Tfw no Monster Hunter thread on Yea Forums

>tfw no Monster Hunter thread on Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

so go to /vg/ then nigger

i miss him

>Nordic people raped and stole from my ancestors, and it's nice to see Paradox are continuing this tradition with me.

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Let's go, boys
>First MH
>Favorite MH
>Favorite monster
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite monster theme
>Iceborne hopes and dreams

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4U for now, but Iceborne is shaping up to become the best one yet.
Chaotic Gore Magala.
Charge Blade.

>Khezu AND Gigginox are in
>There's also a new Paolumu relative that functions similarly

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>anything really

>missing some attention whore who refused to be an idort
Not a real MH fan, reminds me of the Nincels screeching about World.

Was it autism?

ps2 version

He's still around he just changed voices.

wheres the thread with the rajan iceborne model leak?

Who is this?

>MH:W overheats my cpu

fuck this gay world


>Rajang Iceborne model leak
What the fuck did I miss now?


4U or maybe P3rd
Gogmazios and Gigginox
Nothing really. They're already adding an ice level

>pinku guy
how the fuck did he know?

what are you even talking about

Pretty sure it doesn't have one, and just uses the generic map music.

How is it that the game is still so popular on PC, yet no one plays it on PS4 anymore?

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I have it on both platforms and you're wrong.

Cause online on PC isn't locked behind a paywall. Nuff said.

true. forgot about that. They just raised the price recently too.

Who would just go on the internet and lie like that?

4U but could be the sequel to world if they add more legacy monsters
White Fatalis
If Zinogre is in then Amatsumagatsuchi

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I don't even play on PS4 and I call horsedongle on that statement.

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I have both versions, user. PS4 is not nearly as lively as PC. You toss up a flare on PC and bam, you've got 3 heads joining your game.

You’re not fooling anybody.

So what you're saying is you have no proofs cause there are literally 35 full AT KT JP rooms right now.

>even PC players call this post out

You're probably right. My bad.
It's been a while since I've played 3U

The proof is in the pudding.

So i've seen a couple people today saying we're getting a trailer on friday can anyone confirm

It doesn't, but the Tundra theme arguably fits it more than it fits Barioth with the erratic piano.

Yeah, I can confirm but I haven't heard anything about it.


But you didn't provide any pudding.

MH5 with 110 monsters when? Getting bored of tech demos already.

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>First MH
MH Tri
>Favorite MH
>Favorite monster
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite monster theme
>Iceborne hopes and dreams
Seems to be what I want more monster to hunt and kill.

Are you retarded?

You said you could confirm but didn't provide proof

I'm really disappointed with Banbaro guys, it could've been such a cool quadpedal (is it the right word? y'know 4 legs nigga) Pelagus. Now it looks ike a Mongoloid Moose laid a TRex egg

>Let's go, boys
>>First MH
>>Favorite MH
>>Favorite monster
Brodogama for chills, Garuga for fights and Najarala for looks
>>Favorite weapon
>>Favorite monster theme
>>Iceborne hopes and dreams
More monsters, more skeletons (He said dreams, ok), good weapon designs
>>Favorite armor
Blangonga Blade, Bagel close second

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wrong image

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I'm still baffled how Monster Hunter, the autism simulator from my childhood managed to consistently place top 15 of steam userbase 1 and a half year after release
The dromes would've been proud

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RIP Fitz

big fucking rip


>tfw shopping at the grocery store and i see his favorite chocolate oranges
>instantly reminded of our tragic loss
imagine a timeline where he got the award

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Good taste

Fitzthistlewits was just MechaGameZilla for zoomers.

This music only really fits Gigginox let's be honest

Paolumu sub will be the white blind bat and this news will make all khezufags kill themselves


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Tobi Blast/Fire has been confirmed

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You know you've fallen low when you start prowling R*ddit in a desperate attempt to find new leaks

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We don't know that for sure, all we know is that it's presumably brown/gold coloured. Could be a Wildspire Wastes sub that flings sand or dust around or something.

>he doesn't know
I'm not even that user, but look online and you'll find it. No one is here to spoonfeed you stuff that is easily found online.

>Iceborne won't be on PC until roughly 3-4 months after console

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sure suure

Will we manage to kill KT in G-rank

Are you the same guy? You must be an underage third worlder.

>not owning a PS4 and a PC


Unknown Zenith GS
Tie between Unknown and Shiten Unknown themes

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Good. Fuck PCheaters.

I bought it on PS4 on launch night and played a shitload of it, but PC just plays a lot nicer, I don't have to be price gouged for online, there's mod options if I want that and is generally just a nicer experience. I'm nowhere near as caught up on PS4 as I am on PC (the last event I did on PS4 was Kulve Taroth, the past few days I've been grinding AT Nerg/Behemoth/AT Kulve) and the idea of going back and paying $40 + tip to Sony to let me use my fucking internet connection is killing me inside.

>First MH
>Favorite MH
>Favorite monster
>Favorite weapon
Datura Blade
>Favorite monster theme
>Iceborne hopes and dreams
Handler subspecies

>Khezu thread died
Good riddance

How will you cope with khezu being in iceborne?

>Beta has joined the online session.
Ok, which one of you is this?

True charge removal when?

By hunting Gigginox in iceborne

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I'm fine with either but I like khezu's look more

Only reason for me to own one would've been World but they already said there was a PC version beforehand so there wasn't.

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>thinking mecha is fitz
actual retardation

MH Classic for switch when?

>farming anjanath for final bow upgrade
>get done carving him and waiting for timer to go back to HQ
>deviljho shows up and starts munching on anjanath's corpse
what the fuck

Free meal.

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As long as it's meat

Jho and Nerg are the only ones using their heads

deviljho will also come and eat a monster while it's still alive after you capture it. when doing the event quest for the assassin mantle, someone captured the Odogaron and the deviljho immediately stopped attacking us to grab a bite off him

Anything involving Jho can be quite surprising
>Back to when Jho released
>Look for Jho, find him strolling around
>See Kulu-Ya-Ku chilling right in the middle of Jho's path like if a green scaly rapetrain wasn't heading its way
>Decide to run to Jho and enhgage him first so Kulu can escape
>Fight goes on, swapped zones multiple times
>Suddently Kulu jumps out from nowhere and decides to take on Jho
>Jho litterally wipes the floor with him
>Release him from his grasp
>He's fucking dead
>mfw realizing Jho fucking oneshotted an innocent, albeit retarded Kulu

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>capturing Tetsu in 4U G-rank for the armor
>Deviljho comes
>can't do shit because of trash equipment so i'm forced to just watch him from afar as he eats the tetsucabra alive
>finish quest
>it actually gave me less rewards because the bastard killed it
Can't say i don't love him

>Tfe no good new monster hunter game

Does Nerg eat the meat you place on the floor or is it still completely useless outside of Deviljho

XX or 4U, almost every game is near top though.
Prowler if type, Garuga Hammer if specific weapon
Nothing I could realisticly hope for can save World.

