Games that have real combat Aikido?
Not the fake ones where students line up one by one to be thrown and roll away.
Games that have real combat Aikido?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not the fake ones
Aikido is a faggot meme sport, there is no version of it that is "not fake"
Do you know what real Aikido looks like?
There is no such thing as real combat aikido. Its garbage.
Theres nothing wrong with Aikido, it's just not meant for combat. It's stupid fucking westerners thinking that any martial art should be in MMa for it to be real. The fact that it ends with Do means it's more for spirituality rather than war.
Baki is way too retarded given the author seems to lose sight of the line when super natural elements start and where he is describing reality in a bit of a hyperbole. Kengan Ashura at least has martial arts.
The only "real" akido I saw irl is from a guy teaching a style of Japanese Kenjutsu. And is is definitely not non-lethal when he throws on the ground and cut you in half.
Basic rule to go off of is -jutsu means it was developed for war, -do means it was not. Likely for self discipline and spirituality.
Well Tekken's Asuka Kazama does an Akiju-jitsu, as does KoF's Geese. Them there is Tanimura in Yakuza 4.
Also before this discussion becomes absurd, as someone who did Aikido and now does BJJ instead, it's important to remember 3 things when discussing Aikido
1)Aikido was always about the form, display and holding to the ideas of loftier morals in combat. It comes from Aiki-Jujitsu and was always first and firemost about an ideal. Aikido was at it's time supplimented to those who alread knew Judo, Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo himself said that the Aikido he saw was in fact the highest intention of Judo (its worth baring in mind Kano was also about the cultivation of the person as an individual so he was speaking in those terms when he said that. To use minimum effort to maximum effect without hurting an opponent was his highest goal for Judo in terms of the actual tech)
2)AkiJu-Jitsu as well as Aikido has movments and technuiqes from a time and place where the person you got into an argument on the street was sometimes allowed to carry a sword at his side. It was not uncommon to grab a man by the wrist ot forearm in an attempt to stop him from drawing his BLADE and then holding on for dear life. Ever wonder why Aikido is mainly full of your opponent "attacking" by grabing your wrist tightly and never letting go? Ever wonder why all the footwork and movement in Aikido is that of fencing (Kenjutsu)? Its a relic of its time and people. Aikido is a lot about dealing with that very situation.
3)Aikido retains that very old Japanese "acedemic" way of thinking about how martial arts were taught and practiced. Form. Kata. The drilling of set movements and situations. This can be seen in old Ju-Jitsu and was passed this way down through the centuries. Even Judo had this more rigid acedemic way of teaching in the begginig. Set movements perfected over and over and over again. The difference for Judo (and ironically what makes it effective) was Randori, having a chance to use your set skills in free fighting. THIS is where actual tech is refind Aikido bever followed this path
Students learn to roll early on in just about any martial arts so when they progress to throws they don't brain their damage. It does make it look fake, but the point of training to practice the techniques not to impress laymen.
I agree. The French are fucking stupid for thinking this
Virtua Figter 3 onwards has this gal.
good post. I did Aikido too before moving on. The fact that some white belt techniques are literally about countering an imagined sword swing says a lot about the intended purpose.
Your actually retarded or haven't read it very far if you think that. Baki is batshit insanity and the author owns it 100%. Never is he trying to realistically portray martial arts or anything like that. Neither is Kengan. Both are fun, brutal fighting manga.
Lmao but the best you're gonna get is tanimura from Yakuza 4
Thanks for the insight.
>Baki is way too retarded
i kinda thought that was the point? their version of earth is bizarro insanity world
Great post user
I love judo
Danganronpa V3
The best way to fight is to be massive, tank any hit and just smash people's faces on the ground.
Jack Hanma is the best character in Baki and I'd kill to be as strong as him. That guy can take almost anything and keep going unfazed.
>direct shot to the chin from the best boxer in the world
>getting his lower half of his face ripped off
>getting his teeth ripped out
>being stabbed straight through his foot
Literally all ineffective cos of how buff he is.
>real combat
>being stabbed straight through his foot
My grandma dropped a knife through her foot and she just pulled it out and tied a towel around it.
P.S. She's full Japanese
P.P.S. She lived on a farm
baki is the worst nipnong drivel I’ve read in a while. The autor’s a fucking disrespectful amateur hack with main characters being blatant self-inserts.
Besides that, aikido looks cool, I guess.
>The best way to fight is to be massive, tank any hit and just smash people's faces on the ground
Dont be silly James, we know this isn't the case see MMA fighter, Mariusz Pudzianowski he is so big he gassess out all the time.
I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?
