Come up with a better perfect game, you can't.
Come up with a better perfect game, you can't
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't.
I can't come so don't think I'll be coming up with games at all
TF2's community?
Fallout's loot and shoot elements? (optional)
Minecraft's dedication and wide spread appeal?
GTA's Open World with dedicated levels and fast travel?
Doom's Atmosphere?
I mean code
This isn't a "design the worst game you can think of" thread, dude.
Weak bait. 3/10 at best. Try harder user.
Spore, but all promises met. Alternatively, No Man's Sky with all promises met.
Bait? Nigga it's clearly a joke. And an old one at that. Are you fucking dumb?
Is it wrong I still think h3vr doesn't have enough guns? I'm a big fan of handguns but I find them to be lackluster and samey in it. Same with pdws.
>game has cunny
It absolutely doesn't have enough guns, because most of them are fucking samey battle rifles. I'd love maybe another hundred pistols, but right now, H3VR has the best arsenal around.
Okay, wait, can you actually just punch that guy at the milkshake shop?
I hate that I can't enjoy killing Nazi's anymore without being a SJW. I hate feminists and enjoy killing MechaHitler and there's nothing you faggots can do about it.
>TF2's community
Nobody wants a community of furries and faggot trannies
Looks like the most boring shit ever.
wtf dude stop
I agree.
the open bolt ww1-cold war SMG's could have all been omitted save for 2-3 most famous ones because they are all LITERALLY the same fucking gun.
Whereas we dont have enough modern and semi modern stuff, overall lacking guns that can be customized and have rails and shit.
>perfect game
pick 1
We basically have no pistols with a top rail, it's a fucking joke.
Red Orchestra 2 with RS2's improvements and additional fronts.
Isn't that every community online now, Including this site?
I hate that I can't even be a nazi now.
>all of these things except Bonework's physics could be in H3VR already if Anton wasn't a retard who spends all his time on TF2 weapons
It hurts so bad.
>deagle entire family
>buncha revolvers
you can always use the rail adaptaer.
DESU I don't like using holos on pistols i find it harder to line up sights than with irons. Unless there's two holos
I think most people enjoy games where you can kill nazis. It's just the nu Wolfenstein games are really cringy about it.
>>you can always use the rail adaptaer.
And have an ugly pistol with garbage sights for pistol ranges? No thanks.
The deagle is a meme gun, and revolvers are an absolute pain in the ass to use even with speedloaders.
revolvers aren't that bad, just release, swing out, slam casings out while fishing for speedloader and pop it in.
357 degle is good.
I have never been able to get casings to properly eject by swinging like a mad cunt. And you can't even use the ejector rod when you're holding something.
Lmao a VR fps is your perfect game? That's some shit taste if I've ever seen it
just move the revolver towards you and then rapidly back and it throws casings out.
no wonder you dont like revolvers if you can't do that. I mean they are still shit but not terrible.
pump shotguns tho are my fave gun to use.
What is the appeal of killing muh nahzees is most of the enemies in these games are probably some random ass conscripts
In an alternate Universe Bioware never got shit on and ME3 was made without EAs dumb bullshit and had a fantastic ending that was different for everyone and beloved. It stands stride the gaming world as a colossus and the next trilogy of ME games working in a multi-galactic peacekeeping force under old man Garrus is just as good
also in this universe Fallout New Vegas got the 6 months of extra development time it needed doesnt crash and the Legion was well developed
>And you can't even use the ejector rod when you're holding something.
Stuff like this always annoys me in vr games. Like pressing this with objects or holding something with my mouth always comes to mind, but you just can't do it. And it breaks my immersion every time.
ME2 was hot dogshit, I don't know why anyone thinks ME3 could've ever been good.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 levels and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 gameplay
hopefully thanks to boneworks and nimsony we finally up the standard of majority of npcs in vr.
What game?
I've been wanting to know how to do the "hair behind the eye" trick but can't do it on my own. Maybe I can reverse engineer it from that game.
Yeah, but Nu-Wolfenstein is just a cringe fest all around. I love killing Nazi's, it's Hitler's dumbass ideas that resulted in 60 million people being killed, half of Europe being enslaved by communism for almost 50 years, and nationalism forever being an evil taboo subject. Oh, and Israel becoming an official state. But anyways, the old Wolfensteins were fun and I miss all the crazy shit in them.