Did that ever work on EDs?

Can't recall any right now

I finally beat AT nerg with some randoms. Didn't faint. Felt super good.

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No, but Nerg is the first ED ever that gets exhausted

Yeah, I haven't played World that much but I'm learning that Jho can be pretty funny. I finally finished my bow upgrade to take on Kirin and each time I was fighting Anjanath, Jho would show up.

Just wanted to say that I hate this monster. He is a shit monster that only pulls his weight because of cheap attacks. When he is not buffed he is a push over, and when he is buffed he can combo you and stun in two hits.

Fuck this dumb furry pandering abortion.
As someone who play MH mostly solo, I know he's going to be a nightmare in G rank on MHGen and I hate it.

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>World, but 4U is a very close second after being able to play it over citra
>More unique weapon models and craftable layered armor

they're talking about the youtube guy

Zinogre is ez dude

I'm almost positive he wrote Fitz's content.

Either you're baiting or a casual. I'll take the bait on the former and tell you to kill yourself. He's fine.

>complaining about him in fucking mhgen of all things where insanely easy mode shit like adept exist
double fucking pussy. you have at least three VERY EASY OPTIONS against his supposedly cheap attacks and you're either choosing to just not try any of them like some arrogant fuck stuck in his one style/one weapon setup.

Not him but Game Informer's less known irl article on Iceborne has 4 hunters fighting against Barioth, with one of them donning a red version of the MR Tobi armor

>Desperate struggle against AT Nerg.
>Wipe after wipe
>Finally understand
>30m hunt but no faints
>Special hunt completed track kicks in

It's a good feeling.

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anytime there was a monster hunter thread back when the 3DS had the series from 2011-2017 exclusively, this fag would go into threads and spam the gif in op and say some shit like >tfw no mh on vita

The special hunt completed track made me feel like a big man.
I'm the first of my friends to succeed, randoms or otherwise

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>Switch Axe or Greatsword
>New, original monsters and good weapon designs

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Rajang, Chameleos and Gore make it /in/, ATs are removed/rebalanced, underpeforming weapons get buffs

Kulve would beat the everliving shit out of Nergigante

Thanks for answering and not being a faggot like the other guy

>LS and Hammer
>Good weapon balancing, challenging endgame content and Guiding Lands aren't a disappointment

Paolumu sub is grey/black.

How do you know

The armor set on the left

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>First MH
>Favorite MH
>Favorite monster
Really hard to decide, but Nargacuga
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite monster theme
Vaal Hazak
>Iceborne hopes and dreams
That the all flagships dream is real, and that GL isn't as gimped as it seems like it is

Considering its orange and not red im guessing blast

Bloodbath Diablos
Bigger roster of fun endgame fights

>tfw no kirin huntress gf(male)

Not so fast

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The other left dumb user

An MH fan with crippling poverty. Vitanon had bought a Vita, only to find that new MH games were no longer on Vita. As his expendable income was so low, he could not afford a 3DS, and so Vitanon declared his misery on Yea Forums for years and years, never failing to post that .gif in every MH thread there was.

That's just normal Nergigante with a fancy name

>didn't have the brains to sell the vita for a 3ds if he was that desperate
at least he had the chops to become a meme

>tfw no mhgu on ps4
>tfw no mhw on switch

>no Fulgur Anjanath huntress gf(female)

my income wasn't low, it was okay, but had too many things to pay every month

I still love my vita, and I wish I could play a modern mh in it
also I got a 3ds and played mh4u a lot, and some generations
still wish it was on vita

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>Ceadeus' theme
>Jade Barroth. I want that armorset goddammit.

i understand, the vita is a pretty solid handheld (I have one too, but it's been unused for a while)
glad you found closure in any case

i've missed you, user.

I'm playing without styles, and this dumbass got buffed since MH3U because he was irrelevant outside of Stygian.
If you don't have a perfect rotation you can't stop him from buffing without retarded overpowered weapons, and he has moves which can punish me for trying to hit him with a switchaxe (that fucking tailswipe reversal).
I have no problem with Rajang which is a perfectly fair monster, the same is true with shagaru. But Zinogre has bullshit much like the "roar+fireball as you're stun" that the Rathalos has.
I hate this piece of shit monster.

I hope the Nergigante you fight in the story pulled a Gore Magala and only played dead, Ruiner Nerg wouldn't have the same impact if it was just another random Nergigante

>>First MH
>>Favorite MH
>>Favorite monster
>>Favorite weapon
>>Favorite monster theme
>>Iceborne hopes and dreams

I doubt it. I mean, we know there are multiple Nergs because of the Luna repel hunt.

4U but I prefer GU endgame
Bazel's theme
My boy is in (also that elemental weapons stop being pushover)

yes, it's amazing, I wish sony didn't abandon it and gave it a proper care
we will never have another soul sacrifice or a proper freedom wars
or a monster hunter

I miss you everyday, kind user

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Does Yea Forums host rooms? This thread is really comfy.
t./mhg/ faggot

Yian Garuga
don't really have one but I like Teo
getting handler pregnant

Every once in a while. Not as common as it was pre World.

I feel like a massive faggot for feeling so nostalgic for 2015 Yea Forums. Yea Forums wasn't just cuck/trap generals, /x/ still had dumb args going on. It was a nice way to spend a boring twelve hours shift.

I've only seen one room being posted in mh threads on Yea Forums
It was deleted by the time i tried to join

/x/'s downward spiral is the saddest thing i've seen happen to this site

Yea Forums used to have active rooms even after /vg/ split, until about the end of 4U. Not so much after that, and almost never now. I sometimes post a room here, when I'm doing weekly/daily bounties, but nobody joins before I finish them.

>wear full drachen
>install transmog mod to have layered Rathalos
>now do a bajillion damage while looking /fa/ as fuck
I have beaten Ryozo

what's it pointing at?

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>using cuckalos set
>beaten Ryozo
You fell right into his trap, you idiot!

