Kill my mother
Kill my mother
Kill my plotline
that stupid bikini is ruining it
*has a barking fit in the background during a touching personal conversation with a party member*
i name mine gaylord i think
Only if you let me cum inside this time.
>complains about coldness in her tent
>leads to wrestling in our underwear at the center of the camp
this doesn't read ok
I am a cat.
I dont think most people will realize that you are trying to ape the delphine posting.
'tis so. Your point?
She canonically let you come inside every time.
Sounds like real dogs.
Fuck me and get me pregnant
only problem with DAO and DA2 is that the writers made it so none of the characters can handle any Bantz at all. It's either be nice or you're a douche.
I just want to throw some friendly shade at my companions.
I thought dog was shit as a party member
was I wrong?
He was a good dog
What the FRICK is their problem
They just need some lifeforce to stay alive. Is that so bad?
How do I get a bossy witch gf?
When you put it that way, maybe demons aren't so bad.
And they give happiness in return! Where's the harm?
only pitbull i like
they're women
K... i'll just have to do it in my tent.
>not Barkspawn
You failed.
Last good WRPG, you take what you can get
Muh free will
Flemeth is more based than Morrigan though, should've been romanceable/a companion too
It's fun making her wear a silly hat.
i never played dragon age 3, what happens to morrigan if you walk with her through the portal at the end of dao's dlc, and what happens to dao's main character? is this explained in 3?
They just ignore everything for whatever they feel like writing
Why is there a bikini in these pictures?
hes pretty good and not very complicated cause he has like 8 skills total. theres a mod that lets you take him and he doesnt take a party spot, that seems like cheating though.
Morrigan and the Gray Warden become a happy and caring family. Seriously, she dotes on him and writes about how she misses him while he's off-screen trying to find a cure for the Taint so he doesn't die.
Because its part of her outfit, retard
really? so you can't romance her in 3?
that's actually ok, i expected worse
What would you want to see in a theoretical return to form Dragon Age game?
>Last good WRPG
>a dumbed down version of Baldur's Gate
>good wrpg
Look at what we got in the 10 years since then
Pre-2012 devs and writers
That's.......that's my thread dude
You stole the idea from me
>Look at what we got in the 10 years since then
Yeah, we got dozens of wrpgs that are vastly better. Pathfinder: Kingmaker alone completely blows DA:O out of the water (and has a great turn-based mode to boot).
Heck, DA:O wasn't even the best party-based fantasy RPG in the year it came out.
The fucking Witcher?
It's nice that they went for the concept art but do they realize that the tits were only supposed to be 2d on the drawing, not ingame? I'm even memeing, her tits on her old outfit in DA:I look the exact same like here in the concept art drawing.
That was 2007 dude
not even memeing*
Goddamnit kek
Good WRPGs still exist.
They're all heavily dumbed down with 2 voiced dialog choices and no reaction to anything you do
Huh. At least they didn't give her the blue eyes too because I prefer her yellow ones
>Pathfinder: Kingmaker alone completely blows DA:O out of the water
Yeah bugs wise
She was also supposed to be 15
That is because you don't only type like a retard but you probably are one
It was still reasonably slim pickings for CRPGs at the time, so DA:O tends to be well-remembered.
start being an interesting character
The people you should avoid are those who speak in faux-apathetic lowercaps at all times. To be clear, I'm not talking about people who speak without grammar in game in order to get their messages out faster. I'm talking about those who sit down to compose an image board post with all the time in the world and willfully choose to omit punctuation and capitalization. They are not doing this to save time. In fact, they may take additional time to redact habitual grammar from their posts.
Their motivation for this style of posting is simple. They are trying to present an aura of apathy. They want to communicate: "I don't care about anything, least of all the rules of grammar." The reason they work so hard to cultivate this image of emotional invulnerability is because they are, in actual fact, extremely emotional and unstable people. If you become close to them you will catch glimpses of the volatility lurking beneath their patchwork mask of cool indifference. The lowercaps poster will silently catalog transgressions you have in its eyes committed. You will only become aware of them during the rare tantrum blowups that characterize these people. They must be avoided for your own good. The faux-apathetic lowercaps posters really could not be more pathetic.
