>PC gaming
PC gaming
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Do not insult custom maid. It gave birth to the best ASMR on youtube
I wanna play as a maid in VR!
Is it the complete game? I will buy it if so. I pirated a long time ago and I liked Honey Select better but I'd rather own this than have jank pirated Honey Select.
>It gave birth to the best ASMR on youtube
it did?
>the most luxurious bar that ladies gather
3D maid ASMR, pick the tsundere one.
>6666 gorillions years later, user wake up
no no, they sell the quarter of it obviously
What's the difference between this and the game I played 4 years ago
More non lewd stuff, official translation, and you can turn off NTR cuckshit
what the fuck guys my mom just got a steam notification that i was playing this game and asked me what it was
what do i tell her???
Does it have NTR?
Tell your imaginary mom to post her imaginary tits, faggot.
>implying some old bitch would even know or care what Custom Maid could imply, much less care.
you can turn it off
This is not how I imagine ASMR to be
Reminder h game fans should be friends!
AA2 and Koikatsu and CM3D2 are all very good for your penis for different reasons!
Through dick unity!
Is this like, the full thing or just 1 out of the +100 DLC? Las time I checked the full download for this game was like +99GB like a year ago
Only if you make your girl fuck people other than you against her will
You literally have to mindbreak her and force her to eventually get ntr to happen
She'll never cheat unless you force her too
But isn't NTR literally like half the content this game has?
I'll wait 30 days for jp com3d2+gp2 complete pack with 20 personalities, expanded nighttime system, weddings and yuri maids. You really only need the ui translation.
So how long before Valve just removes it because they feel like it?
don't say such a mean thing about my mom
how am i supposed to explain the NTR to her
>being a brainlet that only engages hentai games at the most superficial, without text translations
Must be nice being so simple minded
such as?
"You are never getting grandchildren, mom."
Fun fact: You are a retard
Fun fact 2: Every single game removed has gone against Steam rules, whether it is a shit asset flip cashgrab or includes underage characters.
Have fun with your barebones 4 year old base game for near full price that doesnt even come with the most basic preorder stuff.
Thanks fag, I'll enjoy playing it and knowing what's going instead of having already seen it all in moonrunes because I'm an impatient cunt.
you can turn cuckshit off
Sell me on CM3D2 compared to Koikatsu please.
How are the H-scenes? Customisation?
Wasn't the VR support atrocious?
You are still paying for it, you know.
Listen to the audio CD with the maid VAs dude
Worth the try.
You pick like 5 positions out of like +200 and you progress through those 5 positions that have different animation as it go on. If you want to select any of the other scenes you have to start all over again and go through several menues just to start over again
That's hella gay user
The h scenes are much more varied that in koikatsu, threesomes male and female, s&m, Bath play, having the girl as a dom. As a whole com3d2 gives you a lot more options than koikatsu does.
Better H-scenes. More actual gameplay. Better art style and models.
why does AA2 run like shit it ran fine in my shitty laptop
You are still wasting bandwidth, storage space, electricity on and making your own hardware store and process cuckshit.
>turning off ntr
found the pleb
That sounds like a hassle, are there any mods that fix it?
Also how are the personalities in the game? I felt that Koikatsu kind of dropped the ball on them because not a single one was as hot as AA2 Lazy. I like Wannabe though, she's like a more mellow Harsh.
Well that sounds exciting, guess I'll give it a whirl.
Koikatsu's true value lies in the studio for them yuri scenes anyway.
because you have a shitty laptop
How bad is the animation clipping? Do they have actual height differences between characters?
Are you able to write a single sentence without personal insults or are you cosplaying a 8 year old. Go back to fortnite, this game isnt for you yet.
>game is called custom order maid
>is actually custom order idol
Man, fuck that annoying idol shit. Can't even skip half of the cutscenes and the songs so you just have to sit there and wait for 10 minutes, and if you try to ignore doing idolshit you get annoying cutscenes every 2 days.
Post custom models!
nope use my work pc
So is there gonna be a torrent anytime soon? If not I will be forced to buy it.
Give me your wife. Now.