Breath of the Wild’s exploration, graphics, gameplay & freedom
Ocarina Of Time’s dungeons, music & pacing
Wind Waker’s characters & storytelling
Majora’s Mask’s atmosphere & world building
>Wind Waker’s characters & storytelling
Fuck no if anything Majora's Mask shits on Wind Waker in that regard
it's bait, user.
portal 2 already exists
ok, NOW we are talking
The idea that Valve's death knell is anyone's favorite game fills me with a deep sense of dread.
t. cumbrain
Add in perfect dark style weapons having alt modes and cool reload animations
I like this meme.
You must have added that 2 by accident, right user?
why did you crop the occupydemocrats tag at the bottom of that facebook meme
>Tfw user doesn't recognize jokes
You should get the diagnose already
>>hey hey you know that game that was really good?
>>Its shit you mad bro?
Way to go
portal 1's only flaw is it's length, it's basically a demo of portal 2 at this point
>perfect game
Yeah sure, dudebro fag
I think the length of portal 2 kinda takes it's toll on the games quality. Some people say that portal doesn't work for a long game, but I disagree. It's just that they didn't pace the game right. It drags through some sections.
But you ARE a nazi. I mean, you do play video games right? Because then you would know all gamers are incel nazis.
from what i remember, as soon as portal 2 starts getting boring there is a story section to break the pace of the puzzle-solving maps, so it doesn't feel longer than it should be (except maybe in 1 case near the beginning).
But games journalists told me most gamers are women... and women can't be incel nazis.
That' where you're wrong. The uprising is coming...
But you still won't get laid
>But you still won't get laid
Its not that hard, finding an actual sane woman is harder. Im happy with my 4'11 cutie
>Bait? Nigga it's clearly a joke. And an old one at that. Are you fucking dumb?
A joke? Nigga it's clearly bait. And an old one at that. Are you fucking dumb why did you fall for bait?
Considering under age retarded can't see the difference between the two it's better to just treat everything as bait now.
Someone lost and argument? I was just baiting
Someone is too stupid to know which is which? I was just baiting
Someone made a joke that failed and got called out for it? H-heh, j-j-ust baited y-y-you
If someone already knew it was bait and wanted to point out that it was a weak bait? I was just j-j-j-j-joking
No, you never once punch a nazi.
Dark Souls combat
Dark Souls story
Dark Souls graphics
Dark Souls level design
Dark Souls controls
Dark Souls weapons
Dark Souls enemies
a game that has more in it than a shooter.
all of that would have been achieved if fucking anton wasn't a faggot
NMS' exploration in 1.2 was unironically kino.
current patch NMS is fun tho
It's okay to love killing Nazis. I play Wolf3D and RtCW every now and again. It's just the new ones that feels the need to push shitty identity politics in between the killing. Even New Order felt a bit off when you kill civilians by destroying that bridge.
Eh, Next completely ruined the world generation and the aesthetic for me. Shit looks like a cheap Unity game now. Hopefully Beyond brings me back to the promised land.
one that isn't fps shit
Lol, what a faggot. Does he walk around blindfolded too, so he's not "visually assaulted" by things he doesn't like?
If a game is perfect it wouldn't need mod support
Stop being a needy cunt asking for all the buzzwords
Your favourite series' next game made by platinum
I was confused when people were taking this "You can kill nazis in this game, it's amazing!" marketing as some kind of propaganda until I found out some retards think nazis still actually exist and that's somehow relevant to a fucking Wolfenstein game.
I mean he's an unironic antifa, so might as well be
Garry's mod but in VR
Just beat your game.
F.E.A.R AI or Gun physics, stuff like dust blocking your view if you shoot walls that kinda shit, i phrased it bad but you get the point
This is a guy who added hotdogs to his game as enemies with the excuse that "he doesn't want to promote shooting people", when everyone knows it's just because he can't be bothered with animating walk cycles and movement.
Dwarf Fortress 3D
>Dwarf Fortress but with 3D graphics
>You can possess mentally stable dwarves to control them and see your fortress from their eyes
>Multiplayer mode where two or more players can build fortresses on separate parts of the map. They can trade with each other, or declare war and see which fortress falls first
>Popular mods built-in, and even more modding support
>More content in general
a bethesda-like rpg set in fallen london universe
The real Battlefront 3.
basically some sort of better Dungeon Keeper
Baldur's Gate 3D with somehow good combat, branching complex story, well written quests and fuckhuge cities to explore with loads of NPCs and you can enter any building. I've been dreaming about this since I was a lad
>Sid meier's pirates, but multiplayer.
> co-op dragon's dogma type party-based rpg, with cooking and camping mechanics and massive dungeons to crawl.
>a scary horror game