No age of consent in Frendiel or whatever the Dragon Age Origins setting is called
Nah DA:O was simply good hence why it’s remembered fondly no need to be contrarian.
nah its Fendrelan
>Forgetting what The Dragon Age Setting is called
Brainlet alert
Speaking of which, will there be a DA4 or is it kill after Anthem pissed and shit the bed?
I'm glad she wasn't because she wouldn't have been a MILF in 3
da3 wasn't THAT bad, so i guess they'll release a DRAGON AGE: SUBTITLE to definitely kill the franchise
Yes it's coming for some reason
>She canonically let you come inside every time.
Based Morrigan.
>Pathfinder: Kingmaker alone completely blows DA:O out of the water
Oh my God. Zoomers are a fucking mistake.
Making her older was a good change, but I don't like how her and every other woman in the game feels 40 or older
Yes, but they're going to make it like Anthem. I wish I was joking.
Maker have mercy
Yep dragon age 4 is still coming don’t get excited though, the last article I saw was devs complaining about having to fill it with games as a service hook to appease EA
RIP Bioware they're done
EA truly is the anti-christ.
Miss me yet?
is there even a single writer from DAO left
>pathfinder kingmaker, adaptation of a tabetop rpg that PREDATES Dragon Age
>more zoomer than Dragon Age: Origins with its casual MMO mechanics
You really didn't think this through, did you?
>original DA4 was in the works, completly based on a single player experience where the creator of the series had full control of stuff and was going smootly,
>ea steps in pull people from the project to help with anthem and then forced them to scratch the entire DA4 project and remake it as a game as a service project.
>main guy is angry and leaves the company
>team that was left behind say that there is no focus anymore and dont know what they are going to do.
cant wait for the shitstorm that is going to come out once DA4 is released.
Pathfinder (the tabletop version) and DA:O were both released in 2009, you fucking retard.
>didn’t want to put in a female dwarf or female Qunari romance because “they’re too fetishistic and creepy
>gushes over how Iron Bull fulfills his daddy bara fetish
fuck this fag
>Pathfinder (the tabletop version) and DA:O were both released in 2009, you fucking retard.
Pathfinder was released several months before DA:O
Furthermore, Pathfinder's ruleset was a branch of 3rd edition D&D, which predates DA:O by almost a decade.
Wow, a WHOLE FEW MONTHS. Daaaaaaamn. You sure showed me, faggot. And we're talking about Kingmaker, which came out in 2018, making it a zoomer game.
By that logic a Doom WAD someone just made is more zoomed than a COD game that came out last year.
DA:O is very much a zoomer game.
Yeah, cause Doom mods are totally comparable to fully developed games by real studios. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Who the fuck has a fetish for female dwarfs?
I think you'd be surprised.
Dwarf women in origins are thicc with big tits and asses they look good in the leather armors
According to David Gayder, pedophiles do
Heavy armor ain't bad either. Will never not be mad.
Female dwarves are way too stocky and built to look like kids.
Preaching to the choir
Only if I can come inside you.
>didn’t want to put in a female dwarf... ...romance
There's one in inquisition
>da3 wasn't THAT bad
It was.
that hardly counts
i mean, it was better than 2 and it could've been definitely worse
mage hats were so stupid in this game
Good thing there's a mod for that.
Funny thing is in her sex scenes she drops the bikini and wears a basic bra
Actually, 2 was better for several reasons.
1, it had the excuse that it was rushed and had to be turned into a full game in basically 9 months.
2, it was much shorter and while it was inferior to DAO in every way, at least it was condensed enough to get through it relatively quickly.
DAI is a complete fucking bore. It's basically a single player MMO but with nothing that makes an MMO actually good, like complex builds or team work.
