Yuu Yuu Hakusho Tokubetsuhen

Does Yuu Yuu Hakusho Tokubetsuhen have depth? Does it have game breaking flaws that prevent it from being taken seriously? Is it just "Spam Projectile Spirit Attacks To Win: The Game?" This has to be the most unique fighting game ever made and it pains me that nobody acknowledges it. I wish it had a cult following and I wish there were people competing to be the best at it, figuring out all of the nuances of this game.

Do any of you guys know about this game and when I say "know" I mean, indepth knowledge. I really only know this game on a basic level and know that you can cheese the CPU by just spamming max-meter projectile spirit attacks.

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Who the fuck cares about this weeb shit lmao

Omega fucking based

It's literally an RNG game

Kind of true, but you mitigate RNG by having a full meter. You can throw out an attack instantly with no meter, but it'll more than likely fail, if your meter is higher than your opponent's meter when you input an action then you'll have almost a certain chance of landing your attack.

There are self buffs you can use to accelerate your meter gain and debuffs to decelerate your opponent's meter, you can get to a point where you can fill it up all the way and input an action WAY before your opponent and that's a guaranteed hit. I'm sure there's even more to it than that that I'm ignorant of

oh shit I remember this. This game was awesome yet simple. The only game of its kind if I'm not mistaken. Would have loved to see more like it.

the only good YYH game is the treasure one

20 years later, I'm still in awe over the presentation of this game.

>yet simple
Is it simple though? There are a lot of moves in your arsenal, and I know all of us just spammed those projectile spirit attacks to beat the CPU easy, but there's so much more to the game. The transformations were awesome. I loved transforming into Yoko Kurama. I really wish this game would get played more.

I agree

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actually. I take that back, what "treasure" one? I'm dumb. I misread your post as you treasure this game. lol

>love YYH
>always enjoyed the game
>can't understand shit because jap
>can't enjoy the game at it's fullest because got stuck in the beginning

it's a fighting game, you can enjoy it without knowing nipponese

>we will never be free of this sort of trash

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thats not how you spell 4

Attached: YYH Koto v Botan1.webm (574x520, 2.97M)

YYH and DBZ had some unique cinematic "fighting" games mostly on the SNES.
There's also a YYH with a similar system of the Game Gear and a DBZ game on the PC-Engine with really long battles.
Of course Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about those games and rather discuss Smashshit and e-celeb faggotry for the 10^99 time.

Oh yeah, I played that. DBZ Butoden 2 that had the "Land / Sky" system where you could toggle between being on the ground or in the air at will and everything would stop and go cinematic when you used a kamehameha.

I'll look into the game gear version, I don't think i've seen that one before.

yeah, wow. this is fucking neat.


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I was actually talking about the 2 Gokuden games.
Butoden are actual fighting games.

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It's sad to think that if this were made today, those cutscenes would just be the same soulless 3d cutscenes we have for supers in every other fighter, unless maybe if it were done by arcsys.

Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu was a fun JRPG

Dragon Ball Z Super Gokuden: Totsugeki-Hen and Dragon Ball Z: Super Goku Den — Kakusei-Hen were both fun as well but I remember having NO idea what the fuck I was doing

yeah, these are the ones. Fuck I had no idea what I was doing and no idea how to play it to this day. But fuck me if the battles didn't look cool.


Post Yu Yu music that you think could work in other games.


Tekken or Sonic


Fire Emblem


Zelda battle with common enemies.

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It's a shame the 2nd game has that god damn awful translation from decades ago. The 1st one actually had a complete translation released a few years ago I believe. I remember the old patch stopping with the english text around the Piccolo Daimao arc.

I tried downloading it and using a guide but i couldnt figure it out, maybe im just tired or maybe i suck. Most likely the latter.

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Everyone probably already knew this but you could reverse Hiei's dragon with Bui just like in the show.
Kuwabara can use the dimensional blade move to reflect projectiles, and obviously to escape from Itsuki's dimension. Vague memory if it works on Hiei's dragon as well.

This thread is making me wanna rewatch YYH, even though I've already watched it in two different languages, in and English and in Spanish

YYH is one of those shows where the english dub is so fucking spot on I can't even imagine watching it in the original gook

Pay attention to the orb at the middle, if it has a lot of souls you should try your best to win the next matchup, or otherwise if it's low or an irrelevant powerup you can save your gauge even if it means you'll lose the matchup.

I like Ocarina of Time Link as Hiei but that's about as much subfag as I'll get.

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question is, how would one go about remaking this game's presentation and system but without RNG BS and more easy to understand/learn

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YYH Final is great though

>Vague memory if it works on Hiei's dragon as well.

It does, but Hiei has a counter move of his own where he can absorb his own reflected dragon. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I've seen it happen.

See, this is the sorta thing I like to hear. I'm aware of the orb in the middle representing an item or some amount of spirit energy that you win for beating that encounter, but how to react to it doesn't factor into my thought process.

I'd love to give you an answer, but I still don't know the game at a high enough level to give a definitive answer.

>without RNG BS
It's pretty much a requirement unless you want it to turn into rock paper scissors.

Punches are basically worthless. Guarding and dodging feels worthless. Buffs and transformations are great and spirit attacks are the best. Projectile ones being the absolute best because they get priority over melee attacks.

Reminder that PC-Engine had a YYH shooter.
Reminder the Mega Drive had a sort of RPG.

Aside from using no energy (in cases where you're out of spirit energy), punches can be useful to cheaply interrupt enemy buffs as buffs usually have shorter charge time than spirit attacks (if you fully charge the spirit attack the buff might have been done even if you do get a hit in, or otherwise you'll miss the attack from a non fully charged spirit attack).
Doable because you can tell whether they're doing an offense/defense move by their visual stances.
Projectiles gets deflected by spirit defenses such as the aforementioned Kuwabara's dimensional sword and others like Jin's wind barrier, etc. Successful defenses gets the soul from the pool.

Is there any strategy to choosing which basic punch you throw? There's single high and low and then rapidfire high and low punches. I dont know when a high punch is preferable to a low and vice versa

Whats the point of jumping in this game

I assume it correlates to the two kind of normal dodges, but I really don't feel any difference between them.

evades melee attacks