Is this the first time that a Wolfenstein game is offensively bad?
Is this the first time that a Wolfenstein game is offensively bad?
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Oh shut up. You didn't even play it.
No, that was the New Colossus
not fpbp
>Bethesda defence force
>I’m not a Nazi
>but I, for some reason, identify with the fictional Nazis in a fictional video game based off the historical Nazis
>and thus perceive any violence, insult or attack towards them as an attack on me
>I’m not a Nazi though, guys. Trust me
Yeah, those guys are pathetic. Youngblood still looks lame, tho.
You use those words...
To be fair, when they make main characters that are so fucking unbearable and insufferable, like in this game, it's very easy to feel like you relate more to the ingame nazis.
>people literally have no issue with the wolfenstein games until TNC
>they must be nazis XD
If they were Nazis, they'd want to bed Communists.
It's kike shit
Like I would play such blatant antiwhite shit
Nice Joke... Just Virgins jeolous on the Incest Sisters...
Wolf2009>New Colossus>Youngblood
Ironically, the popularity of "Nazi" as a label for "anyone right of me" or "anyone I disagree with" has made actual Nazis and Nazi ideology more palatable to the majority of people (or at least made it less repulsive as a pejorative). To top that off, the main political enemy of vidya has shifted from the religious "THINK UH DUH CHILLUN" nutjobs on the right, prevalent in the 90s and 2000's, to the Soc Jus "THINK OF THE WOMYN AND LGTBQBRAAAP" nutjobs of the left who came to "popularity" in the 2010's.
All things considered, it's no surprise how the Tarantino-esque "DOOD FUCK """NAZIS""", JUST KILL 'EM ALL" attitude of nu-Wolf shoots itself in the foot in terms of audience appeal. Most Wolfenstien games are campy and only use the setting as, well, set dressing for action and, y'know, gameplay. Nu-Wolf seems to be trying to shoot for a theme and message beyond "actual, legit historical Nazi's are bad and should be opposed" which makes it feela lot more political than it needs to, or SHOULD, be and I'm guessing that's what turns a lot of people off. It'd be like if Doom suddenly became a legit bible game, focussing on converting the player, extolling the virtues of Christ and sinless living, and demonizing sinners, heretics, and literal demons, instead of being about"dood kill demonds cuz theyre evil and you have a shotgun".
Any time an FPS goes annual, it turns to shit. There's been a Wolfenstein pretty much every year for the past five years. Give it a rest.
This was such fucking dogshit. Barely lasted three hours before I deleted it and knew I'd be returning it.
>another shoot and loot with "rpg elements"
Nazis are such a low hanging fruit to go after. Might as well put zombies in as well to really complete the package.
Or when it changes development teams. If you lose a key developer, writer, or sound guy you might as well just kill the entire franchise.
>love every Wolfenstein up to and including 2009
>get called a Nazi by default for not liking New Order and later
It's all so tiresome.
when a developer seems to tread dangerously close to equating anyone in the modern political discourse to the right of stalin to nazis, a game about gleefully murdering them starts to look really creepy and cringe.
>There's been a Wolfenstein pretty much every year for the past five years.
I feel retarded because I did not realize this until now. Christ. the last one I played was TNO and I didn't like it. I only liked RtCW so I'm not really a fan of the series though
>>get called a Nazi by default for not liking New Order and later
Nobody will judge that, you just don't like Machine Games work on it as a whole
It's those who like New Order and even the New Colossus but turn around say this game is bad for politics.
Gameplay is mediocre but it's still better then New Colossus and isn't pathetically short
you have to understand, the developers are Swedish
their "far right nazi" parties are pretty much moderate left in any other country
>if you dont like it you're a nadsee
Its ok, does get a bit repetitive, but the core of a fun shooter is there. If you never played any of the new Wolfenstein games it will feel very fresh and take some time untill it starts to get old.
Wolf 09 was a dull COD clone in its gameplay and it felt outdated right at the start of the game.
>Call everyone you don't agree with nazis
>Get mad when they start calling themselves nazis
No, that was TNC.
Either way I didn't dislike nu-Wolfenstein for
>muh politics
But rather because of how much the game tries to force a story and then self-contradicts it.
Okay, fine. TNO shows me a decently-crafted story, that's cool, the ending and final boss was actually kino so I can't complain.