These digits

It's pretty fucking sad. Tried to start a good ol fashion nope thread and it was almost immediately archived with no responses. Rippen.

This 5.

4U, might become Iceborne
No clue
Phantom Uragaan
Gigginox, Zamtrios, Qurupeco

How dangerous is this? I imagine there are quite a few stalks of hard grass there. Imagine just letting yourself fall down on it, face first and having that grass go straight into your eyes.

Rathalos may be a terrible shitty monster but his armor makes up for it

He just fell into a puddle
Besides it doesn't look like the kind of grass that stabs you

Tfw Overdrive Valstrax is in.

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Safer than buying a Vita.

>mission has you fighting a swarm of Valstraxes with Overdrive as the leader
>they enter formations
I have finally become, Ace Combat

A man can dream

Is it worth getting into lance in MHFU? I'm on HR currently, maining GS, but rathalos ruby just refuses to drop for me. Do you have to go full physical for lance or is it better to use elements? Which lance set is available for me at Nekoht 9star?

>until about the end of 4U
Eh we still had quite a few Gens one after that and FU made a resurgence due to emulation.

>playing through world again with a friend, just crafting gear to be roughly his power
>realize AT monsters made me forget how much fun stuff like horn is

Man. I hope they don't do AT shit again.

>he never done any AT hunts with HH
>he only uses HH against LR monsters

I use it on high rank stuff, too. I'm just not confident enough for AT shit with a horn. It's fun as fuck, just not when I gotta worry about getting 1 or 2 shot.

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Khajiit, Imperial, Breton

name my band

>Mobius 1 and his squad suddently appears out of nowhere
>Hunter jumps on Mobius 1's plane
>You have to defend the plane against multiple Valstraxes as Mobius 1 hunts down the alpha in a dogfight happening all around you
Knowing that there was a DMC, FF, and Witcher event, I can absolutely see it happen.

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>Thinking nips still aren't playing this on PS4

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I remember I was looking forward to Halloween last year because it would mean an influx of /x/ greentext threads, but it came around and there wasn't a single one. Extremely depressing.

I'm gonna get a switch when animal crossing comes out

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do you play world vitanon?

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>Overdrive Valstrax music has
airplane turbines in the background

Please respond.

Does anyone actually use more than one character in a game?

If you only want to farm a rathalos wouldnt a hammer be better?

I usually have a fem hunter because the armor is different

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I want to switch to something else until g rank.

Good morning!

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Long Sword
Xeno'jiiva's 2nd theme
It comes to PC in less than 6 months

technically tri but i only killed great jaggy at a friend and then bought a psp with FU
Hammer and Lbg
The main theme which plays when you fight lao shan or jhen mohran
Khenzu and Gravios fight me

He's fuckin in

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cuteposting will kill the consolewars

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>no abyssal slightly popping his head up in the back

Imagine listfag's face when Ruiner Nergigante parries Valstrax's divebomb

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He'd just use that to shitpost about GU even more

Genuinely wish you had stayed away, and possibly died irl you shitposting spastic.

>Switch Axe
>Brachy's theme
>Give us better designs on your weapons, rather than the copy-pasted trash we got in MHW

>doing Unfunny Reddit meme Jagras
>Get join requests
>"Sure, why not"
>They make me fail the quest
This monster hunter probably has the most retarded players in the entire series, I guess that's what you get when you try to get the dark souls crowd

Pray tell, explain to me why is everyone almost so sure Valstrax can make it in? Just having appeared in posters and cookies is not a good enough reason, and I haven't heard anything big leaked outside of the Eradicator Nerg and the Bazelguese

Heres ur endgame area bro

Attached: Guiding_Lands.jpg (640x360, 115K)

Cookies is pretty much it.

We know Yian Garuga was the bastard offspring of a Rathian and Yian Kut-Ku that ended up breeding to create a new species. What other monsters could we breed to create a new thang?

>Mizutsune × Zinogre = Raijitsune?

i miss my dromes, my bugs and my crustaceans

>Not a single one mentions Tigrex as his favorite

This actually sucks and pretty much killed the longevity of World for me. I'm not autistic about speedruns or challenge so playing with other people has always been a highlight. Nowadays it's just asking for a triple cart. I can't remember the last time I had a successful hunting party for anything that wasn't a story quest.

>We know Yian Garuga was the bastard offspring of a Rathian and Yian Kut-Ku that ended up breeding to create a new species.
It's just a meme dude

Cool I love me some hunting road.

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Nobody likes Tigrex outside of fake "veteran" LRPing

Nah man. I think it's true. Garuga uses a lot of Rathian's moves, and let's face it. Yian Kut-Ku wouldn't stand a chance if Rathian decided she wanted some goodboi cock

Deviljho x Dodogama = Jhojhogama

Its happening

i like tigrex, is like dealing with my autistic nephew but able to hit him

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>Tobi sub in Hoarfrost

Do you?

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He looks almost as out of place in an ice area as Tigrex does.

user... Tigrex was fucking introduced in an ice area.

I would be mad but happy because at least he would be in.

Yes, grandpa. All the better to block your HP gating.

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What's your point? He's fucking bright yellow and blue.

They can't interbreed if they're different species, they're not dogs
Besides Garuga would be sterile if it was the case

And? That doesn't make them out of place. What's your point?

Yea Im not going back to 2min load times from 15sec load times.

Viper Toby

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Technically he is out of place, he was in the mountains for food, it doesn't live there naturally

Welp sorry to the anons hoping for khezu/gigginox but it looks like the tobi kadachi subspecies lives in that corpse filled cave, looks cool tho as it looks like it can almost fly around with its membranes and it shoots poisonous barbs out

I gave up on randoms entirely after reaching G-Rank in 4U
Since then I only play with friends or sometimes Yea Forums

Conduction Leviathan

The bastard offspring of a Mizutsune and Zinogre. Raijitsune's scales rub against the tufts of conductive fur around it's crest, forelimbs and tail, building a powerful electric charge after enough movement. Being able to slide about on the soaplike water it produces from its underbelly, Raijitsune is capable of releasing it's stored electricity as it slides around its prey, paralysing them. However, it is incapable of trapping it's prey in bubbles like it's father, but makes up for this with it's acrobatic prowess inherited from both sides. Letting a Raijitsune continue its captivating breakdance will only increase the severity of electricity produced. Damaging the thick shockfur will cause Raijitsune to accidentally discharge it's stored voltage when it attempts to attack with it, startling it and knocking the Leviathan over. Damaging the scales on its underbelly will prevent it from performing it's sliding attacks.

