what games have the best combat animations?
What games have the best combat animations?
the one you posted actually
this. end thread lol
Is FE a good series? I'm wary because it's nintendo and has random level up
no but some of the games are good
Only up through Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn was okay. The GBA ones have the most charm.
The 3DS ones are waifu simulators.
play the ones before awakening
blue lions route in three houses is some of the most fun i've had playing this series
maybe im having release bias though
Play Fire Emblem Fates. You'll be instantly entranced by the series, and then play Awakening. Drop the series immediately afterwards.
>Play Fire Emblem Fates. You'll be instantly entranced by the series
what, by how fucking retarded Corrin is?
lol, literally no reason to play that.
I dropped fates before even finishing the second path, I just couldnt do it
Going from 2D FE to 3D FE was the biggest 2d -> 3d transition shock. And there isn't even a single thing in FE that benefits from 3D in the first place.
there's whatever this is, I don't really like it
Yes. The GBA and GC/Wii games have a ton of soul. The Switch game is also really really good. Skip the 3DS games.
I mean sure it's combat is good, but literally everything else is fucking dogshit. Why would you wish that upon anyone, what's wrong with you?
>characters (especially Azura and Corrin) are fucking stupid
>dogshit localization ("RARGHRARGH THAT'S DRAGON FOR I LOVE YOU XD")
>waifushit gets cranked up to 11
>some characters are quite literally copy & pasted from Awakening
>two paths to choose from with the third, actually good path being DLC
>not including all the other shitloads of DLC it has, one of which makes the already stupid plot even more stupid
I wouldn't make my enemies play Fates.
Seems pretty dumb honestly.
The whole point is being commander is it not? Assuming direct control like it's a third person action game while it's reality still turn based, jarring. It should feel like a chess board.
Things that you don't miss from old FE games
>Having to restart from level 1 when changing classes
>the third, actually good path
I don't know about you, but Revelations was trash to me. Even dumber story and horrible balance for both units and maps.
Any game made by SNK.
Since we're talking about Rev here, I'm just gonna say it.
Is it just me, or do all the units feel weaker in Rev? At least they did to me, also the Hoshido wank is fucking awful, and I hate it so much. All the Hoshido units except for like three are actually worthwhile and aren't fucking garbage, what the shit is up with that? They all feel like shitty Dawn Brigade tier starter units.
Not sure why he wouldn't specify that, the Fates games are three completely, entirely different games. And two of them are shit. One of them is REALLY shit. DO NOT PLAY REVELATION.
That's what I'm talking about. In general all the Nohr units get shit on because they keep their normal starting stats or even get nerfed, but show up way later in the story making most of them useless.
Even some of the Hoshido characters get nerfed for no reason and only a couple of characters get buffed. There was basically no thought put into how the roster is balanced since Rev is just royalfest with all the dragon veins.
Nigger are you actually retarded? You don't lose stats when you change to level 1. It's purely cosmetic.
Start with FE7 simply known as fire emblem in the west, FE sacred stones or fire emblem awakening. After you're done with the entry few games you can play the rest however you like.
2 and X sucked balls, are the other games good?
I meant "good" as in they actually fight the real antagonist of the game. They don't even mention him in birthright or conquest because Water couldn't be bothered to find the time to tell Corrin about him and Valla and that bottomless pit. It's still shit
I can't even imagine how anyone could play FE with animations turned on most of the time.
hevvy masheen gun
I usually played with no animations, but in TH I don't mind playing on fast animations + fast forward.
MS3 is considered the best in the series by many
I don't get why they dumped all the shitty Hoshido fodder on you right off the bat? Like you get all the Hoshido nobles before you get even fucking Elise, which is a shame, because Eiffe and Arthur can both be REALLY good in Conquest, Arthur can become an unparalleled crit machine for example, and Effie is a brick shithouse, but since you don't get them when you're supposed too, they're lagging behind everyone else and you have to bench two units that would've been good if their stats were given buffs to match the stage they were recruited in. It's absolute horse shit, I don't want to use Hoshits, they're fucking garbage to look at.
FE4 and Three Houses are fine with no animations since they have animations in no animations mode
FE7 just has your guy bump into the enemy
If you want an easy start, the easiest fire emblem without question is Sacred stones because you can replay some missions to grind people up if you feel like you need to beef up your units more.
The easiest traditional FE is Path of Radiance. You can't replay missions but it's not very hard of a game and you can collect bonus XP that you can divide to other units that maybe didn't get into enough combat and you want to level them up.
Don't read anything about Fire Emblem 4 and play that one if you want the best story in the series.
>Is FE a good series?
no, it's a series with a strong Nintendo Bonus
play the GC and GBA ones and avoid the rest, they're too dated, untranslated or simply not worth the time
Why are all the abilities in TH so garbage?
>+hit with x
Every FE game is translated now
Also, FE4 and FE5 aged perfectly and are arguably the best in the series, he is a dumb pleb who has probably not played them
Its just an option. In no way does the game make you play like that.
>Play FE7
>Animations are jarring because I remember them in dumb edgy edits
>Want to turn them off but don't want to miss anything cool
is there a way to skip past animations instead of turning them off completely
I know the video says as much. He also mentions there's less environmental detail because the full map has to rendered at all times now. So if that's true it at least has some effect when not using it.
I'm guessing you are not emulating? I always used the speed up function when I was just going through the motions.
Sacred Stones with rebalance hacks + additional contents is more fun than most games these days.
emulating on 3DS, cant speedup
Its a decent series.