Well, I have a story to share with you.
Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.
I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.
Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.
When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.
All heavyweights gas out all the time. Look at bob sapp and hong man choi. Both huge men with garbage records cause they can't fight for shit in a competitive environment
even the most basic normie could name mike tyson at this point.
being a little faggot is a downside in a fight, seething manlets.
is this a pasta
And yet Mike was a monster by large standards. An anomaly. A freak.
lock anyone from a lower weightclass with a heavyweight or higher and they’re going to get mauled.
Being tall alone is a massive fucking boon.
>stick man vs titan
Your point is absurd. There are truths but also fallacies with the point. Weight classess do indeed exist, but pure size is not all encompassing.
Tekken 5. Asuka.
>practice judo
>there was also aikido in the same dojo
>come 30 minutes before our shift begins
>watch the aikido people do their thing
>it's just fucking kata all the time
>looks more worthless in combat than karate
Why the fuck would anyone do aikido?
Baki's author has some grade of brain damage from his martial arts days and has a fetish for martial arts. You don't want it to make sense. You look at it and enjoy it for what it is.
Who also happens to be in T6, TTT2 and T7. He doesn't need to specifically play 5
Why would you do Judo?
>reading baki and getting shit drawings instead of superior netflix drawings
what the fuck my dudes
Because "use their strength against them" is just another way to say "we have a martial arts class for lazy people"
Asuka does aikido in the reversals and backyard brawling for anything else.
The fact that she has an aikido stance is the worst crime of her design.
because it's the best damn martial art out there for self defence?
I've been practicing/teaching it since -98
>brain their damage
Based who-hee-tsu user.
Because real fights contain clothes and when you throw someone onto an actual floor/pavement the fight is over
>Why the fuck would anyone do aikido?
Not for the same reasons they do Judo. It's like asking why do people do Kendo.
well i mean, DC would like a word with you
Sounds like a manlet fighting style if I'm being on the level.
> it's just not meant for combat.
it is totally meant for combat, specifically the part where you lost your weapon and have to defend against someone with a weapon until you can get a weapon again.
Being bigger means those muscles need more oxygen means you tucker out quicker.
Judo is fucking fantastic and live as fuck. Go to your local Judo hall today and ask them whats up and try to out muscle being thrown and tripped for an hour, tells us how it goes.
Yeah I guess that's why the world champ is 6'8" and 280 pounds
All this tells me is that it's used to beat up people who don't know how to fight.
>being so insecure that every sport must be about defending yourself
But that's only in one weight class and a weight class with a 100kg+ weight limit. The other weight classes go as low as 60kgs for males. I just checked.
"Strength against them" is the wrong idea though, it's "break their balance, exagerate their broken posture and allow gravity to do its job for you." The EXACT same physics and methods apply to Judo as well, only Judo isn't trying to do all this at the extremeties of a person. Judo will use the who body to throw someone, aikido is trying to throw people through only very VERY specific means and situations. Judo improvises and says "lets use whatever, our legs our grips, our shoulders" but the core principle remains: position, breaking of balance, exaggeration of movement, gravity. Basically compromising people's centre of gravity and then them with the planet
Aikijujitsu or whatever again
Weight classes exist in all major combat sports. Letting 60kg manlets have their division isn't out of the ordinary.
What're they saying? Please look forward to the fight or something?
>holding up the entire weight of a girl at the end of one outstretched arm doesn't work
You miss the point, it's not "aikido" it's "aiki-jujitsu" which did contain atmei. The other thing about Asuka is exactly that, even though she has all these beautiful high concept techniques for displacing opponents balance, she's also OP stronk and fierce tempered and will haymaker a dude with all her weight in it if she feels like it. She is a literal character of contradictions: new and old. Tradition and youth. Beauty and thug. It's who she is, even her voice is supposed to jar you considering how attractive she is but how rough and rowdy she speaks.
Yeah but what's more likely, that everyone in Judo is a 6 ft 8 giant of a man or that height graphs tell us that most men aren't even close to that.
I'd be much more inclined to believe people using Judo are more likely to be short/average rather than giant.
Based retard. Bigger means bigger lungs and muscles to store oxygen and tougher heart to keep you moving. Of course juiced up bodybuilders will gas out on climbing a set of stairs but there's a difference between a roided bodybuilder and a big fighter
No that's "Aiki-Jujitsu". Ueshieba had loftier more spiritual goals for Aikido. Cultivation of spirit. Of body. Of mind. Through the only way he knew: martial arts. It's no coincidence as he got older his way of fighting became less physical and more anout what he could still do. Aikido was in stark contrast to the brutal and VERY traditional martial arts he studied in his youth.
