Rico Rodriguez, liberator of Panau

Rico Rodriguez, liberator of Panau.

Attached: freeing the shit out of you.png (1920x1080, 3.44M)

I'm enjoying Just Cause 3

Attached: rebels.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

Is it as good as Just Cause 2 for dumb fun? I'm not even going to bother with 4 since I heard it has an intrusive melodramatic story.

Yeah, it is. The grappling hook additions and wingsuit are tons of fun.

This franchise went to shit so fast and I'm still annoyed.

I liked that game, the wingsuit and physics were fun.
The world was too small though. I enjoyed simply blazing through towns and bases with a small army following me in the second game but in the third it doesn't flow together and it's over way too quick.
Also, fuck challenges, there's even basic functionality and QoL locked behind them.

3 has some technical problems but the gameplay is as good as in 2.
4 is shit.


I remember spending hours autistically at the pic related spot and another one where the jets take off instead
I attached the rope to the ground and to the plane and saw it just crash into the woods

3 is 2 except better. The only DLC you NEED is the jetpack wingsuit, all others are a waste of money.
The wingsuit DLC turns the game into the best superhero game ever made.

shit i forgot about this game, i got the xxl edition for like 6 bucks last summer



you can liberate every single base/village in like 20 hours, the performance is shit both on PC and consoles although a lot better now than on release, the map is boring, important gameplay elements are locked behind boring challenges, certain controls on the PC are bound to the same keys because they're bound to analog triggers on the controller and you can't change them, ground vehicle controls are shit, you unlock vehicles for delivery by taking them to a garage, and the wingsuit jetpack dlc ruins the fun that travelling by wingsuit brings.

that said, the helicopter controls are a lot better, the music is great, and liberating bases is a lot of fun even if there aren't many.
it's a fun game but massively wasted potential and didn't last me even a fourth of the time just cause 2 did

I want 3's wingsuit and grappling hook in 2's game.

That's literally all I want. Is there a decent wingsuit mod yet?

Doing car chases in that game was so much fun

My main issue with it is the always online DRM garbage they stuck in.

only the very rich and corrupt can afford plane travel in Panau I think, so no biggie murdering them

Don't they also have tourism?

>game is mostly good but also has serious flaws
>even modest criticism is instantly met with autistic screeching because apparently being "wacky" and "randum" makes it a 10/10 Game Of Life and excuses everything else
Any other games that do this?

>those first weeks on just cause 2 MP
>Airport constantly blanketed by explosions
>finally get in a plane
>a boat moving at 3000km/h sideswipes you and instakills you
that's terror

For some reason, I found 3 pretty boring after 2. It could be just that I had a overdose of the genre, but the world felt just too boring (barely any variation in locales) and I didn’t like those upgrade challenges at all. 2 also had a fair share of its flaws (worst being that black market is simply too expensive for a game that is supposed to be about fucking around), but really, the wingsuit is only thing I miss from 3 when I return to it.

And to add to this, is there anything salvageable in JC4? I wanted to like 3 but I really couldn’t, so it makes me really wary about trying 4 now.