Hello, I'm the unmatched GOTY

Hello, I'm the unmatched GOTY

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Happiness in sadness.


The silence speaks for itself delusional retard

More to the point: Hello, the biggest industry fuck-up and utter fairlure of the gaming journalism since God-Hand, an example how poor journalism standards can actively push the entire industry decades back and how idiotic and poorly formulated the sandards for the medium are.

I cry every time I see you.

B-b-b-but SOULSIAN!

The saddest thing is that RPG actually fucking retracted that review due to fan backlash, only to give it again to the same retard, who wrote even worse one.

It's a fucking travesty. But the problem goes far, far beyond just RPS. MOST fucking reviews of the game were utterly and absolutely retarded. It's such a fucking embarrassment. I have never, never felt so fucking ashamed of the industry as with this game.

Gotta get around to playing through everything this studio puts out. Put like 10 hours into the first one, but think I got some glitch where names on the map didn't show up, led to a lot of getting lost in a game where you can't afford to get lost.

>Walking simulator

I don't think all they put out is necessary worth playing.
Pathologic 1 is only worth playing if you finished Pathologic 2 and REALLY need to know the remaining two sides of the story.

The Void is interesting, but it interestingly enough ALSO has been made somewhat obsole by Pathologic 2, which actually follows up on it as much as it follows up on Pathologic. It is still worth experiencing solely for the atmosphere and tone: but I would strongly argue it's not really worth finishing.

CARGO! Quest for Gravity is garbage. Don't play it. At all.

Knock-Knock is... ok-ish, I guess? It has a neat tendency to mess with your head, but that is about it.

Why do you go into threads and post about games that everybody will instantly tell you had not played? What is the fucking point of this exercise?

>journos compare this game to dark souls and skyrim
I seriously wonder if they intentionally hire people who have never played a game before.

>Pathologic 1 is only worth playing if you finished Pathologic 2 and REALLY need to know the remaining two sides of the story.
I don't, especially since I'm convinced that chick is borderline Mary-Sue with how she apparently solves everything and is super magical and fucking whatever.

But I find them fascinating as a studio. Sort of like an ACE Team or a Grasshopper. Not everything they put out is gold, but it's probably memorable.

It gets worse, oh SO MUCH FUCKING WORSE.

>Why do you go into threads and post about games that everybody will instantly tell you had not played? What is the fucking point of this exercise?
It's not goty.
Just because you liked it doesn't mean it deserves to be goty.

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Right now you're only one third of a game, but I fully expect you to be my GOTY when we get Bachelor and Changeling routes.
Which is to say, never ever.

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>I don't, especially since I'm convinced that chick is borderline Mary-Sue with how she apparently solves everything and is super magical and fucking whatever.
That is intentional. And no, she is not. It's just there to piss you off.
In the original game, her main purpose was to piss players off when they finished their first playthrough, by basically telling them: "Hey, you know how you arduously managed to squeeze out SOME kind of compromise to end this? Yeah, she did it without the compromise? You want to know how? Better keep playing then!"

>Just because you liked it doesn't mean it deserves to be goty.
True: It's more of a game of a decade, and a crowning achievement of the entire industry that deserves an entire fucking category of it's own.

The most hilarious thing about it (and by hilarious I mean mind-numbingly depressing), is that the "Butchering Pathologic" review for the original game, i.e. the article that did a lot to make the game known in the west, was also an RPS article.

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It's a fascinating reminder of how low the magazine, and frankly the whole industry has sunk.

And for me: the original review of Pathologic was the reason why I started following RPS: the second review was literally the last article I will ever read by them.

I really wish more creative games like these would take off. This game was an indie flick by a budget studio with shit optimisation and some glitches. Yet it managed to be raw, unfiltered kino.

And we won't see more similar games because the gaming press HATED it. Let that sink in for a while.


The delay of updates and general silence from the team may indicate that the studio is indeed in pretty poor state and may have just decided to give up on supporting the title.

The review is still up there.

The reviewer just kept on digging themselves into a deeper hole.

The game that deserved GOTY but one that will never ever get it because Dorito Pope doesn't know it exists

Thanks, Tuberculosis

They're still working on it. Progress is slow, but it is being made.

how much do you think the development of this game cost?
according to steamcharts anywhere between 20,000 and 50,000 people own this game. Did that much sales pay off the development cost?

Steamcharts doesn't exactly work now that most accounts are not public by default. Or at least I hope more people did play it.

Even at the best case scenario, 1,500,000 dollarydoos is a lot...but then there's publisher (fuck you) and Steam/GOG cuts. It's enough for them to not die but I'm worried about their ability to do any new assets.

Modernist interpretation of OG Pathologic.

Bachelor's route: The game takes place in your head (Town might be Polyhedron's room => children twist and its immediate refutation)
Haruspex OG route: Routes are contradictory, the game is fundamentally internally inconsistent.
Changeling route: Therefore the only reason you see the game as a cogerent whole rather than a sum of its parts, pieces of content, is your WILLING (wishful thinking) suspension of disbelief. (Town can only continue to exist as is through continuous acceptance of death as part of everyday everyone's life)

Sand Pest is a metaphor for disbelief bred by ingame self-contradictions and inconsistencies, Eva is basically Captain Obvious faceplanting you into whatever the game is actually about.

Also, miracle is a manifestation of player's will exerted by him upon the content of Pathologic, as an external force in relation to the (subjectively imagined) ingame world.

Steamcharts are very inaccurate in this case. As for development costs: GOD knows. They made 330k dollars on kickstarter, but after all administrative costs, that is going to be more like 250 or even less. Not to mention the costs of physical rewards and shit.
But the studio did have quite some back-up funds from the unexpected success of Knock-Knock on various platforms.

At any rate, I suspect the project proved to be a net loss for the company, or at least not viable enough to justify similar projects in the future. At this point, we can only hope that maybe the game will gain traction over time like some cult classics had, or that the studio will be stubborn enough to push out the two other episodes just on principle. Either way the big break-out we were all looking for did not happen, the game made zero impact on the industry, and taught us all a valuable lesson that the industry is shit and doing anything risky like this is a bad, bad, bad idea.

If it is really bothering you, The Pope does have a twitter he is fairly active on. You could easily reach out to him telling him you want to spread awareness of an Indie Russian game you think The Game Awards should look at to expand their worldwide attention to gaming or some shit.

So I take it that I can play Pathologic 2 without any knowledge on the first one?

yep. this is basically a "remaster' of the first game.

Hi, I'd like to get around to playing you sooner or later

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Yes. Although it is good to at least know to expect pain and misery. That is what the first game was about, and it's what the second one is about as well. It's not a fun game (even if now Pathologic 2 is mechanically quite decent), it's a game about intentionally pushing yourself to limits and seeing what matters to you.

But story-wise or else, you don't really need to know anything, P2 is a re-telling of P1's story.

What I never understood from the Changeling route is how Lara and Yulia are supposed to be as bad as Grief

>tfw no twitter to inform Doritos Pope of Pathologic 2 and spread awareness
>even if I did so autistic I would robably message him saying "Hey, Doritos Pope there's a game..." and get blocked

Both reviews are fine actually. The game tries to shift plater's attention from its lack of substance and any central topic to it by means of enforcing menial busywork onto him, so the player would be like "I guess I must've missed something. In other words, it's smartass flowery bullshit trying to pass for the real deal.

Yes, the player isn't all-knowing. No, that doesn't make the developers smarter-than-thou.

These are fucking terrible and you should just go to a forum that does nothing but talk about artsy shit walking sims

Lack of substance? You do not believe that the relationship the player gradually builds to it's characters does not have "substance"? You do believe that the central theme of three ideologies "lacks substance"?

Can you please give me a brief summary of what you THINK the game is about, themes and narrative-wise, so that we know you actually understand the basic story beats and thus can even start judging whenever it has substance or not?

Also, there is a certain irony to the fact that you are not even agreeing with the reviews, which do not at all complain about lack of substance to begin with: in fact their main complaint about the game is exactly the opposite: the story is too appealing, but the gameplay makes it not accessible enough.

Sup Brendan

Actual question: If Pathologic 2, Haruspex' route is viewed as an act of communication from the developers towards the player, what is the gist of what's been communicated. One centence. The central idea of the route.

"So what do you think about the idea of overcoming death?"

>constantly cry about how games should be art
>game comes out that is actually art
>they nuke the game complaining about the difficulty and frustration not realizing that it's part of the experience and it literally takes no reflexes to play this game

I fucking hate those fucks they should all go out of business

I already told you, it's about developers knowing more about their game than "Musta missed sumthing IMPORTUNT or stuff" player. Which literally leads "so what?" retort on player's part, as having misundertood the game or any part of it doesn't mean there was something to be understood to begin with.

Nigger, play the game before speaking, you're only embarassing yourself.

I imagine through what I remember, I haven't ever died, I can't therefore imagine myself dying. There. Any other stupid questions, game?

Also reviews did explicitly reference cryptic bullshit, even if in passing.

Does that mean that The Void is also getting a sequel? asking for a friend haha

>"but what is it communicating?"
>be a passive agressive bitch about communicating back

Why do you hate dialogue, actor

Nice how you avoid saying anything concrete about the game: almost as if you haven't played it, and are just desperately begging for attention.

Also, you never explained what you mean by "developers knowing more". What the hell do you mean? The game provides clear set of themes and motives and a sufficiently skilled player can actually discover all of them WHILE also complaining with the game's demand for "menial tasks" even on a first try.

The complaint about the game was never about lack of substance - not in the reviews you defend, or anywhere else. The complaint is that the process of uncovering them isn't sufficiently gratifying to motivate the player: which is a misunderstanding of an entirely different kind.

What you argue it communicating is retarded navel-gazing. Which ties back to my point of the lack of substance at the very least.

What exactly is "cryptic" about the game?

D-do you have any links?

That particular word is an imprecise quote of the part of the articles in question, which I can't be assed to find where was exactly. Something like 'must've been another instance of game engaging in its cryptic bullshit' or something to that effect.

Played it on launch and spent 10 hours trying to save Rubin and the game glitched out so he just became impossible to save even after I killed all the kin after him

Have to replay again, thought I would wait for a few patches amazing game really nothing else like it in the industry

>The central idea of the route.
There isn't just one. But the core questions the game proposes are thus:

Would you rather believe in utopia, or would you rather accept the imperfection of the world as it is?
And how far are you willing to go maintaning that belief?
How much are you willing to sacrifice?
How do you respond when faced with limitation of your own power over the world around you?
What gives weight to your experience?

The purpose of the game is not so much to answer those questions, and provide a very intense, and very complex scenario in which you are forced to ask and answer those questions yourself. The core exercise is based on it being a game: Ultimately, the player is what matters. It's not a passive medium that simply tells you what to think: it challenges you to face those questions yourself.
It just provides an environment in which those questions become relevant, pressing, and the conditions prevent the answers to be too simple.

>if it's not tied to materialist, down-to-earth reasoning, it's lacking in substence

Go graze your bulls

No you mongoloid, I am asking YOU what exactly did you find cryptic about the game you talk about. You have played it, haven't you? You know what it is about, what it contains, right? Otherwise, you would not be dumb enough to throwing baseless accusations around, right?

Curiously enough, Pathologic 2 is as much of a sequel to The Void as it is to Pathologic 1. But otherwise, the answer is a resolute NO. The game was a commercial failure. The studio is not going to commit to yet another one.

I have seen a thorough Russian playthrough of a couple of days. I value my time too much to actually waste 30-40 hours of it onto full spin.

The basic relation this game's content seems to be having in relation to the first game is basically being a subversion fleet, turning everything on its head in terms of subtle details. That accounts for the vast majority of your "substance". The player is simply led by the nose by this game being anti-Pathologic under Pathologic's guise in everything other than the bsic plot description.

Second, that it is theoretically possible to get the next closest thing to entire mind map for each act, it doesn't mean either that the player is MEANT to succeed in doing it (and not rather MEANT to fail), nor that there aren't subtler OH SO IMPORTANT details which fly under it.

