You know...I know this character doesn't exist. I know when see her being tsundere...

You know...I know this character doesn't exist. I know when see her being tsundere, the Matrix is telling my brain she's cute and soft. After two know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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world is a pretty big place, someone close enough could exist somewhere

nice image quality poorfag

>anorieix because her father pisses all the money away after hes beaten her
lul damaged goods.

>even if cute anime girls existed they'd want nothing to do with you

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you don't know that, you can't know that because they aren't real yet

Hes right though no one in their right mind would want anything to do with a feelshitter

God made us equal to him, because he wanted to experience its world as a mortal, so if you're mentally strong enough to endure the chaos that is immaterial life, you can become the god of your own universe too.

What the fuck are you on about?

it's just a cosmic cope

I use weed for that

Mortal life does not hold what you seek. You know what to do. Become as gods.


>Just wanted to make some cupcakes with a cute girl
>Game got all meta and autistic

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You are the serpent in the garden.

Just be the boring protagonist instead of the annoying protagonists friend, then literally every single one you come across will want you

Afaik there's a mod where that transforms it into a legit VN, not sure about the quality the of the writting though.

if you were 2d, you would probably look much better

It makes perfect sense to me, the world being so carefully crafted as it is must have a deeper purpose other than "containing life".

if i were 2d i'd be dead already

Yes, getting women fucked, AHA gottem!

>carefully crafted
by complete fucking chaos and coincidence[/spoiler
imagine being so gay you can't justify living your life without it having some deep long-lasting purpose

Yes even if it took trillions of years, i hardly would call existance and conciousness a "coincidence", if you have a conciousness then the concepts has to exist in a higher degree, form, plane, etc.
Muh chaos is just plain bullshit.

with that attitude? of course they wouldn't

>if you have a conciousness then the concepts has to exist in a higher degree, form, plane, etc.
What made-up universal law states this, and how can it even be proven? Cope

Attached: ahyes.jpg (343x343, 14K)

it's shit

>chaos fags trying to prove anything
The burden of proof is on you retard.

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How is the burden on proof of me if you're the one stating things that cannot be normally observed?
>muh sky daddy is real
>huh? i have to prove that since no one can see him?
>no, you have to prove you cant see him
Sataniafags need their own shithole to post in, even sending you back to Yea Forums is a bad thing.

>this thread

Well here's something i can prove: your mom gave birth to you, a total faggot. My proof: your posts.

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faggot animeposter

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The only faggot here is the sataniafag that spends every minute of their day posting your shitty threads every fucking hour on a board they don't belong and endlessly avoiding bans.

>doesn't even address the argument
>"hahaha you're just a faggot REKT"

Attached: reverse.gif (498x280, 1.28M)

What argument, retard? you just flipped a "no ur wrong" post without even trying to base your chaos faggotry, i guess so, anally devastated already.
If you seriously believe on muh 'all is randomness' that means you're just a double digit iq farmer that has no critical analysis of conciousness and how it manifests or behaves.
Lets play your game then.
*laughing satania.png*

Normalfags call us autistic but they'd rather argue high school philosophy on an anonymous video game imageboard than just appreciate cute anime girls. What a bunch of fags.

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Just Monika though.

Another victory for us sataniaCHADS

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This argument, right down here.

Prove i'm wrong then, your move.

All the cool people in this thread so far seem to be natsuki bros.
As always.

those fat dudes have sex ALL THE TIME

There is nothing to base assumptions of a higher power on other than what other people have told you, who are telling you because other people have told them.

dumb sataniaposter

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How are you certain that's true? Have you seen something different happen before creation? You can't prove your beliefs either, but you got really sensitive when i posted mine which i by no means obligue others to believe either. This is why you're the retard here, friend.

delete this picture of me

You're getting BTFO on s2 rephi posters i swear.

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How would you ever know if I post feels if we meet in real life?

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it's basic metaphysics. I think, therefore I am.


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>nobody has ever deduced a higher power/order in the world independent of doctrine or from a position of skepticism
>"religious experiences" are not a universal cultural element of humanity undergone by believers and secular folks alike
If you have any genuine interest in understanding the mindset of people who feel that there is "something more" I would highly recommend The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis, Easy to read and very short (~100 pages), not explicitly religious/Christian, frames the conflict of rational/humanist perspective vs. the "natural order" in a general way that can easily be applied to the modern zeitgeist. Doesn't make arguments based on dogma and is in fact harshly critical of indoctrination from the start.

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Yeah, but the 2D version of me wouldn't.


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Imagine still playing fucking VNs.

lmao not even metaphysic fags are dumber than you.

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>Muh sky daddy
Firstly, the concept of a higher form of conciousness or lack there of is not something you can currently prove or disprove. Secondly they may not even have to be "god" and if they are they may be absurdly different from anything and everything that humanity thinks "he" is. Thirdly, one does not need a "sky daddy" for a higher purpouse to exist, you don't know everything about life, the universe, existence so while you're free to think "there's no chance this is a thing" you can very well be just as wrong as him, since there are no guarantees. There's a theory that there are multiple universes, that they all die eventually and that intelligent life is the universe's way of reproducing, since they may have the potential to create a new universe. Sounds pretty out there, but how should I know for sure without fully understanding how the universe works.
>If I can't see it it doesn't exist
I suppose that's what medieval peasants would say about atoms, but that doesn't mean that one day you might not discover something that CAN see it, again, inconclusive, not seeing something does not fully diprove the posibility for it's existence, nor does not seeing it prove it's existence, of course.

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So we have a deal?

>imagine still reading books

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If i don't think I am, why can't i just think myself out of existence

I love Monika. I dedicate my entire Steam account to her

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I wish Yuri was here...

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How can you even like Monika? She's more meta than an actual character.

>Not saving your waifu to your desktop so that you can see her everyday

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Monika > Yuri >>>>>>>Natsuki> the shit I took this morning > Sayori

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Buff Natsuki through sheer muscle could defeat Monika, prove me wrong.

I want to kiss Natsuki's cunny!

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