The weapons created from it's body are typically dual element weapons focusing on high paralysis ailment and low water element damage.

He lives wherever the damn he pleases. The game defines what's in and what's out of place, not a player.

>Viper Kadachi
>Rubs fur with poison flowers in the cave
Well at least Gigginox is out of the picture

Ecologically it doesn't make much sense but given he's a nomadic predator it's enough suspension of disbelief to let it slide.

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>That doesn't make them out of place
is not the first time we had a monster hunter game with monsters that look out of place

By not hunting him more than once, his gear is shit

>First MH
Tri. Pulled it out of a value bin. Best 5 bucks ive ever spent
>Favorite MH
Toss up between FU and 4U
>Favorite monster
Saltas queen as a regular mon and Dah'ren as my not so regular
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite monster theme
Dah'ren mohran. Love how the theme switches when he gets weaker
>Iceborne hopes and dreams
4U size roster.

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Tobi Subspecies? or Variant?

Wait both are in? Oh shit I love hunting them. Hopefully theyre still sound base and can quietly sneak them

>The game defines what's in and what's out of place, not a player
Pretty sure the game itself says he's out of place there.

Subspecies obviously.
Sub = different element and all.
Variant = perma enraged monster, but essentially the same as the regular ones.

He's adorable!
Probably bites like crazy though.

Because you already played through Iceborne, of course.

I'm not talking about Iceborne. I'm pretty sure the Pokke Elder says something along the lines of Tigrex wandering into the mountains to hunt rather than being native all the way back in F2/FU (and if not her it's mentioned somewhere else).

very cool

>>First MH
Monster Hunter 2. I was quite young, but my cousins played it and introduced it to me.
>>Favorite MH
This is hard to straight up pick one. Monster Hunter Tri (For the Wii, yes, the Wii) is hands down my favorite SINGLE PLAYER experience of any Monster Hunter. Not counting single player, it falls between 3U and 4U. 3U would have been perfect if it had online play, because I love the 3U roster and swimming is great.
>>Favorite monster
My tastes went from Shogun Ceanataur to Gigginox to Lagiacrus to Brachydios.
I will never forget playing Tri for the first time and jumping into the deep end of the waters to be faced with Lagiacrus.
Brachydios is by far my favorite though, just due to his overall lore and amazing design. Licking your own hands to create explosive materials is such a badass concept.
>>Favorite weapon
Greatsword, always and forever.
>>Favorite monster theme
MH 3 Rathalos and MH3 Caedeus
>>Iceborne hopes and dreams
Don't care about World anymore. Dropped that shit after 200 hours and they can't fix it no matter what they do.

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>>First MH
Dunno. Never liked them until World.
>>Favorite MH
>>Favorite monster
>>Favorite weapon
Charge Blade
>>Favorite monster theme
The music in this game is ass unfortunately
>>Iceborne hopes and dreams
Probably won't buy it, if I do, I hope there's an update to clear up those godawful loading times

Mom said it's my turn to be a pain in the ass to fight

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>First MH
Generations. I remember quitting like a little bitch at Gendrome.
>Favorite MH
Generations Ultimate.
>Favorite monster
I can't possibly name only ONE. Let's just say Tigrex for now. He's a good boy.
>Favorite weapon
Tie between SnS in Gen/U and Greatsword.
>Favorite monster theme
>Iceborne hopes and dreams
To improve World as a whole.

Pine Martens generally aren't native to areas with year-round snow.

To be fair, licking your hands in front of your enemy before attempting to strike them is a good tactic on its own.


Did hammer get any changes in IB?

Anyone else annoyed that the sound effects just disappear in World if the action making it is off screen?

4.Long Sword or Light Bowgun
5.Zinogre theme
6. no spider monsters like Nerscylla

>Lagiacrus, Yamatsu, Mizutsune, Plesioth, Rajang, plus the rest of the cookie theory monsters, and that the guiding lands is another, perhaps smaller, elder-recess like-zone Capcom's not telling us about filled with a bunch of end-game content

"Hmm, yes, but what if we made it worse?"
Ryozo Tsujimoto, 2018

>At least everyone from anniversary poster returns

the only good fuckhuge monster was Laviente.

Delete 4 from existence, and tell us why.

Attached: D9H4chvUIAA6lmP.jpg (4000x3000, 2.36M)

4th gen introduced the worst mechanics:
>Lock-on Camera
>Gacha RNG

On top of this, the 3DS had horrible graphics and controls. The 3DS games are truly awful.

You can clutch claw after a superpound to spin into the monster's face

4th Gen introduced verticality, which changed monster fights forever for the worse. It also has mounting and the camera and other gay cancer crap. It also introduced zoomer bingfaggots to the series, and who pretend like 4 is some "hardcore" "oldschool" game.

Gobul because I fucking HATE Gobul
Yian Garuga, much for the same reason as above
Daimyo Hermitaur

RNG bullshit has existed since charms were added and I'm pretty sure the quick camers turn was added in 3U

>anons thought you meant delete MH4 from existence

Attached: laughing_sluts.jpg (1019x862, 96K)

Why reply to yourself, listfag?

I'm pretty sure it's more samefaggotry. Also I'm pretty sure that first reply is a copy paste job because I remember seeing an almost identical post yesterday.

correct about the quick camera from 3U.
Basically all the nintendo games added cancer mechanics to the point they all blurred into shit.

Attached: Untitled.png (955x140, 11K)

It's just listfag

>2nd generation
>Frontier generation

>1st generation

>4th generation
>Styles generation

>bullshit much like the "roar+fireball as you're stun" that the Rathalos has.I hate this piece of shit monster.
Earplugs, my dude. Negate Wind Pressure, Antidote, and a high fire defense would also make your life easier. Your supposed to put together equipment sets for hunting specific monsters. You should have realized this by now.

>not Dala

>First MH
Technically Freedom Unite, but I didn't get into it until I played 3 Ultimate
>Favorite MH
4 Ultimate
>Favorite monster
>Favorite weapon
Insect Glaive
>Favorite monster theme
Nargacuga's I guess
>Iceborne hopes and dreams


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

I wish you losers would stay in your general

Great, listfag is back.

That's retarded. I fought Laviente on a 2560x1440 display and was in awe of his size.
I had to fight Dalamadur on a 400x240 handheld screen (fucking lmao) and couldn't even tell what was going on.