Third, I mean "developer knows more" quite literally, DEVELOPER KNOWS FULL EXTENT OF WHAT WENT INTO THE GAME AND WHAT DIDN'T, while you only see a part of what he chose to show you.

See .

Pure brainlet

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There is love and hope in the most hopeless of situations.

The game's a love story.

I find it just as elusive under the guise of being vague, as you probably find me right now.

>the game doesn't fit the holistic interpretation of the previous title
>therefore it is anti-Pathologic
>nevermind the author's clearly stated intent that it was always a story of three, mutually exclusive perspectives, even in 1

I am a sceptic. If I happen to miscalculate, due to my beliefs being inadequate in regard to reality around me, it's a problem of my beliefs, not reality. Therefore, if I miscalculate, I memorize FACTUAL, not EXPECTED results regarding that which comprised that miscalculation, I group maybe several such miscalculations together, and I try to make sense of them by means of maybe finding a common thread in a subset of them - so that in perspective to devise beliefs better suited to my current environment, than the ones that led to my repeatedly miscalculating thus to begin with.

A-Are they gonna make it bros?

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Game Of The YAWN, you got that right!

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There is so much wrong with this that I don't even know where to begin. First of all, the first Pathologic is entirely irrelevant. The game takes a few jabs at it for the sake of veteran players, but in absolute majority to focuses on retelling the same story, but with greater depth. If you could not see anything beyond the comparison to another game you clearly also haven't played yourself, then you are a functionally retarded person. The core questions of the game - the very concrete questions of sacrifice, compromise and your attitude towards utopistic thinking are what constitutes the substance of the game, along-side simply well developed and highly relatable characters.

How the FUCK does that relate to anything? Sure the developer knows exactly what is in the game, but what the fuck does it have to do with anything you are saying?

The fact that it intentionally hides certain elements from most players is nothing else than another faucet of the theme of choice and sacrifice: not everything is instantly explorable because the play constantly asks you to make decisions on what MATTERS to you and how far are you willing to go to achieve it. And of course with that question, SOME discrimination of what content you'll ultimately explore is inevitable. If there wasn't an either/or dichotomy, than your choice and agenda within the story would be nulified, you mongrel.

How is any of this in any way related to the actual vague pseudo-criticism you created is absolutely inclear.

The studio isn't one person, and its staff changed over time.

I don't find you being vague, I find you to be an obnoxious attention begging whore that unlike the game, is being INTENTIONALLY DISHONEST.

dumb animuposter

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>Game jouranlist that is a gamer
Hahahahaha, don't be silly user. Now, about that game journalist difficulty setting, after all games need to be all inclusive and I can't be expected to play games consistently so I actually do well at them when my job consists of writing game reviews. That's utter nonsense!

Wait when the fuck does this happen?

Someone said that Lara doesn't care about the people she helps and only does so because it's expected of her or something. As for Yulia I have no clue.

Game journalism should be a job only people that play at least 5-8 hours of vidya a day have access to, change my mind.

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did alphyna seriously left IPL?

bachelor route is never coming out, isn't it?


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Pretty sure that is one of the game's alternative epilogue moments, that happens if you both manage to keep Grace and Peter alive and save the city. Alternatively, she might end up with Saburovs. Not sure what happens if both Saburov's and Peter dies.

Who is that?

After Capella tells you to check on Grace on day 7(?) and You don't burn the bodies you let that women from the town hall take her, the one you give the babies to. Talk to her the next day and she mentions Grace becomes Peters ward and you can go visit and talk to them. Peter wants to make a pit that defys the perception of space after Grace suggested about building down, not up while she's unsure how to take care of him since he isn't dead, but she's happy with him.

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Wouldn't it depend on how much is already written?
One of the writers. iirc she's the one who really pushed the meta shit.

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Maybe it's not an exclusive of Haruspex route, but Pathologic 2 really made me think "No matter how big you can fuck up, you can still keep going forward"

also this, there are plentiful innocent beautiful moments in this game

Lara carries a great sin and incredible hatered within her, yes. She is a fucking massively tragic character in the original.

First of all, Pathologic 1 is NOT entirely irrelevant if only due to staff having created it being PARTLY different to the staff that created Pathologic 2. Some staff members departed taking their know-hows with them. Attempts to imitate parts owing their existence to departed staff members result not in greater depth, but into perversion of the original meanings those parts had into the context of the first game. Put it another way, Dybowski might imagine himself whomever he fancies, he is no telepath.

Second, I have already descibed my position in regard to utopistic thinking here: . My worldview, however simplistic or sophisticated, isn't exhaustive, I learn from my experience, mistakes included. I consider the question of utopistic thinking therefore to be a non-question simply wasting my time. Compromise is a consequence of admitting someone has seen something you haven't AND MADE SENSE OF IT.

Third. "How the FUCK does that relate to anything?". My point, " so what?", exactly. Axiom Verge, on the other hand, used a very similar statemenet (derived however through the usage of a thorough reduction to absurdity), basically a vitriolic mockery of completionism, in order to push forward its deconstructive spin on Super Metroid as a part of its constructive statement on conceptual differences between Metroid 1 and Super Metroid.

Fourth, about what matters and whatnot, who the fuck do developers think they are to ask such questions with judging connotations? I am someone who values one's time, for one. Get to the point if you even have a point, or fuck off.

The main writer and lead translater of Pathologic. She wrote majority of the text in the game - both the russian, and the english version of it. She is in particular responsible for the snapiness of the dialogues, and the fact that the english translation is as good as it is.

>One of the writers. iirc she's the one who really pushed the meta shit.
Not really, that meta shit was always a major fascination of Dybowski. Alpyna is responsible for most of the HUMOR in the game, as she is much more skilled in writing short, more natural and ironic texts, where as Dybowski suffers from a serious case of theatrical patos - for better and worse.

alphyna, pls.

Yulia is suicidal in the original or something isn't she? There's this on the wiki for Lara's page in the original
>She sees the world in a negative light, believing that only grief fully reveals the truth of a person, and that the actions of any person are the consequences of deep wounds. She views every person as a walking corpse—about to die at any moment; Lara only hopes to ease their passing.
Also a paragraph for some of the characters from the design docs describing the characters in 2
>A clever, dedicated and proud young woman. She’s still grieving over the recent loss of her beloved father. She looks you straight in the eye at almost all times—with a gaze that is fierce, nervous, and demanding. If she does lower her eyes for a while, she will raise them back. She’d try to smile (with a corner of her mouth), but the can’t. She just isn’t a smiler. This has to look touching, not malign.
>Living alone in an empty house, she’s gradually awakening from her torpor and preparing to leave the town—to join the army field force and begin her vendetta.
dumb orcposter S-STOP DABBING ON ME

fuck me, the dialogues were too good for this industry.

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Were there any other games this year with any meaning whatsoever to begin with?

I am being INTENTIONALLY ELUSIVE in blatantly understating how much this piece of pretentious, built on the bones of thecgame, which, in contrast, DID have something to say, normieshit utterly DISGUSTS me. Still, I think it very much shines through what you perceive being "obnoxiousness".

More like yawn of the year!

kojima is creating a whole new genre to say that people should stay together

>First of all, Pathologic 1 is NOT entirely irrelevant if only due blah blah blah
Your argument was that the game lacks substance. Then when asked what you mean, you focused exclusively on the subject of meta-narrative and the game's dialogue with itself:
My point is that you massively reduced the game to something that is actually still a marginal part of the actual narrative, and completely missed the elements that are both the MAIN focal point and are NOT dependent on out-side knowledge of the previous game, as that is what really constitutes the game's "substance".

In other words: you tried to argue the lack of substance by completely ignoring what are the most important and prominent themes and elements of the game. Which is completely dishonest, and proves that you are talking about shit you know nothing about.

>I have already descibed my position in regard to utopistic thinking here:
Wait: Did you seriously think I give a FUCK about your stance on this? The fuck gave you that idea? I do not.
And you being an arrogant cunt does not mean the game does not face people with very serious questions. It's like saying "Dostojevski's work entirely lacks substance because I already figured out the danger of self-deception and arrogance to human psychology" what kind of fucking shitty argument is that?!

>My point, " so what?", exactly.
That is NOT a point. You have not MADE a point. You at absolute best fucking managed to say "the game does not reveal all of it's content to the player". Which is not a fucking point, it's fucking common sense. You have not made this IN ANY WAY RELEVANT TO YOUR OR ANYONE ELSES JUDGEMENT OF THE GAME YOU SPASTIC PIECE OF SHIT.

>who the fuck do developers think they are to ask such questions with judging connotations? I am someone who values one's time, for one.
Are you fucking serious with this shit?
How DARE the developers challenge people to consider interesting and important questions. I'm TOO GOOD FOR THIS GAME!

Pathologic 2 is pretentious normieshit, Pathologic 1 was not.


I am done here, I achieved what I came here to accomplish.

>whole new genre
user, that "strands" shit he's talking about is equivalent to dark souls messages.

>Make statement without backing it up
>I am done here


back to twitter normalfag.

Is it unironically though? I recall playing 1 before the supposed translation addenum and was confused all the time. What made me actually drop an otherwise interesting game was HOMING GHOST ILLNESS clouds or whatever i should call it. Think it started at day 4 where you could enter a home and instantly get blasted by the wall phasing clouds, while the town was a minefield of you seeking clouds.

>Not to mention the costs of physical rewards and shit.
Those may not even happen. It was always announced they'd be produced and shipped after the game release, but there's been no news since.
Same thing for the console release.

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I backed up my statement on Pathologic 1 (see above).

Pathologic 2 pretends to be a retelling of Pathologic 1.

None of what I was talking about in relation to Pathologic 1 seems to be retained OR retold in any way judging either from my experience with the game OR whatever you concocted in order to defend your position on the game.

In other words, there seem to be (from my subjective point of view, crucial) portions of Pathologic 1, Pathologic 2 seems to completely fail to address, retell, or much less develop, in any conceivable way whatsoever. Due to not retelling them, it fails as Pathologic Remake, due to not developing them ut fails as Pathologic 2.

Can you sell me on this game user? What should I expect if I bought it?

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The clouds are still there but in my experience they're easier to dodge, since you can hear and see them coming from a greater distance plus you can sprint now. They do seem to turn a bit but if you just stay off the road and walk on the sides you should be fine. Some just hang out in spots though forcing you to detour and go around which if you aren't careful you could run right into but. Also infection works differently now so getting hit with one doesn't instantly mean you get infected.

Wait, are you the same spastic who always brought up Turgor vs. The Void in previous threads, claiming the exact same shit years before the game was even released?

Be so kind and remain consistent in your bullshit so we can more easily ignore you, please. This way it almost makes it seems like you have an actual point for a little while.

Whoeverthatbitchwasfags seething yet again

its more accessible, especially after that patch that added difficulty options
the best writing in video game ever

I do have an actual point - see breakdown of Pathologic 1 above. And my qualms with Pathologic 2 started from 3day alpha onward.

Shame, the clouds made me drop 1 simply because how dumb it was. The google translation didnt help either, nor did the no-map to at least lead you on the right track (severa NPC's not translating district rights bad. so you had to either use a guide or just RNC it all bad), but the game itself was blasting with atmosphere and charm

And I can't stay consistent, because I think, I develop my trains of thought, my conclusions change. I find that to be way better than stagnating and engaging in banality.

>she's the one who really pushed the meta shit
Quite the opposite. Dibowsky is the one responsible for all the 4deep8you metanarrative, Alphyna's job is to rephrase this as something that actually fits in a videogame dialogue instead of an essay, and the english translation.
Pic related is also her, so there's that.
inb4 Gauhar

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>I am someone who values one's time
Says the man playing videogames.

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It's at core a "survival sim" heavily focused on resource-management and with a very, very strong story. It blends together emergent elements constructed from the rather unforgiving survival systems, with a very strongly choice-oriented narrative, and it does this better than any game before.