But then TNC comes along and contradicts most of the fucking lore thrown around in TNO and gives me the worst final boss and ending as well as general lacklustre combat that somehow feels worse than TNO. In a way, TNO was tolerable because it had better combat and a far more interesting story and the characters didn't feel unlikable, the boss fights felt interesting (I know many complained about the London Monitor but I found it really fun). TNC is the precise opposite of that.
This. It's why everyone disliked the Doom novels which did the exact things you talked about. Although I wouldn't mind a Doom game that explored Christian demons, it is inherently very pretentious to be preachy about it. Funnily enough, TNO isn't as preachy about it as TNC, but it still had some problems when it came to the narrative. Also I feel as though MachineGames are only portraying the American and British PoV of how Nazis were seen rather than also showing cool stuff like Prazky Perak still living and assassinating Nazis in Prague or some kind of Neo-Hussite movement in Czechia and instead of going full on "THEER IS NO HOPE, NAZIS HAVE DESTROYED EVER RESISTANCE GROUP". It just feels kinda silly from a historical point of view, since even with the super tech, Nazis weren't 100% invincible which is how stuff like Willi Herold happened.
>no lik gaem
>nazi >:(
anyway here ur (you)
zombie nazis? that's crazy talk.
Why are BJ's daughters so retarded? Did they suffer brain damage when they were kids?
I am going to win big in crypto and purchase swedish cuck company. The next Wolf game will star a nazi hero who fights aliens who invade earth. He saves 1 jew by accident but you get to kill him at the end. It's optional. I call the game Wolfenstien 4: Hero Battle Action (Romance Edition)
criticizing garbage game makes you a nazi
kill yourself you retarded schizophrenic tranny nigger
>Prazky Perak still living and assassinating Nazis in Prague or some kind of Neo-Hussite movement in Czechia.
Please stop. Last thing i want is my country in some propaganda. Wolf is dead anyway. They can't make good game anymore. Czechs are not freedom fighters. Heroes. What idiot would fought whole Third Reich? Only Blowjob Blazko is retarted enough for that.
That's how Swedish milquetoast male feminists think American girls talk
The game is fine honestly. It's definitely the weakest of the machinegames series but I'm having fun with it. Not being able to pause is a fucking pain in the ass though.
Wow I can't believe you admitted this. Do you hear the echo of shame? The pulse from your temple as the blood flows and do you realise now that you have just admitted to being a complete faggot loser? It must suck to be you. Bitch
The only retards offended by it are your typical flyover mongoloids who identify as nazis because they've been constantly bombarded with propaganda and feel lonely.
>when you make your protagonists seem more psychotic than literal Nazis
Pretending that this antifa pandering shit is any better than far right pandering needs to stop
>Please stop. Last thing i want is my country in some propaganda
Prazky Perak was a cool little folk myth created by the desperate people of Prague, so I wouldn't call it Propaganda. Unless you're talking about the Hussites, which really only became Commie propaganda when the commies forced Vavra to put some lines in the Jan Zizka movie (it was pretty much absent in the Jan Hus movie and was only present in the movies after, which is a shame because Jan Hus as a movie was pretty accurate to the events until the sequels had those forced in dialogue). The Hussites before that were just Christian reformers, the Communism angle is just pure revisionism by commies.
>Czechs are not freedom fighters. Heroes.
I disagree, it may take a few years for the Czechs to rise up and do something, but the Czechs have always rebelled for their freedom, remember the Hussites, the Thirty Years War, the Velvet Revolution, Operation Anthropoid (even though that was a suicidal scheme by the English to use the Czechs as pawns, which is a fucked up thing the English still haven't addressed and probably will never apologise for) and remember how Jan Palach rebelled against the Soviets and burned himself? The Czechs may be conformists at times, but when they get sick of something, they rise up and do something about it.
>What idiot would fought whole Third Reich? Only Blowjob Blazko is retarted enough for that.
Of course that idea is futile, but again, remember that the Czechs tried to fight off the HRE, that may have seem idiotic initially, but I can genuinely see the Czechs doing something like that Hussite-style in the Wolfenstein timeline if TNC hadn't shat on everything.
Also admit it, seeing the Knights of Blanik arrive as ghosts and fight the Nazis would be pretty cool if Wolfenstein didn't remove the occult elements
Cute grill
>hating a shit game makes you a nazi
Can't wait for you to see real nazis.