I'll give koikatsu the win in terms of the character creator but in terms of customization com3d2 is the clear winner. Fucker has thousands of mods to install to change a lot of variables on top of just costumes.
yeah but my this shitty laptop is way less shitty that the other one so what gives?
There is some bad clipping when I have a fat balding bastard fuck my waifu in front of me, but otherwise it's really minimal.
>calling other people kids when they themselves are too immature and underdeveloped to understand the arousal a good context can bring to porn
are you implying someone like me is married? a cuck who browses Yea Forums
>That sounds like a hassle, are there any mods that fix it?
No idea, also all position are locked behind a EXP bar, that you have to grind to unlock more, this can be solved by downloding a 100% save thankfully.
Give me your browser. Now.
*cuckshed PC
it ain't a proper pc game until it got kemo shota
what are some hot hentai games released recently?
any news on the next FullFlap game?
>face of steam2.jpg
You know, Steam actually tailors your game suggestions based on what you look up or play. So if Steam recommends you ironic weeb games, it's probably because you're an ironic weeb, you ironic weeb.
Are there properly modelled fat balding bastards in the game, or only silouettes? This is very important.
You can 3D scan yourself lmao gottem
I wouldn't mind that but I'm a sticc so it wouldn't be the same.
Torrent when?
Go to nigger there is already one
I haven't been keeping up COM3D, but I think you can torrent it right now. The only thing of interest might be the official translation from here that should be possible to patch in, until then there's the fan translation.
What’s the difference between this and the japanese version
It's in english.
Well steam turns into a porn platform, epicchad plays with mecha warriors on the other side
any sadpanda link?
It's Mei from Pokemon!
Too much cuck shit, and even though there are more H poses, it still somehow gets boring a lot faster than even Illusion games.
can I make a flat maid
Even a tiddie shortstack
Anyone try modding it using the jap mods? I'm trying to get the uncensor going but I'm having no luck.
Only ever used the NTR function to get the Yandere maid off my back.
No censoring or anything no change in the game? It’s just in english
Reading the steam comments, it looks like you need a patch for the cut content.
>Sonybros before censorship
>Haha pkeks are ignored by japs and dont get games like op's pic
>Sonybros after censorship
>haha look at pc "gaming" playing weeb trash
I wanna be a cute maid and do cute maid stuff all day every day.
Wait what is the difference between COM3D and CM3D?
It's in engrish there's a few things that are plain wrong like the glossary button on the drop down menu is called "Grocerys"
>tfw none of these games let you be the maid
The syrabis from the english fansite in the /h/ thread works as long as you don't launch from steam but from the folder using the x64 exe
>Console "gaming"
How many personalities does it have compared to the japanese one.
is this steam version any different then the one that has been out for years?
Can't find any torrent or mega anywhere
try /h/
Thanks user, i've been looking for this for ages.
At last
Have to buy the adult patch separately from shady jap website
It amazes me how something can be a hard counter to something else on one platform but be completely reversed on another just because of controls.
>Literally has cuckold scenarios and trophies
Steamcucks you pathetic little ''''men'''
Only an ascended man can understand & appreciate the appeal of NTR.
Simple minds hate it because of the anguish. This is similar to how a child hates dark chocolate because of the bitterness. A developed mind appreciates contrast - bitter against sweet, anguish against arousal. They feed off of and mutually intensify one another. This is why netorare is the endgame fetish.
A lower being cannot know.
based and cuckpilled
can you make the maid taller than the MC?
asking for a friend
Can this run on shitty laptops? I don't want to wait until I'm home next month to see my favourite maid filled up with another man's creampie
absolutely jealous
Oh, it's finally out?
You could give the trial version a whirl. Runs on my toaster.
So brailet here, i just went into google and got two results. Whats the difference between Custom Maid 3D 2 and Custom order Maid 3D 2 and which one is better?
So what is the difference between this and Koikatsu except for the setting?
PC is all hyperdegeneracy at this point. Buy a PS4 if you want actual games.
does this shit really sell? I know that there is a lot of jokes about sex selling but they always look so shitty that I don't imagine that the market is bigger than a couple of thousands
It's all SJW cuckshit now.
>does this shit really sell?