The greatest strenght of the game lies in the environments and characters that inhabit it. You get to spend 12 days in a very strange, odd-worldly town while things gradually go to shit around you, and you are struggling to even stay alive, and live up to expectations that you will somehow help to fix the whole damn thing.

It's very janky, and not a little stresful. There is very little instant gratification to be had in the game: it's intentionally pushing you to your limits, and often does thing that will seem straight up unfair to you.
However, it does also feature incredibly beautiful moments, incredibly likable characters, and forces you to ask questions that you might find yourself grateful to face.

It's really, REALLY worth playing if you are the kind of person who believes games can be artful without using it as an excuse for laziness, and fantastic if you want to immerse yourself in very immersive and tense story, and are genuinely interested in characters a game might feature.

But it does require an investment. It will not make things easy for you, and if you are looking for gratification, you won't find it here. At least no in the gameplay itself. It's not terrible, but it is designed to be against you, and actively test your patience and courage.

>Make walking sim
>Yea Forums shits on it
>Make walking sim but with some shit parameters
>Yea Forums eat it right up

Videogames differ.


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You haven't developed jack shit you retard, you are still drooling the same nonsense, you are just using slightly different set of buzzwords. But thanks for at least being honest enough to admit that its you. We can all ignore you now.

As opposed to actually being art, keeeeklolololz.

This reads like a pasta for the future.


The clouds are still there, but implemented quite differently, and you have more tools to defend yourself. In general, the infected districts now work completely differently, and as far as I'm concerned, a lot better.
They are, I'd argue, a lot easier to deal with overal, even though it sure as hell won't feel as such at first. I don't think I ever had a serious problem with the clouds this time.

Pathologic threads were one of the VERY rare consistently good things on Yea Forums, and now it seems we can't even have those anymore.
Time to finally kill myself.

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>it fails as Pathologic Remake
It was never a remake to begin with, they always said it would be a reimagining of the original.
>You're a surgeon (Artemy Burakh)
>After 5 years studying you get a letter from dad asking you to come home (Weird as fuck Russian town in the steppes)
>Come home
>Get jumped by 3 guys, kill them in self defense (they were looking for a murderer)
>Your dad and one of his friends (who is also the prominent head of one of the three main families) just got murdered that night
>People instantly start assuming you did it Only for the first day though, they stop hunting you after that
>About a day later a outbreak of the sand plague starts
>There is no known cure
>Only doctors in town are you, a Bachelor from the city who was there for his own reasons, a thief girl who woke up in a grave with no memories claiming she can work miracles and your dads assistant
>Find out who killed your dad while more importantly trying to find a cure and keeping important people alive
>Need to manage health, hunger, thirst and sleep on top of that
>The game only lasts for 12 days
>Some shit MUST be done on that specific day
They patched in a difficultly setting so you can adjust how quick you go hungry or item durability goes down and the like if you find the difficulty too bullshit to your liking, but the game is suppose to be stressful as fuck.
Like I said to the other user there are options to make it easier and the clouds are nowhere near as deadly. I find just staying off the actual path is the best way to avoid most and the detours aren't "go halfway across the town and loop back" tier, just having to go around a nearby corner and take a slightly longer way. They don't turn well so if you get around them you'll be fine, they won't be doing 180's to get you.

*Blocks your path*

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>walking sim
when will this meme end

>The Void is interesting, but it interestingly enough ALSO has been made somewhat obsole by Pathologic 2
>Curiously enough, Pathologic 2 is as much of a sequel to The Void as it is to Pathologic 1
Please explain what you mean by that nonsense.

Attached: scr0034.jpg (3840x2160, 1.57M)

How does he go from this...
>being surprised nu/v/ hates anything that isn't some consolewar faggotry

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>Please explain what you mean by that nonsense.
Are you this guy?
Because I really don't want to waste any more words on him...

Do you enjoy being put in a situation you have absolutely no control over?
Have you ever started thinking that you deserve bad things happening to you?
Do you sometimes wish you could feel miserable at will?
If you answered yes to any of these, you'll feel right at home with pathologic. If not, play it anyway, it's quite an experience.

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It's even more hilarious when you consider that the 2008 RPS review for the original game is one of the finest pieces of gaming journalism ever and actually led to a lot of westerners learning about the game and helping it achieve cult classic status. How far we've fallen.

To this?

Attached: 20190730235831_1.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

>same core conflict
>same emphasis on irreconcilable differences in viewpoints driving people to different conclusions
>same gameplay trick of the moral thing and the effective thing being two separate circles on a Venn diagram
>Haruspex's route still is about self-discovery as a part of whole, no matter which ending you pick
>"But it doesn't cover my theory that requires three routes to even work, so it's not the one thing that the old 90 hours long game ever did"

Were you dropped on your head as a child and gouged one of your eyes out in the process?

is that fucking Aphex Twin

I can't believe they got the same guy to review the game after he admitted that he gave up on day 3

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>never a remake to begin with
Suuuuuure, in the original vk.com survey and in their initial kickstarter pitch as well.

Actually, vk.com survey, which started everything, alongside Pathologic Remake (Rimejk Mor. Utopii) and Cold (Kholod) options, among shitload of others, also had Pathologic 2 (Mor. Utopiya 2). It didn't score much at all. It was almost a tie between Remake and Cold, but Remake won.

>Are you this guy?
No. I assume that's the "devs know more than the player" retard from the begining of the thread? Much as I enjoy watching a good shitflinging, I skipped most of the long replies ITT.

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Eva's suicide in order to breathe life into Cathedral is basically a parable to my conclusion, and it happens in the first route.

Day 4 I think, but still: he managed to die enough times to get the option to make the death-deal ON DAY FOUR. And he was so screwed up that he could not continue the story, he was literally stuck in an endless death loop.

And when they got him try again, he took the deal AND lowered all the difficulty sliders down and then got super pissed when he did not get the good ending, literally calling it a "narrative-assassination".
It's... fucking horrifying. These people get to decide whenever a game succeeds or not.

>I value my time
>posts on Yea Forums
>watches a lets play

Your conclusion is taking one layer of a narrative spanning hundreds of pages and treating it as the absolute cornerstone of it

Sorry normies, but here on Yea Forums metacritic scores are the only indicator of a good game, that's why botw is the greatest game ever made while Pathologic is SHIT!

Attached: oh no no no no....png (668x296, 56K)

OK. As for the reason why I claimed Pathologic 2 is as much a successor to The Void as it is to Pathologic:
It's due to it's use of gameplay as a core tool of the narrative. The Void's story isn't particularly interesting (that is why most of it was unceremoniously cut between Turgor and The Void), but what makes the entire game tick is the way the gameplay mechanics - more specifically the resource management and resource scarcity - actually succesfully simulates the desired message of the game.

The entire core point of the game can be summed in one 10 lines long piece of poem (as the game does in the intro), but the whole point is to make you RELIEVE that experience (existential dread, desire for transcendence, and sacrifice it may cost you) almost entirely "emergently", simply by it's use of the mechanics.

And Pathologic 2, unlike the first game, does the same thing. The whole resource management in Pathologic 2 is incredibly similar in function to The Void. And when you look at it closer, you'll find that even the core themes of existential dread and sacrifice are actually near-identical.
Not to mention small nods like the tree harvesting and the Bride's similarity to sisters.

But really, in design philosophy, Pathologic 2 really actually takes more inspiration from The Void than it took from Pathologic 1.

It was a thorough letsplay by a guy who invested specifically to showcase everything there was and was NOT playing the game blindly. In fact, I think he still isn't done with the game, he is so thorough (that is takes his time to think his sessions through), which would be a problem, case I had any interest in actually having seen the full campaign by now.

I tried playing the original and the walking speed and entire game made me want to kill myself
tried 2, ran like absolute shit on my PC, seems very badly optimized

is 2 an improvement in pretty much every way besides that? I want to love the game because the atmosphere and such seems amazing, but on the gameplay side it seems lacking, at least from the Mandalore review I watched

Attached: 22.jpg (400x400, 18K)

He has literally been pestering every single IPL thread with this bullshit for two years now, it's fucking hillarious.

Its true though

So because they didn't intitally say "it's a reimagining, not a remake" and you didn't bother to follow development to find that out it's IPL's fault?

Yeah, Path2 is an improvement in about 98% of things. The single biggest flaw it has compared to the original is that it provides only one out of the three separate stories Path1 had.

Yes, the most abstract layer, incidentally, breaking the fourth wall in a genuinely constructive way.

>needlessly cryptic walking sim

Dusk is a better candidate desu and it has almost no plot

Yes but for some fucking reason the game only uses 1gb of ram by default iirc. You have to go into the game files and manually change it. The game still doesn't run flawlessly for me but it's certainly better then what it was.

Exactly my friend, have you enjoyed rdr2 or god of war as well? They also scored highly on metacritic!

Attached: rdr2.png (656x376, 80K)

>As opposed to actually being art, keeeeklolololz.
Well, my logic here is that being "artful" means "being a product of exceptional skill and care that goes beyond mere functional utility".
Where as being "art" means getting recognition for that achievement.

I don't think Pathologic 2 got the recognition, even though I'm 100% sure it deserves to be recognized.

>needlessly cryptic
>tfw not a brainlet

They steered from pure remake due to influence of Metthos, studio's then artdirector. Dybowski flat out stated it was her who pushed for leaving no stone unturned, while Dybowski himself wanted to do cosmetic and QoL changes only. In fact the whole reason Pathologic was retranslated and got re-released as Pathologic Classic HD is because they realise they strayed too far from the original game meaning IT WASN'T INITIAL PLAN AT ALL.

This "leave no stone unturned" approach persisted until more or less Marble Nest with its consistent "show, don't tell" storytelling (the usage of which in P2 differs a whole lot) and with its true ending OUTRIGHT STATING IN PLAIN WORDS essentially what I wrote in my breakdown of OG Pathologic.

Then, things changed somehow. I am not an insider, so I can only guess, as to what happened, but seems to me Meethos basically stopped being a part of the development team. Then, alpha happened, with its stark change of tone compared to MN, then final rehearsal and P2.

>there's been no news since
if you were a backer, read the updates
shipping the latest wave of physical rewards was in the most recent one

Anyone got a link or something for that thing about the game using 1gb of ram or something and how to fix it? Might help this user out.

In other words, partly, I am just still incredibly salty a full fledged MarbleNest-styled Pathologic 2 didn't happen.

>didn't get an email, not the first time this happens either
>update isn't on the IPL website as usual, only on KS
>the KS update is restricted to backers only for some reason
>since I backed directly from the game's website after the KS campaign was over, I can't even see the update
You're not making this easy IPL.
If it's not too much trouble, could you please post the text of the update, or even just the gist of it?

Attached: Where's the money, Dybowski.jpg (601x441, 126K)

>C:/users/"username"/appdata/LocalLow/Ice-Pick Lodge/Pathologic 2/Settings/ExternalOptimizationSettings.xml
>Open up .xml with notepad
>change 1000000000 to amount of ram you want to use (4000000000 for 4gbs)
I found it helped but it may vary for you.

I don't see how that makes pathologic 2 "normie"shit twitterfag.

Attached: ipl.png (655x1173, 304K)

The only reason why full-fledged MarbleNest style Pathologic did not happen is money. Marble Nest explores every foundation of Pathologic 1 and expands on them in the way Pathologic 2 ultimately does as well. The problem with Pathologic 2 and the reason why it isn't quite as strong as Marble Nest is because they had to cut cornerns. A lot of cornerns. Like most prototypes: Marble Nest aimed to show what the studio wants to do, not what they know they CAN do. In that sense, it's an absolutely typical early show-case build problem that just about every game that has early prototype showcase had.

Finalized Pathologic 2 is just... result of far more compromises being made than they hoped for when they presented Marble Nest.

I-Is there still hope for bachelor bros?

Maybe if they cared about their games getting any recognition at all they would release them on ps4.

Sounds like what happens with most games, just most people don't know about it. Properly why people are so mad about cyberpunk on Yea Forums.

