"Alright Time-Boy, if you're so clever why don't you have any good games?"

"Alright Time-Boy, if you're so clever why don't you have any good games?"

Well, Yea Forums?

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Destiny of the Doctor is pure kino

BBC is too busy spending money on telling whitey about digital blackface.

Simple answer is because Dr Who is for girls and girls don't make up a very large or reliable market for large budget video games

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Not everything makes a good game. In fact, most things are not interchangeable. You can probably name all the good anime/game/film/manga/comic/tv to anime/game/film/manga/comic/tv off the top of your head.

The doctor who adventure games were surprisingly fun

Donna is the best companion !

I hate you rose i hate so much

rose was at least better than most others like... ugh... martha

Is the audience for Doctor Who primarily female? I would've thought it was more mixed.

No thats in the US where its predominantly female, in the uk its mixed (and slightly more male dominated).

You're both idiots, all three of 10's companions were perfectly fine. Personally I like Donna the most but both Martha and Rose have had good character arcs and moments that make them good companions.

I think it's still kind of mixed but not as much as it was in the old days.

Well, let's try and get a good show first. Baby steps

I loved that entire episode exploring a what-if scenario had Donna not been present to meet 10 and keep him from dying.
Exploring how Torchwood and other human elements were left to deal with the threats the Doctor dealt with throughout the season in his absence.

It's a pity the files were out of order so I ended up watching it after about two Donna episodes and had no idea what the hell was going on

Oh we're never going to get that again, I'm afraid.

I'm still looking for a way how doctor who could be saved out of chibnail's and moffat's mess

Put the show in limbo for 16 years again and hope someone who actually gives a shit wants to write it again.

a 20 year hiatus

Someone post the Victorian immigrant London and Jesus was black webm so I can seethe.

These basically.

I suppose Chibnall would have to hand it over to an actually competent showrunner. Though who knows where they'd find one these days. You've really gotta feel bad for the actors who've had the chance to be Doctor Who and have poured their heart and soul into the role while being hamstrung by shit showrunners.