I assume so considering they release a new DLC every single month or so, these games have shitload of dlc
Fuck off pedo. At least it has actual games and not glorified VNs with tits. I swear not a single PC gamer on this baord is actually of legal age to post here.
Does this game have trading cards and steam achievements?
They dont need to sell astronomic numbers, these things are often produced on tiny teams with low resources and no bloat or stupid expenses
For these niche things breaking even is not that hard
Post on craigslist and I'm sure someone will let you come to their house to be a maid and fuck you
How's the translation?
Someone have a torrent for the lewd patch? Fuck giving them my credit car info on their shitty site.
Are you surprised?
They have barely any games to play so instead they try to stir shit and troll the platforms that do.
google translated because 90% of the rest is not translated because too much dlc
Holy fuck yes. My degeneracy thrives of of those. Virtual massage a best.
is it even worth it? Would take me a whole day to download this game that I might just fap to once or twice
It's totally fine at best but at its worst it almost seems machine translated.
I'd say so far my experience is
>70% totally understandable English
>20% awkward phrasing or pretty unacceptable spelling/grammar issues but you still understand the intent
>10% what the fuck is this even supposed to be
My nigga.
>tfw mimikaki
Don't talk to me anymore you idiot.
>Not buying waifu simulators
>Not creating a classroom full of monster girls that want to fuck you to continue their species legacy
Actually kinda based.
Also cringe
That's better than nothing.
I don't like the look of Illusion girls.
Some animes don't even have brown girls my dude, that's for a reason.
Shut the fuck up pedo.
You owe it to your dick to at least try Honey Select
>tfw I'm a pleb and kept all 3 maids as their default appearances
I did, but I prefer anime games. And that's where they lose me. Although I liked Ore ga shujinkou.
You are old but I can understand having a scene or two in that bonus disc game you are not willing to part with.
Yeah, some people just have shit taste. You're one of them.
Nice projection, cancer normalfag b&
Nothing wrong with a cannon playthrough.
+500 shitty puzzle game with random anime girls in underwear stealed from deviantart
*try Play Home
>tfw fucked all my maids the night after meeting them
I should've waited
If I already have koikatsu, why would I get this? And if so, which version? Or should I be waiting something akin to a big update release?
there is already a 120gb release with all dlc
What's the point of buying these microtransaction-ridden hentai games when your copy is still going to be illegal by pirating all those jewish DLC sets?
>If I already have koikatsu, why would I get this?
More story/dialogue with girls
Still waiting on a torrent
>go to /h/
I was just there and none of the torrent links are for the official english version
>brown skin
>white or grey hair
Crazy diamond erection
how did you know someone would be here to help you.
your problems are either
1. dont use win10fix
2. docs.google.com
3. use voodoo in order to fix it, but you may need some additional help and steps since it's experimental.
>VR brothels will become real in your lifetime
The one on /h/ is listed as being 12.5GB
>head maid was translated as Maid Lord
this is fucking hilarious
How's the mod support for this version?
That's what they were called in ye' old times.
>Go on /h/
>Still no lewd patch links
post maids
Anyone got a torrent for this new version+the patch?
>furry girl
give it a few days I guess
But I could be dead in a few days.
>I have to wait for them to add the secretary maid preset
Most up-to-date torrent for CM3D2 with contents?
Do I get COM3D or just stick to old reliable?
The english translation is very appealing but if there are no mods what's the point?
or you could just go to nyaa and get this
Mods that don't use append disc content as their base should still work just fine
Filthy degenerate.
>Not liking tanlines
Literally gay. Queer. Poofter. Shit shoveler. Ass bandit.
>obese (type 2 diabetes)
>over a paragraph to explain his gender
>anime avatar
>self diagnosed mental condition
oh boy, why would anyone even talk to this creature ? maybe I am just a CIS gender white male and dont understand this but for fucks sake how much more pathetic can people get...
CM3D2 is on steam?
So, is the CM3D2 mod community still worse than MMD community?
MMD overtook being the worst community because now everyone has a Patreon.
COM3D2 not CM3D2
CM3D2 v1.59.1 Complete
That would be a improvement because videos/models don't get deleted this way and stuff is shared more easy.
Does not include the latest updates and dlc right? kinda shitty because they have tons of dlc. I specially want extra poses, personalities.