This scene was pretty cringe but I liked how Solas looking pensively at the people singing around the campfire is reminiscent of how in Origins Morrigan does the same thing when Leliana is singing her song by the campfire, which was also a cringy scene
>1, it had the excuse that it was rushed and had to be turned into a full game in basically 9 months.
not my problem, i judge the actual product, not it's development
>2, it was much shorter and while it was inferior to DAO in every way, at least it was condensed enough to get through it relatively quickly.
it was way longer that it should've been, and there is literally nothing redeemable about it
sorry, but da2 is undefendable trash
oh god, and I almost purged it from my memory
>it was way longer that it should've been, and there is literally nothing redeemable about it
Sounds like a good description of DAI. At least DA2 never forced you to do miscellaneous fetch quests to advance through its shitty plot.
Go fucking collect 15 flowers and kill 3 dudes to advance the main quest, only for some missions to work on a real life clock.
>That cutscene where you find him with Morrigan in her tent
Should have taken the hint when she said it was cold in there
>Daily threads
>Daily bumps
Queen of wTsunderes
>Pathfinder: Kingmaker
oh i am laffin
Why do I find elder scrolls lore so interesting but dragon age codexes I refused to read
DAO codex is fun to read and collect. But DA2 and DAI both have a garbage codex that's a slog to go through.
The DA series would be drastically improved in Leliana and Sera didn't exist
because Elder Scrolls has a thematic book ui and Dragon Age does not.
I have the same problem this is the only thing I can think of as to why.
Bait post?
>gets the Warden D
>becomes loving wife
what did Bioware mean by this?
Because tamriel is interesting. I dont even remember the name of the dragon age world
D fixes everything
She cuts off the pussy supply halfway through the game so you'll leave her it takes a strong willed warden to put up with her shit
>Because tamriel is interesting
That's a stretch.
Same happens to Viconia. I think same kinda happens to Fenris and Isabela but I don't remember that game well
It's Thedas. Or at least the continent you play on. I checked the wiki and the world doesn't seem to have a name.
>Because tamriel is interesting. I dont even remember the name of the dragon age world
You don't remember the name of the elder scrolls world either.
Its name comes from THE Dragon Age Setting, pretty simple to remember
Because Elder Scroll provides a roleplaying experience in which what you learn and what you do with it is entirely up to you. If you learn more about the gods, you might have second thoughts about how you choose to answer in certain quests that directly pertains to the gods and how you act in general towards other races, etc. The information is also presented in a tangible way in the form of a book, which makes it seem more precious and also a bigger hassle to carry around, so you just want to absorb that information.
None of this exists in games like Dragon Age and Witcher, because your choices and personal peeves about elements from the setting are ultimately irrelevant. The evil choices are stupidly evil and the good choices are always the right ones, almost all of the time, and there's no roleplaying to be had apart from that with your character.
Fenris is just a edgy faggot you "fix". Isabela is a slut you turn into a waifu, sort of like Jack in mass effect.
Just lift bro it all comes together
Nothing. Demons straight up tell you they need consent for possession.
The church and circle lies to you.
Dog is a better tank than Alistair
>Pathfinder: Kingmaker
It's the blandest fucking RPG I've played in the last decade.
Plot is shit, the companions are either boring or completely insufferable. The kingdom management is tedious. The classes are just quantity over quality. And most of all, it's based on a shit system.
I want to give her a child
Isn't it almost impossible to finish kingmaker due to bugs
literally the greatest dog in vidya.
>It was never confirmed that Barkspawn actually followed you through the Eluvian with Morrigan
Why did they not just show it goddamnit
>Calling him barkspawn
She does look pretty young to me in the concept art.
No most of the bugs have been fixed ages ago.
Why would they do that?
It's his canon name and a good one
>Why would they do that?
EA did it. They had a pure singleplayer experience and shit already lined up and then EA told them to scratch it all and make a game that is better for monetization. BW is still fully to blame for selling their souls to the devil whos reputation was already shit back then
Why not it's perfect
It's not fucking FAIR bros
That's some bad fucking art right there
I don't know if EA or Bioware even realize how much their reputation has fallen the last 5 or 6 years, they still think it's 10+ years ago and people will put up with their shit because it has "Bioware magic". This is their last chance and people aren't too eager to be nickel and dimed by nu-Bioware.
What are some games where the remake has soul?
Well Casey Hudson is running Bioware now, so hopefully he can fix things and repair all the damage aaryn flynn did.
Lot of da threads lately.
They trying to build hype for da4?