Don't go full retard user. Ever.
You are retarded mate and this sentence alone tells me you have no clue how learning any martial arts goes down. Might as well swap Judo with "boxing" or "wrestling" or "thai boxing" in that case if you are going to be such a brainlet about it.
Yes...? Are you just shitposting at this point? Thats the fucking point. Thats why its a move at all.
>Might as well swap Judo with "boxing" or "wrestling" or "thai boxing"
Sounds like a good idea, actually. Those things actually sound like they'd be useful in an actual fight.
They would be useful, but not because of any reason you actually know, because to discount Judo you might as well discount those others. You are entering a discussion with no comprehension of how pleb the things you are saying really are.
Mostly her voice just gives me an erection
Yeah no shit most people aren't giants, that's why divisions exist in all combat sports
>let me just fall on my head so i can get this guy to the ground
yes, very applicable in real fights
Aikido is not a combat art, as isn't Karate.
Wrestling, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, Judo, those are your combat arts.
Now get the fuck out.
ok, then dont fall on your head, there are lots of other ways. Dont want to fall on your back like pic related either (even though thats a safe drop in this case) throw them with a standing throw. OPTIONS. Or why dont you give us your preffered rundown?
Do you think people go to war and throw punches around?
What a nigger
>as isn't Karate
What a roundabout way to say it's bullshit. I think I'll just continue saying it's bullshit.
I genuinely hope you never attempt to use any of this in real life. If you try to flex your McDojo black belt on an adult male IRL, you will sustain brain damage.
My friend and sensei to local group described aikido once like this.
"it is training and perfecting every move of a simple throw until it is so beautiful that you ancestors cry over how masterfully you executed a simple throw. And then you move to next slightly less simple throw."
Here is how my friend Xu Xiao Dong described aikido once.
>Aikido is when a delusional person thinks he can redirect your jutsus and turn your body against itself, and this will stop you from throwing him onto the ground, mounting him and beating him unconscious.
>Why would you do Judo?
Because the military taught me during national service.
It's also taught in police academies.
Nah, just fact. Karate is meme-filled Kickboxing adorned with frills. Learn the real thing instead of the sham.
Why learn anything besides smesh?
>the military taught me
>meathead thinks his opinion on what he was taught on his brainwashing course for cannon fodder matters
Now everything makes sense
It does matter what is taught to people who are expected to actually go face death, as opposed to your shit which is only good as a dance show at a theater.
To add that my friend also said that best self defence is to be a really good runner or carry can of mace.
Also is this some murican thing I dont get about forcing that every Budō you do must be MMA worthy or you should only practice to be able fight with the learned skills?
Don't call it a martial art if it's not martially effective.
Give it up. You're talking to children.
>Not min-maxing your weight-to-strength ratio.
please post your experinces and methods user
Any manga where the american and the japanese are friends
>Karate is meme-filled Kickboxing adorned with frills.
Already wrong. There are differences in methods which make what happens in Karate based movements very different from the ones seen in muay thai. This is Karate
Punching is not martially effective if we go by dictionary definition.
So you are saying that MMA bois are little pussy ass bitches for not just busting a cap to disable your opponent because most effective martial art is those that teach you how to shoot well.
judo "uses their strength against them" too the only difference is that it actually works
This is also Karate
>busting a cap to disable your opponent because most effective martial art
Hey, as long as it works
This is Karate
Wonderboy is not doing karate in either of those gifs, he's doing MMA with inspiration taken from karate. You are delusional.
You talk like an absolute fucking beta, the user you replied to can safely disregard your opinion
>Already wrong.
Nah, just stating the facts.
>this is karate
Karate doesn't own the license to an upper kick, it does however own a license to some stupid time-wasting and energy-wasting moves and methods that are useless in combat.
There are martial arts which are designed without your stupid ceremonies, dances, and useless movements, and then there's martial arts which are designed to damage and kill and nothing but with no worthless shit being taught.
Karate falls into the meme spiritual category.
>Expecting Americans and dumb zoomers to understand the subtlety, philosophy and meaning of Aikido let alone of Martial arts.
I respect your effort but its pretty futile. you will get nothing but retarded meme answers save for some well educated anons.
Im glad other few people here know about Aikido though.
>muay thai is not effective because actually the guy is doing MMA
>wrestling is not effective because actually the guy is doing MMA
>BJJ is not effective because the guy is actually doing MMA
Thats you retard.
We get it, Karate ripped off Kickboxing and then added more useless shit to it. So when accused of useless shit you have the excuse to post the basic kicks that have existed since ancient times.
Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.