Shill and Huge letters in fanarts. Damn I hate that
It's just the base game, the updates will probably come if it does well
I want Senko to be my maid
So what is better? custom maid or custom order maid? I looked at the differences and it looks the same graphics wise and everything for the most part
Does this have loli maids?
>each one of these sets are $25 a pop
>the payment processor is overseas, so that means a foreign transaction fee on top of it for me
Why buy the base game when it's more likely that I'm just going to pirate all the DLC anyways?
don't buy its shit
they lied and didnt release the 18+ patch on steam
Yes, but it doesn't have all the personalities at launch.
I want to know as well. The nyaa torrent description is vague as hell.
custom maid vs custom order maid is like skyrim vs special edition
CM3D2 has more going for it but finding up-to-date shit all compiled together is impossible since the community can't get their shit together since the majority are on Koikatsu and the like.
i'm pretty sure they always said that it was something they were attempting but weren't sure it would happen
>koikatsu and maidos finally get an official western release
>they come without any of the actual important content
>pirates have the best possible versions of both
Why do they keep doing this?
cm3d2 is 70gb on nya
com3d2 is 50gb on nya
i cant really tell the difference beside cm3 got more content
Custom Order has more non-H content, more personalities post DLC support, dancing/idol shit if you care about that
+ it can support all the hair/clothing/body mods from CM3D2
It's also better optimized with slightly better visuals. The main thing you lose out on is the CM3D2 personalities because I doubt our version will ever get the integration feature
nice try promoter-kun
i'm not buying this dissected piece of shit
>pirates have the best possible versions of both
CM3D2 isn't worth playing if you're an EOP because 80% of the content is shit you need to be able to read to enjoy like all of the VIP/NTR events
I see, thanks user.
I dont really care about non-h stuff or personalities since its all machine translated anyways right now, unless somehow steam manages to whole series with dlc in english
It's still fun if you want to slap some titties.
can you kill her?
I don't think the current translation is machine, it's amateurish though
dont forget to post her whenever you make her
god I wish
>haha guys look at all this shovelware on PC us console niggers would never fall so low
Can we not insert the japanese updates? even if it isn't translated. All the dlc were really expensive.
>buy game in steam
>now you have to buy the fucking uncensor patch in KISS page with your credit card
what's the fucking point on the steam release them
just wait untill someone rip the translation and stay with the japan version
Where do I get the uncensored patch/ how does it work?
the steam version use UI translation too and you have to pay for the uncensor patch in devs web
How's the VR Support compared to something like Honey Select?
>its a smelly meido thread
I want to strangle you and your shit taste to death in main VR.
I'm going to fuck this slut
Then give him your banking account login credentials.
If you are into NTR, it's probably worth the money you'll "lose".
how's this compared to koikatsu?
So how's the translation?
Ah well thats better. I downloaded those all in one package and not only the game crash all the time, the translation is awful. I downloaded another one (korean) but I couldn't even make the english translation work
For fucks sake
what the one in /h/ only have like 12gb
Is this that game that came out 3 years ago where you sexually train maids only to get ntr'd
Is this an actual management game or just another create-your-waifu watch all the sex animations and uninstall games
Because thats just the steam version? We are talking about the nya version.
It's got lite management aspects but it's mostly the latter
jesus that's some big game for me and maybe even for you, it's translated?
you create a character, watch some animation and have a wank
Yes, machine translated for the most part, well some of the game is translated by hand and the rest by machine since this series gets a new DLC every month or so, so the fanbase cant keep up with it.
soo the nyaa torrent have any mods? how the fuck is the game so big that's some Skyrim modded shit tier right there
Just dlc with no mods.
>go to sleep
>still nothing on igg when I wake up
day is ruined
It have enough content to no need mods like honey select need?
both of those games have like +30 DLC, there is no need for modding beside a english patch or some custom made outfits to create a specific character you want
ty user I guess I will still need something for the mosaic and the benis
>if I call everything a movie then it's not a game!
I'll admit I only watched it on youtube, but the new God of War is in fact a game.
can I make a cow milk boing boing?
