>he hasn't solod AT nergigante yet
What's your excuse user?
He hasn't solod AT nergigante yet
Other urls found in this thread:
I dropped MHW months ago, when I had done all there was to do at that point.
>make a monster with an armor set so good it completely destroys the balance of the game and pushes all melee users to playing a specific style and wearing it
>make layered armor sets instead of making something that can turn other armors into layered armor so you can actually use the armor you like aesthetically
>make a boring repetitive raid boss you need to farm for RNG drops for overtuned weapons that completely powercreep others
>ruin the point of hunting monsters in general and just create a game where people only care about a handful of monsters, decorations, weapons, and a single armor set
>make events like greatest jagras that defeat the point of the decoration farming mechanic entirely
>rotate events so that the community has absolutely no reason to play whenever the above events aren't available
I don't see how Iceborne can fix the problem of KT and Drachen
how to kill nergigante???????????????????????
okay am i mistaken about this HORRIBLE designed monster???
if he stand still - he damages you
if he moves - he damages you
his whole fucking body damages you no matter WHAT he does...
enrages on 1-2 hits, body parts cant be broken but gets invincible if you hit it to many times...
how the hell are you suppossed to kill this ridicously horrible designed piece of garbage?????
he was almost dead and then almost his entire body becomes invincible except tail, but everytime you stand behind him he just tail whips you and its so fucking fast you cant even attack it....
wtf is this bullshit?!
roll more
Get Good
>I don't see how Iceborne can fix the problem of KT and Drachen
They will literally become irrelevant once it releases.
dude just
I've got his full gamma set. Never again.
Even extremoth is more fun.
Imagine being this objectively wrong.
Learn and predict his moveset, you will be ok
Which ATs are active on PC now?
I don't play shit games
all of them. xeno, teo, nergi, extreme behemoth, ancient leshen etc
cause 13mil celebration
dude just use lance and counter everything
hes a true fight mixed with some cheese making nerg a old style quarter sucking boss i love it
I got stuck doing it with my friend but managed to do it solo. Shit took 29 fucking minutes. The flips come out so fucking fast it's ridiculous. Managed to kick its ass twice more with a few more fuck ups but goddamn this motherfucker HURTS
I can't beat him even with team, AT is just bullshit.
I solo'd everything except Extreme Behemoth and Ancient Leshen
I don't think I'll ever get a team together to take them on either since I can't trust others
Ancient Leshen is easy even with randoms. A healslut single handedly carries the fight.
Extremoth on the other hand would be extremely tough, since most retards never learned to fight Behemoth properly and just cheesed him with flashbomb spam or otherwise got carried by someone.
Although I did manage to complete Extremoth with randoms once.
>Game pretty much hypes Nergigante as a strong monster you'll eventually have to face
Get a load of this one
nigger, i'm glad i got AT Kirin
was actually fucking easy what the fuck? tempered kirin was harder
You severely underestimate how massive the jump between HR and GR/MR is.
I want augments and better armor first
I got carried twice against him thanks to SOS but I'll solo him eventually, annoying that it seems so difficult with GS
Because Ruiner Nerg exists
AT Nerg is my favorite fight in the whole game, do people just not enjoy a challenge anymore?
Mastering this spiky boy feels so rewarding
You are misunderstanding a fundamental part of the fight. His spikes don't harden because you hit them too much, if they harden, it means you didn't hit them enough. They break off completely if you hit them a bunch and then he has to regrow them. When all of the spikes on his body harden, he does a dive attack that removes them all and starts the process over again.
He doesn't hurt you by standing still. The damage he does with movement is minuscule. His tail whip ALWAYS hits the exact same place, literally just dodge it. He telegraphs the move.
I just copypasted a post from Steam forums, you can stop replying.
Same shit, but At hits harder.
All kirins, starting from LR are braindead once you even know it's patterns vaguely.
Soloing arch-tempered monsters is easier than doing them with a group, it's just also more boring once you've done it once.
I did but can't get below 10 minutes, only did it without carts twice
>main gimmick of AT is a move that he can do whenever the fuck he wants, including chaining them back to back (4 the highest I've seen) with zero warning
Yeah it was a challenge alright but there is no fun or enjoyment to be had. In fact it felt more like I lucked out when I finally managed to beat him rather than me just getting good at the fight
i haven't done any Kirin in like months. The last time was the HR quest and temp Kirin pushed my shit in multiple times. AT was first time with only one cart.
ok spoonfeed time
>watch for when he gets his spikes up, he's gonna start doing side tackles
>if he screams and rears up, he's about to do his big damage dive. It hurts. Either flash bomb him when he gets in the air or superman dive to dodge it.
>pick and choose your moments, stay away from the head unless you know what he's going to do through visual cues
>and for the love of god, take a horn bro with you if you're struggling
I haven't played in months so I'm rusty as all hell, that's why.
Been farming the Greatest Jagras though. Glad the gatcha-ass deco system still sucks.
Drachen will no longer be a thing because Behemoth will probably not return for MR
Kulve dunno
LADS I'm building up my HBG set and I just need one more point of spare ammo to be able to hold 2 cluster bombs, but I don't have the corresponding jewel to give me it.
Should I swap out my chest piece (basic Dober B) for the Death Stench which would give me the skill, but lower armour value and attack?
I'm honestly scared to solo the AT EDs. Is it bad as I think it is?
it'll probably be gay if you don't have augments and an actual build/decos like me
I have no augments at all, I'm looking to do the tempered Jho mission to get some stones though. I assume that's the best one still?