How the fuck would that help? You're telling me consolefags are going to care to play something like Pathologic?/

They always delay but they always deliver

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It is, but the guy whining about Pathologic 2 calling it "normieshit" and so on actually has a very different agenda on his mind, and it has nothing to do with Marble Nest all together. He frequents these threads for years and I love to see him post, though I try not to reply too much because after all, he should not be enabled.
Anyway, his entire "cause" is far more intricate and fascinating, if sad.

>try pathologic hd as haruspex
>take my time. sneaking around, raiding dumpsters, tending to my needs, reading dialogue
>bit boring but maybe it gets more interesting
>suddenly unavoidable game over at midnight kills all momentum
Does Pathologic 2 have at least some respect for my patience?

Well, Knock-Knock turned out to be a success due to tablet and mobile versions of the game...

Bless you, kind actor.
Can I also see the rest, pretty please? I need to see those posters.

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Game journalist is already a low paying job. Most of them are contractors, so bias towards "short cinematic experiences" shouldn't surprise anyone. See, Plague Tale vs Pathologic 2 for example.

>Does Pathologic 2 have at least some respect for my patience?
What you are describing is one of the most well-known FUCK-UP of Pathologic 1 that most people encounter, a mind-boggingly bad decision to provide a player with game-over on first day (and this only applies to first day) if he fails to complete Day1 Quest of the Day.

Pathologic 2 does not do the same mistake.
That said, it will test your patiency in different but also very cruel ways.

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (700x663, 128K)

No, Marble Nest ultimately converged on a very clear point which was a direct continuation of Pathologic 1's. That THAT VERY willing suspence of disbelief I was talking about, is an act of the voluntary benevolence on the part of the player, and that it is in tge developers' own interests not to exploit player's benefit of the doubt so much that there is no such benefit left.

Moreover, it differed in its treatment of Eva. It had two references to her, the cupboard and the dialogue with a steppenbride, both were incrrdibly tasteful and respectful. Note also, that by that time only a side portrait of Eva existed, there was nothing on how she would look from shoulders down. The face was similar to P2's version, but the look in the eyes depicted on that sude portrait was entirely different. An intense, drilling stare was an extremely far cry from the butterface la-la-land meandering look in P2. See, Eva was, in my opinion, a very important and memorable character in P1. It seems to me, MarbleNest recognized and respected her significance in tge context of what Pathologic was sort of supposed to be about, in a way everything directly P2-related clearly didn't.

there's literally no game over in pathologic 2

I just realized you can get the Tragedian Mask from the high backer level as an add-on now

Shame you can't get the executor mask from the highest tier

I hope so. I'd like to see changeling but between her and Chadchelor I'd want him more so. Plus unlike in Bachelors route in 1 the two seem more friendly with each other and both are dabbing on changeling. I'm curious what is endings will be, since with Burakh he gets his original ending plus one for the Kin to survive. Not sure what the other could be for Bachelor other then destroying the town and keeping the polyhedron.

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This is a correct statement.

Yeah, if you die you have to reload your last save.

Thanks for the answers lads. Sounds interesting, added it to my wishlist

>his entire "cause" is far more intricate and fascinating, if sad.
mind elaborating?
Which one Yea Forums? I'd struggle to pick between Swarm or Fractured.

>user surprised that Bachelor and Haruspex treat Eva completely differently

You said you have played P1

>That doctor's quick on the draw. Already shot someone. So much for his oath.
>Our big city guest is a little quick on the draw, isn't he?
>Threatens to pull a gun on Haruspex

Attached: 1535520117190.jpg (1242x808, 120K)

Yeeeah, well, with P2 treatment of her, I am just not seeing it at the moment.

Current toss up between these for GOTY.
I expect I might end up tossing Touhou and Death Stranding in there when they come out.

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It's interesting to be sure, but assuming it doesn't ever get fixed you might want to keep in mind since performance sucks. It's a slav game so don't be too surprised that it isn't well optimized. You can always turn down stuff if you find it too hard, I find hunger is the biggest concern (feels like you need 3 proper meals a day) but you'll figure shit out to make it easier on yourself. Like rings and pocket watches being more valuable for selling for cash then bartering.

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Doesn't she not commit suicide in the other two routes?

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Actually it does. I regard both Aldiyarova and Meethos as persons who had something to say on their own, regard tgem as equals, and it seems to me Meethos by and large understood the point Pathologic 1 conveyed.

Without, it seems, Meethos, IPL seems to me to have become a husk.

I just like people who genuinely have something non-trivial to say. I am not in anyone's fan group, if you catch my meaning.

Attached: 20190730020820_1.jpg (1920x1080, 181K)

Reminder that chadkovsky canonically:
>singlehandedly cleared the warehouses of bandits
>broke Burakh out of jail
>went into an infected house just to get a children's toy
>established dominance over the Kin in the circle of Suokh
>murdered a whole platoon of army deserters in cold blood
still couldn't save Eva though

Attached: revolver dankovsky.jpg (1230x1196, 717K)

Is this suppose to be a reference to the trees in the void or something? With the metal frame around it?

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Not in Haruspex's, she doesn't

>mind elaborating?
He is basically "waging war" on IPL and everything they made past Turgor because he had his absurd and non-sensical interpretations of Turgor shattered when The Void was released and introduced far more clarity into it's own narrative.
Everything since has been rather fascinating tale of more and more convoluted mental gymnastics explaining how IPL are DUMB and he is SMART, and desperate (but at times rather amazingly passionate) "proof" that IPL don't know what they are doing.

I genuinely believe it harkons all the way back to the narrative cuts they made with The Void, and the sense of "betrayal" he experienced when it did not validate his own intepretation of that mess of a game.

But I have to give him some credit, he is genuinely TRYING, you can see a clear evolution in his argumentation, though sadly it always ends up with the same problem - that he is not trying to genuinely understand something, but rather he is ultimately still validating his insecurity.

It is sad particularly because there IS a degree of intellectual flexibility on display here: it's not like he is completely brain-dead. All the worse that he ends up always misusing what ever intellectual competency he has due to his insecurity.

No, you are just incredibly insecure. Like - to a degree where you need professional help.

Attached: danko.jpg (1230x1196, 282K)

Burakh kills Barely this time though right? Although there's only about 3 of them in there this time. I got lucky and had my revolver out so I just blasted Barley and for some reason one of the other two started punching the other in the back, so we both killed that guy then I killed him. Where in the fuck can I get a rifle anyway? I got a shotgun from that quest and bought the revolver.

Yeah, and also: the studio just seems to be super fond of this particular image for... god knows why.

>IPL seems to me to have become a husk.
That's just, like, your opinion my dude.

>for some reason one of the other two started punching the other in the back, so we both killed that guy then I killed him
Same, I still don't know if that's a bug or intended.


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>Scientia potentia est

I imagine it's a bug but I'm not complaining. I struggle fighting two guys as is, fighting 3 would be guaranteed death. I find it odd how Grief actually isn't a lying fuck this time.

I make exceptions to Marble Nest and possibly Knock-Knock, for one.

Also, I landed on my interpretation of Tension YEARS after The Void has been released.

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It's to keep the tree growing straight when it's merely a sapling. It's a very common thing to do

I don't give a fuck and nobody else does either. Do you even realize that you managed to construct the EXACT same narrative twice in entirely different contexts, just to still maintain the same point that was fucking idiotic two years ago?

Do you not see there is something seriously wrong with you?

Peter didn't on my first playthrough, Grace said he still lives, but as a grass

Huh, can't say I've ever seen something like that.

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>The fucking screaming in this place
Jesus Christ how horrifying

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You know the development still being lead by dubowsky right? The guy that also lead the development of the first game?

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Here is a pic i found. This one is in a public place.

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>that worm on the left

Attached: Merely sleeping.jpg (345x70, 6K)

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See He developed this narrative about how "XY was the REAL person who made Tension good but he left and Dybowsky RUINED THE VOID, and that is why Pathologic 2 is going to suck" long before the Alpha for Pathologic 2 was playable. He is now just moving it forward to Marble Nest vs. Pathologic 2 but it's the exact same story:
He develops a nonsensical interpretation of the work, then gets super mad when it's not validated, and throws shit, especially on Dybowski. He has serious, serious issues. Fun thing is, he does not even seem to try and deny it.

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Any mod that makes this game run better?

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Yes, I do (realize), I explicitly called out on alpha to be Pathologic: Voice of Twyre, for one. That is of course a wordplay on The Void being Turgor: Voice of Colour.

Attached: 20190730231614_1.jpg (1920x1080, 330K)

I'll stop now.

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Marble Nest flat out confirms my interpretation of Pathologic Classic HD in its fourth-wall-breaking, "just to live on" ending however.

>He developed this narrative about how "XY was the REAL person who made Tension good but he left and Dybowsky RUINED THE VOID
I, for one, find Gauharposting rather entertaining.

Attached: Nikolay Dybowski wants to sell you a steppe bride.jpg (2299x1682, 372K)

And it still does not strike you as a case of serious projection?
Also, I realize that you memory is selective, but you actually said that BEFORE the Alpha. Not to mention your entire argument got torn into pieces. How the fuck can you keep holding onto it if every single time you bring this mental bullshit up people flood you with counter-arguments? The fuck is wrong with you?

Do you not see the problem is in you? Do you not see how desperate this is?

Wish I had bought Pathologic years ago when I found it in a bargain bin, would love to have it on my shelf now
Funny thing is, I've stumped upon this title again and again on separate occasions, even torrenting and trying it out for few minutes, but only managed to get invested in the remake

I once found Pathologic hard copy sold in my local grocery store. I do regret not buying it at that time.

What? You claim I called Marble Nest "Voice of Twyre"? I seriously doubt that. It is true I initially didn't fully get Marble Nest, but I was instantly intrigued by its promotional vignettes and its intro, and there just wasn't much reason for me to mock it like that. You sure you are not misremembering things somehow?

>that file name
How much would she cost Khatanger?

>I'd struggle to pick between Swarm or Fractured.
Those are the two I took.
Decay looks good too, but not in a "I want this hanging on my wall" way.
As for the other two... meh. I'd rather have some of the art Meethos posted in kickstarter updates, but I guess you can't just take any picture and upscale it to a A1 size poster.

Attached: dolls.jpg (700x1049, 248K)

Look at your face now that everyone posted here. Looking pretty silly.

No, I claim that you said Pathologic 2 is going to be as "bad" as The Void before the Alpha, I don't remember your pretentious formulation that you seem to be so fucking proud, and I remember VIVIDLY engaging you again after the Alpha was released, because I do remember quite well telling you that the predictions you made the JUST RELEASED ALPHA has not been confirming.
And if this fucking selective memory does not strike you as more evidence for seriously psychological issues, I don't know what to tell you.

Also, you may not realize this either, but you have LITERALLY switched your arguments 180 degrees over the time I've been fucking indulging you: going from "Tension is great because it offers unlimited possible interpretation, The Void is bad because it actually focuses on a tangible set of themes", to now going around and saying that Pathologic 2 is bad because it offers (according to you and NOBODY ELSE) too many possible interpretation and not a solid core one.

It's absolutely amazing the bullshit you spout here. And it's fascinating how UTTERLY incapable of actually acknowledging arguments made by others you are. People explained to you how The Void refined Tension, and people have explained to you how absolutely IDIOTIC your complaints about Pathologic 2 are: and yet you keep on spouting the same shit over and over and over


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For all I know you guys could be the same person, two split twin personalities waging war on each other.

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Wouldn't put it past him. Gauharposter has been going like this for 3-4 years at least.

Attached: herpaderp.png (1129x292, 95K)

Sell me on this game.

Where does that come from? I've watched him post for long time, and I have no idea what he has to do with "Gauhar" or what that is even supposed to be.

It's thirty bucks.

That's a lot tho.

See: That is really the most "honest" pitch anyone can provide you.

If you want some funny anecdotes: it's a game where you can do business in organ trafficing and sell razors to children in exchange for drugs. I thought that is pretty funny.