>what is a paradigm shift
Honestly, I didn't mind the sisters and their antics. They're supposed to be teenage girls and teenagers are always cringe. The dark haired one is even cute to some degree - the players seem to agree since nobody I dropped into volunteered to play the blonde sister.
kys asap
stop being a contrarian. This game is getting lambasted because it's an awful game
Remember that bit in the first game where you're being read the diary excerpts and you get the one where the 16 year-old girl describes having unprotected sex and getting creampied?
This is proof that the Alt-right is on the rise!
What is up with devs inserting their stupid fetishes into their game?
young blood what up young blood
played it at quakecon, it was shit user
youngblood is only a little worse than the shitstain called the new colossus
>uh yeah I don't really wanna cut off my dick...
The 2009 one was pretty shit.
to be fair for anyone outside the states that is how we think you talk and sound like.
Don't lie, you would put up with the most unbearable and insufferable characters in the world if they were going after groups you hate instead of your "heroes".
>Main characters speak like late 1990's dudebro jocks
>Despite being raised by a PTSD-ridden war hero from the southern states
>Despite having a Polish serial killer for a mother
>Despite living in fear of an oppressive tyrannical fascist state
Do you think the Holocaust happened?
>*if you've never played a game featuring nazis but constantly complain about it and feel more sympathy for the nazis you're a nazi
>i play game
>i'm not like people who don't play game
>i just feel every attack on them must be an attack on me
Cant wait for this
Who are you quoting
t. autism
It happened, but it was localised and limited to maybe a few hundred thousand. The rest of the bodies were taken from the battlefields
No, but I wish it did
From all the things I am hearing, the gameplay is pretty generic. Has poor boss fights and generic guns. The characters themselves are so ridiculous they are an embarrassment to games that weave politics in. They are crudely written and sometimes you don't know if the statements they make are serious or actually some kind of joke. Avoid this game like B rated trash.
not every game is going to be S-tier
better than playing time sinks
only decent one was Old Blood
I would unironically pay 200 bucks for this game.
No man you're definitely wrong!
It's been shit since the first reboot you retarded zoomer cunt.
anyone miss when video game youtubers didn't use this brand of "humor"
here's your nazi movie anons
what do you expect when modern discourse has diluted the term so much
>"nazi is the new n-word"
nah, Nazi is becoming what "faggot" was in the late 90s; losing all original meaning and just becoming a generic insult that people are beginning to shrug off without thinking about it
faggot is a funnier insult though.
>*incel sisters
>Becoming a nazi to own the libs
This must be the power of 5D chess and the dankest memes
faggot will always be way more satisfying to say
bad words power ranking:
Anyone got that pro-gay PSA where the bully shouts faggot at the camera.
I played your mom bitch.
>Wolfenstein "Youngblood"
>Protags are in their 50s in 2019
Look at how many nazis got triggered by this post lmfao
Nobody did.
Even fags like skillup hated it, I don't believe you aren't some contrarian.
Would it be fine if they removed the leveling mechanic?
I'm still playing it. Really fun but whenever I see a loading screen I just go "ok I've had enough." Something about all that zone loading gets mentally tiring.
ill enjoy you dying alone and afraid subhuman you have no human rights and value
God forbid I like a game everyone else hates
I just said it was fine. I don't love it like I do TNO. I've mainly been using it to play something while I listen to podcasts or whatever. For that it does it's job well.
least the health pickups wasnt somilan cocks
Played co-op at quakecon, I fucking waited until 5pm to play it, trash game and they didn't even give me a shirt
i dont think so Ivan go overdose on Krokodil
Daily reminder: if you don't think Wallenstein youngblood is GOTY, you're a misogynist Nazi troglodyte who need to get with the times.
>last 2 wolfenstein games have had weird preachy undertones
>Young Blood is also just legitimately bad
>if you in any way dislike the game your either a nazi or you support them
>If you try to talk about the game at all besides weird undertones your a resetera tranny
Come on guys, we're better than this.
>this is your brain on wokeness
Wolfenstein The New Order was shit but Yea Forums is so conditioned by the discourse that until some random dev said "punch nazis" they didn't complain about it...
Its the return if the ghostbusters reboot
I don't think it's the publisher's fault that the game is about fighting Nazis and there are currently actual Nazis gaining political power in USA. that's more of a coincidence. but I can see how the game is cathartic for many people.