I was thinking about buy Xenoblade 2 but this scene put me off.
Are there many cringe scene like this in the game?
I was thinking about buy Xenoblade 2 but this scene put me off
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No, it's just a few moments in a 70-80 hour game. If you like JRPGs you will like it. Fun combat, good cast, amazing environments, based villains. Its pretty fucking good
pure autism
How would Pyra have realistically acted in this situation?
The entire game is pure Japanese-y cringe. It's charming if you play it like you're watching a niche anime. The actual gameplay is absolute trash though. Just watch cut scenes or something. Theres nothing more boring than MMO combat in a single player game, especially MMO combat that's all dictated by menu scrolling through multiple menu tiers and gacha shit on the backend.
But it's still a really good game
why would you go on Yea Forums and worry about something being cringe when the fact that you came here is cringe to any normal person.
>cringe cringe cringe DUH bringe
on the off chance you're serious there's like 3 indefensibly bad scenes in the game
Fuck off, wetback.
I don't think there's a single cutscene that isn't cringe. Even ignoring differences in humor preference, the game just does an abysmal job of telling the story to you, so it does so via gigantic dialogue dumps and filler exposition. A good game wouldn't even have one single cutscene. All story would be told through the gameplay via natural narrative progression. Think something like Super Metroid. Once the intro cutscene finishes, you never see a single cinematic until the end fight with mother brain. The game hence has a much better story than any Xeno game, because it doesn't feel the need to pad itself out with filler or care about cancerous lore.
Okay, then allow me to use a JRPG example. Look at the Mario RPGs. Do we need 500,000 hours of exposition to expand on the lore of a funny mushroom eating plumber who fights turtles? Hell no. The game gives you just enough to play it, and nothing more.
I don’t know anything about this game, what’s the difference between the red one and this blonde chick ?
Same girl, two different personalities. Her two halves basically
So like a persona (not the game you ignorant autists the real world thing). Is it by choice or does It happen by accident ? I was thinking about playing this game since I have some free time
2 nukes weren't enough
Kind of? It's a choice, she can swap and they share memories and can communicate and stuff.
If you like JRPGS I'd recommend it.
anyone got the webm where they shout about some one eyed monster?
I did but I can’t find it, that’s what I get for not naming it
I will play this game for the 3rd time just to see again scenes between Theory and Praxis, plus the whole Vess / Mabon situation.
What I never understood, probably because I didn't pay muct attention, is how come Blades always lose their memories, but when they are awaken they act like they are familiar with the world they're in. I mean, not the whole ''we has no continent'' thing, but for some mystical beings they are, who have emotions like any other living being - and can even fall in love and marry their Drivers - they certainly don't seem to me like someone who are discovering the world for the first time. Is this memory loss thing just ''limited'' to people they knew?
sort by date then search webm
There are many anime tropey scenes in the game but that one is the worst one by far.
There is obviously a baseline level of world knowledge kept but shit like personal memories are trashed. These things were designed after all.
True, but you have to realise that the world changed. From my understanding there is not limit to awakening. Blades can be awakened again and again (every time by different Drive,r obviously). But at the very beginning of the game, Rex says that Titans are dying out. I assume that some Titans existed when Blades were created, but they died in the meantime. And yet, they are not mentioned, by any Blade.
I don't know, maybe it's not so important. I was just curious, that is all.
I see what your saying but stuff that specific seems like it's just wiped. To me it seems like the only thing kept is skills needed for their functioning like speech, combat, etc. Plus I think there were only a set amount of great continent titans anyways, but I don't remember it being mentioned. Just that a few were sunk in the aegis war.
And also you may not remember but blades are not truly immortal, Torna knew about this which is partly why it got sunk
Ok, now I REALLY need to replay the game. After I'm done with Fire Emblem.
This game is cringefest.
Great titans are much rarer and older than normal titans, but Alamthus also purposefully fucked blades abilities to become titans during his core cleansing
No, but with that mindset you won’t enjoy it anyway
>triggered by tits
LOL, tranny
Somewhat unrelated question.
Have been playing 3ds x1 and stopped somewhere around venturing onto the other titan. How far am I from the end? That specific area is blurry as fuck and I wondered if I should restart on pc/wii.
Damn I love Mythra so much.
That torna ending really sold me her character.
I wish I could play this again for the first time. The ending wrecked me.