My brother had the bright idea to make me play Pathologic when I was 8.
Imagine my surprise when Yea Forums recommends me the game fifteen years later, and I instantly recognize it as "that game that gave me nightmares as a kid".
Funny thing is, I never even saw the truly horrible stuff. Back then, the executors and worms were enough to spook me to hell and back.

Attached: 1448110563364.jpg (1920x1080, 610K)

ssshhh... You gonna activate him.

Interesting. And you have any means to back up those claims of yours? Also, we are talking about the same 3-day alpha, NOT Final Rehearsal, right?

Also, you seem to be misunderstanding my interpretation of Tension. My view is, sisters contradict each other on EVERYTHING you actually see in the game, therefore you can just as well go and develop your own worldview based on your own experience, instead of repeating words after someone else. There is a second layer, connected with Nameless Sister specifically (by the way, in Tension, Turgor, Russian version, she was actually voiced by Aldiyarova), but it's largely beside my current point. And my current point is that Tension does make a point, and it makes that point by means of not having any canon sources of information about the ingame world (Nameless Sister is a special case, but even she, at the end of the day, I think, is just a Sister). The Void / Voice of Colour did break that setup in a very silly way, I think no intelligent person with a sense of self-worth would allow.

Incidentally, Aldiyarova exited IPL after Tension's release and did not participate in making of The Void at all. This may or may not be a coincidence.

After all, initial version of Turgor was developed for 2.5-3 years. Updated version - another year. You tell me which one ought to have had more thought in it.

The game is pretty fucking unsettling even for an adult. I was 19 when I first played it, and it gave me nightmares too.

Play Pathologic 2

Well, let's just say, that IPL back in OG Pathologic/Tension times was a small team, and that there was a certain quite lively lady there, of Kazakh heritage, who officially was the PR person there, but
You don't do PR for a 10people-geared obscure game 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week for what? 5-6 years or something (2002/2003-2008)? That's for one. Second, in the Russian interviews on Tension, with her and Nikolai, she always had an incomparably better grasp on the game, answered precisely and up to the point, with genuine undestanding of questions and subject matter discussed. It wasn't some misguided enthusiasm, she just appeared to be Genuinely Smart in a very down-to-Earth way. The same also concerns her behavior on a couple of Tension's bonus videos.

What I personally highly suspect was happening, is that, being formally a PR manager, she was actually a producer in everything but title, she had a coherent personal vision of both Pathologic and Tension, she made sure the team properly communicated and was on the same page, and she subtly influenced how they viewed the game they were making with her own version of it. In other words, I highly suspect her being Teh Gray Eminence of IPL, and the primary reason those two games ended up being actually coherent and having palpable points, and not some meandering pretentious bloats.

The most explicit tell of the extent of her influence is that The Void, the remastered version of Tension, was made entirely in her absence, and let's just say, that there is a reason The Void is not particularly well regarded in Russian-speaking countries.

t. the guy himself, I suppose. I got this from the archives.

I agree OP. Pathologic 2 is actually one of the best games released this decade in my opinion. It's actual grade A bullshit it hasn't gotten more recognition because it's not even that inaccessible.

Do you know about tan? It's a delicious drink that quenches both hunger AND thirst.
Straight from the bull!

Attached: Tan.png (800x800, 238K)

>mandalore "spinal tap" gaming posts pathologic video
>pathologic threads are the new FOTM on Yea Forums

You are literally saying what I said, but you still claim that I misunderstood?
Also: The Void is an updated version of Turgor, you cretin. No additional assets, voiceacting, level design was necessary: they literally changed ballance, shifted color of ONE background, and cut some dialogue. You are suprised that did not take as long as making the game in the first place?
Are you sane? How can you fucking vomit this shit and then take yourself seriously? You are talking about voiceacting not getting further involved in the process of a game THAT DID NOT REQUIRE FURTHER VOICEACTING as an evidence to your case?

Do you fucking listen to yourself? How can you utter something THIS fucking dumb and continue as if nothing has happened? You literally did not realize that rebalance of a game is not the same as developing it from the ground up! JESUS.

And here's more.

Did it ever occur to you that there are albums, movies, and games shaped into what they are not primarily by their "starts" and frontmen, but by their production managers, coordinating everyone in the team, Teh Star included in a particular way, all the while conveying to the team "nifty" ideas that end up ultimately assembling into a coherent whole?

Point is, that Ice-Pick Lodge in its early days had a very suspicious (from a point of being a potential Grey Eminence) person, a woman called Gauhar Aldiyarova. Her formal position was PR manager, but nobody ever denied that her influence exceeded well beyond that. She worked in the company during the production of the original Pathologic and the original version of Turgor, named Tension (as opposed to the second version, named The Void, at the time of production of which she has already left the company). These are by far two most respected IPL's games in its Russian community.

Now, this boundary between Tension and The Void, coinciding with her leave is very telling, because The Void does a very, very stupid thing, that makes the whole point of Tension completely and utterly moot without introducing anything worthwhile - evidencing, that whoever did The Void - meaning Dybowski - didn't fucking understand the point his own, arguably, game was fucking conveying before he broke the elaborate setup that made that game convey that point with one wrong dumb fucking move (namely, introducing the Voice of Colour).

And THAT should tell you EVERYTHING you should know about Dybowsky's artistic pretensions.

I'd rather not, thank you very much.

It seems like you are not properly infromed about the script Actor. Sorry about that! The thing is that actors here been rehersing this script since 2005! With regular frequency too. Quite crazy huh?

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So it's the same shit over and over again: What does the Guahar have to do with anything? Is this the name of this bizzare magical person conveniently used to make up reasons to talk about shit?

Nameless Sister was completely re-voiced, that was actually one of the major sources of complaints in the Russian community.

delusional, thats what you are.

This game came out in 2005, remakes don't qualify for GOTY

Amazing. Just amazing... That is some fucking tinfoil hate mental gymnastic right there...

Reimagining, checkmate goyim.

That's not outer wilds

I like how the game gives me the option to treat the kin like the niggers they are.
>this is what the kin drink
Absolutely disgusting, God damn bull fuckers

>Absolutely disgusting, God damn bull fuckers
Amen to that, brother.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you stupid butcher? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in medical school, and I’ve been involved in numerous bar brawls and student protests in the capital, and I own over 300 microscopes. I am trained in the injection of antibiotics, and I’m the top practitioner in the entire Thanatica lab. You are nothing to me but just another test subject. You better run before I take out my scalpel, or you'll need a degree to understand what's happening to you, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit by sending me a letter at 10pm? Think again, cowfucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of drunks across the town and your hideout is being staked out right now so you better prepare for the storm, worm. The storm that makes the Sand Pest look like a light fever. You’re fucking dead, "oynon". I can get anywhere, slowly, and do whatever I want around here, since I'm the only one with a degree in this shithole of a town. I let the Plague infect over 700 people yesterday, just to study it, and the town rulers still gave me full authority and emergency powers. Not only am I extensively trained in the use of revolvers, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Griff's warehouses and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable backwater traditions off the face of the earth, you little primitive. If only you could have followed the lines to deduce what your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have stayed in the fucking abbatoir where you belong. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, and it's three times higher than yesterday. Medicum morbo adhibere. You’re fucking dead, emshen.

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You are not saying the same thing at all. There isn't any unlimited interpretation in Tension. It flat out says (also through Nameless Sister's ark as well) it is in your own best interests to use your head to think for yourself drawing whatever conclusions based on your past, rather than to blindly follow in whoever's footsteps cosplaying a parrot. Moreover so, since you interpret others' words through meanings derived from your own past anyway.

>remakes don't qualify for GOTY
You're making up those rules.

>6 people at risk
>4 get infected
>have to use all my showders and Panacea to fix them up
>well that wasn't so bad I guess, ould have been worse
>Day 9
>10 fucking people are at risk

I played the original so a remake is not that good to me. It's not original. Maybe if you didn't play the original this game might seem like GOTY but you still have to admit the original exists and this is just a copy.

I bought the bull, only talked to him on day 2 when I got him then he left for a while, finally came back. Was there I time I could have talked to him between day 2 and when he vanishes?
Your delusional, get some sleep Emshen.

>this is just a copy.
But it's not.

Are the kin the niggers of pathologic?

>the original exists and this is just a copy
Did you even play it? It's different enough to consider it a different game imo. I mean, do you apply the same logic to Prey or the resident evil remakes?

There is no rule of nature saying that the imitation cannot surpass the original

And it does so, I think, I am not sure, through application of a technique called "reduction to absurdity" (over the course of Sisters conversations) which is a perfectly valid "impossibility proof" of sorts. Moreover, the contradiction theme could also be seen as a development, from Pathologic, of both "three houses" theme and the theme of three routes explicitly contradicting each other, which is connected to the first one anyway.

You are, you are just pretending like it's more valuable than it really is. What you describe is a completely vapid and cheap trick of postmodernism, the good old "Insert your own interpretation here" that ultimately means nothing to no-one aside from insanely insecure people like you.
I can really see why The Void angers you so much. It actually tells something tangible, and no doubt completely and utterly makes you look and feel like a moron for whatever vapid pretentious shit you inserted yourself into Tension.

The Void offers a far more tangible lesson, one that is not cheap "pat yourself on the back, you are so special". One that others and I have already explained to you, probably more than once.
An explaination that you simply refuse to acknowledge because after all: this has always been about your self-validation. Gauhar exists only as your tool to validate yourself, and Dybowski is such a sworn enemy to you because he represents the notion that your own head-cannon might not be all that fucking important.

Just like people offered explanation of substance in Pathologic 2, which you ignored by claiming you are TOO good for that shit, and then saying the game lacks substance because it does not validate your own head-cannon about one particular element of the meta-narrative you are so god damn proud off.

Again: do you not see how fucking sad this shit is? And you have been going on at it for YEARS.

I'll refer you once again to my original point: You need help.

That is some of the dumbest logic I've seen in this thread so far, and you are in a thread with that Gauhar fellow.

I haven't played it but all the praise I have seen of it applies equally to the original. They talk about the world, the survival RPG mechanics, and the immersion. Are you telling me it does something new that makes it much better than the original (instead of marginally better, like graphics, translation, etc)?

Yes. Don't talk about games you haven't played next time.

This game has been on my radar for a while but I think I'm finally gonna pull the trigger. Should I just go in completely blind?

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I'm very excited to hear what exaxtly makes 2 so much better than the original, but obviously that's not happening today, I'm just meant to take your word.

It's probably good to know that it is a fundamentaly unfriendly game, and that it is intentionally going to stress and frustrate the hell out of you, but there are fairly valid reasons as to why.
If however, consciously torturing yourself for fundamentally only narrative pay-off does not sound appealing to you, then exercise caution, and maybe try just the demo fist.

>not playing games for fun
fuck off

Prey yes, re2 remake no. Pathologic 2 is somewhere in the middle, it's the same characters, setting and overall plot, but plays differently, has more shit going on like the fund and working at the hospital during the days and characters get expanded upon as well as the lore.

>playing games JUST for fun


The intergation of the survival mechanics, if you want to hear it specifically. They have been vastly expanded, and now play a far more significant role - not only making the gameplay far more involving and requiring a lot more strategy and actual mastery of the mechanics - but also giving completely new weight to multiple key narrative moments. These mechanics are build completly from the ground up.

The second thing this game does better is by MASSIVELY expanding the characters and the player's relationship to them. In a game that always had its greatest strenght in characters, this is a pretty major deal. The structure of the quests, the amount of interactions you have, and the role they play is pretty much incomparable to the original game.

Also, your logic is completely idiotic from the start, because you assign value to pure fact of chronological primogeniture. By your logic, the initial sketches Michelangelo drafted months and years before starting his work on Sixtine Chapel are inherently more valuable than the Chapel itself because... they came first. Also a prototype of a game is inherently more valuable than the game itself, and so on.

But again: why the fuck are you passing judgement on two games, NEITHER of which you played?