An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.
Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.
A fearsome martial arts it is.
That's correct.
If you go into a street fight and all you know how to do is karate, you will lose.
>The other weight classes go as low as 60kgs for males. I just checked.
please tell me you are underaged and just get banned i can't sustain the cringe of thinking you could be an adult
So does boxing in counters.
The point is that you shouldn't base your entire martial art around someone else making a mistake or being slow. Training your own offense is what separates Judo and Kickboxing from Aikido.
>martial art
>"not ment for combat"
>"not ment for combat"
holy shit i didn't even know there were people half this stupid
holy shit she gave him the slippery jim reacharound judo impact.
that's pretty impressive.
>being a little faggot is a downside in a fight, seething manlets.
a-user Mike Tyson isn't even 6' tall
>There are martial arts which are designed without your stupid ceremonies, dances, and useless movements
So not Muay thai then according to you
You are an actual retard. What Karate are we even talking about here exactly? Do you even know there are different styles?
There's a violent version of it that works. Basically same core concept - use opponents force against him but no direct relation and training is brutal. Forgot the name, saw it once long ago.
best i found was a martial art from 15th century central europe focusing entirely on bone breaking. Thought first this is really cool but then saw ridiculous training plan and noped out. The real shame is i couldn't find it ever again later.
>We get it, Karate ripped off Kickboxing
How actually backwards ignorant do you have to be?
>The best way to fight is to be massive, tank any hit and just smash people's faces on the ground.
>Jack Hanma is the best character in Baki and I'd kill to be as strong as him.
*Blocks your path*
Muay Thai is Kickboxing which adds something vital as opposed to Karate - elbows and knees.
Preferable body parts over risking joints and fingers when it comes to usage in combat.
Yet again, the real world had judged it since nobody wastes time teaching karate to people who face danger, but instead opt for boxing/kickboxing/muaythai/judo.
You mean how ignorant and stupid you have to be to take ancient combat arts which worked through the ages on the battlefield, and then add worthless stupid shit to it and call it Karate? I don't know, you tell me.
Jack is the king of jobbers in the Baki universe
are you thinking of glima and lua?
Nothing new under the sun you fucking tard, thats the point, but different nations cultures had different ways of using the same two hands and feet, often some of these things cross over. But no, you want to deny anything effective and call it another name instead.
"Kickboxing" is just words like "muay thai" and "karate" you fucking invalid. Its just different cultures ways of doing things with hands, feet, elbows and knees. Some effective parts and some lacking. You are a real dumb shit.
>Yet again, the real world had judged it
Effective is when you strip everything to the most effective and efficient moves and strip all the ceremonial and spiritual and slow shit.
That's also called substituting Karate with Kickboxing and adding Muay Thai elbow and knee action to it.
It's that simple.
Nah, Kickboxing is polished.
Muay Thai has relevant elbow and knee action.
Karate is a worthless theater art.
Yes, real world where Karate was among the first sports to be kicked out of MMA as irrelevant with Karate practitioners having to lose half their techniques and adopt from other martial arts to survive or get the fuck out.
>this thread
>martial arts are actually worse than console wars
All you have to do is bring a flashlight, blind them, and then aim for the noggin. Then you watch as they drop and crack their skulls open on the asphalt. And then go to prison.
>Ripping off Striker´s X-ray move in MK9
Too much work when you could just bring a gun, shoot them AND go to prison.
>irrelevant with Karate practitioners having to lose half their techniques and adopt from other martial arts to survive or get the fuck out
This is pure nonsense. Its like saying wrestling is ineffective because wrestlers have to also learn BJJ defense and boxing and kickboxing to survive. Fighters like Wonderboy thompson and Machida are showing that having low stance unorthodox striking methods with the same MMA skills like Wrestling and BJJ that the kickboxers are doing is putting MMA striking games on its head now. People are having to learn how to deal with "useless karate". Again, its like saying "kickingboxing is innefective because without wrestling and BJJ you are dead in MMA." DUH. NO SHIT.
t. never watched Jack Dempsey fucking brutalize a man a foot taller than him for 10 minutes
>actually muay thai is "adding" but karate is being "substituted"
are you really this braindead and biased? Do you actually understand martial arts at all?
Looking for the gif/webm of Putin's reaction at the martial arts demo, if anyone has it.
>This is pure nonsense.
It's not, it's fact with history of MMA witnessing it.
Everything you said in your post so far is yet again why all relevant militaries, police academies, etc. are teaching a combo of Kickboxing/Muay Thai/Judo/Boxing, with no Karate in there because it's the most useless worthless dogshit that's a time waste.
