgs and stuff that's different

There are games on console that aren't available on PC. It's that simple.

t. has a PC.

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Also, it's easier playing split screen games with friends, or using them as Netflix machines, or watching porn while you fuck with them.

What the hell am I gonna do? Go unplug the 10 cables attached to my rig and bring it over? I can feel the well drying up on the wind.

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I bought a ps4 for monter hunter world because I couldn't wait 8 months and holy fucking SHIT do I regret it.
>played about 19 hours of MHW and dropped it
>got up to the 2nd palace in persona 5 and dropped it because it was boring dating sim nonsense
>only just stopped my PS plus last month
the only time I turned it on was to play FIFA 19 with my best bud on the couch, watch netflix, or check the (invariably garbage) free PS plus games
what a complete fucking waste of $500

>overwatch fan is a retard

>having friends

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What's retarded about my post? I can't really tell you why you're wrong if you won't give specifics
can't we be friends, user?

People would rather spend time in loading screens. That's how lazy people are. Maintenance for your PC (software or hardware) is also time wasted.

I play switch because it's convenient, all other games are spent on my pc but nothing beats the ability to play switch on the bed, or in the shitter

Letting phone posters on Yea Forums is one of the main reasons the site went to shit.

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I'm poor

On the long run PC is best because otherwise you end up with multiple consoles to connect due to lack of backwards compatibility.
This is the first generation where no console has BC : the Switch has no BC, the PS4 compensates with Psnow and Xbox with the slow BC program

>and can also alt-tab to anything you want at a moment's notice

Isn't that a good thing? And don't tell me you're not using your phone/tablet when you're playing on consoles anyway.

The idea of a cumbrain being critical about anything makes me laugh

You can set up v-sync globally to half (30fps cap) for true console experience if you want. Then even your windows will run in 30fps :3

>this game requires firmware update before it can be played
Why do you lie on the internet user?

They build ps4 is a way you connect HDD / SSD via some outdated crippled USB 2.0 like hub. Tldr its slow as fuck no matter what you do.

Slap controller into pc noob.

Its called notebook. Still way better for gaming on the go when you can sit down and put it on your legs. You dont even have to bend your spine as much as you have to with handheld. Not to mention its battery will last longer.

Attached: FastSync.png (855x794, 54K)

if you're unironically like this, you can still get a more low end PC for a decent price, cap it at 30 fps, get an SSD and not have to suffer console loading times and other bullshit

Consoles are standardized boxes of inferior, overpriced, and proprietary PC parts. However, it also means that the likelihood of hacks/cheats is almost zero.

For all games that aren't autismo multiplayer versus online only: PC
Autismo multiplayer versus mode exclusive: Console

oh cmon, I'm for building a PC but you can only build it that quickly if you know what you're doing. If you're a first timer it'll take much longer. Research time alone in purchasing will probably outweigh that time

Yeah cheating in Souls PvP is something Bamco will never address. It's what ruined it on PC. Cheating on PC is as easy as toggling cheat engine live while PS4 only has a costly save editor.

What was wrong?

Depends on the game, for MHW i play console despite the worse performance because it gets its new content faster but in general shooters and strategy go on pc and action adventure games go on console

>he plays FPS with a controller

Get the fuck out

Everyone I know personally that talks about how much better mkb is which I'm not arguing against mind you has shit aim in every shooter we play.

muh auto aim quickscoping is superior

I don't want an ugly incel tower standing around in my house. I prefer having relationships.

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Same to me :((

Most of the gamer here either console plebs or mobilefags

because its portable
>pc plebs have to stop gaming whenever they go potty or leave the house

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John Bain was a mobile fag. He was the face of PC.

Sorry but I like my online to be active and by active I mean at least more than 12 people on a week.