
Attached: Saturn_MK-80314.jpg (1940x2220, 1.65M)

tell me this is an old controller, please


What were they thinking

>sega saturn

They made the controller look like the old console itself, a mini-version of it.

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No it's for the new system called Sega Saturn it's brand new

>console is called Sega Saturn
>Saturn has rings
>well, let's make a controller that looks like a ring
>Sonic collects rings
>Sonic is from Saturn?

Fun and innovation
You'll never see it again btw

looks pretty comfortable to me
it looks like the dreamcast controller but improved

It's easily the most comfortable controller ever made. Zoomers have never held it, and judge it solely on the way it looks.

>has the best d-pad of any controller ever made
Nothing personnel, kid.

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That's exactly what it is, which is why it's so funny that the DC pad was an objective downgrade. All they had to do was put a VMU in this thing, but I guess it cost too much for a bundled controller.

But it didn't click at all.

now that's a zoomer if i ever saw one

>wanting click in a d-pad

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true, that's why the neo geo pocket stick is on par with the saturn d pad i think

>pass the Walkman bro

Our system is for chads

only segafags think mushy discs are better than glorious microswitches

Clicky dpads are only important for fighters.

Very few controllers use microswitches in their dpads.

You said "best", not most cost effective or whatever.
Microswitches are best.

It was the best part of the NGC by far. Lower tier clicky dpads like the Vita and GBA SP are decent too.

Clicky dpads are better than mushy dpads for any action genre.

This controller is ok but the obese analog stick thing is way too sensitive.

Sp dpad was awful. Vita dpad is god tier.

They were Star Trek fans

I don't get the hype for the Vita dpad. And I actually like the Vita.

I don't know if you guys are just pretending to be retarded or not. That Saturn controller was bundled with Nights Into Dreams, it was made for that game

I just got into Sega Saturn.

Panzer Dragoon is kicking my ass. I always end up getting game over at the last level.

I know the game is "only" an hour long but redoing those 50 minutes is starting to wear. As much as I do love the aesthetics of "crunchy" early 3D.

How do I get good at Radiant Silvergun?
Zwei is way better

I hear this but its usually followed up with "the game is longer" which sounds terrible at this point.

The thing is I really do like the game, I'm a big fan of the arcade form and I have my share of 1ccs to my name. I guess I'm just shit. I'll take a break. Maybe I'm forcing it to hard.

I've been into it since I can remember.
Me and a few others are trying to get WR in Sega Rally Championship

Zwei is a lot more fluid and less bullshit, so the longer runtime isn't really an issue. I didn't feel like it was longer, maybe I was just having a lot of fun.
Also yeah, if a game is frustrating you just take a break, I learnt that from trying to brute force my way through shmups

Why don't people just call it "Panzer Dragoon 2"? Zwei isn't a subtitle or anything, it just means "two"

Because it's literally called Panzer Dragoon Zwei

I had a Saturn back in the day but I got rid of it pretty quickly along with the games (imagine the value now) when the time came to get a

My entire gaming life is a comedy of bad decisions.

My burned copy of Sega Rally like cuts off the bottom of the screen (so I can't see the gear number) and pulls down from above. I'm assuming its a problem with the iso. Any idea how to fix?

Actually, it's Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei, which is redundant and retarded.

What emu are you running?

why does every fanboy of systems that failed say their subpar controller is the most comfortable
>turbografx is most comfortable
>no n64 is most comfortable
>no saturn is most comfortable
>no xbox duke is most comfortable
and so on

i like the sega saturn 3d pad because it's more like a hybrid analog stick/trackball. it's not very good, but the design itself had a ton of potential. raised analog sticks are dumb as hell and i don't know why they became standard.

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>Linkle Liver Story has a translation
>Shining Force 3 scenarios have translations
>Dragon Force 2 has a translation
>Policenauts has a translation
Are we in a golden age of Saturn English patches? When can we expect SMT: Devil Summoner, Wachenroder, Princess Crown, Black/Matrix, the Sakura Wars games, the Langrisser games, etc?

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None of those are really failed systems. You might have a point if you said Atari 5200 or Jaguar.

i think it's more like Panzer Dragoon II (Zwei) so that we remember the devs are germanboos

Attached: Panzer Dragoon Zwei (E) Front+Back.jpg (1612x1169, 610K)

Oh I'm running on the actual console. Panzer Dragoon, Astal, Dodonpachi, Batsugun, and Burning Rangers all run fine, so I don't think its my method.

Langrisser III has a translation on romhacking iirc.
For the others there's not much hope (dragon force 2 took 8 years to translate).
Nanatsu kaze no shima monogatari would deserve one.

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The Xbox Duke sucked, but the S-controller shit all over what Gamecube and Playstation 2 were offering at the time. There is a reason it went on to become the standard. All of those "iconic" Playstation 2 shooters I played on Xbox.

The 3DO D-pad is unironically pretty good but there aren't really any games to use it with.

First, none of those are failed systems. Second, I've never seen anyone explicitly praise the TurboGrafx/PC Engine controller. The Xbox Duke tends to get praise by ogres with gargantuan hands. The N64 was actually pretty ergonomic, though I preferred third-party controllers that did away with the three-prong design. And, of course, everyone that's not a mentally deficient troglodyte knows the modern 2 Saturn controller had the greatest d-pad in history

Oh shit, this is that game by the guys that did EVO: Search for Eden?

I wonder how people would take it if that stick was applied to modern controllers. I'm going to guess most uninformed would immediately laugh saying why does it need 3 sticks.

Langrisser 3 is just a menu translation. Langrisser 4 has a full translation, but it's the PS1 version.

D-do you put the disc in the controller?

yes, they were called Almanic back then. They also made the Wonder Project J games.

Soul but also making the best controller of the generation.

Are the retrobit Saturn controllers good?

Yeah. Not exactly a match for the real thing, but it's about 95% close enough

Saturn stuff isn't all that expensive if you go for ebay bids. That is unless you had all the Panzer games, then yeah you done fucked up

The first one is cheap, the second one tends to hover around $100, which is the price of nearly every game now so thats fine. Its only Saga that's an issue.

This was actually a good controller though, I don't understand how sega made a fucking circle with two handles feel comfortable

I'm glad they brought ot back for the Dreamcast.

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