World of Warcraft - next expansion

Not a leak - just commonsense.

>The level cap is going to be squished, probably to 60 with the new expansion stuff going up to 70. (
>Factions are being dissolved for purposes aside from PvP. The end of the faction war is here. ( The playerbase is shrinking, which makes cutting off around half the players to group up with, guild with, raid with, quest with etc. even worse ( Look at the world first race to see how imbalanced the factions have become - the Alliance is slowly dying. ( I imagine lore-wise it wouldn't be some mega-faction but instead enough relative peace (with no Horde/Alliance anymore) that people are free to lend their hand where ever it's needed with world PvP being skirmishes lore-wise.
>World revamp is likely coming given the new assets for the old world that would otherwise go to waste. ( And earlier version of BFA was leaked before its announcement which implies a world revamp has been in the works since 2013 and was likely postponed. ( Factions playing together would also require some level of world revamping to make it work. Blizzard said that allied races will likely be able to play as death knights in the future, and the fact that 8.2.5 is introducing party sync (that does not let you keep abilities that you wouldn't have at that low level) imply that hero classes, or at least DKs, will have their starting zone/lore revamped for allied races and their starting level lowered soon.


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>Variant/Prestige classes are a strong possibility given the success of the allied race system and the fact that the next expansion is a class-based expansion (3.0 DK, 5.0 Monk, 7.0 DH, 9.0 ...) Tinkers are also a possibility as a legit class given that they are represented by Horde and Alliance teams in island expeditions alongside normal classes complete with unique 'playstyles' by player-like NPCs. They also didn't make all of those mechagon models and assets JUST for a tiny little patch island.

What are your thoughts on the next expansion so far?

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the game is dead, the company is dead fuck off. I have more fun shitposting on Yea Forums than doing my dailies the 500th time in a row

What game

it is going to be the same shitty gameplay loop with a new coat of paint.

Here let me do a better job then OP because I actually play the game and know better than to base predictions off of hearsay from Ion's retard squad:

>HoA is going in the trash, we'll get another piece of rental gear that will be just as tedious/shitty as Artifacts/HoA were at launch
>Some sweeping changes to the core gameplay will be made such as the level squish and faction dissolve OP mentioned
>And just like the sweeping changes in Legion/BFA all but one or two will suck massive dick and further hurt the game at a fundamental level
>PvP will still suck
>M+ will still be shilled to high heaven because ESPURTS
>Raiding will still be ok hecause it's the part of the game Ion actually gives a fuck about
>Dragon hero class despite how fucking stupid it'd be lore-wise just like DK/DH before it
>I'm not even gonna try guessing the plot but it'll be retarded too

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Less Wow more gobbo sluts

If you think 9.0 is just going to be more of the same you're a major brainlet. It's either going to 'fix' a lot of things or kill the game.

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Given the track record of the last three expansions and how the devs are fucking incompetent with almost releasing the worst expansions back to back with only a slightly less shitty one in the middle, I'm betting on the latter

And you're dumb as shit for thinking 9.0 is going to be any better than 7.0 or 8.0. Legion only hit its stride with 7.2 mitigating Legendaries and AP grind into a non-issue and BfA only became acceptable with 8.2 now that we aren't dealing with the trashfire that is the Azerite system.

Fuck OP and fuck jannies

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>Legion only hit its stride with 7.2 mitigating Legendaries and AP grind into a non-issue
Mitigate, yes. But only the AP was a non issue at that time. But don't forget they also introduced that fucking retarded ilvl scaling at the same time.

>And you're dumb as shit for thinking 9.0 is going to be any better than 7.0 or 8.0.
>It's either going to 'fix' a lot of things or kill the game.
How's the room temperature IQ doing ya

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As long as that global % based PvP damage scaling still exists. I will never come back. That fine for gay exports arena shit but what's the point if nothing I earn will help me fight others.

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Horde of course.

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Both belong to orc cock

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>orc women
lol, have fun with those

Give me source to original

Discuss the topic.

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i buy the shadowlands leak, all that shit pyromancer said, leaving azeroth for an expac to go to the shadowlands, then we come back to azeroth in 10.0 for the revamped world, at that point they can do the faction merge. i'm fine with a faction merge, i like the raids and i like m+, although i don't like bfa dungeon design, too many trash abilities.

also the wow lore wiki states that the shadowlands and azeroth come closer into contact just after hollows end, on 1 or 2nd of november, which just happens to be when they release expansions.

>Blizzard bases expansions off of holidays
Based retard

no you retard, it lines up perfectly in the lore, it's a happy coincidence

I wish I had double digit IQ like you

what's ur iq ill beat it up my dad works at fight club

Fine. As much as I hate to admit it the factions being dissolved is something I kinda like but really reeks of shitty blizz writing. You can just forgive and forget the things these factions have done to each other over the years and any way they plan to do that will be dumb as fuck. As a person with alt autism the new classes and races are something I am looking forward to and the new world revamp is something Ive longed for since WoD.

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>can't even spell earthroot


itt: cumbrains