>nah, I'm not gonna condemn people over their own personal tastes, but I'm personally not into weebshit.
Nah, I'm not gonna condemn people over their own personal tastes, but I'm personally not into weebshit
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but he looks like a jrpg final boss
I don't care at all what other people like unless we share a common interest in something. I acknowledge that people have their preferences and encourage them to enjoy without being a pushy, obnoxious faggot about it.
I personally think that op is and always will be a fucking faggot but hey thats just me.
umm ok
>I'm not gonna condemn people over their own personal tastes
>but I'll still insult what they like
filthy weebs lmao
What are the top 5 Western games to release in the last five years?
I have no problem with anime but discord tranny avatarfags need to be purged.
It’s so much worse now than 10 years ago.
>talking about video games on the TV/Movie board
based, redpilled and cute
As empty as the top 5 best Japanese games ever
Top 5?
Red Dead Redemption 2
God of War
Horizon Zero Dawn
Hollow Knight
You're really selling the west short with that list of trash.
Correct him then.
I based it off of popularity. I would replace Horizon with something else though, it wasn't my first choice but I was blanking.
>japanese video games? they're gross omg! the government needs to outlaw them and put all these pedophiles in jail
>posting wojack outside of reddit
>me? I say let those nerd enjoy their weebshit, their not hurting anyone