But the actually great games are just a few.
Mainly 4&7.
Yeah its absolute trash.
You cant even see shit which is why they had to put the map in the corner so you still have a relative idea of whats going on.
Its just like the exploration, unnecessary gimmick trash for redditors
4 yes, 5 gets the bonus of being attached to 4, and also because the story is still strong, but gameplay wise its pretty annoying at times
Don't mind me. Just the superior IS series coming through
>One of them is REALLY shit. DO NOT PLAY REVELATION.
Glad I'm not the only one that thought this. I went in thinking it'd be the fun gameplay of Conquest with less of a shit story. But was I fucking wrong, yikes
Breath of Fire 3 and 4
My kingdom for FE: Fates if Undub and patched with missing content minus the fag patch.
>3D bosses
>enemy just folds
it was never good
At least Fire Emblem has the threat of permanently losing characters. Advance Wars doesn't have that, and the combat is both braindead easy and tedious. Easy because it's lacking in challenge and tedious because most of your time is just spent mindlessly crawling units forward, rather than making interesting decisions.
Advance Wars is literally the most dumbed down iteration of Daisenryaku that exists. It lacks basic features that all other wargames have.
Fallout: youtube.com
SRW has the best attack animations
fallout 1 and 2
objectively Sekiro (or, as I like to call it, SeKino)
no it's dogshit waifubait for ninceloids
The series isn't even made by Nintendo. They just have exclusivity rights. Don't pass up a good game just because you're a console warrior.
bing bing WAHOO
What are some good hacks for the gba games?
I am morbidly curious now; what makes it so much worse than the other versions?
Terrible gimmicks on every map, and it feels less like a strategy game and more like moving people on a grid to kill other people
>trying that hard to be contrarian
Pick one. I recommend Road to Ruin, Order of the Crimson Arm and Requiem for the "full" ones. I particularly enjoy Requiem's story the most.
Of course The Last Promise is the best for the meme factor alone.
For rebalances and reskins, I'm playing pic related. Basically it gives almost everything new animations, gives everyone skills like the other FEs(Astra, Armsthrift and Sol for instance, Rallies are in too) and buff the hell out of CC's character. There are a lot more, like Lagdou is also now MUCH MUCH harder. I won't spoil, but you'll be facingall of the Sacred Twins + Formotis on one floor, and Ogres with 90+ HP and can double you are common sights.
The Sacred War is another one, the skill system is not extensive as this one, but it has a lot more post-game contents.
Fou Lu should've just genocided his fake followers after using his farmer waifu as munition.
100% this. I bought the version with them both on the same cartridge. I'd have been so fucked off if i'd paid for revelation outright.
Sacred stones isnt that good of a starting point because it teaches you to grind instead of playing strategically since you can replay maps.
Come on user, Advance Wars is shit.
>trying that hard to be contrarian
You think I liked playing Advance Wars, only to find out it was completely overhyped garbage? It's the most shallow strategy game I ever played. There's no depth or challenge whatsoever, the whole experience felt like busywork.
It honestly depends on what you like.
It has some good tactical combat, and the story is often politically driven anime nonsense. It's charming in its own way. If you're into waifuing, it has plenty for you.
The newest one on the switch is probably the best in the series. The first English release on the GBA was one of my favourite games as a 12 year old when It came out in Australia.
If you just wanna test the waters, pirate one of the 3ds games, or one of the GBA games.
Awakefates are NOT some games to test water on imo.
Why not? They're good games and embody what modern FE is.
Team Ninja games
ive played fe7 and 8 do i move on to the gamecube ones now?
what the fuck am I reading
It's enjoyable overall. I'd rate it a 6.5/10.
The facts.
In my opinion no.
The permadeath mechanic just makes maps more tedious (unlike something like XCOM, every character is unique so by letting them die you are permanently missing out on content), and the game is otherwise quite shallow. Not just in terms of combat but also story/characters. The best aspect is the charming spritework in the non-3D games. And of course the franchise has become more and more focused on otaku-pandering romance (because Awakening kept the series from dying outright), to the point where the most recent entry is basically the Persona of SRPGs.
cringe, can't wait for summer to be over
It's a very basic tactics game. It has a very strong focus on positioning, and by very strong, I mean almost nothing matters beyond baiting enemies out of position and passing your stat stick gear such as shields around to whoever you're using as bait. If you've never ever played a tactics game you'll probably really like it, but there isn't much to chew on otherwise.
Daaamn. Advancewarsfag will never recover. I honestly got bored with the series the first 5 minutes.
It's pretty bad and only got worse with time.
some retards with shit taste who probably got spanked at chess too hard when they were kids and are still seething over it
too bad the newest game kinda got rid of that with getting removing the weapon triangle. Are there even any good strategies?
>At least Fire Emblem has the threat of permanently losing characters
which causes most (autistic) players to reset the game, making it such a worthless threat you can turn it off in current installments. Even so, that's worthless criticism considering its a building resources to create units type of game
>Easy because it's lacking in challenge and tedious because most of your time is just spent mindlessly crawling units forward, rather than making interesting decisions.
Oh you're just being retarded and wanted to post a stock reaction, got it. Enjoy your RNG fest
He will cause it's still an ongoing series.
Looks neat user. What game is that?
Unlimited SaGa
You were effectively level 21 (if you class changed at 20) though.
The SaGa games are the ultimate casual filter
especially unlimited