The hardest Final Fantasy XIV content have been cleared in less than a day

>the hardest Final Fantasy XIV content have been cleared in less than a day
oh no no no

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WoW sucks ass

>13 hours

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>there is not enough content
>13 hours of content added
So what now? Wait for the next patch?

but that's not Orbonne Monastery i know its not the hardest but its kino as fuck

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Yoshi has said numerous times that he doesnt want people wasting their life on the game and they should unsub when they've done everything and wait for the next patch. it's not his fault if you don't have a life outside of video games

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Your point?

>buy game to not play it
Thanks yoshi-p. Truly the saviour of video games.

Yeah bro they should totally copy WoW and add a tedious, obnoxious grind of World Quests to farm an arbitrary currency that serves no purpose other than to keep you running along a hamster wheel and pad the MAU stats they feed to shareholders. Fuck actually being able to finish the game and play something else if they feel like it.

Why are WoW players such brain damaged cucks?

Where's your clear?

You mean FATEs? Like how people sit in front of those fucking events for the frog suit 12 hours a day doing literally nothing? Btw, method spend like 2 weeks raiding mythic, not doing any of the busy work you are describing. You know why? Because the content was actually designed to be hard and not cleared on the first day.

wow is the superior MMO when it comes to raiding no doubt about that. I just hate the handholding in FF14 and how formulatic the boss battles are like there is no room for deviation whereas wow’s boss battles feel more ‘unpredictable’ so to say and have more diverse mechanics no matter the expansion.

>WoWfags use release mythic as a legit way to show off a difficulty spike when it always was overtuned to death and nerfed as soon as it's cleared so any group of ragtags retards can clear it

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Stop replying to bait. This shit happens every single time since t5 was cleared.
The moment a raid is cleared everyone starts bitching how easy it is despite not having a clear themselves.

That's CHAOS for you.

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>Chaos is full of world racers
>PF is literaly cancer
Its not fair.

Except if you're quitting, that means you've already played the game quite a bit.

>13 hours of content
>this will be $15 per months plus tip

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>Yoshi has said numerous times that he doesnt want people wasting their life on the game
then remove the subscription, I don't want to play a monthly sub for 13 hours of content

>poopsock content

jobless neets should castrate and euthanize themselves

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>b-bro j-just get a life, we ffxiv gamers pay $15 per months to play 3 hours per week
cope turbowagecucks

He still wants you subbed for easy cash, leave the game but give him money. He's hoping another game will distract you from sparse content and the recurring charge.
>trusting a man who praises Blizzard, WoW, Diablo and GTAV's economic model

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Where's your E4S clear though?

>not using an ABU diaper
Sasuga Casualfag

I'm playing the game with actual content

>WoW-clone is WoW at heart, how dare you suggest more WoW on this stagnant clone of a stagnant game
Console war faggotry will never not make me laugh

Then stop shitposting about a game you don't play and go play said "actual content" on that game.

why not both at the same time

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>still hasn't realized most people find XIV to be so overly defensive about they're WoW clone that it borders on comedy

yes, that's what happens when you don't gate new content. Savage is clearable with gear you've earned before the patch. Wow would have similar clear rates from hardcore guilds if they didn't gate with gear. Not that hard to figure out

Why is this news now? Savage has been like this for a while now.
And it's not even the hardest. Ultimate is

>hardest Final Fantasy XIV content

By what fucking metric is this harder than the Ultimate?

Shadowbringers in general has been causing a loot of seething hatred where Stormblood didn't

>gate with gear
is this how you justify being bad?
method cleared the raid with heroic gear, most guilds with clear it will full mythic gear

when is ultimate releasing?

5.1, should be in 3 months ish.


Doesn't WoW get one raid tier in the same time XIV gets 8 savage floors and 1 ultimate since they do 6 month patch cycles instead of 3?

so they're timegating the endgame content to keep people subscribed?
how many floors are released now? 4/8?

Do we really need 6 tranny fantasy threads up at once?

>plus tip meme is real
People actually pay more money for storage space. 14 players are mentally ill.

The thing with wows patches is that they usually get a full new zone (or two in this case), new dungeons and actual raids that have a raid dungeon and more than 1 boss in them.

I actually like that formula of raiding. I don't have to waste weeks to progress one garbage boss that is locked behind legendray or some other shitty system anymore. New craftable gear is enough to clear the content and if you're good enough you can clear day one/first week.

That's not how tips work, if you're paying for extra storage you're paying for something.

I play this shit for 5 years and I still use my 2 free retainers, never felt the need to pay for more. Mainly now that the glam storage gets you 400 free slots.

4 of 12 yes. Nothing stops you from unsubbing until 5.1 or 5.2 if you feel like the content isn't of your interest. You can easily catch up on gear.

WoW is dead, they're stuck shitposting about it on forums/Yea Forums while watching blizzard be fucking useless.

At least it's not ResetERA's FC Cenozoic. That FC is a hivemind, a echo chamber, and a safe space full of SJW losers.

>WOW niggers
>not obssessed/jealous of XIV's financial success
pick both

>xiv spastics
>sending death threats to people as soon as they say wow is better
pick both

Maybe you shouldn't play mmorpg then? Why have gear at all then?

Refer to image

Who said they were XIV spastics and not WoW niggers trying to make XIV spastics look bad?

Where's your Mythic Eternal Palace clear, OP?


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>thinking your average ffxiv user is going to clear Savage in 13 hours
Different to WoW where once some group clears mythic, blizzard nerf the bosses so anyone can clear it.

poopsock niggas

>Someone already cleared savage, the game is already finished!
t.Armchair raider who can't even go past E1S

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Yeah, if you grinded max gear before the patch then grinded all your new tomes as soon as the patch hit and had 50 crafters craft all the bis gear, food, and pots, it's easy.