The Nintendo Switch just had its best Q2 after its worst Q1. It will likely have its best Q3 due to the release of the Switch Lite. Whether or not the release of Pokemon will manage to beat out the Q4 in which Smash was released will have to be seen.
What are your thoughts?
The Nintendo Switch just had its best Q2 after its worst Q1...
I don't fucking care
Sonys eternally censored and btfo
What was Nintendo's forecast for this fiscal year? Definitely over 50 millions, right? So it should surpass the SNES by the end of the third year.
Absolutely. If it were under 50m Nintendo would have had to go to shareholders and say "We're expecting a decline in sales" and then just not done anything about it
>The Nintendo Switch just had its best Q2
And yet PS4 outsold it by 35% in the same quarter, despite being a dying system in a very dry year. Yeouch.
>console wars thread in the year 2019
you should all have restricted access to the internet. enjoy your endless purgatory of fighting about children's toys and boomer's netflix machines
Wow, I didn't know the Gamecube sold so poorly. It was a good console, and better overall than the N64 in my opinion (outside of the few top tier games the N64 had). The Wii was just a complete freak of nature on the otherwise downward trend.
The Switch has been out for about 850 days. Amazingly, it's sold almost the EXACT amount of units as the PlayStation 4 did in that time, around 36 million. And, also amazingly, the PlayStation 4 had a hardware revision on the horizon at this time, the PlayStation 4 Pro. The Switch has the Switch Lite coming out.
The question is then, obviously, if the Switch is going to have a 2020 akin to the PlayStation 4's legendary 2017, more than doubling the number of units sold to around 74 million. At this point, it's very possible, perhaps even likely, that the Switch could dethrone the Wii as the best selling Nintendo system, and maybe even coming for the Nintendo DS.
But there's no console-warring in the OP.
So was the DreamCast, but the N64 lost basically every single non Nintendo series to the PS1, and that ill will of a pretty dry system led the GameCube bombing and Nintendo's blue ocean strategy for the DS and Wii
The implication is there, user. If you mention sales, console exclusives, etc. you are clearly asking for a console wars thread.
Maybe if you're so bitter and annoying that you look for something to be pissed off about in every fucking thread you read, yeah it's there.
PS4 got a price cut by then, didn't it? I'm not sure Nintendo will be interested in lowering the price of the base Switch model since it would make the Lite less enticing, but I guess you could see the Lite itself as the price cut. I think there's potential there for sales to explode with all the people who have been waiting for a cheaper option.
With the exception of the Wii/DS craze, which was a one-off thing and not replicable, every Nintendo console (both home and portable) has sold less and less each gen. This includes the Switch, considering it merges both markets and yet won't outsell the 3DS, much less 3DS + Homeconsole numbers.
>and yet won't outsell the 3DS, much less 3DS + Homeconsole numbers.
There's currently no reason to think it won't far outsell the 3DS. It's been tracking far above it and on par with PS4 which is close to outselling the Wii, let alone the 3DS.
That's a preposterous notion. The Switch is objectively outpacing the 3DS, without a price cut, and at an almost equal price due to inflation.
Yea Forums is too young to remember that there was a time, almost a year, where the 3DS was considered a Vita esque disaster. It only started selling well after a price cut, hardware revision, and Pokemon release, going from a big purchase to "It's a few hours wage, why not just buy one?" That's clearly Nintendo's long game with the Switch, too.
Thatsfactually wrong but okay
>and Pokemon release
Nah, it was Mario Kart 7 + Super Mario 3D Land. 3DS sales had already picked up significantly in 2012 and it was already saved by the time Pokémon XY came out in late 2013.
It came out in the middle of a gen with most of its best sytem sellers pretty much releasing in the first year, with next gen coming out in a year's time, which will surely crush Switch's momentum.
And Switch is the polar opposite. Releasing with a bang, massively boosting its sales. It's also a very bad system on so many ways but at the start people were blinded by the hype and with time they go back to Earth and start noticing all the little yet important missing feattures and backwards design.
I guess it depends on Switch's lifespan, if it'll have a Nintendo homeconsole lifespan then it won't ever reach 3DS numbers (and that's the minimum I'm giving it, for Nintendo's well being it should outsell PS4), but if it has a longer lasting nintendo portable lifespan then maaaaybe it'll reach 3DS.
wasn't Switch 2.9 and PS4 3.9m? Or something like that
You're insane if you think 2019 won't outpace last year for the Switch. Pokemon and a hardware revision will carry it, just like last time.
>at the start people were blinded by the hype and with time they go back to Earth and start noticing all the little yet important missing feattures and backwards design
Stop getting your worldview from Yea Forums, almost nobody cares about perceived "problems".
Nintendo handled the biggest problem, the drifting Joy-Con. They're just fixing it for free.