Attached: defend_this.jpg (400x240, 56K)

Do people actually get this worked up about the lock-on camera? It doesn't make your attacks more accurate or even turn your character to face the monster, it's just camera movement.

Most of what he'd saying is copy pasted from previous threads

It has no business in monster hunter. The PSP games were just fine without it.
The problem is that the 3DS has worse controls and didn't allow you to claw, so they had to add a casual mechanic that we used to make fun of.

Attached: JDgqpPR.png (500x1157, 313K)

Gamespot took down the viper tobi-kadachi video

Berserk's support role is pretty cozy.

Attached: ravioli ravioli give me the Gg I deservioli.jpg (1024x768, 549K)

jesus, those games really looked that bad? i had no idea the res was so small

The game is literally easier without lock on, it's not a 'casualisation', it's just for people used to it from playing stuff like Dark Souls.

Do people actually use that follow lock-on in MHW? The target camera is fine although it did kind of defeat the purpose of Nargacuga's shtick.

Monster Hunter players used to make fun of lock-on cameras.
Then, they finally added a lock-on camera when retards like you joined the series, and you defend it.

3DS was 240p x2
A lot of games still look nice if you emulate and upres them but the default res is pretty ass yeah

It's 240p, but if you have anything but the base model it's blown up onto a larger screen which is probably how you're not noticing it as much.

Attached: 3ds screen.jpg (800x480, 32K)


...what? Lock on is for the gey

Anyone who attacks the lockon camera is listfag.

>First MH
>Favorite MH
>Favorite monster
>Favorite weapon
Insect Glaive
>Favorite monster theme
I don't even remember any of them.
>Iceborne hopes and dreams
More fun ways of making challenging fights, Behemoth was great.

Attached: latest[1].png (400x283, 131K)

"lock-on" and "lock-on camera" aren't the same thing.

I played from FU, probably since before you were born. I'm not an ADHD riddled child so I don't get worked up over small shit.

The quick turn? Yeah I use it constantly. World's default setting is ass but if you set it to work like the 3DS games it's fine
different people mang they're both mates with flimsii and mattosis I think

that's the most pathetic "argument" I've ever heard. Playing semantics won't help you.

>jhen mohran
>good monsters, good fashion, good difficulty

>3U or GU
>Gore magala or nergi
>Chad blade
>Shaggys theme
I actually really enjoyed MYW for what it was, lack of content and all, but I'd love to see a much larger roster now that they have working skeletons, specifically with Gore and shaggy in

They're not the same thing.

>Lock-on, a tactic in action video games where the player character targets an enemy, causing all movement to revolve around that enemy
They are quite literally not the same thing.

They are. And it's casual.

Hey guys

Attached: DZI_1imV4AArmOK.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1527, 558K)

In Monster Hunter games, you used to have to manually move in the camera. In newer games, you don't. This isn't hard to understand.

They aren't. Lock on means you're locked on and the camera will always focus on the enemy.
Target cams are a snapping camera, it won't focus on the monster automatically.

I am aware of that, but that's not what's being discussed.

Removing passive trample was the biggest casualization in the series prove me wrong.

>First MH
Freedom/Unite on PSP
>Favorite MH
I enjoyed 4U quite a lot
>Favorite monster
To bully, khezu and rathian
To fight, zinogre and Brachy
>Favorite weapon
still haven't touched mhword

>In newer games
Name two games in the mainline series where you don't have to manually adjust the camera.

>that gamespot vid showing tobi sub got taken down
Man, gamespot JUST can't catch a break, can they

In old games, the camera didn't know where the monster was. You have to move it manually.
In new games, the camera knows where the monster is. It can move to the monster on it's own.

How the fuck am I supposed to know if I can upgrade the sharpness of a weapon from blue to white or if upgrading will just extend blue sharpness?

Attached: pukei pukei subspecies.webm (720x405, 1.36M)

>Manually adjust
By that definition, Z-Targetting isn't a lock-on camera because you have to manually press Z. Which is of course retarded, like your post.

How else did they fuck up?

Equip the sharpness +1, and look at the weapons again.

Just put on the armor/amulet/decos with Handicraft and check.
In Iceborne they added an indicator to the sharpness gauge showing what levels of sharpness it can reach.


Attached: mario-pose2.png (390x517, 36K)

I'll add that lock-on generally also means that your movement changes so that you're always facing the target and will strafe around them, making them much easier to hit, block, or dodge. None of this applies to any Moster Hunter game, at least as far as I'm aware.

Attached: 1286784.jpg (550x295, 49K)

using the target camera, which automatically moves to the monster, will affect your movement.

Video still on.

Call it whatever you want, it's casual shit that should never have been added, and the games were fine without it.

>First MH
>Favorite MH
>Favorite monster
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite monster theme
>Iceborne hopes and dreams
anything honestly

Some anons said there's a new dev diary coming in like 20 hours
Gamespot broke street date of the showing because it's likely supposed to go out AFTER the new dev diary/trailer

>tobi is literally making completely new moves 4 times in a row
>"well, do you think it's a reskin like the blue and pink ones in world?"

Attached: 1562216359646.webm (640x360, 731K)

I still dont see the appeal of fatalis or khezu

Thanks. Fuck the japanese though

theyre fun and they have a long history with the series
unlike you

Because you're a fucking faggot


Attached: 480px-Mario_(victory)_-_Super_Mario_64.png (480x600, 172K)

>In new games, the camera knows where the monster is. It can move to the monster on it's own.
It's literally only MHW if you decide to enable it.
Despite having the target cam in the 3DS titles it won't ever target the monster on it's own.

Fatalis's appeal is powerlevel faggotry, that's it. Nobody enjoyed it for the gameplay.

>tfw fucking /pol/ is more x than /x/ is nowadays

>Which is of course retarded, like your post.
Says the person arguing with his own definition. You are the one who said in previous games you had to manually adjust it here after all.

>my fingers aren't broken enough

Attached: CjQEV_dXIAEVZjz.jpg (960x540, 53K)

You make the same argument for Z-Targeting, because you have to press Z to activate it.

Like I told you, in newer games the camera knows where the monster is. The target camera can only work because it knows where the monster is. This is gay shit that has no purpose being in the game, especially now that it's on dual-analog consoles.


I know that, I asked how ELSE?

Khezu and fatalis have shit fights, they deserve as much shit as rathalos instead of cock sucking

Fuck, i need to read some skinwalker/slenderman/ INNAWOODS cooked by /x/ one of these days
Shit was gold

People played MHFU just fine for thousands of hours. And now that we have dual-analog controllers, there is even less excuse for this casual feature.

