Why does Yea Forums pretend Luigi's Mansion is a classic?
Why does Yea Forums pretend Luigi's Mansion is a classic?
These are very shallow comparisons... the games are completely different and follow completely different premises, have different gameplay etc.
Ones also a giant piece of shit that nearly killed a console, ones an actual agreed upon horror classic...
>Soul Mansion
>Souless Evil
Luigi's Mansion felt like a 15 dollar game that somehow got marked up to full price.
That, and being a LAUNCH title for the gamecube? Fuck, I didn't have anything to even play on my cube when I first got it except Tony Hawk 3, which wasn't bad at all but it wasn't a Mario/Zelda game.
>nearly killed a console
Do you actully really think LM killed the GC?
Remake is one of the most soulful games on the system
LM is a soulless, thrown together tech demo to make up for the lack of a real Mario game
>Luigi's Mansion felt like a 15 dollar game that somehow got marked up to full price.
This, thank you
Every Nintendo console up until the Gamecube had a worthwhile Mario game at launch. LM changed all that with one of the worst Mario games available at launch
>Every Nintendo console up until the Gamecube had a worthwhile Mario game at launch.
That doesn't mean it killed the console though.
how the fuck is it luigi's mansion's fault that it launched with no mario
It didn't help, as it colored perceptions about the system
You're acting like the release of it by Nintendo was some sort of accident
Why the fuck would they delay sunshine to work on luigi's mansion, you are a fucking retard.
Maybe they should have thought of that before launching the system
You actually believe that they pulled people off of sunshine to finish luigi's mansion? What would possibly cause you to be this retarded?
I didn't say that at all, but nice, keep making up strawmen to fight.
Why the fuck do you keep blaming luigi's mansion for sunshine not being a launch game then?
Why was it released at all?
What does this have to do with mario sunshine?
>18 replies
>7 posters
Also, most retarded thread on Yea Forums right now.
Why did Nintendo think this would be a good substitute for a real game?
Fuck Loogie's Mansion
You retarded? They diverted resources and rushed to put this bullshit cell phone tier game out with the system instead of spending that time on Sunshine and releasing it for launch
This fucking thread again.