>It came out in the middle of a gen with most of its best sytem sellers pretty much releasing in the first year
What are you talking about? Smash, Pokémon, Animal Crossing and other weren't first year titles.
In the normal world anyone would consider the first 3 years as a console's early life. Just because the 3rd outsells this shit 2nd year doesn't make my point any less valid. It's still true that Nitnendo consoles lose a lot of sales over time, whereas sony (home)consoles maintain the momentum for much longer, but this only comes with consistency. Unfortunately for Nintendo no one knows how long any of its gens last since they cut some short and extend others a lot, and their hardware is also super inconsistent - who knows if the next console won't play any Switch games or if all of them will be ported just like WiiU's were to Switch. Makes people more aprehensive to buy their systems as time goes on, because if they waited at all it means they aren't hardcore fans.
Joycon drift was only 1 out of 30+ flaws, and one of the very few that could be solved quickly (although we don't know if it was solved yet. Lite and the upcoming revision might suffer from the same problem - also they aren't fixing it for free in some regions). I was mostly talking about Cloud saves, save transfers, shit store, shit to non-existant account system, no 3.5mm hjack on controllers, the party system, STILL friendcodes, a lot of high-profile games being straight up unplayable online despite online not being free anymore, absolutely retarded decisions like no friend co-op online on Mario party or mario maker 2 (at launch), Switch's base scratching the screen, Switch bending over time, Joycons can not be charged unless they are docked, standard joycon controller attachment is just a piece of plastic, if you want the rechargeable version you have to pay extra instead of it being included, very bad wifi chip which causes setup issues for a lot of people, shit antenna on some joycons, so on and so forth. I could go on and on. Let's just say that Vita and 7th gen homeconsoles were somehow much better systems, games aside, and that's embarassing.
It’ll outsell the 3DS for sure. It’ll break the 100 million barrier if it gets past 50 million by the end of this year, and if it’s supported longer than normal like Nintendo said.
Nintendo gens normally last 4 years, this one will last longer as per official sources, so maybe 6, maybe more. It depends in the gap in power between the the high end consoles and the Switch affecting ports.
All that text and still nothing the general public gives a shit about.
>wasn't Switch 2.9 and PS4 3.9m? Or something like that
In Q1 yes the Quartel where the least consoles are sold. Q2 was easily won by Switch looking at NPD and Japan charts
>In the normal world anyone would consider the first 3 years as a console's early life. Just because the 3rd outsells this shit 2nd year doesn't make my point any less valid
So far the third year shaped up to be the year where Switch sells the most and we still dont have a "real" Pokemon, revision and pricedrop
>It's still true that Nitnendo consoles lose a lot of sales over time, whereas sony (home)consoles maintain the momentum for much longer, but this only comes with consistency
true for home console not true for handhelds and because of Switch unique status i doubt this will happen and we will see sale increase next year ( WIth titles like ANimal Crossing, new Zelda game, and bayo 3)
>Switch's base scratching the screen, Switch bending over time
Imagine still believing memes over two years later.
Wasn't that report from the end of June AKA Q2?
And why are you talking about regional charts, literally only 2 countries, when the only number that matters is the total (worldwide) one?
Aside from the exceptions (Wii because of waggle literal soccer mommy craze, DS due to pre-smartphone era BrainAge/Nintendogs App-like craze), Gameboy, with GBC included, was their only console to surpass the 100m mark. I think it's very farfetched to assume Switch will suddenly do those numbers despite this initial hype when their consoles always lose momentum by the mid-life point.
>true for home console not true for handhelds
Is there some chart with a curve of YOY sales for their portables? I'm curious now. Even with 3DS's bad launch and spike 1-2 years into its life (which is still early, not an indication that sales increased over time) I don't think it kept selling well over the years, especially in these last 4-5 years.
They aren't memes, I've seen 2 bent switches first hand. But thanks for not pointing out any of the other stuff I mentioned, proving my point that its issues are numerous and I've left plenty out of that post.
>They aren't memes, I've seen 2 bent switches first hand. But thanks for not pointing out any of the other stuff I mentioned, proving my point that its issues are numerous and I've left plenty out of that post.
Everything you mentioned matters nothing to the Switch's sales nor its momentum.
That's true for the ~15million existing hardcore nintendo fans worldwide and for casual gamers, but not the middle of the pack who does any kind of research, which is still a good potential ~20 million. It's not the decisive lot, but still relevant.
I guess we’ll see, but if it’s supported longer than normal and keeps getting hardware revisions, it just might.
You just pulled numbers out of your ass and even by pretending they were accurate, it wouldn't mean there's only a specific, limited number of people left in the world to buy a Switch, there isn't a census of gamers. Hence it not mattering for its sales nor momentum.
As Switch is a home console and a portable at the same time, sales double, so 73 million.
Here, just updated you pic OP.
>muh sony
No one cares about the shit tastes of thirdworlders looking to buy the latest sportsgame machine.