Hows it going listfag

Who the fuck has a problem knowing where the goddamn monster is?

You can call it whatever you want to call it. It's faggot shit that shouldn't be in the series, and it did just fine without.

One guy arguing with himself probably

people who got into the series with 3U / 4 etc.

Attached: KEK.jpg (2048x1152, 133K)

Here's your Everwyrm bro

Attached: 1564585640954.png (1060x830, 1.05M)

Is that from DDO?
>January 2020.

>because you have to press Z to activate it.
Yeah and it stays on automatically targetting the nearest monster.
A target cam doesn't, you need to manually select the monster and then repeatedly press the camera button to keep track of the monster in other words you have to manually adjust the camera.

You've never played any of the MH games have you.


There's no manual adjustment. The camera knows where the monster is and goes right there, no adjustment requirement.

Adjustment means adjustment up, down, left, right. You don't have to do any of that with this casual feature that you defend.

>no sub
Doomed to die


Attached: CeoLemFWEAAQ89g.jpg large.jpg (300x300, 21K)


Attached: TediousFrightenedCatfish-size_restricted.gif (500x338, 1.04M)

Yeah. "White Dragon"

What's next? A button that dodges the monster perfectly for you?
"It's okay because you have to press a button."

Well it's an improvement from last time, and my backlog is still eternal so I've got plenty of shit to kill time with

Viper Tobi-Kadachi (poison)
Nightshame Paolumu (sleep)
Coral Pukei-Pukei (water)

Attached: pugei.png (1489x1020, 1.8M)

Dark Paolumu

Attached: Nightshame.jpg (1024x576, 65K)

>no adjustment requirement.
user, automatic or manual there's still an adjustment involved. Also we're focusing on the word "manual" not adjustment.
Why do you even bother shitposting like this listfag? I mean, you haven't even listed two games with lock on.

>What's next? A button that dodges the monster perfectly for you?
They've done it. And it's gay. Each game keeps giving you more and more iframes.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

When is iceborne coming out?
I want to sell my monster hunter disc but I will get more money when the dlc is released

Assjet Pukei

Attached: Coral.jpg (1024x576, 115K)

ANOTHER poison monster

Attached: Dededon't.png (950x596, 178K)

I don't care what you call it. It's a casual feature that doesn't need to be in the game, especially since there are dual analog controllers now.

That's not what adept does.

it does para with bite attacks too

that rat is wearing Malfestio!

>finally some new info and a trailer coming today
>people still bother to reply to shitposting
Fucking stop. He already has his own thread smaefagging

Attached: 1545712142182.gif (350x235, 1.86M)

You've said that three times now and it's not helping you in the slightest. At this point it's just an admission of ignorance.

Sometimes I wish there was a fist weapon so I could punch that dumbfuck in the face until he dies.
New cutscenes and videos. Why's everyone showing gameplay right before the trailer airs

that's not an argument. Is it casual or not? You refuse to answer.

Hey! Plenty of time to play my game before I'm gone!

Attached: 70267087_p14.jpg (2588x2060, 967K)
Here ya go, now you can stop paying attention to listfag

Attached: HEY PARD.jpg (218x218, 28K)

>5 fucking months for pc
cmon now capcom

>listfag now defending the automatic camera

Do not reply to listfag. He doesn't even play the games and only wants to shitpost

Attached: The ballad of listfag.png (1571x2725, 1011K)

>infinitely better handler

that paolumu sub reminds me of steve with those aerial moves

>A fucking bunny

>Explosive Diarrhea Handler

Damn that Tobi fight looks fun

You never asked. You just kept on whining about it being casual and posting your Mario and bing bing images.

But no it's not.
Target cam isn't automatically targeting the monster as you claim and an actual lock on just doesn't work for MH because of the fast moving monsters making it more of a detriment when camera control is out of the hands of the player.

What is this gif even from?

He's here because his shitpost thread turned into a normal MH thread. He's really mad as we speak

Listfag is shitting on it you know.

>But no it's not.
It is very casual, and 10 years ago we were making fun of it. Too bad you weren't there.

The player should have to keep track of where the monster is. The player shouldn't be able to ask the game where the monster is.

Attached: JDgqpPR.png (500x1157, 867K)

Is my boy gonna be revealed today

Attached: 1563148776421.png (400x528, 267K)

so that makes it total up to TWO water monsters

>spamming more shitty monster hunter threads on Yea Forums
pesky shill

>calling subspecies variants

Looks like I'm going to have to pay Nexivian again.

Attached: dapper lagi.png (693x782, 399K)

Someone inform Nexivian about Coral Handler ASAP

Attached: DeIPfxXVQAAT-m_.jpg orig.png (904x1253, 932K)

Brachydios trailer confirmed today. Get ready

You've also posted this image before.
>we were making fun of it
You clearly weren't because you don't know why people were making fun of it you just threw "casual" on top and hoped it would get by people here.

Anyway, are you actually going to provide an argument or what?

In the near future we'll get a whole harem of Pukei and his cousins to cuck us out of Handler
based commission anons

proof or suck my niggergante dick

It is casual. The player should have to keep track of where the monster is. The player shouldn't be able to ask the game where the monster is.

Anyway, are you actually going to provide an argument or what?

These look awful...



Now that they revealed all the remaining subs one has to wonder what the fuck will they show in the next trailer

Attached: perhaps.gif (480x368, 1.18M)

probably a zinogre teaser or more returning flagships, they might also show off the nerg variant or whatever the gilding lands is

If it gives Para weapons I'll be happy. But I doubt it.

I really want to fuck the handler but I want her to know I don't love her after and during, hell, I want her to know I don't even LIKE her after sex. But she has to keep her job so she puts up with it. Even better if she falls in love with me so it will hurt twice as much when I tell her "Ok, get out of my house" when I'm done with her. Then me and my cat will talk shit about her when we see her eating (again) at the kitchen

You should be mass reporting his posts with one of the alarm options you idiot that's the only way to get mods to notice.

Attached: nex.png (499x397, 203K)

Did pc ever get the witcher dlc for world yet? Why the fuck does it take them so long just to port the dlc.

We should mass report people who don't like the target camera.

Did they say that's all of the subs? There could still be a few more.

or just wait until IRC user wakes up. He's literally the reason why he started getting deleted


I just don't get this meme

I know handler is fat, but why pukei?