Too bad the series ended with awakening
He would have to fight off EA aswell, and good luck with that.
Throw my momma from the train
Only Morrigan threads Tbh and all but this one were me
I called mine meatball
Nah, I just felt like having a DAO thread(in general) but couldn't come up with a serious topic to start with.
Aren't half of Alistair's dialogues exchanging Bantu? Shale too.
Can some port Sten to SFM please I pay anything please
Why would you post this in a Morrigan thread??
I think people just like Morrigan.
Who was the one lucky enough to impregnate this?
almost everything about that game is tedious
I don't know what he's talking about either you can literally tell Morrigan she needs to be tied up to a flagpole and tickled and she laughs. They can handle jokes just not obvious asshole options.
Leliana's Song!
>crazy spirit bullshit mana regen
>good starting spells
>great specialization
>no special power
>starts with memetropy
>specialization allows her to fuck dogs in her spare time
Wynne is better mage then Morrigan. You can't change my mind.
Leliana a shit, especially now that Lohse exists which is just a straight up upgraded Leliana in every sense
Morrigan can turn into a Dragon now
Yeah, but she's a worse character and the game isn't hard. Also, you can have both in the party.
oh i see this song still being a pleb filter
How dare you say that about my beautiful wife
Your wife is a harlot
Wynne starts out with some shitty buff spells and healing but nothing really offensive. Morrigan can get cone of cold in a couple levels and dominate the field.
She accepts me despite my faults, such as being a blood mage
does anything change in 3 when you attack her in the dlc?
>not all mages
>gib muh fredum
>we dindu nuffin
Ok, let's try to discuss it at a meeting.
>unga bunga blood magic
>demon shit everywhere
Why are we supposed to feel bad for the mages again?
Wynne is hotter too desu
Kill non-mages
I think she mentions it one time(probably showed the scar, I don't remember), but otherwise it's kinda the same
I called him Cat
I dunno, in my opinion it was pretty kino moment. Really selling you the religious theme there. The only problem I have with this scene is I can't help but laugh when Cullen bursts into his falsetto.
Called him manbearpig
Maybe if you just let them rule the world again they wouldn't feel the need to tear open the Veil with their blood magic??
Dwarf is the best race in DA.
Except for Oghran, he's a waste of oxygen. Hated having him around in Awakening
She gets pregnant the first time you bang her I don't even know why she needs a ritual. Every outcome that involves your dick in her ends up with a kid
Im about half way through Awakening, and Sigrun is already one of my favourite characters. I know Anders shows up in 2, but now Im worried Sigrun won't
this post contains ridiculous amounts of bad taste
More like the Gay Wardens lol
I typed that spoiler text for a reason. Can you guess what it is?
>Games constantly push the player towards helping mages
>They just repeatedly do retarded shit and expect the player to not notice
>Meanwhile the templars actually make some sense, have a good cause and get some cool powers and armor.
>Templars are somehow supposed to be the bad choice
Meredith may have gone insane, but the she had a point.
>That hairstyle
>Anora as queen
I don't want to know ;_;
I hardened Alistair and made him joint rule with Anora. I don't know why Anora was the one there giving the speech.
Probably because I recruited Loghain
Don't get too attached
Templars weren't that bad in origins they had a decent leader that listens to the first enchanter when he says it's safe. It's 2 and Inquisition where they go off the deep end.
2 happened in that shithole of a city which kinda explains it and in 3 they were possessed.
How popular would be porn with Meredit and Flemeth angry lesbian banging?
>Anora speech
Why did you remind me of that?
>fuck Morrigan or die
Ruined the fucking game for me. Who the fuck thought this is actually a choice?
This game was obviously designed with Alistair in mind first even though he spends the whole game bitching about his bloodline
You can tell Loghain to fuck her instead and it's hilarious
Dying isn't so bad you get a nice funeral at the end and your romance tears up
Loghain taking the killing blow is the best ending.
>play as grill
>cuck yourself or die
Why you finna dab on Broghain like this
>not using the polyamory mod so you can have a lesbian baby
shiggy diggy
I like Loghain, giving him the heroic sacrifice ending is a positive
Origins had some really good writing, for one.