Oh yeah, forgot about uncensor mods. But yeah just those two mods really. English + benis and vag
Reminding you all that Anime fag posters look like this and are the ones who push the tranny agenda on this site.
Huh? Futa should stay in the 2D realm you fool. Also we don't look like that, we look like fat degenerates, not a tranny. Clearly you know nothing of the arts. Begone
I guess it's like many other porn game on steam, where steam has it censored and cheaper, and to own a full game, you pay rest of normal price on developer's own page for decensor patch/DLC
he's wrong though. Traps don't turn straight people gay, but make mentally ill people come out of their closets, sometimes with hilarious results
when will this shit end
It's kind of weird
I love porn and 3d hentai but I can't like CM3D2
I just don't care about maids at all,
hyper submissive women are too boring and unrealistic to me, only harsh mistress maids like Sakuya can get me interested in a maid.
>this is what cuck faggots believe
drink bleach
Yeah, good luck trying to get anything you want (including the shitty porn visual novels) in your console for children...
futa's have vags this retard is retarded
>when will this shit end
Never, all traps are being turned into trannies slowly
Traps don't turn straights gay but they do promote the idea that boys trying to pass for women are ok and desirable. I've been saying it for years but you fags always get angry.
it's on nyaa
You lie, I don't see it anywhere
>122 fucking gigs
I'm literally just looking for the R18 patch
Cant help you with that in that case, i guess you have to wait for /h/ to drop it
considering this is /cmg/ and not /kkg/ it will probably take fucking forever. I appreciate the help anyway, user.
CMD is cheaper precisely to account for the patch's extra cost, you autistic whiner
God this game made me cum buckets for weeks, i had no other choice but to delete it cause i started skipping college and pretty much only fapped to this game 24/7
>school mate 2
I'm going to ignore most of those bad apples and say you have wonderful taste user
I'd rather just pay fucking full price on one site. Why not just charge full price and give the price for free? Why go through this fucking hassle?
why not make her a sadist maid then
give the patch for free*
You can do that?
I thought the entire premise of custom maid was to make girls that you then boss around and play some minigames with
>You can do that?
You can choke / slap / punch them if you want, even torture them if you so desire.
There's different maid classes you can make them
Sadist maid is basically the shit talking maid class who does stuff like dom foot jobs
Because selling the patch on their site means a bigger cut for themselves without charging the customer extra.
Koitatsu wanted more money too but saw no problem in just exploiting the customer to make up for Steam's cut.
You are literally whining about the CMD devs being bros because you are too stupid to answer simple questions.
but that's not cool
unless she does that to me
Are you literally fucking retarded? Cutting out the main feature and then selling it as a separate DLC is scummy as fuck. Nobody gives a fuck if the "base" game is cheaper if you have to buy the fucking patch which brings it up to normal MSRP anyway. It's just more hassle for the end user. Especially since the patch is ONLY sold on their official site and they don't take Paypal, which can cause issues with some peoples cards. Koikatsu at least had the decency to flat out skip the bullshit and just sell the game with most of the content already there and give a patch with the remainder for free on their site, making it a complete game for one price with zero hassle.
bought the adult patch, hope those chinks won't steal my money
Not him but steam's policy on hentai shit is inconsistent as fuck so while it's a stupid situation that you have to go somewhere else to buy the patch I also can't really blame them
Mangagamer was like 5 minutes away from having Sengoku Rance on their /u/ game on steam but they got blocked for undisclosed reasons apparently
It's still twenty dollars cheaper than koitatsu even with the patch, you dumbshit.
>B-b-but muh credit card!
Fuck off, faggot. If you are buying porn games you should be a functioning adult that can easily solve any problems with that.
Again, why not just sell the game on steam at the 45$ price and give the patch for free, completely saving the hassle?
>It's still twenty dollars cheaper
That's irrelevant you dumb nigger, they're not charging less out of their own good will and you still won't face the fact that selling the patch instead of just giving it for free is genuinely fucking retarded. You cannot tell people that having to buy a patch on a separate website is objectively better than just charging the normal price and giving it for free.
Who do we blame for that?
Unironically SJWs for even getting a say in what does or doesn't get on Steam, it's a fucking crapshoot with some of these hentai games at this point.