I'll just go onto a bit of a tangent here. Yes, you'll probably claim LITERALLY NO ONE CARES, but you know, I don't either, so might as well do it despite giving you one more excuse to bicker. There was a sort of source of inspiration behind my take on Tension and The Void. That source of inspiration is Akutagawa's In the Grove (which uses self-contradictions in order to push home the point YOU WEREN'T THERE, what you IMAGINE is NOT what has happened - it's fiction anyway, by the way - so you might as well STOP. WASTING. TIME. and do something else instead) and Kurosava's much acclaimed Rashomon movie (which broke the whole setup of the novel, which made it notable enough to be movie-fied in the first place) by adding an incredibly trite fourth viewpoint.
It's just fucking disrespect, that's what it is.

Anyway, it seems to me, that whatever you happen to find genuinely meaningful in Void, is quite meaningless to me, whatever I happen to find genuinely meaningful in Tension, is quite meaningless to you, whatever you happen to find genuinely meaningful in Pathologic 2 is quite meaningless to me, and whatever I happen to find genuinely meaningful in Pathologic Classic HD is quite meaningless to you.

Isn't that the point where we both could just agree to disagree and to go onto our merry ways?

And, actually, Marble Nest fourth-wall-breaking ending DOES state in plain words my breakdown of Pathologic. So I am not the only person, Pathologic made sense to. And that sense Pathologic 2, seems to me, just doesn't convey. Take that however you fucking please, if in any way.

pretty much. You'll be confused at first if you have no experience with the original but you'll manage. Just remember hunger is important, it drains pretty quickly. Need about 3 decent meals a day.

Okay, retard. I guess Doom and Doom(2016) are exactly the same game as well.

You've seen praise of it? Outside of Yea Forums?
Anyway, pathologic 2 does pretty much everything better, including storytelling, making the characters engaging, and obviously gameplay. Which is the most important aspect here, since we were discussing if it can be GAME of the year.
I'm not saying the original is worthless now, it isn't. But claiming that the new game is merely a slightly improved version is flat out wrong.

>t. journo

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I really fucking want to love it but it has a bit too many issues for me to say its unmatched. There's a lot less optional dialogue than in the original so I felt like I didn't get to spend as much time learning about characters as I did in the original. Also sections like the Termitary and the Abattoiror are still just as barebones as they were in the original which was disappointing to say the least. My main problem however, is that the final act of the campaign felt rushed as hell. The opening of the game made me really think we were gonna see the town go to hell, and I was so excited for the final days because of that intro, but the town never gets nearly that bad. In fact the final few days are actually some of the easiest because there are soldiers everywhere who kill bandits for you. Aglaya was also a huge disappointment. Shes one of the most interesting characters in the game and we barely get any time with her, despite the main characters supposed love interest. I think the final act could have been made a lot more interesting if they played up the soldiers mutiny, maybe have some soldiers actually shoot at you and have you never be sure if a soldier is friendly or not when you approach them. Finally there are only 2 endings and they are both really underwhelming.

>I'll just go onto a bit of a tangent here.
Wait, haven't you been doing that for this whole fucking time?

>Isn't that the point where we both could just agree to disagree and to go onto our merry ways?
Don't get me wrong, it at LEAST seems to start dawning on you that yes, your judgement is failible (and failing this whole time), and I consider that massive fucking achievement, but still: you are quite apparently not a child and this shit should not be dawning on you just now.

What you seek is validation. To a point where you dedicate yourself to entire crusades and massive intellectual dishonesties over and over, and that is fucking ill, and makes you, at best, PEST to deal with to anyone else who has to suffer through your bullshit.

Just fucking PLEASE, promise you'll work on this shit, and gradually get rid of these delusions. And stop making up nonensical mythologies in your head, blaming people for shit that is product of your own deranged need for the world to pander to you.

If you did not get THE VOID, fine. But don't fucking blame the devs. Same goes for Pathologic - both games, actually. The problem is in you. No one else. Fix it.

>Okay, retard. I guess Doom and Doom(2016) are exactly the same game as well.
Actually, I have to apologize, I misquoted a post I was thinking I was replying to. I meant to reply to (my point is largely the same as yours).
Again, sorry about that.

I do like me some weird and surreal settings, so I might pick it up.

If you want surrealism, I'd say look into The Void by the same developers, because that game does explore that particular artistic movement more than Pathologic 2 does. Pathologic is more akin to say, Lynch, more magical realism than surrealism. It makes much more use of grounding itself in more tangible reality.

Pirated, laughed and deleted when it brought my 2070 to its knees.
Ice Pick Lodge has always been one of those devs I APPECIATE more than I ENJOY, like the fags would say.

>Pirated, laughed and deleted when it brought my 2070 to its knees.
I have a 2060 and the game runs pretty damn smooth. Did you get the latest patches?

Whoever recorded those sound effects deserves an award. I've never been as unsettled by sound effects in a video game as the sound effects when you get in there.

This was on release day. I'm sure they've fixed the performance / optimization issues since then

I was fine with getting 40-60 fps with my 1070 and Ryzen 1600 in high settings 1080p

Thanks, I'll check that out as well.

Reality will decide, what's a delusion of mine, and what's not. Not you. I am a self-proclaimed skeptic, remember? That I know my beliefs aren't exact enough at best, erroneous at worst doesn't, however, mean, that at any point of time I don't HAVE my current set of beliefs as to what reality around me is. Which I naturally happen to state in the process of various conversations. What you offer me, basically effectively equals not to talk. Ever. Since any belief I express, from some standpoind, could be seen as delusion.

Which bears the question: Who the fuck are you to fucking censor me? You don't even seem to be the proprietor of this place. Fuck you fucking displeasured of for fuck's sale. Fuckfuckfuck. Did I say "fuck" already?

Anyway, for one, statements effectively equal to "PATHOLOGIC 2 IS A TREMENDOUS IMPROVEMENT ON ALL POINTS" just irk me the wrong way. More than that, what irks me even more the wrong way is a straight up refusal to accept (or at least an inclination to dismiss as insignificant) evidence to the contrary when presented with such - which you have the nerve to accuse me of despite engaging in that sin yourself. Which is simply a lack of self-criticism on your part, nothing else. You have no right to claim of me what you engage in yourself under same circumstances.

Second, I largely use anonymous discussions to elucidate and develop some trains of though of mine I think I still could develop, given an occasion and proper mood. I gain, through practice, the ability to better speak about the things I would like speak about. Frankly, it's not your place to tell me whether such motivations of mine are proper or not, you seem to be nobody here, same as I. So, this habit of mine is unlikely to change in a foreseeable future, regardless of whether you like it or not.

Third, you aren't me, I am not you, and I am not about to cosplay you and to repeat after you, if you are after some potential followers or whatnot.

I played Pathologic. Yes if I was blown away by sketches and thought they were the best shit I had ever seen, I wouldn't be as impressed to see them again, colored in. Especially a decade later when I've seen plenty of better sketches. It has nothing to do with "inherent value" (which doesn't exist btw since value is subjective).

Here's the thing: journos don't actually think that. They just parrot whatever makes them seem profound and mature at that time.
When they say shit like "games don't need to be fun", what they mean is walking sims and pseudo philosophical messages shoved in your face.
Also, they're incapable of not thinking in extremes, so whatever they say always has to apply to ALL games, EVER. What they should be saying is
>in some games, fun is not a prerequisite for being good

Is silent hill fun? Is Papers please fun?

No worries, actor.

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Not in the least, by the way, due having played Tension.
That's about art pretensions, cheap tricks of postmodernism, and whatever yadda-yadda through which you enunciate your displeasure when things don't go your merry way.

Never change Gauharposter

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>Third, you aren't me, I am not you
You can't fool me.

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Does it have jumpscares tho?

>Fuck you fucking displeasured of for fuck's sale.
Don't remember what that was supposed to be. Effectively "I don't really care about you being discontent with my writing, I don't consider it my obligation to please your fancies".
>You have no right to demand of me to abstain from what you engage in yourself under the same circumstances.

Some tips:

Don't eat until your hunger bar is nearly full
Remember that literally every item has value
Learn the fundamentals of the in-game trading economy
Stock up on lockpicks
do NOT take the deal

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Best girl and boy?

No, it's just unsettling

you know why no one outside of autistic contrarian pathologic shills talks about this low budget game? because it's fucking trash that sucks balls and fails fundamentally as a game

buy the bvll

Yulia and Haruspex

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>not supporting one of the last bastions of integrity and narrative value in gaming
And nothing of value was lost

None. Except maybe when you try to run from a fight, and the thugs just spin you around and stick a shiv in your face.

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>I am a self-proclaimed skeptic, remember?
I did not give a fuck then and I don't give a fuck now. It's amazing how you are STILL convinced anyone is interested in you as a person. Just another faucet of your clinical narcissism.

>Who the fuck are you to fucking censor me?
Someone who is fed up with your bullshit. You may consider me a voice of the community here, because I can fucking assure you: there are only two kinds of people around here: those that you bother, and those that find morbid fascination with watching you flail.

>is a straight up refusal to accept
Again, the levels of projection here are absolutely amazing. It's not that people refuse to accept your points: it's that you are not making any. You are literally the only person who did not examine the opposing claims, you are the only one who straight up ignores statements leveled at them.

Everyone has read your arguments, and wasted a lot of time tearing them apart. People have acknowledged your arguments. It's just that they universally end up being either trivial, or straight up logically inconsistent. Absolute majority of them stands on a simple basic refusal to listen to others, and question your little fucking conspiracy theories.

>Frankly, it's not your place to tell me whether such motivations of mine are proper or not
Yes, how dare I engage you, and try to help you to improve yourself!
Again: dude, you are textbook narciss, and that is quite a dangerous mental disorder.

a piss filter to rival Deus Ex HR's

Twyre is in bloom, yada yada.

>Does it have jumpscares tho?
The worst case is that you might get startled if you run into a plague cloud or get jumped by an enemy, but it's not your classic screamer or anything like it. More like a case of getting absorbed into one thing and not noticing another thing until its very close.

You seem to be really keen on badmouthing me. Perhaps, we shall continue some other time in some other Pathologic thread if I happen to have something I would like to elucidate for myself, and you would just happen to be passing by. As of right now, I have what I consider to be better ways to occupy myself, than to provide you entertainment. So in regard to this thread, I don't promise you anything. Maybe it just happens I return, maybe it just happens I don't. At best, I currently regard you as being mildly annoying, quite earnestly too.

Have a good day.

Unless twyre is in bloom exactly and only in looted districts, that excuse does not hold up.

However, the filters do serve a clear mechanic function and they toned them down a bit in the second game.

>there's both a Rain World and Pathologic 2 thread up right now
oh fucking nice, Yea Forums isn't totally irredeemable toda-
>like 60% of both of the threads are autism-induced shitstorms
god dammit

So who was the best sister, in the end?

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Don't feel bad to reload a day. Completely blind can fuck you up into unwinnable spiral on default difficulty.


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>So who was the best sister, in the end?
Nameless Sister, but... you know how that pans out. After her, I have to say Ole and Yani.
Ole is fascinating, partially due to her chamber being most interesting, and partially because she is the only one that asks questions.

Yani is just cute. And kind.


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>no porn of her with her new, even skimpier outfit
further proof god has abandoned his creations

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Lara is for bull only

yes i agree with this post

Thanks for not banning me I guess

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Good taste, Yani is a cutie, and her and Ole's chambers are among my favorites. Absolutely loved how going "up" in the Void makes the areas more and more civilized and human instead of broken wastelands.

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The first visit to the Surface made me genuinely horrified, on par with my first encounter with Albino in the first game. The sudden mundanity and relatability reminding me that there is something that ties the dream-like world to something very tangible caught be by absolute surprise. It was such a brilliant move.

It's a bit shame that these moments cannot be really replicated. Pathologic 2 does not really have anything that would equal to Albino/Surface. Though it does offer other absolutely stunning moments.