>Wynne approves +7
So good.
And also siding with the Werewolves after.
Aw he's smilling :)
I used an item that toggles between genders to have the baby. I was replaying as a female dwarf, but by the end of the game I remembered how much I loved Morrigan.
It got weird
how is that a choice
what the frigg
Absolute unit
The enemy designs are pretty nice looking, shame you don't really get much chance to ogle at them up close. This is something that gets on my nerves about most games that encourage a pulled back camera.
god claudia black's voice is just pure sex
Those eyes, man
>Morrigan disapproves
I had the largest nut when I figured out you could see her nips in the first game via a unequip equipment secret.
>Mom walks in
>Mom approves (+5)
Lake Calenhad has the most soothing, yet mysterious feeling music in DAO for me. Probably one of my favorite tracks in the game.
>Son?? But... I thought you
best scene in the game imo
the conversation with the mother woman before it is also kino. Great expositional dialogue
>Mom sees anything sexual on my screen
>Sits on my lap and makes out with me
Every damn time but who am I to tell you that, I'm sure y'all can relate
They reused it on 2 but it just didn't work.
>CIS male over the age of 18 not picking Morrigan
You get Morrigan at like, level 5. What the fuck do you expect her to have
Slay the witch of the wilds
How did nuBioware manage to create such a based character?
i bet morgan gives rimjobs like it's water in the desert. absolutely desperately tongues assholes.
I will slay her sexual frustration with all means necessary
Friendly reminder that the only right walkthrough is:
>be human male
>fuck highborn woman in your castle
>kiss Morrigan right after swamp
>fuck her right after first city
>fuck elf whore in elf camp
>kiss peasant woman in Redcliffe
>kiss Leliana
>fuck Leliana
>fuck all pretty whores in Denerim
>have threesome with Leliana and Isabella
>impregnate Morrigan in the end
>be male Hawk
>fuck qt insane elf
>be male inq
>fuck Cass since you have no other options
>the Veil was made by some anti-slavery elf
>the useless mage in your party is actually LE ULTIMATE DOOM BADASS WOLF GOD
y-yeah, he's really based
good god I don't remember it being that bad
Thots and opinions?
>creates the veil as revenge for the Evanuris killing his waifu
>kills his waifu himself later on
>plays 5D chess with you and the Qunari at the same time
>is going to kill everyone so retards without magic logic no longer exist
Sounds pretty based to me
That made me breathe a bit heavier and made my blood run south a bit
Kill yourself.
>rest of the camp is none the wiser
Warden and Morrigan fuck in her tent and EVERYONE knows it
But it's fun to be stealth jerked off in the open
>Play like 6 hours of Dao per day for 1 week
>Suddenly i didn't want to play more
>Play Divinity 2
>Literally gets me like 20 hours to leave the first island
>Loving everything this will be my favorite game ever
>I do some quests in the second city and never play again
Wtf it's wrong with me bros, can't i enjoy games?
I had this with D:OS2 kinda, just didn't play for a week and then sudenly wanted to play again, then around Act 3 there were another few days where I didn't play. But I finished it and like it. There is just that certain formula to these games that can get very repetitive so I need a break from it
based. i really liked this one too. really set the tone when you're there investigating the urn of ashes. too bad that shit is so easy to skip because who doesnt just initially search genitivi's whole house?
A lot of people are harsh on DA2 because it signaled the end of times for Bioware.
Not saying its fantastic, but it had a lot of good ideas that weren't given the time to be properly implanted.
The Friendship/Rival system was great though, wish they'd bring that back.
I reinstalled after quitting fairly early on. Hadn't played in quite a few years. I can forgive the shitty character models and even the canned animations, but why is the lighting so bad? Everything has this gross glow to it, like it's in fullbright mode.
>fuck qt insane elf
Which one?
gods what a great ost
sounds like your exactly the kind of person Bioware panders to nowadays
People are harsh on DA2 because its shit.
They there are only about 5 unique map sets in the game, simplified battle system, and a story that is completely pointless.
Jack is less a slut you turn into a waifu and more of a edgy piece of glass you have to handle until she's a waifu