It's august in Japan

>listfag comes and ruins another thread
Why can't the mods just ban his ass at this point he's the newest quentin

>There are about two cutscenes per hunt
Oh God

Remember to eat before you hunt!

Attached: coral handler.png (1488x1020, 1.63M)

dynamic ips help shitposters a lot

I'm actually surprised it's Janurary 2020 for PC IB. I expected even further than that
Just ignore him. No power if he's ignored. That or just wait for IRC user

Attached: sleep tight, nerg.png (500x500, 123K)

Bans don't really do shit unless the mods reban every time they change IPs

Did they say they were releasing the trailer on the 1st of August

There will probably be a bunch more, but these are the ones that we knew of thus far

that's not a confirmation you twat, they never said first day of august

3-4 months is about what I was expecting
At least it's not 9 fucking months this time

>No power if he's ignored
The problem is he doesn't do it for attention.

>First MH
MH1 (series veteran oldfag)
>Favorite MH
>Favorite Monster
Anything yet to be bastardized by World, currently Alatreon
>Favorite weapon
Bowgun (BEFORE World where you couldn't strafe and shoot with dual analog like a fucking CoD game
>Favorite Monster theme
Nargacuga (NOT the shitty world rendition)
>Iceborne hopes and dreams
They just scrap it entirely and make MHP5 already

Attached: file.png (849x1200, 807K)

>2 cutscenes per hunt

Oh he doesLets just stop talking about him please

This takes me back man. I had a neckbead friend who literally said all of this during the first velociprey hunt because he was getting wrecked by the tutorial fights.

>Literally brap pukei
What were they thinking

>literally zero downtime between attacks

Attached: 1564119581912.jpg (900x1200, 156K)


Attached: 68041308_p0.jpg (601x766, 59K)

The story that started it all
>you're out on a hunt while the handler is giving instruction from the northwest camp
>scout flies highlight some tracks
>"Those look like Pukei-Pukei tracks! Fresh too! He must be somewhere close!"
>"Look around fo-hey...I think i hear some-"*sounds of struggle*
>"Urgh! Get off me you dumb lizard! My hunter will be here any second so- hey! Watch that tongue!" >"Where do you think you're grabbing!"
>"M-My pants! Give those back! I nee-nngghhh!"
>"Oh, god! Please get to camp quick! I can't ta-oohhhh god!"
>*Heavy Moaning*
>"P-please stop! You don't even deserve to be made into armo-*moan*"
>You finally make it back to the northwest camp and the handler is pantsless and the rest of her clothes are shredded.
>Shes left quivering in a daze and totally covered in wet sticky slime

Attached: 67849071_p0.png (768x768, 139K)


Attached: 1469934494335.jpg (756x972, 218K)

Holy fuck Barioth does that one cat pose before he charges and it looks sick

and all of their subspecies obviously
Why? Because fuck you.
I'm seriously pretty cool with every other mainline monster.

Attached: 1472493103588.png (2800x2200, 2.7M)

It's a bit esoteric, so fair enough. Prior to MHW's release, there was a shitty copypasta greentext that went around /mhg/ where the Handler got raped by a Pukei-Pukei. Someone tried to subvert it by shooping Handler's goggles onto the monster's render and gave out game advice every time it or some variant was posted. This more or less caught on with a few other people in the thread since they thought the Handler was ugly/cute, and that Pukei too was ugly/cute. Or just outright disliked her and thought of it as an improvement.

Then two guys paid money for a high quality commission to immortalize it with transformation porn. Forced meme or not, she did at least catch on with a few people and so there's other OC and artwork of it.

Attached: pard what the fuck.png (635x670, 690K)

someone add it to the confirmed unique model roster

Attached: 1562881331544.jpg (2240x2872, 2.38M)

other way around

And the list keeps getting shorter and shorter. I feel bad for him

Attached: 1519271055684.png (1084x957, 522K)

I hate these images. The game is called "monster hunter," yet everything you kill just seems to be regular wildlife. It's made worse in World since now they pretty much strictly mind their own business unless provoked. I hate seeing the monsters made cute because it plays into my disgust for killing them even more. Maybe the "monster" in "monster hunter" is actually an adjective referring to the player instead of referring to the actual """"monsters"""" you hunt.

chances are it's an expedition, the gimmick for horefrost is that it's the biggest and take the longest to fully unlock

Nobody show him what Anja does in the forest near the seaside

Coincidentally, Listfag is amping up his rampage on /mhg/ following the subspecies reveal.

Have you ever tried not being a little bitch?

Great. Keep this up for ALL monster weapons final upgrade and World would be my best MH.

Dont, at any time he could have joined the winning side.

Attached: 1512645800013.png (1201x972, 454K)

lower your aggression on him a bit pepega nergi, appreciate it but fuck i worry about the backlash that calling everything a listfag is going around now, a few by the person himself probably but still
I'm quite satisfied by my collage contributing in defanging him though, i'll do some collage of confirmed armor/weapons next if i have the time

Attached: progress2.png (928x620, 81K)

He is gonna pop a vessel once the next trailer hits

>my one fear for Iceborne has continuously gotten smaller and smaller
Couldn't be fucking happier, now please Christ just give me Steve and it's a done deal.

Attached: 1547252373216.png (237x289, 11K)

It gets tiring knowing the history of this place.

Attached: 1470006781520.jpg (551x391, 125K)

>Ziggy and the rest of the poster monsters getting in + new area

Are there any sexy female armour sets coming with iceborne?

Anyone else feel the newcomer subspecies are more interesting than the original species? Especially Viper Toby because he's finally becoming himself instead of aping Zinogre?

Such is life user, creatures must consume others in order to prosper, is the cruelty of the circle of life

Attached: homer stars.gif (498x372, 1.48M)

Fucking furries man, they just have to insert their fetish into everything.

A lot of MHW's newcomers to me were just a flat-out disappointment, so I'm hoping the subspecies pick up the slack.

don't vanilla mosnters changes in G rank though? I know Rathalos Master rank behaves differently

Don't forget how almost all of the genociding in World is done with the excuse of """researching""" the monsters. For science!

>squirrelsnake becomes more defined by being a literal snake than copying some alphawolf
Kinda fitting, honestly
Liking these subs so far

Attached: 1564298851188.png (750x818, 657K)

>More opportunities to fight Kulve

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

>don't vanilla mosnters changes in G rank though?