Horrified? For me it was a so-bright-it-hurts reminder of why I was trying to get out in the first place. Nice of them to give you a glimpse of it instead of the usual "trust me it's pretty you'll love it" descriptions of a better place.

I think Pathologic was more character-focused than The Void, which meant its moments were more dramatic than visual, if that makes any sense. Less memorable oomph than say, The Adit (which was my "holy shit" moment of choice in The Void) but still memorable in terms of what happened.

Time to lower the bar of the discussion itt a little.


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fix your spine you fgt

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the simple yet elegant rule of Yea Forums discussion is that if things are going poorly or if posting is slowing down, post cute girls

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To me, both moments instilled deep dread into me, because they effectively constituted a breach of a "comfort zone" and things I've grown accustomed within the game. In Pathologic, I got accustomed to the idea that magic, while constantly referenced, is not actually actively displayed, that it is something that gets talked about, but only largely as some form of metaphore or philosophical mindset. Then BAM! Albino.

The Void had the exact opposite impact on me: I grew accustomed to the surreal world, lack of tangible characters and much of connection to reality. Then suddenly BAM! Surface.

Both games caused me to immediately doubt pretty much everything that I considered "given" within the game, and that made me extremely uneasy about what to expect, and if I was doing the right things this whole time.

Pathologic 2 does a different thing - as you correctly say, it's far more character driven, and it's strongest moments were those where you had to face some trully hard choice about someone who you grown to like. But it never pulled the rug from beneath me the way Pathologic 1 and The Void did.

I dunno man, seeing the lines during nocturnal ending as you climb and speak to dev confessions was pretty breathtaking to me.

Only got the Diurnal ending so far, I have been postponing my second playthrough.

want to get into this game so bad but keep getting turned off by the schizophrenic illiterate slavs posting in these threads

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>But it never pulled the rug from beneath me the way Pathologic 1 and The Void did.
I mean, the easiest way to explain this is that by playing the first game, not only have you already peeked behind the curtain and found out that yes, magic is real, but it being Haruspex's path means that magic, or at least steppe superstitions, are on full display and taken from granted.

That's a good way to put it, though. I'd grown familiar with the gardens and the Sisters and gotten a handle on the resource management and was starting to think, man, this place isn't so bad, it has its own kind of beauty and charm. Then yeah, BAM, Surface. A reminder not to settle because it's easy, comfortable, and familiar. That there's a better life out there, if you're willing to work for it.

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i have 1060 and it works flawlessly

>a couple weirdos on a yugoslavian papercraft hotglueing imageboard are turning you off something cool
don't be a doofus, give it a shot
you don't even have to report back
just remember to BVY THE BVLL

>I want to get into these games but some literal who on a anonymous image board turns me off it

Lara is Haruspex wife.

It's true that Haruspex's route itself does not lend itself nearly as much to such a "shocker" as Bachelor's one, but it actually did do the same thing at one point (meeting the rat prophet), which I assume people who chose to play Haruspex first had a very similar reaction to.

I think there is also just the simple think that it relies a lot on shock value, and it just can't be recreated twice. The team, knowing a lot of their players will be Pathologic 1 players, decided to focus their attention elsewhere. It's a perfectly sensible thing to do.
Also, it's worth mentioning that the extremely low-budget nature of Pathologic 1 also lended itself better to such moments. In Pathologic 1, by day four, seeing just how much reused assets the game has, how much it clearly cut corners, I simply did not assume such a thing would be there, because it would require entire dedicated model and animations for just one such scene. In Pathologic 2, when you see the much more varied assets, when you see things like the Bull at the beggining of the game, you know from start that you can "expect unexpected things" if that makes any sense.

Again, I don't think it was a bad decision to avoid similar moments in Pathologic 2. I think it has many scenes that more than makes up for it. I'm just frankly fascinated by the sheer mechanics of it: what exactly lies in the effect of those moments in P1 and The Void.

And I will admit, even when I was expecting unexpected, the Big Chamber of Zurkhen (or whatever it was called) still managed to caught me off guard. That shit was pretty fucking impressive. I absolutely LOVED how simply they managed to convey the whole nature of the towns problem with just one single visual image.

Illiterate? The fuck?

Give me the quick rundown on the difference between Haruspex's route in classic and 2. I only recently played classic and only Bachelor before jumping into 2.

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Why? Just jump straight up into Pathologic 2's Haruspex, why do you need to spoil it by reading up the same story in slightly different variation?

I've already beat 2, the only difference I know of is that Rubin, Lara and Grief aren't childhood friends and I think I recall hearing Oyun is more of a cunt.

>the Big Chamber of Zurkhen
Holy shit yes. The simplest of metaphors, except it's not a metaphor.

I suspect if you hadn't previously played P1, that would have been the moment where it all thunks into place. The "scroll out too far on the map" moment, though I guess they had that bit in 2 as well.


You did do it right?

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How do you know the name of the place?

Nah, he's always going to be a fag.

The main differences are:
A) there is no mention of any relationship between Lara, Grief and Stakh. Stakh also just in general plays less of a role, there are no quests to save him as far as I remember.
B) your relationship to the kids is much less pronounced. Murky isn't your daughterfu, Khan does not leave his tower at all, much less chastise you for letting him to go to the house of death and so on. On a plus side, Victoria is much friendlier.
C) The Kin are FAR more one dimensional in P1. They are basically inhuman, strange herd. There is no theme of cultural clash like in P2.
E) no Herbs Bride for you.
F) Your relationship to Alpyna feels more fleshed out.
G) It is revealed that Oyun is the murderer of your father and you have to legit fight him as a bull-type boss fight to avenge your father.

And of course, the ending is different, but you know that: the ending is the same for all three characters in P1, so you've seen how it works in your Bachellor route.

Classic was -
>Aglaya slightly better developed, there's something of an actual romance there instead of "you disappoint me, now let's run away together forever"
>last three days an awful slog where you do even more running around than usual, except with one hunger/exhaustion etc. bar maxed out culminating in a boss fight of all things
>Aspity better fleshed out (hue)
>the kids are very, very poorly developed, Murky in particular has almost no dialogue, though Capella is less her mom and therefore nicer
>there's a cool bit where you get your first infected organ by gutting the steppe bride dancer in the pub seconds before Bachelor arrives
Lots and lots of little things, and more big things I'm forgetting. P2 was a big improvement in many cases, but losing some of Aglaya's flirting and character development is unfortunate.

Pretty sure when you "talk" to the Heart it's called that. A play on it being both a room, and the "chamber" of a heart, I'm sure.

Don't forget
>Dybovsky-san, what should we do as main quests for Haruspex on Day 9 and 10?

>361 posts
>No mention of the ost
Granted I preferred a lot of the tracks that play while walking in town (save this one youtube.com/watch?v=GQTwUo8MwaA) but a lot of the ones that place in specific places are great.

Yeah, I forgot about the Hunchback daughter quest. They indeed omitted that one. Which makes me really wonder how they plan/planned to play it in Bachellor's route.

I did not forget that, no matter how hard I tried. I just felt it's not really relevant to the story.

You also seem to have forgotten the wonderful "bring me fucking 50 FUCKING IMMUNITY BOOSTERS" bullshit, if we want to talk about how bad some parts of P1 got.

In general, it felt like Haruspex's route in P1 was very... directionless. Like half of the days you felt like you are just passing time.
P2 still suffers a LITTLE bit of that, but significantly less.

Oh yeah, and I remembered one other detail: Big Vlad does not throw you into prison this time.
In original, you get locked up by Vlad for snooping too much around the Termitary. The fucker never owns up to it, you have to play the Bachelor to learn what the fuck was that about.

Useless Science is 10/10 my kids are dying of plague while I waste hours in Victor's house listening to this tier

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>Capella is less her mom
I thought Victoria was suppose to be the "good" mistress and Nina was the bitch one, I thought it was due to her father she acts like that.
>At fifteen, she’s all but grown up. The leader and “mother” of the town’s children, she’s the daughter of the “good” Mistress Victoria and Vlad Olgimsky, an imposing and calculating industrialist. Capella is almost obsessed with the idea of walking in her mother’s footsteps, of becoming the town’s guardian angel and building a world of warmth and hope, but without her noticing, her father’s features are starting to show in her. Indeed, in order to build anything, you need political calculation among other things. She develops the theme of children making a necessary sacrifice out of the town’s obsolete things, the parts of its legacy that the future has no need of.
Nevertheless, she’s a positive and pleasant person. Her eyes are tender, dreamy and a little short-sighted.

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I don't recall it coming up in the Bachelor route of classic but does Aglaya know none of it is real in that?

The faces of the drunks still crack me up.

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I think he means that she is more obsessed with her responsibility as a mistress. Not that she is a bitch. Victoria was indeed supposed to be the kind one, but both of them had a massive issue of messianism and certain deal of arrogance that comes from that: the feeling that it's their DUTY to step in. In P2, they play that side of her a lot more, which makes her come across much less likable, especially due to that one moment.

Yeah, she does. It's the one element of the story I always kinda disliked. I think it's actually handled a little better in P2. Because in P1 she "just knows". In P2 they spend a lot more time explaining what makes her so special, and thus it also makes more sense that she is aware of her... predicament. Still, I feel like it's a bit needless.

I meant it more as, she's jumping into the Mistress role with both feet far earlier than she's really ready for. She makes Mistress-y decisions like taking away your kids because that's what Mistresses do, and she can't really be entirely faulted for that due to the circumstances, but she ends up doing several things that seem needlessly antagonistic to Haruspex in the process. Which make her seem less likeable to the player.

I think she's acting a bit like Saburov in that regard, in the sense of "someone has to step up during a crisis and I will if no one else does".

Haven't read the artbook yet, waiting hoping on my physical copy.

I never realized how bad is Artemy's posture. Fucking straighten up your back for fuck sake!

I go from liking the kids in this game to wanting to fucking shoot them with my shotgun. I do like how sweet Haruspex is with them though, like offering to take in Grace once it's all over or caring about Murky.

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I was pretty surprised that time actually was going faster once the inquisitor showed up and they actually gave a explanation for it.

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I really think the way the game handles the whole theme of adulthood vs. childhood is fucking amazing. The kids are actual kids, and the role you have towards them as an adult is actually really, really well explored. This was one of those games where it genuinely broke my heart to do something I KNOW the kids will hate me for, but it's for their own good in the end.
I loved how the game rubs your nose in your stupidity when you join the kids searching for the death house too.

It's such a god damn mature way of approaching these things. Why do so very few games tackle subjects like these?

I guess the sales charts for P2 answer that question.

Those two kids are an exception, there's no need to let them get to you.

God damn that is fucking brilliant. I completely missed that line. Fuck me that is some remarkable attention to detail, and to consistency.

>what happens you

What do you mean, actor? Children are blank slates made of pure innocence and it's the ugly world of adults and their angry, murderous father figures that destroy that innocence UwU

Pathologic 2 is the second good, and probably the last, sad dad game

>I go from liking the kids in this game to wanting to fucking shoot them with my shotgun
I went through the same process with the Kin. I really liked them initially.

I fucking wanted them all dead by the end of the game.

The bit with Notkin right at the very beginning, where you can try and tell him that killing is never right and he turns it right back on you, who just killed three people not a few hours ago, was fantastic for that.

>Do as I say, kid, not as I do.
It's no wonder half the kids in Town don't want to grow up, and the other half already consider themselves grownups.

Best unintentional dad simulator in years.

Which one was the first?

Not gonna lie, I didn't like how Khan wouldn't let me speak to him. He's right in what he's saying but I still didn't feel right about not getting to check in on them myself.

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I hate how the game just drops him after day 4 since he's likely dead for most people.

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Nier. The first one, not Automata, obviously

Surely you mean onii-chan game, not dad game.

for me its

So the Haurspex served as a army surgeon did he? I don't recall that coming up, just him studying surgery.