I think the tier 3 tempered quests give out the right streamstones for augments. jho might be tier 2 iirc
So, tempered Elders right? Does that mean Jho gives the streamstones for unlocking armors defense cap?
Actually I was wrong, he's a tier 3 tempered monster along with the other EDs. So any of those investigations would be good for farming streamstones.
Big nice, thanks user.
Armour value is basically even between all armours because you can level up lower grade ones to be roughly on par with uncapped grade 8/9/whatever. Losing one Attack skill level is only a decent hit to your damage if it puts you from a perfect 4 to 3, but even then Spare Shot is better
I personally find them impossible to win WITHOUT going solo but that's because I only play pubs and with my friends who are casuals
You'll definitely want to be fully kitted out first though; augments, Drachen, etc. Also try to get Health 3 and Temp. Mantle
I think I'd be going from Attack Up 6 to 3 (I think my mail holds attack up +2 as a skill, and a +1 in the slot because I have nothing else worthwhile of slotting in) but if Spare Shot is still better with attack up going from 6 to 3, I'm gonna go with that. Thank you for the advice.
The achievements for iceborne leaked. One of them mentions Ruinier Nergigante.
I got two Critical Eye decorations in a row last night.
Those are common like dirt.
Oh. I thought they were rare.
He is a joke compared to tempered deviljho pre nerf.
Where the FUCK are all the monster penis mods?
>picturing all the monsters running around with massive floppy dongs, a la Lucifer from Dante's Inferno
None of my friends want to play and I get bored playing alone as soon as I have to kill a monster several times.
Autistically killing the same monster over and over and over until rng decides you're allowed to move on is boring, user.
Glad you agree.
But I did. Fight gets dumb in phases 3 and 4. Fighting him with CB becomes suffering.
Why are MH fags on Yea Forums so obsessed with making arbirtrary rules?
>i bet you havent beaten that monster
>i have
>i bet you havent solo'd it
>i have
>i bet you haven't solo'd it with that weapon
>i have
>i bet you havent solo'd it without using items
>i have
>i bet you haven't solo'd it using that weapon, not using any items and not wearing any armor
>i haven't
No other MH community does this. Why is Yea Forums so autistic?
I can solo everything with my Lance and Chargeblade, counters and parries are my jam and they trivialize most content.
Yea Forums sucks at video games so they poo-poo every actually competitive game and then proceed to get competitive over more niche PvE stuff like Monster Hunter. Which isn't hard to begin with, so they introduce all kinds of dumb conditions to try to make it seem hardcore.
>chips you for 2/3rds of your health
Fuck AT Luna, I dropped the game after getting her shit armour.
How hard is she?
Not much harder than the regular Tempered Luna. Until she novas. AT nova delets your save file if your in its range when it comes out. You have to be already outside of its effective radius to survive.
About the same as regular tempered
The only real difference is she will randomly trigger her nova
This. Bring farcasters and just gtfo if you're right next to her. Alternatively some suggest using astera jerkies to out-heal the heat damage, but every time I try to do this I just get knocked everywhere by the fire explosions or windpress.
Even with fireproof mantle?
I used up 10 farcasters on just one fight to avoid her fucking nova
Just flash her to bait her novas out
Flashing her makes her nova?
Fireproof helps quite a bit and might give you some time to run away/heal, but the heat alone might still kill you if you stand the entire duration inside the nova radius. But that's the last of your worries. The blasts of blue fire patches on the ground are some of the most damaging Luna's attacks, and supernova triggers a few of those repeatedly. If you get unlucky, and at the very start of the nova the RNG spreads some of those patches under your feet, then you will eat a ton of damage even with the mantle on. On bright side, while they send you flying and while you're laying on the ground, you're invulnerable, including the heat damage ticks. But if you're thrown onto another patch of the blue shit by the blast, you're almost guaranteed to eat another blast the moment you get up.
That's a good strategy too.
when she's all glowy and stuff yes
IIRC she needs to be at max level aura and enraged.
We have near maxed out skill sets that makes even 4U sets look weak. You're an idiot if you think there won't be people running high rank Drachen well into Iceborne's endgame.
What if she nova's for the fifth time? This is pretty much guaranteed against the bottom 99% of the community as you won't be able to deal enough damage without some fully optimized speerunner strats.
You can thank Lunasta's dumb hitzones for this garbage.
So successful cluster bombing runs rely heavily on good RNG for spare shot, and the use of temporal mantle right?
Don't forget rocksteady mantle
>You can thank Lunasta's dumb hitzones for this garbage.
How are hitzones real? Nigga just stop following the raw crit meta. Like, nigga, drop WE haha.
>heavily on RNG
Not really, over the course of a hunt it generally evens out. The WORST case scenario is you don't get any extra shots during a big down but even then you're still shitting out more damage than anyone else can so it's not like it's a run killer
literally impossible on pc
>I don't see how Iceborne can fix the problem of KT and Drachen
both will be useless by that time
after every roar he will make the winged fall
What palico tools do you guys use when soloing ATs?
The only useful one
The coral cheerhorn or whatever it's called
the healer one
I'm not a high enough rank to fight AT nerg
what Yea Forums thinks of the new tobi-kadachi ? youtube.com
because the game was stale as fuck already by the time he came out. i'll do him when the expansion is out.
>Not found
Well he's pretty sneaky.
damn capcum must have down this vidéo,
it's poison tobi, and he is in rotten vale
I like the spikes he leaves in the ground. I bet you scrubs are going to roll into them and get poised every time
It's Hoarfrost cave