Attached: WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT.jpg (1560x928, 276K)

that's it? looks pretty boring. I guess I'll just stick to KT armour

Yeah every monster will have new behavior and usually a new move or two
I wondee what they'll do with Teostra since he already had his entire G Rank moveset, just slowed down

Tobi just always felt uninspired to me in general and the subspecies doesn't really help much, I expected better. Nightshade Paolumu and Coral Pukei Pukei look great though.

When will we get an actually good MH ala 3U, 4U etc. again?

>Get rekt by HR Diablos
>only tips seem to be stay away and use screemers
>cant hit if i'm staying away

Supposedly Bariothsluts are a thing
Also look forward to MR Kirin armor
Have shining huntress thighs

Attached: 1564298700378.png (1285x474, 612K)

September 6th

In september

What weapon?

Female Narga.

Attached: You've Fainted.jpg (795x454, 129K)

He has like 3 attacks that aren't charges
Practice dodging while staying close WITHOUT ATTACKING then figure out when to attack
This works on 100% of monsters when you're stuck

Dual blades

In January

GS Scythe confirmed

Attached: 1564588092366[1].jpg (888x690, 155K)

I said good, not casualized dudebro trash for the west

Yeah and in dragons dogma you usually just kills monster and the dragons is just the final boss


Don't give him attention.

looks like n expansion of the base iron weapons, hopefully it's unique though

September then

As did I.

Then you'll just wanna keep moving. Just stay away from his horns. Might want to invest in evade skills.

yep September 6th, or January 2020

if youre not memeing, can you tell me who leaked this? im actually pretty interested since i just beat GU and want a not shit game to play.

I wish I was casual enough to truly enjoy World

>Pukei Pukei
>Coral Pukei
>The Handler
>Hoarfrost Handler
>Spring Blossom Handler
>Summer Twilight Handler
>Autumn Harvest Handler
>Winter Star Handler

Attached: D_1OxUHUcAAtVCV.jpg (2010x1080, 319K)

>60fps home console 4Ultimate never ever
3U and P3rd HD were also shit ports locked to 30.

Attached: 1366082786221.png (675x605, 32K)


Attached: 1564245365346.jpg (650x300, 46K)

cat head on summer body, I would buy both if I could mix and match

My uncle Ryozo, he said it's coming out in September.

3U wasn't locked at 30 it was just a shit port on a shit console. It's sad that the 3DS version consistently got higher framerates.

Maybe we were the monsters all along... The monster hunters world

there he goes

Attached: 1506657377069.gif (431x324, 1.58M)

I want to unpack winterhandler.

We... are the monsters... This... is OUR world.... The Monster's Hunter World Iceborne

You are a true Monster Hunter World®:Iceborne™!

Attached: 1564413849915.png (480x481, 230K)


Velkhana's song... It travels through the cold winds of the Hoarfrost Reach! Her song is... Iceborne™... (Pre-order your copy now)

>implying there was more than one.


Let it go, let it go~
I'm one with the wind and sky~

Attached: D6iGckqV4AUvcqH.jpg (1200x775, 114K)

If they already had layered armor I guess there was no stopping it.

Holy shit listfag's going nuclear. Literally witnessing his shitposting turning into a joke

What's this from? Is Capcom giving away advance copies of Iceborne?

>Tobi Kadachi will stop being an inferior Zinogre
>Pukei Pukei will stop being an inferior Gypceros
>Paolumu will stop being a shitty generic bird wyvern

can you please tell me where you got this information about portable 5 leaks?

>none of these things will happen

>PC mods were beta testers that paid capcom

I guess there's no reason to play GU anymore, kek

Weakness Exploit
Lv1 10% to weakspots / wounding 5%
Lv2 15% / 15%
Lv3 30% / 20%

Review copies might be out by now.

>only 30 hours in
>already at 7 star quests
wtf no, why is the game going so fast? should I slow down and play something else? I don't want to hit endgame months before Iceborne comes out, maybe I should play God Eater on the meanwhile.

I have a review copy myself.
Gotta say, it's every bit as casual as core World. Really disappointed right now.


There is if you want deep, challenging gameplay where the endgame monsters don't die in under 2 minutes to people abusing the aerial attacks.

90% of the shit to do and time spent on it will he after Xenojiva
Don't rush it but you're like 30 hours in out of 300 if you do everything

>new bugs
Unless they're large monsters i couldn't give a shit

*holds sheath*

Somebody mentioned a trailer supposed to come out today?

>implying Capcom would give a copy to an autistic child who only owns Nintendo consoles

Why are japs so hilariously inept? Just release it dude, like just put it on PC

>check out how hard i can pee!

I don't believe we're getting one today, but definitely sometime this week or next.

MH is a game about essentially being a super park ranger. You have to deal with shit that causes problems, kills people, and fucks with the ecosystems, that's basically it

okay there's so much stuff to go over, help me summarize stuffs user
>4-slot gems
>lvl 4 charms
>MR armor is named EX "name" alpha/beta etc.
>this possibly ties to X armors being in
>lowest MR mats tier is tier 9
>the duration of Temporal mantles is the same, but every MR attack avoided uses up 1/5th of its duration

Attached: 1530507244360.jpg (960x923, 92K)

they can't get you to double dip of they do that

Alright it then, I will slow down after 100 hours, if I'm not doing endgame stuff by then.

new bread

summer handler for me.
Imagine the smell, it's summer and she's sweating nonstop.

>>the duration of Temporal mantles is the same, but every MR attack avoided uses up 1/5th of its duration

Attached: b8a.jpg (431x580, 46K)

There's a fair deal of postgame now, but a lot of it is event or multiplayer-focused content that's going away in late August. Back on release it was abhorrent.

I don't think that matters at this point.

they'll just make you get the temporal mantle G

that's hardly a nerf

Did Fireproof/etc get nerfed at all or just Temporal?

So far just Weakness Exploit and Temporal getting the nerf hammer, we'll see if any more info drops

not a chance. fitz literally took mecha scripts and put memes and "Yea Forums culture" in them and had a massive reddit audience.

There's no gathering quests and egg quests.

Zoomers don't like MGZ because he doesn't scream and shout and use memes instead of actual jokes.

Post a monster and assign a song to it

Ahtal-Ka in Neset form obviously gets COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

he's also not ironic and irony is the only thing zoomers like. anything made with effort and care is cringe to them. mecha is zoomer kryptonite.

You should make more armor sets accustomed to what you are fighting, and also get good at playing the game

>irony is the only thing zoomers like. anything made with effort and care is cringe to them
You have no idea how much this disgusts me on a spiritual level

Why did they make her addicted to heroin?