The powers that be have found the most effective and efficient combination.
Muay Thai is indeed adding vital body components, while karate is adding useless techniques and ceremonies upon an already polished and efficient Kickboxing and Boxing. What's there not to understand my little retarded friend?
This will be forever the most cute gif ever.
lua is hawaian. The one i found was central european as said. Was early days of internet and the guy was apparently desperate to find an inheritor,so he posted a bunch of information and introductory training . Wanted to find it again a few years later but it was gone or maybe i just couldn't find it because the net grew too much and google results were already too commerzialized.
Holy shit. Amazing story user.
Reminder that fancy martial arts only work against other people trained in the same martial art.
Aikido only works on other people trained in aikido. There's an understanding that when you perform a throw, they must play along and jump into a roll.
And now Karate is being used within MMA and people are finding it a hard time to deal with. They fight side on rather than boxed foward. They fight low rather than upright. They kick from wherever they stand so they are less likely to telegraph kicks. Lyoto Machida was the least hit participator in the UFC during his day and he puts all of that down to his years of Karate training. You clearly have zero fucking clue what you are talking about, like literally no clue what these moves are made up of or how they work or differ from each other. I would call into question any knowledge you actually have on kickboxing and go as far to call you liar. Your lack of even basic knowldge is staggering.
Amazing, that dude broke his neck?
> guy was apparently desperate to find an inheritor,so he posted a bunch of information and introductory training .
damn now you got me interested. around what year would you say this was?
ITT : backseat fighters
>this guy knew Judo or that throw would have never actually worked
The best fighting style for a street fight is to be big, no fucking technique will ever beat raw strength and mass and if you believe that you're fucking delusional
Actually, yes he does. Tekken 5 is the last in the series that still closely moves like real life/real martial arts.
Impressive, he don't hesitate in going the only way he can, and succeed.
but Asuka is still in 6, TTT2 and T7 and her moves remain. Also most noob characters aside, Leo was actually doing pretty legit bajiquan just like Julia.
would you say that your habit of misunderstanding is a -do or a -jutsu
Hesitation is death
>And now Karate is being used within MMA
It's not though.
Not a single signature Karate move is used.
Kickboxing moves, basic leg moves, like the ones you post which are more ancient than Karate, are however.
I have more clue than you on how to differentiate Karate as a worthless sport trying to pilfer ancient basic kicking moves as its own.
Karate is Kickboxing with frills, ceremony, and spiritual shit added, that's all it ever was and ever will be.
Was back in modem days when isdn was high tech. Was way too young to take it serious (small kid not even teenager) and figured i would be there forever. Should've saved it all as a backup but that's how it goes when you can't appreciate what you find.
Any games for this feel?
thanks user
>Karate invented kicking, sidekicks, headkicks, forward kicks
LOLno. Karate also doesn't own a license to them. If you are kicking you are not doing Karate, you are doing Kickboxing. What's next? Walking is Karate?
dark souls
dex chads always wins
>in ds3
lmao nice poise bitchboi it would be a shame if someone were to hyperarmor through your toothpick with their UGS
damn that's depressing. I'll do some digging but it's sad to hear it's not around anymore.
do you have any extra memories of it? anything might help
never hits anything unless your fighting a complete downie child that cant reaction roll and you get backstabbed every 2 swings.
I did Aikido for like 3 years.
For combat it's nearly useless but the two main things that I got out of it that I think are pretty good are that it teaches you how to fall and how to roll.
Granted you could learn those things from gymnastics and anything else, but it's what I mostly got out of it.
The main point of any martial art is combat.
the mental and spiritual bullshit comes next.
Then you didnt learn anything.
What a wholesome moment.
Batman Arkham games.
Well how to fall and how to roll are things.
>It's not though
It is though
>Not a single signature Karate move is used
They are you just lack any knowldge on the matter. Go tell Lyoto Machida and Wonder boy thompson they aren't using any Karate because your only reference to the art is seeing people in deep horse stance throwing out 1-2 chamber punches while yelling. You have zero knowldge and think "kickboxing" is one all encompassing thing that has existed in that form since time began. Shut the fuck up retard. Again i suspect you are a liar or you wouldn't be talking such plain retardation with such confidence.
I wonder how the author feels knowing his daughter has already made a better manga than him. She even kept the tradition of having unusual anatomy but made it much easier to look at
They didn't but then neither did this word being thrown about called "kick boxing" you utter cretin. And do say that they are not all done in different manners shows how basic and shallow your observations are. Muay thai and Karate both contain kicks, but how and WHERE these kicks are thrown from in position and movement are VASTLY different and have different uses.