Big bros serve the same role in Japan as dads do in the west. It doesn't matter much on that front, though I admit I probably wouldn't relate to oniichan as much as I did to papa, since I'm a single kid

You won't know what to expect so the difficulty might hit you harder than someone else, but it's fine. Aside from that, there's only like two deliberate instances of calling back to the people who played the original, with one being hidden behind a backer only quest and the other being a fucking sfx.

He has gotten better and streamed recently.

Heh, was just trying to instigate.
Is there a way to play that outside of PS3 yet? I keep waiting for a port or a remaster or something but nope.

bachelor and cringeling when?

What did he stream? I didn't know he did stream, he's pretty much the only e-celeb I watch.

Druids two and holy shit he got so drunk by the end.

Nope. Still locked behind last gen. Maybe it emulates well, but I dunno.

Here is the link to the stream. twitch.tv/videos/459819731

>Finalized Pathologic 2 is just... result of far more compromises being made than they hoped for when they presented Marble Nest.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about, P2 is essentially Marble Nest but with more mechanics and polished gameplay.

Fuck. I'll probably just cave and buy a used PS3 at some point, there's no way my laptop can handle emulation.

>tfw you didn't save the chadkovsky navy-seals style pasta which was absolutely golden
>"I can get anywhere, slowly"

was i supposed to hear the plague even after i cured it?

Yeah, he sounds pretty fucked at the end.


Don't take the deal if you play it.


It was a great time, I wish him luck man he is a good guy. I actually been able to talk to him

That is actually up to the player to decide. The game gives the option to answer it to the player. There is no confirmation or denial of it anywhere else in the game.

>still no one asking for sauce
Guess I'll be the one. Only for archival purposes, of course.

>I actually been able to talk to him
What did you talk about? When did you talk even? I really want to try cultist simulator after seeing his video on it.

I played years ago pathologic 1 HD (only completed bachelor and about a half of haruspex) and I started playing 2 on my potato laptop. Aside from the improved graphics I don't see much of a difference, I got hyped at the intro but after that it's pretty much the same game, minus two characters. Even the town looks similar, and they've could done much better with clutter and interior design. It feels like pathologic HD HD. And if you're playing on a potato like me, with everything to minimum, it actually looks worse.

What's the big deal with the sequel? Or am I forgetting how the original was? Will we have to pay full again for every character? Considering it will take years for each, I guess so?

Play Pathologic 2

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Oh I ask him about when he was streaming, talking about pathologic a bit. Did not talk much but it was nice

grace sfws when?

>there's a cool bit where you get your first infected organ by gutting the steppe bride dancer in the pub seconds before Bachelor arrives

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You are forgetting a lot. But aside from that, a lot of the major changes aren't immediately as noticeable as you would think. The biggest changes are in how the economy works and the entire cascade of both gameplay and narrative implications it has, and the greatly expaneded narrative, especially when it comes to characters and quest-lines.

The town does indeed feel very familiar (which is rather obviously, the god damn point), and so does the rythm of the game, at least at first. When I first played the Alpha, I had exactly the same problem as you have: It felt a little too familiar.

But as things start to get going, as you'll start to see how much as changed in terms of how the resource management works, and how different the characters and plot points are, you should be pretty blown away in just how much they REALLY improved.

But ultimately, you do have to keep in mind: this is their take on how pathologic should have looked in the first place. Familiarity is unavoidably part of it.

tf you doin' here Shammy?

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I hope you're right, I'm still just in the second day but it feels like I'm playing the same game again with washed out textures and a more helpful tragedian.

That's why he's based. He has no patience for plebs and thots.

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I am kinda gay just not gay enough to be shammy sorry.

Keep playing for a bit, you'll see some interesting changes pretty soon. I'd say later in Day 3 is when it starts to diverge a bit more from the original.

>still nobody knows what's the fucking track playing in Georgy's house
it's okay, i will just keep the game installed and play it with speakers on while doing somethign else

Tried playing this game for 2-3 hours and deleted it, honestly it is probably the most boring game i have ever playey dont know what Yea Forums incels see in it

In P1 she directly goes full meta during Haruspex day 12 and reveals that she is a doll that the mother of the kids used since she was little and gifted it to them, which is why she is hated and was sent to die

Okay roastie, go play sims.

Thank you for letting us all know.

no problem trannys now dilate

>In P2 they spend a lot more time explaining what makes her so special, and thus it also makes more sense that she is aware of her... predicament
Please elaborate, I never got her to talk about any of that

>calls others trannies
>can't into slav kino
Okay bigger.

there are a lot of slav kinos this isn't one of them, now dilate

>I really want to try cultist simulator
Don't then, cultist simulator is a garbage game

>Please elaborate, I never got her to talk about any of that
Well, in P2 they really play up the whole genius part of it. In P1, they really don't draw that much attention to it, she is presented more as an administrator, and less as a strange, near-autism level absolute logician.
When she figures out what is up in P2, it's not just "oh by the way I know this and this". It's more of a gradual process, a necessary theory that she comes to pretty much out of her own volition. And it's always presented as her speculation.
In other words, in P1 she is basically all-knowing for no adequate reason, and in P2 she is a genius that create a theory that to her, is just the most logical conclusion to the events that she has observed within the town.

This is such a lazy attempt to shitpost I feel almost sorry for you.

>Dude none of this is real why are you upset at our asspull cliche ending!
Not only is it illogical, its pretentious.

That is a TINY bit better, but still. You need to work on it.

>I posted a contrarian opinion on Yea Forums!

How do I get into playing Turgor?
Finished pathologic 1 a year ago but am finding it hard to get into a good rhythm with this game.

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How so?

>Intercontinental actors are just coming in brining in their little parts from their dadaist essays (shitposts as they say)
This is really great actors, thanks for showing support to our little play.

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The Void (and turgor even more) have a very, very strange rythm and basically the only way to get "better" in them is to jump and swim, fuck up once, twice, three times before you get the hang of it.

i know you are here mandalore, you are the only e celeb i care about, get better and finish this damned review

i hope next year they release the other characters

>Implying this wasn't peak kino

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Well he's streaming so he's likely well enough to work on it.

>absolutely terrible gameplay revolved around grinding repetitive actions
>no story at all beyond "you found a spooky book so you decided to start a cult, now only goal until endgame is grinding enough lore points to reach the ending"
>all the "cultist" do is just being sent to the expedition grind until the RNG gives you a book that gives the lore points you need or fucking over the police
>no lore at all beyond short sentence descriptions here and there, most of them being completely unrelated to eachtoehr and they don't even mean much
>rituals devolve into "dump enough lore points until you summon an eldritch abomination(read: a temporal cultist that can only do the exact same things normal cultists do but with better success rates)"
>gameplay is so shit and repetitive it ruins any atmosphere
>lack of atmosphere and engaging lore leaves the game just a shell of terrible gameplay with boring flavor text guiding you in the mindless griding that culminates in a "gg you won" screen if you are autistic enough not to realize how shit the game is and you play until the end

What about sunless sea or that newer one that came out then?

>try to review pathologic 2
>get infected with sand pest and die
Bravo Dybowski.

Well congrats for admitting you have adhd

sunless sea is good, it still has garbage gameplay like cultist simulator, but instead focuses on exploring a very unique and interesting setting that has been developing since the browser game Fallen London and completing questlines with interesting lore and stories all over the world
Do not play it on the intended difficulty though, permadeath adds nothing to the game and you might want to look up how to get started making money/cheat to make ships move faster since unlike pathologic, the tedium comes from poor game design and I can totally understand why people would cheat to get to the next bit of story faster
I don't know about Sunless Skyes though, I played it a bit and seemed more of the same but with QoL changes to remove tedium

Oh, I thought he's dead already.

never ever

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that's what people said about the backer rewards.

>console release
Has there been any news on that? I'd love to get this game on my playstation

The devs have went pretty quiet, released a few patches. The latest I've seen of them was

I really want to believe you user. I'd pay them twice just to see Cringeling and Bachelor's routes finished.

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I would as well desu. We'll likely have to anyway since I think the plan was
>If the game sells well, they'll release the other two for free
>If it sells poorly, they'll charge for them
Is that your drawing? Are you that drawfag who did that sweet Bachelor fanart?

this is an uber niche game propped up entirely by a small vocal fanbase. if that fanbase is secretly just a three eastern yuropean pic related mongoloids arguing with the voices in their heads then yeah it starts to look like less of a good investment.

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>Is that your drawing? Are you that drawfag who did that sweet Bachelor fanart?
No and yes. PaleCaesar is the author of that Burakh fanart; google him, he's got some more Pathologic stuff.

Nice, thanks user. You make some good shit.

fuck I would even back another kickstarter at this point. I just want pathologic to be released in a proper complete non-rushed way for once.

Ah, alright.

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Thanks user. I stopped doing fanart long time ago but I think Patho is worth promoting by any means possible. Not that fanart can do much but still...
If you have any interesting ideas on what to draw, post them.

Hey, actor, dump all your art including the Lara and Grief doodle. They're all great.

you see the lines regardless of when you go up the polyhedron btw

Ok oynon, why not; I don't have anything new tho.

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I figured, I follow you on Twitter but some anons might've not seen them and we're close to the bump limit anyway

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Is it the same way of getting to talk to the devs in this game, just keep everyone alive?


It doesn't matter who lives and dies at the end, you'll only be denied dialogue with those characters. To talk to the devs, just choose steppe magic over people

This was just suppose to be the intro of the original game with them all arguing who can best save the town right?

You can talk to devs during both Diurnal and Nocturnal ending.

Wait, how? The Polyhedron gets destroyed in Diurnal, so where are they?

I recall on day 2 when you get told your banned from the watch you can joke about bringing your own leather cap, and when you check on Saburov for Changeling he mentions how your talents would be wasted their and they were all out of leather caps anyway.

All of them; Deadkovsky was already posted by some actor.

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Fucking this.
Faggots think games are only art when they aren't even fucking games.

They're on the top of the Polyhedron prototype/"Stairway to Heaven" near the Theatre. Everything else is the same though.

Yeah, there's even a line or two taken verbatim from the original intro.

not the same user but fuck now i need to go back and check this

Does keeping people alive even matter this time around other then talking to them at the end?

Holy shit

Not at the end. It has more impact during the game proper though, I find, cause entire quest chains can break now

someone post a screenshot holy fuck

Here's the location

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>choose between saving the town of people you've grown to care about
>or the kin niggers
OH JEEZ GUYS WHAT DO I DO Since the first is just Haruspex's ending in Classic, what's going to be Bachelor and Changelings other endings?

Bachelor's gonna be nuke the town to save the Polyherdon or nuke the Polyhedron to save the cathedral and, therefore, Eva calling it now

If you fuck up/get terrible rolls like me and get many people dead, you'll miss all the non-primary quest lines.

I wish it did matter more to the ending, though I see how it would require a shitload of work for a lot of endings which are guaranteed to vary in quality. And even with that the impact player choice has in this game is really amazing. The time limit + resource management force you to make choices in a much more impactful way than almost any other game I've played. It did such a great job evoking the feeling of desperation which made the rare successes feel incredible.

Fuck, I really thought you're memeing actor.

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Most of their lines struck fucking deep. Probably true for anyone who ever tried their hand at something creative, even if they failed miserably.

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ViaEstelar, you amazing actor, stop fucking deleting your own art on dA and making it impossible to source when sharing

Pic strongly related

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>he hasn't already saved everything Vi painted ages ago
You deserve that actor.

I have, but the fear at the back of my head is never gonna leave

I'm still shocked that such a small fandom has so much great fanart. Are there any Patho focused fanartists apart from ViaEstelar and Shadis that you can recommend?

Not exactly focused, but this guy did three pen drawings I adore, pic related


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And then there's this actor

Apologies for all the social media bullshit but that's how it is on this bitch of 2019 Internet

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slightly too animu and mango for me but some of them are nice. Thanks actor

actor sounds fucking retarded
I miss when people used oynon instead

Whatever you say


go to sleep burakh

random kids and couriers will sprint at you like maniacs and forcefully spin you around from behind, so prepare to get fucking startled everytime someone relays a message